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JWC Mega-Thread 2023

daily 4 jan - clicheness.

i know its definitely /super/ cliche, but i love it so much. it’s the, you know, fantasy harry potter style. the ill-treated orphan little guy who turns out to be the chosen hero with buh-rilliant powers and is the only one who can beat the dark, evil, powerful lord.

but harry potter has a lot of other cliches too, though, such as the chiron “wise old mentor”(dumbledore), the know-it-all best friend but unpopular and a bookworm(hermione), the sort of archenemy who turns out to be (somewhat in this case) good(draco), the awesome, best and biggest of kind fantasy magic school(hogwarts)(also i saw it in this other book with magic and pegasuses - alicorns - whatever and it was sooo bleh. it depends, then, on the writer to make it good), the “parents were killed” scenario, which i personally think is actually cool but wayyy overused(james and lily of course - do i even have to explain??), terrible family, the dursleys - a result of his parents dying(to the villain of course) - the power-hungry trooped supervillain, and of course, we can never forget the classic - (i mean literally its in ALL my books lol) - it's the teenagers' job to save the freakin' world. yep.

but back to the magic school, i'm-special-and-i-got-accepted cliche. that's something i really wanna talk about. as i said, it really depends on the author to make it sound good, ‘cause it’s reeallyyy too cliche for any old person to express. there's this series, the star darlings - i think it's pretty good. but the series i mentioned is a big no-no. listen:

a different, magical world called something “pretty”, four sides and each is like spring summer autumn winter(oh and did i mention that they're all magic and perfect and whatnot?), inhabitants are magical flying ponies who do magic, “melowies” they get accepted to a huge castle school in the clouds where they “find their destiny”, and main character is the only one who dosen't know her parentage.

i mean, isn't that a little too far into cliche land?!

hope, hershey pronouns (B
100+ posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

jwc(mostly knight tho lol) fanfic

“Great work, everyone,” said Willow, a satisfied look on her face at last. “No training tomorrow.”

The Citizens’ Knights cheered as one and grinned at their leader. They broke off and wandered, alone, in pairs, in groups, back to the castle, chattering excitedly. Several mentioned meeting up with the King’s Knights, or travelling beyond the wall, for the next day’s much-anticipated break.

“Some frantic messangers came by earlier,” a hooded girl told her friends, “apparently. They say this theatere somewhere along the road somehow glitched.”

“Yeah, right. Well, we’ll check that out in the Courier Times,” her friend scoffed disbelievingly. “They never publish lies. Pity we can’t get the papers here.”

“Uh, okay, I guess? I don’t actually want to go up to the town, though. Why not spend a day at the cliffside? I want to spot the Sleuth and its opposer race.”

Her friend gave a double take. “The what now? Who’s rumors have you been listening to? Pirate ships? Seriously, Skye, I-“

The two were so tightly wrapped up in their conversation they suddenly tripped and fell with a splatter on the mud. The others gasped but laughed it away, their footsteps fading on the snow.

“Careful, you two,” warned a voice from behind. The girls’ heads flew and they flushed as they saw Alexandria, the Kings’ Head Knight, shaking her head at them. “What’s our training for?”

“We’ll be careful,” the hooded girl murmured, and they hurried off in the night.

Alexandria, or Paige, as she liked to be called, watched them go in amusement and waited for her companian. When Willow caught up, they headed to the gate with a brisk stroll.

“Gave them a break today,” said Willow. “Trained twice harder than yesterday.”

Paige’s eyes widened. “Wish I could say the same with my group. They’re improving greatly, though.”

“Why not give them a break just tomorrow?” Willow suggested with a smile. “Maybe they’re just tired. So are you. We have hardly any time to talk.”

Paige thought for a moment before sighing. “I suppose you’re right. Let us go in the castle and I shall ask the king for permission. Do come with me; you’re very persuasive.”

Willow grinned. “Thanks. Now let’s go have our well-deserved break.”

“After we get His Honour’s permission,” said Paige, but she was grinning. “Of course.”

“Oh, yes, Your Ladyship. Of course.”

