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Cops and Robbers RP [Looking for Civilians (maybe) and Police] [Needs Members]

Welcome to Cops and Robbers RP!

Official Website

Check out our sister RP, Military RP!

This roleplay is primarily based on this thread. However, it is dead.

The studio can be found here. Please RP there.

Welcome! We are always accepting new members to this Roleplay! If you wish to join the applications form is below.
Happy roleplaying!

The city of Starlingtown is sometimes as quiet as ever, however, underground the criminal city can be found always busy! Unfortunately for them, the police know about it, but the Criminal City citizens are unaware of this. The normal city is, however, extremely crime-ridden, but in response to the discovery of the underground city, special police teams were formed to go undercover. Meanwhile, the normal city's citizens are as happy as ever to see a double in the police force! Always a friendly officer around, the city is even safer than before!

The Police

The police protect and serve. (Obviously.)
(US ranks are used.)

Chief of Police: Isaac Song - A 36-year-old officer with hundreds of arrests to their name, their life was somewhat normal, becoming an eagle in Scouts BSA at age 17. He is a firearm and hand-to-hand combat expert, he can also run extremely quickly, he also knows first aid very well. However, he is not good at being very sneaky, leading to his approaches mostly being running in weapons blazing. He is also Liam and Johnathan Carter's cousin, and he is incredibly lucky. - Equipment: Bulletproof vest, M4A1, Glock 22.

Deputy Cheif: Claire Rogers - A 28-year-old officer, she had a normal childhood. And normal adulthood. She is a firearm expert, she can run extremely quickly, and also knows first aid very well. She is intelligent and sneaky. However, she is fragile. Her cousins are the Hill Sisters. Equipment: Bulletproof vest, M4A1, Glock 22.

Captain: Connor Anderson - A 30-year-old man, Mother is aliven't, he doesn't like to talk about it. Being a detective had been his dream job since his father also works as one. He is a good negotiator, can convince people of things easily. Good with weapons and fighting Can have panic attacks easily, not good with his own emotions, and he loves dogs, gets caught cuddling with the dogs in the K-9 Unit quite often

Hank Anderson - A 50-year-old man, Hank is the youngest person to become Lieutenant in the history of Startown. That it… Since he literally raised Connor, he's really good at calming people down and can stay cool in deadly situations, but he has had plenty of trauma relating to car accidents, having almost died from one when Connor was sixteen.


Logan Simons - A 32-year old officer, Logan had a slightly poor childhood in starlingtown, as he got older he started working for his family to earn money. He then trained to be in the police and is now working for the police to capture the criminals. He is great in firearms and hand-to-hand combat. He is also very intelligent. However, he is not very agile. Equipment: Glock 22, MATR-X, Bulletproof Vest (I know MATR-X is from CoD, but at this point it's one of the less bad things I've been though.)

Kirti Singh - A 29 year old officer, He had a really GOOD childhood. Born from a rich but struggling family. Lived in Downtown and got richer after joining police. Original family is from Mumbai. He is a Chess Champion, Can lift a 100kg weightlift, Excellent Aiming, but Cannot reload a Machine Gun properly. Equipment: Glock 22, Machine gun AK47, Bulletproof Armor x4, Kanhawa 77-O6.


Special Units:


Commander Liam Carter - A 34-year old, Liam Carter is Johnathan Carter's identical twin. Unlike Johnathan, he chose to uphold the Law instead of break it. He is also Isaac Song's Cousin. He is a sharpshooter and an excellent leader. However, when it comes to speed, he isn't the best… Equipment: Bulletproof Vest, Bullet Proof Helmet, Helmet Mounted Night Vision, M4A1, Remington Model 17, Glock 18.

K9 Unit: (Officer - Dog)

Isaac Song - Harmony

Connor Anderson - Rocky


Criminals commit crimes. People may create gangs.
All members will be listed below.

Johnathan “The Big Boss” Carter - A 34-year-old, his nickname was earned for having respect from all criminal minds, he owns a Mafia of sorts, and is feared. Not much is known about him. Making him even scarier… He is also Liam Carter's Identical Twin Brother, and Isaac Song's Cousin.

Jia Williams - A 23-year-old, Jia is non-binary, and lived an otherwise normal life. They are a nice person but they are annoyed very quickly. Living in a dangerous and unsporting household, they left to avoid consequences for being simply themselves. They are great at Navigation, Graffiti, and Evading the law. However, they are terrible in any Social Contact and many other, numerous skills.

Sirah Hill - An 18-year-old, she knows how to get a mission done without hurting many people, though they still do it if needed. She cares about her fellow criminals and will do anything to get them back if they are captured. When she was younger, she was very poor. Her family was living off grapes. As she got older, it got harder and harder. That's when she decided to become a criminal. She started stealing and providing for her family. They didn't know where she got the money from but they didn't ask. Eventually, though, the police found out and blamed the parents for it. Due to them being a black family, extra violence ensued and they died. Sirah was the only survivor, but only because she ran. She is good at running and lying, plus firearms. She is also smart. She doesn't have much strength and is fragile, plus she is very emotional.

