Discuss Scratch

500+ posts

The Making Of (title hidden) The Movie

Hello, and welcome to The Making Of (Title Hidden) The Movie!

So you've probably already noticed that the name is hidden, right? Well, that's because it's not ready for the name reveal yet! We still need a lot of the other production stuff taken care of first!

And before you ask why this is in here and not in the Collaboration directory, let me say that this is not a movie for scratch. It's a project outside of scratch, so it fits here.

  • Lead Production Manager : Cat2437
  • Head Design Manager : (Empty)
  • Head Scriptwriter : (Empty)
  • Head Voice Manager : (Empty)
  • Head Song Artist : (Empty)
  • Head People Designer : (Empty)
  • Person Designers;
  • Head Housing Designer : (Empty)
  • Housing Designers;
  • Head Environmental Designer : (Empty)
  • Environmental Designers;
  • Head Vehicle Designer : (Empty)
  • Vehicle Designers;
  • Passive Scriptwriter : (Empty)
  • Conflict Scriptwriter : (Empty)
Voice Actors
  • (Empty)
  • (Empty)
Sound Artists
  • Passive Music Artist : (Empty)
  • Conflict Music Artist : (Empty)
  • Can Oversee The Work Of Others
  • Access & Knowledge Of Blender
  • Exporting Blender Files
  • Access To Google Docs Or Microsoft Word
Voice Actors
  • Microphone Or Recording Software
Sound Artist
  • Create Sounds & Songs
  • Host Activity Checks
  • Oversee Work
  • Administer Strikes
  • Approve / Disapprove Work
  • Create The Assets In Their Area
  • Write The Script
Voice Actors
  • Record The Lines Based On The Script
Sound Artist
  • Create NON-OFFENSIVE Sound
Activeness (1-10) :
Management Type:
Patience (1-5) :
Are You Following This Topic?:
Activeness (1-10) :
Do you have Blender?:
Can you export from Blender?:
How long does it take to make a project? (Skip if you've never used Blender before):
Are you following this topic?:
Activeness (1-10) :
Which script writing position will you be filling?:
What platform will you be using for script writing?:
Are you following this topic?:
Voice Actor
Activeness (1-10) :
Which character will you be voicing?:
Are you following this topic?:
Sound Artist
Activeness (1-10) :
How would you rate your sounds / songs? (1-10) :
What platform will you be using to make the songs / sounds?:
Are you following this topic?:
Strike Appeal Form
Job position:
Reason you got a strike:
Have you had any previous strikes?:
Strike System
People who currently have strikes


The System
Valid reasons for receiving a strike:
  • Failing an activity check
  • Misuse of power
  • Harassment
  • Work is inappropriate / offensive
Note: When someone reaches 4 strikes, they will be kicked. If it's their second time, it only takes 2 strikes. Then they're banned from this collaboration

Last edited by Cat2437 (Dec. 13, 2022 19:03:29)

(My Siggy May Be Too Big… Highlight The Text And Use Ctrl+Shift+Down Arrow!)

Hello! Check Me Out!
Latest Project: Keybind System Tutorial
F4F = NO
Advertising = Games & Animations Maybe | Stuff That Includes Me = YES!

My Quote = To Accept Failure Is Not Wrong, You Can Then Learn From What Happened, And Try Again. (My Own Quote!)
Current Blocks:
when green flag clicked
if <@greenFlag clicked? ::sensing> then
broadcast [Destroy the evil kumquats! v]
500+ posts

The Making Of (title hidden) The Movie

Bump - Reserved Just In Case

(My Siggy May Be Too Big… Highlight The Text And Use Ctrl+Shift+Down Arrow!)

Hello! Check Me Out!
Latest Project: Keybind System Tutorial
F4F = NO
Advertising = Games & Animations Maybe | Stuff That Includes Me = YES!

My Quote = To Accept Failure Is Not Wrong, You Can Then Learn From What Happened, And Try Again. (My Own Quote!)
Current Blocks:
when green flag clicked
if <@greenFlag clicked? ::sensing> then
broadcast [Destroy the evil kumquats! v]
500+ posts

The Making Of (title hidden) The Movie

Bump - Reserved Just In Case

(My Siggy May Be Too Big… Highlight The Text And Use Ctrl+Shift+Down Arrow!)

Hello! Check Me Out!
Latest Project: Keybind System Tutorial
F4F = NO
Advertising = Games & Animations Maybe | Stuff That Includes Me = YES!