394 words!

hope, hershey pronouns (B
500+ posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

1st Weekly:You pull open the large glass doors and look around you. There are people everywhere, some look very… interesting.
You spot a group of women who look like the evil stepmother and her daughters from Cinderella. “Hi!” You look to your right and spot a fairly-normal looking girl sitting at a desk. “Are you here for the character convention?”
While this may not be a character convention, we are going to focus on characters this week. Without further ado, let's begin!
Total Word Count: 2,468

Part One: Now that you know about character roles, you'll be writing a story blurb that includes each of the character roles. Your writing should be a minimum of 600 words.
Word Count: 960

Protagonist: Ariella
Antagonist: George
Deuteragonists: Liberty &, Emersyn.
Tertiary Characters: Ariella, Liberty and Emersyn’s classmates, Ms. Serafina

It had been nearly 200 years since the 2028 nuclear war. The war that had wiped out nearly three quarters of the planet. It had taken years to finally rebuild the planet and civilization after the horrors of the war. Afterwards there were marginally more women than men, with nearly all of the new world's leaders being women.

When they met together to determine the causes of the war so that history would not repeat itself and cause more harm to the planet; the consensus they came to was that since the war was mainly between countries with male leaders (and countries who had only ever had male leaders) that the men must be the ones to blame. They decided men were unfit to rule, and as time went on they decided men were unfit to be functioning members of society.
So, their solution to this was to force all of the remaining men out of society and force them into prisons so that they would be unable to take control and cause any other problems. Soon the world's cities and towns were populated only by women and girls; and all girls in school were taught of the atrocities committed by the males, continuing the cycle of hatred towards them, leaving little hope for the men gaining back any kind of status in society.


Fifteen year old Ariella Rayne started to make her way to school, waving to her mom as she sent her off. She smiled as she walked down the street, waving to her friends Emersyn and Liberty as she saw them down the street. She ran up to meet the other two girls and hugged her before the two started walking to school together.

“Are you ready for today's history class?” Ariella asked “My mom said we're going to be learning about the early 1900's, and apparently that's when men were still in charge, so I bet you that it's going to be some pretty bad stuff.”

“Yeah my mom told me to expect that too, but I figure it's going to be the same kinds of things that we learn every year. You know: ”men did this“ ”men oppressed women“ ”men are bad“ ”that's why we lock up men now.“ Know what I mean?” Liberty shrugged, seemingly not as worried about the upcoming lesson as Ariella was.

“Okay okay okay, yeah, I know it'll be the same stuff, but still; it's not really much fun to have to listen to it every single year several times a year.”

“I mean I guess that's why they keep drilling us on everything the men did wrong,” Liberty started with a grin “So we don't fall in love and doom ourselves to repeat history once again!” Emersyn pretended to faint, a hand on her forehead. She was always one for dramatics.

Ariella laughed and helped her up, “Come on, we better get to school or Ms. Serafina is going to kill us!”

“Race you there!” Liberty yelled, running ahead

“Hey! No fair!” Ariella laughed, chasing after her friend.

“Wait for me guys!” Emersyn cried, following behind them both; quickly catching up with the two.

Eventually the group of girls stopped running and slowed down as they walked past the forest. This was Ariella's favorite route to take to school since she absolutely loved nature and plants, which she was able to see plenty of in the forest. She was about to comment on the animals she saw when someone ran in front of the group, pushing Liberty over (on accident or on purpose it wasn't clear) and falling over themselves.

“What the heck was that?” Ariella exclaimed, turning towards the person “You need to make sure you watch where your goi-” She stopped as the person turned and looked at her and she realized it was a man. Liberty and Emersyn looked on with similarly stunned expressions.

“Listen here girls… Just be quiet okay.” The man said , reaching into his pocket and pulling out a gun “Don't say anything, or it'll be the last thing you ever see. Understand?”

The girls looked at each other for a moment before looking at the man and nodding. Ariella noticed his prison jumpsuit had his name written on it. “George B.” she filed it away and made sure she would remember it for later

“That's it… Stay quiet now.. And you never saw me.” George stood up and, still pointing the gun at them, he slowly walked away before running into the forest.