Maria Hill - A 19-year-old Female, she in Sirah Hill's identical twin. When she was younger, she was very poor. Her family was living off grapes. As she got older, it got harder and harder. That's when she decided to become a criminal. She started stealing and providing for her family long before Sirah did, and nobody found out. Except for Sirah. She encouraged Sirah to help her. That's why her parents got arrested. She's skilled at hand-to-hand combat, firearms combat, defending, running, lockpicking, healing people, and is very sneaky and intelligent. Despite being intelligent, her personality overtakes her when she goes on missions, leading to her just outright killing everyone there unless stopped by her sister (Which she almost always is). She is also very fragile, so if she fails at defending herself, she will most likely be injured for days.

Rorke Paul - A 28-year-old man, He was a real poor kid during his childhood, he would never be satisfied with what he got. When he was 14, his parents died unexpectedly. He became highly depressed, he spent almost all his money on useless things and lost most of it. He then looked into the criminal industry and started robbing stores, now he is organizing bank heists. He is skilled in Firearms, Stealth, and Agility. Although, he is terrible at Hand-To-Hand combat.

James Ford - A 23-year-old man, James had their dad shot 17 times by a gang while walking down the street. This event has destroyed James's hope in humanity and now his favorite thing to do is be a criminal. He is able to make his way around any security system and likes to code. Good in agility, stealth, and firearms. But, is bad at not doing arrest-worthy stuff, getting a partner. He also owns a modded AK47 that is slightly more powerful than normal and a 50 AE Deagle, stock.

Christopher Jay - A 23-year-old male, his parents were very abusive towards him. He moved out at the age of eighteen and hasn't looked back since. Fast runner, doesn't tire out quickly. Sometimes he uses his social skills to his advantage, but he is too laid back at times, vulnerable to lies and deception.

Osore Motarasu - A 24 year old man, Osore's parents and siblng where killed in a bombing. He was homeless. Is part of The Johnathan Mafia as an assassin, and he is bad at being social.


Civilians have no affiliation and are normal people. They may still influence the RP.

Lucy Carter - A 10-year-old Girl, she's Liam Carter's daughter and grows up hearing stories of her evil uncle, which builds a strong hate in her uncle in her. She's grown up in starlingtown. She admires her father a lot and dreams to become a police officer one day. Sometimes, when someone does something she strongly objects to at school, she gets into quarrels, which she has a bad reputation for at school. She has good eyesight is sharp and can stop the smallest of things. But, because of her “daughter-of-police” status, she's a target for criminal minds.

Fred Huric - A 15-year-old boy, He was raised in a toxic household until he was 12, when he finally ran away, and lived on the streets for 2 months, sometimes shoplifting to live, and meeting some of the biggest baddies in the biz, until his uncle and aunt took him in, and he reconsidered his crimes, and resolved to help fight it in the future, he is clever and able to outwit many situations, but if he is confronted, he'll often not be able to respond or act.

Skylar Finch - A 29-year-old girl, she is a paramedic, Skylar grew up in the small town of Brooklyn (now merged with Sunshine Bay), surrounded by many friends. She was obsessed with garlic bread and still is. One day she and her friends won a skiing trip to the alps when an avalanche occurred. She had helped save two people, as well as rescue two of her friends from the brink of death. From that day on, she had her heart set on being a paramedic and giving emergency help to those who need it. She studied at Brooklyn University and graduated as a paramedic. She then moved to Starlingtown. She's calm when talking to people (unless it's her ambulance buddy in which case no), she's quite extensive in her knowledge, loves cooking, and is creative. Often screams at the sight of blood (on movies, TV screens, basically anything) unless it's an emergency, overthinks everything, stresses before emergency callouts, disorganized.

Criminal Groups/Gangs

These are criminals that work together in groups. They may be created or disbanded.

The Johnathan Mafia - This is Johnathan's mafia of sorts, this is an official storyline group. Johnathan's bodyguards all come from this group. Leader: Johnathan “The Big Boss” Carter.
Osore Motarasu - Assasin
Rorke Paul

Starlingtown's Most Wanted

These are the cities most wanted, criminals! (Not really, it really just shows a wanted level)

Johnathan “The Big Boss” Carter - Five Stars - Now on a national watchlist.

Sirah Hill - Three Stars - No other info

Mirah Hill - Three Stars - No other info

Jia Williams - Currently Not Wanted - No other info

Rorke Paul - Currently Not Wanted - No other info

James Ford - Currently Not Wanted - No other info

Christopher Jay - Currently Not Wanted - No other info

Osore Motarasu - Currently Not Wanted - No other info

Imprisoned Criminals

No one

Color Code/Symbol Codes
Head Admin
* = Strike


Application form:
If you are applying for the first time, please fill out the answers in red, otherwise, you don't need to!

Character name (first and last):
Gender (girl or boy):
Police, Criminal or civilian?:
Backstory (how their childhood was, what they have already done in their life):
Strengths (talents/skills)
Weakness (what they're bad at):
Miscellaneous information (anything extra you want to tell us? You can put your police equipment here!):
Activeness x/10 (1 = Once a month - 10 = Every day):
Following the thread? (Y/N):
Do you have any experience with RPs or collabs? (don't worry if the answer is no, it's just extra information for us):

There is also a codeword in the rules, please hide it so we know you have read the rules
NPC Form
If you just want to use somebody once, just fill out this form!

NPC Name:
How many times will you use them:
Relations (Optional if they have no relations to OC's):

Imprisonment Form
If your criminal (or framed civilian) and you are sent to prison please fill out this form!

