Discuss Scratch

1000+ posts

Folders for projects in mystuff

im thinking just rework the whole ui

make it like the create menu in gd

⠀ ⠀ I beat Mario 64 yay! ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ I love you ivy & may :3
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀GEOMETRY DASH

1000+ posts

Folders for projects in mystuff

cookieclickerer33 wrote:

im thinking just rework the whole ui

make it like the create menu in gd
Sounds like a great idea. I don't know how UI and Java all work, but reworking the UI would be fine.

Hello! Welcome to my signature!

I am a real Mario enthusiast and a fan of the franchise and also getting into the field of IT. I also play Luigi's Mansion and other games too!

Profile | Ocular | ScratchStats | PostPercent | GitHub Main | Snap!

Professional Mario Enthusiast / (NEW!) 3DS FC: 2252-0951-8546 / (NEW!) Switch FC: SW-2091-2478-9614 / (removed - due to concerns in moderation) ARarePaper

I forgor my account password to give an internet ☠

I’ve been a Scratcher since 2021!

My glorious meme section (scroll down to see more)

50 posts

Folders for projects in mystuff

im surprised that the ST hasn't added this already

when green flag clicked
say (i hope I'm not late to the party!)
wait (5) secs
hey where did (everyone go v)
bruh there a wall here

say [AM WALL]
say [AM WALL]
say [AM WALL]
say [AM WALL]
say [AM WALL]
say [AM WALL]
say [AM WALL]
say [AM WALL]
say [AM WALL]
say [AM WALL]
say [AM WALL]
say [AM WALL]

when green flag clicked
wait until <someone unfollows me>
unleash a horde of [evil kumquats]
say [GO HERE: https://www.youtube.com/@adityasworldofficial]
create clone of [this script v]

when I start as a clone
create clone of [backdrop v]
delete this clone

I'M <CRAZY :: sensing stack> BOI :: pen
} round{
} ::operators
stop [all v] :: hat
when gf clicked :: cap
1000+ posts

Folders for projects in mystuff

Huge support. It would be easier to find your unshared projects.

when scratch team doesn't budge :: events :: hat
repeat until <project folders have been added? :: sensing>
set [support v] to ((support) * (999999999))

Please note that I may sometimes make a mistake and give wrong information.

Can you please put this at/near the top of your signature and tell people that tag spam isn't allowed and it manipulates the algorithm, to start a chain and spread the word? https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/747346/?page=1#post-7864829 - Thanks, @EDawg2011.

But then I had a very good idea. I used F5. See, using F5 gave me a whole new perspective and I was able to see a chest I couldn't have seen before.

(Highlight text + down arrow + shift to see the rest of my signature.)

Help find out who ate @cheddargirl's signature! l me when i accidentally spread misinformation l Platformer Skibidi

<0-0::sensing>//This is Charles; he protects my signature from evil kumquats.
when I'm spawned::events hat//This is the code Charles' brain runs on.
if <[100] > (distance to [an evil kumquat v])> then
delete the evil kumquat::control

Be moist.

1000+ posts

Folders for projects in mystuff

“MY daughter wants to see MEEEEEEEEEEEEE! TAKE THAT DEPREssion..!” - Lucifer 2024
1000+ posts

Folders for projects in mystuff

This would honestly be really useful. I personally like being organized, so having folders for different projects is something that would help me out. It might even help people get more motivated to work on projects, since like EDawg2011 said:

EDawg2011 wrote:

Huge support. It would be easier to find your unshared projects.
This means that people don't have to search for projects, meaning they might get more motivated if they can actually see them. (Out of sight, out of mind)

Happy almost-mid 2024! My favorite book series are Percy Jackson, The Unwanteds, and Keeper of the Lost Cities! I've read all of the books.

Here's a Scratch Partners studio you can join if you're new OR if you want to help out someone new!
1000+ posts

Folders for projects in mystuff

support, its SO hard to find a project in my cluttered junk that is “my stuff”, so with this it would be organized

edit: off topic but this is my 100th forum post, woohoo

Last edited by RethinkingVoxels (Dec. 23, 2023 23:09:02)

100+ posts

Folders for projects in mystuff

This is a standard feature in any other creative application; why not here?

Hello World

Generation 4: the first time you see this copy and paste it on top of your sig in the scratch forums and increase generation by 1. Social experiment.

Also Rivers & Robots “Burn for You” really hits
75 posts

Folders for projects in mystuff

Support! This would help SO MUCH. Especially those that have a ton of projects. This way, you can organize them in folders and find what project you are trying to find according to the folder topic. bump

Hello folks! I am Diamond, and I love making art! this is my signature :)

And don't forget to check out my art: my newest art doomp

when green flag clicked
say [i love scratch]
500+ posts

Folders for projects in mystuff

bump since dupe

This is my forum signature! On a forum post, it is okay for Scratchers to advertise in their forum signature. The signature is the stuff that shows up below the horizontal line on the post. It will show up on every post I make. (Credits to ZaChary) My signature thankfully hasn't been eaten by an evil kumquat yet, so I hope it remains that way. My 100th post!! Be sure to follow after watching my animations!!
Please note that I may sometimes give out incorrect information.
Ever wondered why your project wasn't showing up in the search bar or on trending? Here is an explanation why: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3p1zLeGoXLQ

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