The three girls stood in stunned silence, all obviously in shock over what they had just seen.

“Was that what I thought it was?” Emersyn asked after a moment

“I think so..” Liberty answered

“I think we just saw an escaped man.” Ariella finished.

“What do we do?” Emersyn questioned, looking towards Ariella and Liberty, all the girls starting to relax a bit more.

“I… I don't know… Let's just get to school for now.” Liberty said “We can tell someone about this later.

When the group got to school they ran inside, realizing they were extremely late due to their encounter with George earlier. When they made it into the classroom all of their classmates and their teacher, Ms. Serafina, stared at them

”Well girls,“ Ms. Serafina started ”Care to explain why you're so late? you know punctuality is important here.“

The girls all looked at each other and Ariella considered telling the truth for a moment. But what would that do to her and friends? Would it get them in trouble for something? For what she didn't know but it wasn't a risk she was willing to take right now.

”Sorry Ms. Serafina, we lost track of time." Ariella stated simply as the three took their seats.

Part Two: For this part, you’ll be coming up with character bios For three of these character types. There is no word count for this part as flat characters aren’t usually well-developed.
Word Count: 385

STOCK Character:
Name: Alicia May || Gender: Female || Age: 16 || Personality: Kind of ditzy, stereotypical girly girl, fashion/makeup obsessed, organized, not very into school || Hobbies: Trying new makeup and hairstyles, shopping, hanging with her friends in the mall || Family: Kara May (mother), Tyler May (father), Peyton May (sister. 18), Kiara May (sister, 12) || Friends: Taylor Blakely (16), Mariah Gange (15) || Likes: Shopping, makeup and clothes and hair || Dislikes: School, chores, “cheap” clothes. || Backstory: Alicia is the typical rich girl, she’s kind of spoiled and not necessarily the smartest. She loves shopping and doesn’t really know much about what it’s like to live without a bunch of money at her disposal.

FLAT Character:
Name: Olivia Wilde || Gender: Female || Age: 15 || Personality: Hardworking, studious, neat, organized. Extroverted. || Hobbies: Reading, writing, drawing, violin || Family: Sarah Wilde (mother), James Wilde (father), Sierra Wilde (sister, 17) || Friends: Rowan Hart (15) || Likes: Music (violin and piano specifically), reading (fantasy and historical fiction mostly, as well as sci-fi sometimes), writing (she’s very good at this which is mostly why she enjoys it), savory/spicy foods || Dislikes: “annoying” people (mostly people who don’t listen or mess around in serious situations), having too much downtime || Backstory: Really she’s just a studious sophomore trying her very best to make it through high school.

PLAUSIBLE Character:
Name: Lennox Hale || Gender: Female || Age: 6 || Personality: Shy and withdrawn, mostly due to her background, doesn't talk much to anyone except her brother. Extremely smart despite all of this. Nervous around new people || Hobbies: Drawing/coloring, playing with dolls, playing dress-up || Family: Noah Hale (father, in j@il for @bvsing Lennox and her brother), Maya Hale (mother, d3ad), Liam Hale (brother, 12) || Friends: None, she hasn’t had much time to make friends yet || Likes: Running/playing, dolls, art, stuffed animals || Dislikes: Loud noises, the dark, being alone || Backstory: Lennox’s father was abvsiv3 and became worse after their mother passed away. Eventually, Lennox and her brother Liam were removed from their home by CPS after they showed up to school with visible bruises inflicted by their father. They were taken in by a foster family but Lennox has yet to adjust and doesn’t talk to many people other than Liam. She’s nervous around everyone and is very jumpy and worried about getting back into a bad situation, though it’s hard for her to express this at her young age.

Part Three: For the final part of the first weekly you’ll be writing a 1,000 word story that focuses and features the character roles and types above. (This is a continuation of the story from part one)
Word Count: 1,123

After school, the three girls took a different route to Liberty;s house, where they usually went to do homework. Today however it was unlikely they were going to be doing any homework. On the way they were still discussing everything that they had seen.