Character Name (First and last):
Time in Prison (Ex: 30 Years, Life):
Prison Type (Minimum, Medium, Maximum, SuperMax):

Criminal Group Creation Form
Want to create a criminal group? This is the form for you!

Group Name:
Group Leader (First and Last name):
Group Description:
Rank System (Optional):

Criminal Group Joining Form
Want to join a group? Fill out this form!

Character Name (First and Last):
Group name:

Hope to see your application!!


Keep it realistic This is the present day, so please, no time machines, or space laser guns, or magic… You get the point. Oh yeah, the second half of the codeword is Town (No spaces) Oh, and NO SPACE STATIONS FOR CRIMINALS! Or rockets for that matter.

Characters can't die You can be seriously injured and in hospital at most, but no death, please. Note: NPC's can die though. The codeword is Police. Actually, that's fake.

Follow the Community Guidelines Please be respectful, and remember that Scratch is for all ages.

Be active Please contribute to the RP regularly. If you are going to be inactive for some time, let us know by posting in the thread. If you are inactive for a month without telling us in advance, you will get a strike. The first half of codeword: Star

Don't be OP It's boring trying to catch someone who always escapes, or always dodges everything.

Have fun! Always have fun! The most important rule of all!


This RP has a strike system. If you break a rule you will get a strike. We will notify you on your profile or your roleplay when this happens. It's 3 strikes and you are out!


Active admins:
  • (HEAD ADMIN) qloakonscratch
  • kittynugg
What admins can do

Admins can:

  • Deny moves that they find are too OP
  • Accept members into the RP
  • Kick members from the RP (Only if they have had 3 strikes)
  • Give out strikes
  • Assist the owner

The Head Admin can:

  • Everything listed in the admin privileges
  • Give strikes to regular admins
  • Kick members even if they don't have 3 strikes (must have a valid reason)
  • Appoint Admins

Add us to your signature!


Thanks for reading and we hope to see you soon!


Last edited by GAMS2 (Feb. 23, 2022 22:20:29)

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Latest project:I finally feel…. appreciated….

GAMS2 wrote:

If life throws something at you, try your best to dodge it, if it hits you and you fall…. get back up and keep moving forward. Don't give up, and make it through to the end. (MY OWN QUOTE!)

Do people still read these?

Nah, probably not.

I am now a furry. Drawings of my Fursona can be found here.
lol what have I done with my life? (Added on August 13th, 2020)
100+ posts

Cops and Robbers RP [Looking for Civilians (maybe) and Police] [Needs Members]

Character name (first and last): Jai Williams
Age: 23
Gender (girl or boy): Neither, they're Non-Binary
Police, Criminal or civilian?: Criminal
Looks: I'm not too good with descriptions, so I'll leave an image
Personality: An overall nice person, although they get very annoyed very quickly. Also more of a shy person, who tries to avoid social contact where possible.
Backstory (how their childhood was, what they have already done in their life): They lived a pretty average life, up to about the age of 14 when they first found out their true identity. Living in a dangerous and unsupporting household, they left home and fought to avoid facing consequences for simply being theirself. They eventually started turning to low leelcrime to fight for the rights of theirself and others, while also escaping the police from the start.
Strengths (talents/skills): Navigation, graffiti, evading arrest, stargazing (although the last one can't be very helpful… Can it?)
Weakness (what they're bad at): Social contact, most skills not mentioned above
Activeness x/10 (1 = Once a month - 10 = Every day): 8.5/10
Following the thread? (Y/N): Yep!
Do you have any experience with RPs or collabs?: Yep, I've done at least 6 rps by now.

Gimme sum of dose internets

Highlight my siggy and press Ctrl+Shift+Down to see the rest!

Generation 4: the first time you see this copy and paste it on top of your sig in the scratch forums and increase generation by 1. Social experiment.

Road to 1,000 posts!
375 Posts - 37.5% there!
Last updated 22/2/2021@15:39 GMT
1000+ posts

Cops and Robbers RP [Looking for Civilians (maybe) and Police] [Needs Members]

YeahImaHunter wrote:

Character name (first and last): Jai Williams
Age: 23
Gender (girl or boy): Neither, they're Non-Binary
Police, Criminal or civilian?: Criminal
Looks: I'm not too good with descriptions, so I'll leave an image
Personality: An overall nice person, although they get very annoyed very quickly. Also more of a shy person, who tries to avoid social contact where possible.
Backstory (how their childhood was, what they have already done in their life): They lived a pretty average life, up to about the age of 14 when they first found out their true identity. Living in a dangerous and unsupporting household, they left home and fought to avoid facing consequences for simply being theirself. They eventually started turning to low leelcrime to fight for the rights of theirself and others, while also escaping the police from the start.
Strengths (talents/skills): Navigation, graffiti, evading arrest, stargazing (although the last one can't be very helpful… Can it?)
Weakness (what they're bad at): Social contact, most skills not mentioned above
Activeness x/10 (1 = Once a month - 10 = Every day): 8.5/10
Following the thread? (Y/N): Yep!
Do you have any experience with RPs or collabs?: Yep, I've done at least 6 rps by now.
Wow. Nice picture. Accepted. I will update the lists when I finish making lunch.

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Press the red button?
Okay I am pr-

Latest project:I finally feel…. appreciated….