My Quote = To Accept Failure Is Not Wrong, You Can Then Learn From What Happened, And Try Again. (My Own Quote!)
Current Blocks:
when green flag clicked
if <@greenFlag clicked? ::sensing> then
broadcast [Destroy the evil kumquats! v]
500+ posts

The Making Of (title hidden) The Movie

Bump - Reserved Just In Case

(My Siggy May Be Too Big… Highlight The Text And Use Ctrl+Shift+Down Arrow!)

Hello! Check Me Out!
Latest Project: Keybind System Tutorial
F4F = NO
Advertising = Games & Animations Maybe | Stuff That Includes Me = YES!

My Quote = To Accept Failure Is Not Wrong, You Can Then Learn From What Happened, And Try Again. (My Own Quote!)
Current Blocks:
when green flag clicked
if <@greenFlag clicked? ::sensing> then
broadcast [Destroy the evil kumquats! v]
12 posts

The Making Of (title hidden) The Movie


Last edited by CRIDABFan (Dec. 27, 2022 04:52:59)

500+ posts

The Making Of (title hidden) The Movie

CRIDABFan wrote:

Hello Cat2437 I would like to be a voice Actor for this Movie here are some voices i can do

Mr. Mime - Pokemon
Eggy Person
2172827817281728172 More pokemon (XD)
Seroius people
and more
1. Sorry, but this is not a pokémon movie. Did you post the pokémon application in this thread by mistake?
2. You need to use the character application sheet

Last edited by Cat2437 (Dec. 27, 2022 04:20:55)

(My Siggy May Be Too Big… Highlight The Text And Use Ctrl+Shift+Down Arrow!)

Hello! Check Me Out!
Latest Project: Keybind System Tutorial
F4F = NO
Advertising = Games & Animations Maybe | Stuff That Includes Me = YES!

My Quote = To Accept Failure Is Not Wrong, You Can Then Learn From What Happened, And Try Again. (My Own Quote!)
Current Blocks:
when green flag clicked
if <@greenFlag clicked? ::sensing> then
broadcast [Destroy the evil kumquats! v]
500+ posts

The Making Of (title hidden) The Movie


(My Siggy May Be Too Big… Highlight The Text And Use Ctrl+Shift+Down Arrow!)

Hello! Check Me Out!
Latest Project: Keybind System Tutorial
F4F = NO
Advertising = Games & Animations Maybe | Stuff That Includes Me = YES!

My Quote = To Accept Failure Is Not Wrong, You Can Then Learn From What Happened, And Try Again. (My Own Quote!)
Current Blocks:
when green flag clicked
if <@greenFlag clicked? ::sensing> then
broadcast [Destroy the evil kumquats! v]
New Scratcher
1 post

The Making Of (title hidden) The Movie

I could be a voice actor. Or maybe the designer. I have always loved art.
500+ posts

The Making Of (title hidden) The Movie

Dragonslayer4678 wrote:

I could be a voice actor. Or maybe the designer. I have always loved art.
Please use the form

(My Siggy May Be Too Big… Highlight The Text And Use Ctrl+Shift+Down Arrow!)

Hello! Check Me Out!
Latest Project: Keybind System Tutorial
F4F = NO
Advertising = Games & Animations Maybe | Stuff That Includes Me = YES!

My Quote = To Accept Failure Is Not Wrong, You Can Then Learn From What Happened, And Try Again. (My Own Quote!)
Current Blocks:
when green flag clicked
if <@greenFlag clicked? ::sensing> then
broadcast [Destroy the evil kumquats! v]
500+ posts

The Making Of (title hidden) The Movie


(My Siggy May Be Too Big… Highlight The Text And Use Ctrl+Shift+Down Arrow!)

Hello! Check Me Out!
Latest Project: Keybind System Tutorial
F4F = NO
Advertising = Games & Animations Maybe | Stuff That Includes Me = YES!

My Quote = To Accept Failure Is Not Wrong, You Can Then Learn From What Happened, And Try Again. (My Own Quote!)
Current Blocks:
when green flag clicked
if <@greenFlag clicked? ::sensing> then
broadcast [Destroy the evil kumquats! v]
500+ posts

The Making Of (title hidden) The Movie

Closed due to inactivity

(My Siggy May Be Too Big… Highlight The Text And Use Ctrl+Shift+Down Arrow!)

Hello! Check Me Out!
Latest Project: Keybind System Tutorial
F4F = NO
Advertising = Games & Animations Maybe | Stuff That Includes Me = YES!

My Quote = To Accept Failure Is Not Wrong, You Can Then Learn From What Happened, And Try Again. (My Own Quote!)
Current Blocks:
when green flag clicked
if <@greenFlag clicked? ::sensing> then
broadcast [Destroy the evil kumquats! v]

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