“Why didn't you tell Ms. Serafina?” Liberty asked for what felt like the hundredth time since Ariella had told the lie.

“Because I don't know what that guy is capable of figuring out or what he'll do if he realizes that we- the only people who have seen him I assume- told people that he escaped. What if we were the reason he gets caught and he gets out again? We'll be the first ones that he comes after!”
“You seriously think they would give him another shot at escaping if they catch him?” Emersyn laughed slightly “No way. If/when they catch him I guarantee that they're executing him as soon as they possibly can. Bonus points if it's in front of the other males to set an example of what happens when they run away.”

“How do you know that?” Liberty asked, sounding equal parts terrified and impressed, similar to the way Ariella was feeling about Emerysn's deduction

“I don't know. It just seems like the clear thing to do- you know? It seems like what I would do in that situation.”

“I mean… I guess you're right… But who should we tell? I don't even know if telling Ms. Serafina would have done any good.” Ariella stated after a moment “It isn't really like she could do anything”

“What are you talking about?” Emersyn asked “She could have at the very least told the police, and there would be another person on the lookout for that guy.”
“Plus we wouldn't be on our own if he decides he wants to come after us since we've seen his face.” Liberty pointed out

“Oh yeah, then why didn't you guys just tell Ms. Serafina? Huh!?” Ariella yelled, tired of being teamed up on by her two friends. “Whatever guys, I'm going home.” Without another word she turned around and started walking back to her house, which was in the opposite direction or Liberty's.

“Ariella wait!” She heard Emersyn call from behind her but she paid her friend no mind and just kept walking.

Was it dangerous for her to be walking alone, especially after they had seen a random- and likely dangerous- man walking around free? yes, it probably was. Was she going to do it anyways because she was pretty upset with her friends? Also yes.

Bravely- or to be more honest probably stupidly- Ariella decided to take the same route, past the woods, home that she and her friends had encountered George on. Maybe a small part of her was wishing that she would see him again, so she could get some answers and find out how he had even managed to escape. But also so that she could have another chance to say she had seen him and report it. Honestly she didn't know what she was hoping to find there, but she was going to do it anyway.

She walked as slow as she possibly could as she made her way along the pathway, hoping that she would be able to catch a glimpse of George, though she knew the chances were small since he was likely much too far into the woods for Ariella to see without going into the woods herself. And of course she didn't necessarily want to go in the woods on her own- and especially not when she was so defenseless without a weapon or anybody else to back her up if she got into trouble.

‘Don’t do anything stupid Ariella' she thought, trying to convince herself to just keep walking ‘You’ll regret this if you go in there' despite her best efforts to convince herself going into the woods was a bad idea, she still found herself facing the woods and highly considering going inside and looking for George to get some answers.

“Maybe I'll just go in there for a few minutes… Just to have a look around….” She whispered to herself, looking around to make sure that there was nobody else around; and there was not, everyone was likely at work or at home right now. “If I go in there to look around, and I happen to find someone, then it's not like I meant to… But I would still know his location… And I could tell somebody so that they can catch him and he won't do any damage.”

Ariella was also hopeful that if she found the man and turned him into the cops that maybe her friends would not be so mad at her for not immediately turning the man into Ms. Serafina.

After she considered both of her options, Ariella took a deep breath and then started to make her way into the woods, hoping that she hadn't just made a horrible, and possibly fatal, mistake.


Walking through the woods, Ariella was already beginning to regret her decision, she hadn't taken into account that it was going to be getting dark soon and now she was stuck in the woods with a likely dangerous escaped man somewhere in there with her AND it was getting dark.

“Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!” She berated herself for doing something like this even when she knew it was a bad idea. She was trying to find her way back to the path so she could just go home and tell her mother about George, but since it was getting dark she was having a bit of trouble telling which way she was supposed to be going. Just as she was about to call out to see if there was anybody to hear her, she heard somebody come up behind her.

Imagining the worst, Ariella began to run blindly in the direction that she hoped was back towards town. She heard someone coming after her, which just made her panic more.