GAMS2 wrote:

If life throws something at you, try your best to dodge it, if it hits you and you fall…. get back up and keep moving forward. Don't give up, and make it through to the end. (MY OWN QUOTE!)

Do people still read these?

Nah, probably not.

I am now a furry. Drawings of my Fursona can be found here.
lol what have I done with my life? (Added on August 13th, 2020)
1000+ posts

Cops and Robbers RP [Looking for Civilians (maybe) and Police] [Needs Members]

Can I be an admin?


Character name (first and last): Sirah Hill
Age: 18
Gender (girl or boy): Girl
Police, Criminal or civilian?: Criminal
Looks: She's quite pretty, with shiny blonde hair and bright blue eyes.
Personality: She's nice for a criminal. She knows how to get a mission done without hurting many people, though they still do it if needed. She cares about her fellow criminals and will do anything to get them back if they are captured.
Backstory (how their childhood was, what they have already done in their life): When she was younger, she was very poor. Her family was living off grapes. As she got older, it got harder and harder. That's when she decided to become a criminal. She started stealing and providing for her family. They didn't know where she got the money from but they didn't ask. Eventually, though, the police found out and blamed the parents for it. Due to them being a black family, extra violence ensued and they died. Sirah was the only survivor, but only because she ran.
Strengths (talents/skills): She's good at running and lying. She is good with guns and smart. She is also at good terms with some police members (Since nobody knows shes a criminal yet)
Weakness (what they're bad at): She doesn't have much strength and is very fragile. She gets too emotional and gets distracted from the mission sometimes. She hates bananas.
Miscellaneous information (anything extra you want to tell us?): No.
Activeness x/10 (1 = Once a month - 10 = Every day): 10
Following the thread? (Y/N): Y
Do you have any experience with RPs or collabs? (don't worry if the answer is no, it's just extra information for us): Yes, a lot.

Now Showing: CCRP V

Coding on Scratch since 2013

Foruming since 2016

In the Forum Helpers since 2022
1000+ posts

Cops and Robbers RP [Looking for Civilians (maybe) and Police] [Needs Members]

GAMS2 wrote:

YeahImaHunter wrote:

Character name (first and last): Jai Williams
Age: 23
Gender (girl or boy): Neither, they're Non-Binary
Police, Criminal or civilian?: Criminal
Looks: I'm not too good with descriptions, so I'll leave an image
Personality: An overall nice person, although they get very annoyed very quickly. Also more of a shy person, who tries to avoid social contact where possible.
Backstory (how their childhood was, what they have already done in their life): They lived a pretty average life, up to about the age of 14 when they first found out their true identity. Living in a dangerous and unsupporting household, they left home and fought to avoid facing consequences for simply being theirself. They eventually started turning to low leelcrime to fight for the rights of theirself and others, while also escaping the police from the start.
Strengths (talents/skills): Navigation, graffiti, evading arrest, stargazing (although the last one can't be very helpful… Can it?)
Weakness (what they're bad at): Social contact, most skills not mentioned above
Activeness x/10 (1 = Once a month - 10 = Every day): 8.5/10
Following the thread? (Y/N): Yep!
Do you have any experience with RPs or collabs?: Yep, I've done at least 6 rps by now.
Wow. Nice picture. Accepted. I will update the lists when I finish making lunch.

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Then how do I turn this off?
Press the red button?
Okay I am pr-

Latest project:I finally feel…. appreciated….

GAMS2 wrote:

If life throws something at you, try your best to dodge it, if it hits you and you fall…. get back up and keep moving forward. Don't give up, and make it through to the end. (MY OWN QUOTE!)

Do people still read these?

Nah, probably not.

I am now a furry. Drawings of my Fursona can be found here.
lol what have I done with my life? (Added on August 13th, 2020)
1000+ posts

Cops and Robbers RP [Looking for Civilians (maybe) and Police] [Needs Members]

qloakonscratch wrote:

Can I be an admin?


Character name (first and last): Sirah Hill
Age: 18
Gender (girl or boy): Girl
Police, Criminal or civilian?: Criminal
Looks: She's quite pretty, with shiny blonde hair and bright blue eyes.
Personality: She's nice for a criminal. She knows how to get a mission done without hurting many people, though they still do it if needed. She cares about her fellow criminals and will do anything to get them back if they are captured.
Backstory (how their childhood was, what they have already done in their life): When she was younger, she was very poor. Her family was living off grapes. As she got older, it got harder and harder. That's when she decided to become a criminal. She started stealing and providing for her family. They didn't know where she got the money from but they didn't ask. Eventually, though, the police found out and blamed the parents for it. Due to them being a black family, extra violence ensued and they died. Sirah was the only survivor, but only because she ran.
Strengths (talents/skills): She's good at running and lying. She is good with guns and smart. She is also at good terms with some police members (Since nobody knows shes a criminal yet)
Weakness (what they're bad at): She doesn't have much strength and is very fragile. She gets too emotional and gets distracted from the mission sometimes. She hates bananas.
Miscellaneous information (anything extra you want to tell us?): No.
Activeness x/10 (1 = Once a month - 10 = Every day): 10
Following the thread? (Y/N): Y
Do you have any experience with RPs or collabs? (don't worry if the answer is no, it's just extra information for us): Yes, a lot.
Sure. I trust you. Accepted too.

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Then how do I turn this off?
Press the red button?
Okay I am pr-

Latest project:I finally feel…. appreciated….

