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How much storage space is on Scratch's servers?

Scratch has 2 servers. Those 2 servers hold all the projects, profile pictures, studios, etc in scratch. So I got wondering, how much storage space is on Scratch's servers? Is it 32 TB per server or something larger, like 8 PB? I need to know!

500+ posts

How much storage space is on Scratch's servers?

id say its always updating like upgrading a pc so it can fit more and more when it needs to
1000+ posts

How much storage space is on Scratch's servers?

Let's start with this: where did you get the information that they have 2 servers?

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How much storage space is on Scratch's servers?

Za-Chary wrote:

Let's start with this: where did you get the information that they have 2 servers?
I remember reading someone saying this several times, but I can't find the post…
I know what you're going to ask, and yes, I did try ocular

1000+ posts

How much storage space is on Scratch's servers?


Last edited by BreadcatGames (July 21, 2023 15:39:45)

1000+ posts

How much storage space is on Scratch's servers?

Contact-Us could have a more direct and conclusive answer.
Doubt they only have 2 servers, even if their budget is low.

Toru said:

“全てが終わってその後に残るものは…夢と……想い出だけだ それだけだ”
1000+ posts

How much storage space is on Scratch's servers?

Back in Ye Olden Days of before 8 months ago, you used to be able to view unshared projects if you had the ID. I took advantage of this by downloading a large number of projects at random (usually 20,000) to find out how large the average project was, then multiplying it by the number of projects to estimate the total size of all projects.

My most recent estimate, as of May 3rd, 2022, was 817,329,174,763,566 bytes (743.35 TiB) - note that back then, there were only around 685,922,000 projects on the servers. Currently, we have somewhere in the realm of 868,000,000 projects - I can't really estimate how large the average project is, but I'd wager that currently, all of the projects on the servers take up no more than ~1.5 PB (1,500 TB, 1,500,000 GB).

Last edited by Flowermanvista (July 21, 2023 19:35:30)

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How much storage space is on Scratch's servers?

I want to know
1000+ posts

How much storage space is on Scratch's servers?

Imafolloweveryone623 wrote:

I want to know
Well, unfortunately I don't think they're going to release that information. It's safe to say a lot, though, and if it gets close to overflowing they'll troubleshoot something.

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