GAMS2 wrote:

If life throws something at you, try your best to dodge it, if it hits you and you fall…. get back up and keep moving forward. Don't give up, and make it through to the end. (MY OWN QUOTE!)

Do people still read these?

Nah, probably not.

I am now a furry. Drawings of my Fursona can be found here.
lol what have I done with my life? (Added on August 13th, 2020)
1000+ posts

Cops and Robbers RP [Looking for Civilians (maybe) and Police] [Needs Members]

GAMS2 wrote:

qloakonscratch wrote:

Can I be an admin?


Character name (first and last): Sirah Hill
Age: 18
Gender (girl or boy): Girl
Police, Criminal or civilian?: Criminal
Looks: She's quite pretty, with shiny blonde hair and bright blue eyes.
Personality: She's nice for a criminal. She knows how to get a mission done without hurting many people, though they still do it if needed. She cares about her fellow criminals and will do anything to get them back if they are captured.
Backstory (how their childhood was, what they have already done in their life): When she was younger, she was very poor. Her family was living off grapes. As she got older, it got harder and harder. That's when she decided to become a criminal. She started stealing and providing for her family. They didn't know where she got the money from but they didn't ask. Eventually, though, the police found out and blamed the parents for it. Due to them being a black family, extra violence ensued and they died. Sirah was the only survivor, but only because she ran.
Strengths (talents/skills): She's good at running and lying. She is good with guns and smart. She is also at good terms with some police members (Since nobody knows shes a criminal yet)
Weakness (what they're bad at): She doesn't have much strength and is very fragile. She gets too emotional and gets distracted from the mission sometimes. She hates bananas.
Miscellaneous information (anything extra you want to tell us?): No.
Activeness x/10 (1 = Once a month - 10 = Every day): 10
Following the thread? (Y/N): Y
Do you have any experience with RPs or collabs? (don't worry if the answer is no, it's just extra information for us): Yes, a lot.
Sure. I trust you. Accepted too.
I have added you to the post.

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Then how do I turn this off?
Press the red button?
Okay I am pr-

Latest project:I finally feel…. appreciated….

GAMS2 wrote:

If life throws something at you, try your best to dodge it, if it hits you and you fall…. get back up and keep moving forward. Don't give up, and make it through to the end. (MY OWN QUOTE!)

Do people still read these?

Nah, probably not.

I am now a furry. Drawings of my Fursona can be found here.
lol what have I done with my life? (Added on August 13th, 2020)
1000+ posts

Cops and Robbers RP [Looking for Civilians (maybe) and Police] [Needs Members]

And now I just need to wait some more.

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Have I stopped recording?

Then how do I turn this off?
Press the red button?
Okay I am pr-

Latest project:I finally feel…. appreciated….

GAMS2 wrote:

If life throws something at you, try your best to dodge it, if it hits you and you fall…. get back up and keep moving forward. Don't give up, and make it through to the end. (MY OWN QUOTE!)

Do people still read these?

Nah, probably not.

I am now a furry. Drawings of my Fursona can be found here.
lol what have I done with my life? (Added on August 13th, 2020)
1000+ posts

Cops and Robbers RP [Looking for Civilians (maybe) and Police] [Needs Members]

YeahImaHunter wrote:

Character name (first and last): Jai Williams
Age: 23
Gender (girl or boy): Neither, they're Non-Binary
Police, Criminal or civilian?: Criminal
Looks: I'm not too good with descriptions, so I'll leave an image
Personality: An overall nice person, although they get very annoyed very quickly. Also more of a shy person, who tries to avoid social contact where possible.
Backstory (how their childhood was, what they have already done in their life): They lived a pretty average life, up to about the age of 14 when they first found out their true identity. Living in a dangerous and unsupporting household, they left home and fought to avoid facing consequences for simply being theirself. They eventually started turning to low leelcrime to fight for the rights of theirself and others, while also escaping the police from the start.
Strengths (talents/skills): Navigation, graffiti, evading arrest, stargazing (although the last one can't be very helpful… Can it?)
Weakness (what they're bad at): Social contact, most skills not mentioned above
Activeness x/10 (1 = Once a month - 10 = Every day): 8.5/10
Following the thread? (Y/N): Yep!
Do you have any experience with RPs or collabs?: Yep, I've done at least 6 rps by now.

qloakonscratch wrote:

Can I be an admin?


Character name (first and last): Sirah Hill
Age: 18
Gender (girl or boy): Girl
Police, Criminal or civilian?: Criminal
Looks: She's quite pretty, with shiny blonde hair and bright blue eyes.
Personality: She's nice for a criminal. She knows how to get a mission done without hurting many people, though they still do it if needed. She cares about her fellow criminals and will do anything to get them back if they are captured.
Backstory (how their childhood was, what they have already done in their life): When she was younger, she was very poor. Her family was living off grapes. As she got older, it got harder and harder. That's when she decided to become a criminal. She started stealing and providing for her family. They didn't know where she got the money from but they didn't ask. Eventually, though, the police found out and blamed the parents for it. Due to them being a black family, extra violence ensued and they died. Sirah was the only survivor, but only because she ran.
Strengths (talents/skills): She's good at running and lying. She is good with guns and smart. She is also at good terms with some police members (Since nobody knows shes a criminal yet)
Weakness (what they're bad at): She doesn't have much strength and is very fragile. She gets too emotional and gets distracted from the mission sometimes. She hates bananas.
Miscellaneous information (anything extra you want to tell us?): No.
Activeness x/10 (1 = Once a month - 10 = Every day): 10
Following the thread? (Y/N): Y
Do you have any experience with RPs or collabs? (don't worry if the answer is no, it's just extra information for us): Yes, a lot.
I'm starting to question if either of you guys are actually following the thread…

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Then how do I turn this off?
Press the red button?
Okay I am pr-

Latest project:I finally feel…. appreciated….

GAMS2 wrote:

If life throws something at you, try your best to dodge it, if it hits you and you fall…. get back up and keep moving forward. Don't give up, and make it through to the end. (MY OWN QUOTE!)

Do people still read these?

Nah, probably not.

I am now a furry. Drawings of my Fursona can be found here.
lol what have I done with my life? (Added on August 13th, 2020)
1000+ posts

Cops and Robbers RP [Looking for Civilians (maybe) and Police] [Needs Members]

GAMS2 wrote:

YeahImaHunter wrote:

Character name (first and last): Jai Williams
Age: 23
Gender (girl or boy): Neither, they're Non-Binary
Police, Criminal or civilian?: Criminal
Looks: I'm not too good with descriptions, so I'll leave an image
Personality: An overall nice person, although they get very annoyed very quickly. Also more of a shy person, who tries to avoid social contact where possible.
Backstory (how their childhood was, what they have already done in their life): They lived a pretty average life, up to about the age of 14 when they first found out their true identity. Living in a dangerous and unsupporting household, they left home and fought to avoid facing consequences for simply being theirself. They eventually started turning to low leelcrime to fight for the rights of theirself and others, while also escaping the police from the start.
Strengths (talents/skills): Navigation, graffiti, evading arrest, stargazing (although the last one can't be very helpful… Can it?)
Weakness (what they're bad at): Social contact, most skills not mentioned above
Activeness x/10 (1 = Once a month - 10 = Every day): 8.5/10
Following the thread? (Y/N): Yep!
Do you have any experience with RPs or collabs?: Yep, I've done at least 6 rps by now.

qloakonscratch wrote:

Can I be an admin?


Character name (first and last): Sirah Hill
Age: 18
Gender (girl or boy): Girl
Police, Criminal or civilian?: Criminal
Looks: She's quite pretty, with shiny blonde hair and bright blue eyes.
Personality: She's nice for a criminal. She knows how to get a mission done without hurting many people, though they still do it if needed. She cares about her fellow criminals and will do anything to get them back if they are captured.
Backstory (how their childhood was, what they have already done in their life): When she was younger, she was very poor. Her family was living off grapes. As she got older, it got harder and harder. That's when she decided to become a criminal. She started stealing and providing for her family. They didn't know where she got the money from but they didn't ask. Eventually, though, the police found out and blamed the parents for it. Due to them being a black family, extra violence ensued and they died. Sirah was the only survivor, but only because she ran.
Strengths (talents/skills): She's good at running and lying. She is good with guns and smart. She is also at good terms with some police members (Since nobody knows shes a criminal yet)
Weakness (what they're bad at): She doesn't have much strength and is very fragile. She gets too emotional and gets distracted from the mission sometimes. She hates bananas.
Miscellaneous information (anything extra you want to tell us?): No.
Activeness x/10 (1 = Once a month - 10 = Every day): 10
Following the thread? (Y/N): Y
Do you have any experience with RPs or collabs? (don't worry if the answer is no, it's just extra information for us): Yes, a lot.
I'm starting to question if either of you guys are actually following the thread…
I am.

Now Showing: CCRP V

Coding on Scratch since 2013

Foruming since 2016

In the Forum Helpers since 2022
1000+ posts

Cops and Robbers RP [Looking for Civilians (maybe) and Police] [Needs Members]

qloakonscratch wrote:

GAMS2 wrote:

YeahImaHunter wrote:

Character name (first and last): Jai Williams
Age: 23
Gender (girl or boy): Neither, they're Non-Binary
Police, Criminal or civilian?: Criminal
Looks: I'm not too good with descriptions, so I'll leave an image
Personality: An overall nice person, although they get very annoyed very quickly. Also more of a shy person, who tries to avoid social contact where possible.
Backstory (how their childhood was, what they have already done in their life): They lived a pretty average life, up to about the age of 14 when they first found out their true identity. Living in a dangerous and unsupporting household, they left home and fought to avoid facing consequences for simply being theirself. They eventually started turning to low leelcrime to fight for the rights of theirself and others, while also escaping the police from the start.
Strengths (talents/skills): Navigation, graffiti, evading arrest, stargazing (although the last one can't be very helpful… Can it?)
Weakness (what they're bad at): Social contact, most skills not mentioned above
Activeness x/10 (1 = Once a month - 10 = Every day): 8.5/10
Following the thread? (Y/N): Yep!
Do you have any experience with RPs or collabs?: Yep, I've done at least 6 rps by now.

qloakonscratch wrote:

Can I be an admin?


Character name (first and last): Sirah Hill
Age: 18
Gender (girl or boy): Girl
Police, Criminal or civilian?: Criminal
Looks: She's quite pretty, with shiny blonde hair and bright blue eyes.
Personality: She's nice for a criminal. She knows how to get a mission done without hurting many people, though they still do it if needed. She cares about her fellow criminals and will do anything to get them back if they are captured.
Backstory (how their childhood was, what they have already done in their life): When she was younger, she was very poor. Her family was living off grapes. As she got older, it got harder and harder. That's when she decided to become a criminal. She started stealing and providing for her family. They didn't know where she got the money from but they didn't ask. Eventually, though, the police found out and blamed the parents for it. Due to them being a black family, extra violence ensued and they died. Sirah was the only survivor, but only because she ran.
Strengths (talents/skills): She's good at running and lying. She is good with guns and smart. She is also at good terms with some police members (Since nobody knows shes a criminal yet)
Weakness (what they're bad at): She doesn't have much strength and is very fragile. She gets too emotional and gets distracted from the mission sometimes. She hates bananas.
Miscellaneous information (anything extra you want to tell us?): No.
Activeness x/10 (1 = Once a month - 10 = Every day): 10
Following the thread? (Y/N): Y
Do you have any experience with RPs or collabs? (don't worry if the answer is no, it's just extra information for us): Yes, a lot.
I'm starting to question if either of you guys are actually following the thread…
I am.
Oh okay. Good.

My signature is too bug, select the text and use Shift + Down arrow to see more!

Have I stopped recording?

Then how do I turn this off?
Press the red button?
Okay I am pr-

Latest project:I finally feel…. appreciated….

GAMS2 wrote:

If life throws something at you, try your best to dodge it, if it hits you and you fall…. get back up and keep moving forward. Don't give up, and make it through to the end. (MY OWN QUOTE!)

Do people still read these?

Nah, probably not.

I am now a furry. Drawings of my Fursona can be found here.
lol what have I done with my life? (Added on August 13th, 2020)
1000+ posts

Cops and Robbers RP [Looking for Civilians (maybe) and Police] [Needs Members]


My signature is too bug, select the text and use Shift + Down arrow to see more!

Have I stopped recording?

Then how do I turn this off?
Press the red button?
Okay I am pr-

Latest project:I finally feel…. appreciated….

GAMS2 wrote:

If life throws something at you, try your best to dodge it, if it hits you and you fall…. get back up and keep moving forward. Don't give up, and make it through to the end. (MY OWN QUOTE!)

Do people still read these?

Nah, probably not.

I am now a furry. Drawings of my Fursona can be found here.
lol what have I done with my life? (Added on August 13th, 2020)
1000+ posts

Cops and Robbers RP [Looking for Civilians (maybe) and Police] [Needs Members]

GAMS2 wrote:

Noooooo forum! Don't die on meh.

*Cricket, cricket*

My signature is too bug, select the text and use Shift + Down arrow to see more!

Have I stopped recording?

Then how do I turn this off?
Press the red button?
Okay I am pr-

Latest project:I finally feel…. appreciated….

GAMS2 wrote:

If life throws something at you, try your best to dodge it, if it hits you and you fall…. get back up and keep moving forward. Don't give up, and make it through to the end. (MY OWN QUOTE!)

Do people still read these?

Nah, probably not.

I am now a furry. Drawings of my Fursona can be found here.
lol what have I done with my life? (Added on August 13th, 2020)
1000+ posts

Cops and Robbers RP [Looking for Civilians (maybe) and Police] [Needs Members]

Character name (first and last): Charri
Age: 12 in dog years
Gender (girl or boy): Female
Police, Criminal or civilian?: None
Personality: Loyal to her owner, she attacks anyone who attacks her
Backstory (how their childhood was, what they have already done in their life): Like a normal dogs
Strengths (talents/skills) Strong, fast and loyal
Weakness (what they're bad at): Not that smart, strategic, or aware of his surroundings.
Miscellaneous information (anything extra you want to tell us? You can put your police equipment here!): n/a
Activeness x/10 (1 = Once a month - 10 = Every day):
Following the thread? (Y/N):
Do you have any experience with RPs or collabs? (don't worry if the answer is no, it's just extra information for us):

Now Showing: CCRP V

Coding on Scratch since 2013

Foruming since 2016

In the Forum Helpers since 2022
1000+ posts

Cops and Robbers RP [Looking for Civilians (maybe) and Police] [Needs Members]

qloakonscratch wrote:

Character name (first and last): Charri
Age: 12 in dog years
Gender (girl or boy): Female
Police, Criminal or civilian?: None
Personality: Loyal to her owner, she attacks anyone who attacks her
Backstory (how their childhood was, what they have already done in their life): Like a normal dogs
Strengths (talents/skills) Strong, fast and loyal
Weakness (what they're bad at): Not that smart, strategic, or aware of his surroundings.
Miscellaneous information (anything extra you want to tell us? You can put your police equipment here!): n/a
Activeness x/10 (1 = Once a month - 10 = Every day):
Following the thread? (Y/N):
Do you have any experience with RPs or collabs? (don't worry if the answer is no, it's just extra information for us):

My signature is too bug, select the text and use Shift + Down arrow to see more!

Have I stopped recording?

Then how do I turn this off?
Press the red button?
Okay I am pr-

Latest project:I finally feel…. appreciated….

GAMS2 wrote:

If life throws something at you, try your best to dodge it, if it hits you and you fall…. get back up and keep moving forward. Don't give up, and make it through to the end. (MY OWN QUOTE!)

Do people still read these?

Nah, probably not.

I am now a furry. Drawings of my Fursona can be found here.
lol what have I done with my life? (Added on August 13th, 2020)
100+ posts

Cops and Robbers RP [Looking for Civilians (maybe) and Police] [Needs Members]

I would help because I kinda worked with GAMS2 before so I know how you like to act, and I do quite a few Roblox roleplays, but I'm not sure if my type of character, actually as I'm typing this I realize my idea might work, I like being a spy, so I'll make a character that's an undercover cop or if aloud a corrupt cop that helps criminals or just does stuff like planting false evidence and/or lying about important stuff, can you let me know if this would be aloud?

PS: Ima make an organizer to try to help us keep track of stuff like statuses of characters and other things like maybe a scheduler, I'll let you guys use it even if my character idea isn't aloud

define Browse Forums
go to [collaboration forum v]
repeat until <<Satisfied With Scrolling> or <Found Collaboration>>
repeat until <At Bottom of Page>
glide 1 second to a couple forums down
go to [Next page v]
repeat (100)
change [Ghost v] effect by (100)
go to [Random Place v]
1000+ posts

Cops and Robbers RP [Looking for Civilians (maybe) and Police] [Needs Members]

Tyller_ wrote:

I would help because I kinda worked with GAMS2 before so I know how you like to act, and I do quite a few Roblox roleplays, but I'm not sure if my type of character, actually as I'm typing this I realize my idea might work, I like being a spy, so I'll make a character that's an undercover cop or if aloud a corrupt cop that helps criminals or just does stuff like planting false evidence and/or lying about important stuff, can you let me know if this would be aloud?

PS: Ima make an organizer to try to help us keep track of stuff like statuses of characters and other things like maybe a scheduler, I'll let you guys use it even if my character idea isn't aloud
I think this would be allowed. Fill out the form and I'll see, but you might need extra information from the owner.

Now Showing: CCRP V

Coding on Scratch since 2013

Foruming since 2016

In the Forum Helpers since 2022
1000+ posts

Cops and Robbers RP [Looking for Civilians (maybe) and Police] [Needs Members]

Tyller_ wrote:

I would help because I kinda worked with GAMS2 before so I know how you like to act, and I do quite a few Roblox roleplays, but I'm not sure if my type of character, actually as I'm typing this I realize my idea might work, I like being a spy, so I'll make a character that's an undercover cop or if aloud a corrupt cop that helps criminals or just does stuff like planting false evidence and/or lying about important stuff, can you let me know if this would be aloud?

PS: Ima make an organizer to try to help us keep track of stuff like statuses of characters and other things like maybe a scheduler, I'll let you guys use it even if my character idea isn't aloud

My signature is too bug, select the text and use Shift + Down arrow to see more!

Have I stopped recording?

Then how do I turn this off?
Press the red button?
Okay I am pr-

Latest project:I finally feel…. appreciated….

GAMS2 wrote:

If life throws something at you, try your best to dodge it, if it hits you and you fall…. get back up and keep moving forward. Don't give up, and make it through to the end. (MY OWN QUOTE!)

Do people still read these?

Nah, probably not.

I am now a furry. Drawings of my Fursona can be found here.
lol what have I done with my life? (Added on August 13th, 2020)
1000+ posts

Cops and Robbers RP [Looking for Civilians (maybe) and Police] [Needs Members]

Oh yeah and uh.

My signature is too bug, select the text and use Shift + Down arrow to see more!

Have I stopped recording?

Then how do I turn this off?
Press the red button?
Okay I am pr-

Latest project:I finally feel…. appreciated….

GAMS2 wrote:

If life throws something at you, try your best to dodge it, if it hits you and you fall…. get back up and keep moving forward. Don't give up, and make it through to the end. (MY OWN QUOTE!)

Do people still read these?

Nah, probably not.

I am now a furry. Drawings of my Fursona can be found here.
lol what have I done with my life? (Added on August 13th, 2020)
1000+ posts

Cops and Robbers RP [Looking for Civilians (maybe) and Police] [Needs Members]

Character name (first and last): Maria Hill
Age: 19
Gender (girl or boy): Female
Police, Criminal or civilian?: Criminal
Looks: She's the twin of Sirah, so exactly the same as Sirah.
Personality: Nearly the complete opposite of Sirah's, except she's loyal to the criminal underground too like Sirah.
Backstory (how their childhood was, what they have already done in their life): When she was younger, she was very poor. Her family was living off grapes. As she got older, it got harder and harder. That's when she decided to become a criminal. She started stealing and providing for her family long before Sirah did, and nobody found out. Except for Sirah. She encouraged Sirah to help her. That's why her parents got arrested.
Strengths (talents/skills): She's skilled at hand-to-hand combat, firearms combat, defending, running, lockpicking, healing people, and is very sneaky and intelligent.
Weakness (what they're bad at): Despite being intelligent, her personality overtakes her when she goes on missions, leading to her just outright killing everyone there unless stopped by her sister (Which she almost always is). She is also very fragile, so if she fails at defending herself, she will most likely be injured for days. She's suspected by police to be involved, but to fix this, she pretends like she was kidnapped.
Miscellaneous information (anything extra you want to tell us? You can put your police equipment here!): Her twin sister is Sirah Hill.

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Coding on Scratch since 2013

Foruming since 2016

In the Forum Helpers since 2022

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