“You can't run forever!” She heard the person behind her yell- and she recognized the voice as George, just making Ariella run faster.

She noticed a break in the trees coming up and she realized that she had made her way back to the path. Once she made it, she kept running until she made it home, grateful when she realized George must have stopped once she got out into the open.

When she made it home, she pulled out her key and rapidly opened the door, jumping inside before slamming and locking the door behind her. She ran to find her mom to report the man who had likely just tried to kill her.

Piper ➸ She/Her ➸ Avid Reader/Writer ➸ Theatre Kid ➸ Ravenclaw

500+ posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

Jan. 4th Daily: What is a cliche you love? Write 250 words about why you love that cliche and how you could use it in one of your stories. This daily earns 300 points! An extra 100 points if you share your work!
Word Count: 324

Okay, so one of my favorite tropes in novels, fanfiction, etc. is the love triangle. Okay, hear me out. I know that a lot of people don't necessarily like the love triangle trope, but personally I think it can be really interesting. As a reader I like being able to choose someone in the love triangle that I want the main character to end up with and being able to watch as things happen one way or another; for me I think it just helps add another interesting thing for me to pay attention to during the story.
I also really like having fun “arguing” with my friends about which ship is superior when we're all reading the same series (which happens a lot more than you would think considering we're quite similar) For example, we argued on Gale vs. Peeta in Hunger Games and Fitz vs. Keefe in Keeper of the Lost Cities
That leads me into one of my favorite examples of “arguing” over a ship. Back during the first couple of KotLC (Keeper of the Lost Cities) books, my friends were all die hard SoKeefe fans, but I was set on Fitzphie (yes I know what happens, I have since converted to SoKeefe, but this was when I was not xD) and my friends were all constantly trying to convince me why my ship was “inferior” (all of this was obviously in good fun and nobody was mean to anybody else because of this).
As for whether I'll be putting this into my own writing? No. I high doubt that, mostly because while I find it very enjoyable to read, I can never really write it very well when I have tried in the past. Besides, my main character that I write with is already in a very happy relationship, so I don't think that I would want to take that away from her by putting her into a love triangle.

Piper ➸ She/Her ➸ Avid Reader/Writer ➸ Theatre Kid ➸ Ravenclaw

75 posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

✂- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Daily #4 - A Favorite Cliché

Words: 363
Points: 400

✂- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The cliché I’ve chosen to write about is one that most of you have probably heard before, possibly dozens of times; “You can’t judge a book by its cover.”
Let’s be honest, how many times have you judged an actual book by its cover? I certainly have, multiple times! Using this quite literal example of an actual book: In my opinion, I feel like the cover of the book is the author/editor/publisher’s opportunity to draw the reader-to-be into the book, to make them intrigued and excited to start reading. However, not every cover style will appeal to every reader, and what looks fascinating to one person might look boring or cringey to another person. Hence: judgment.

I’ve heard arguments against this particular cliché, such as “But I can judge a book by its cover!!” And my friends, I am here to say: Well, yes, if you’re taking the words quite literally you certainly can “judge a book by its cover.” So why do I like this cliché?
Well, although I have judged plenty of books, amongst other things, in the wise words of a different cliché: sometimes you just need to “read between the lines”. You can judge that cover all you want, but you can never truly make a definitive statement on it until you’ve read the book. You might be “absolutely positive” that you’ll hate eating that food / trying that activity / having a conversation with that person, etc.; but there’s no way to fully know until you try. Initial judgment isn’t your final decision!

I love trying to tie this theme of an unexpected result of a judgment into my writing, and finding it in stories I’ve read; maybe a character thought another character was annoying and completely useless (and maybe you as the reader thought the same about this character), but then they ended up being the key to the whole resolution of the plot!

Who knows… maybe you’ll have an amazing experience with that thing you’re “certain” you won’t like, and maybe that book that “looks like it’s going to be awful,” will end up being your favorite book!

(But maybe still not your favorite cover art.)

Last edited by gamerny (Jan. 6, 2023 02:33:58)

she/her • cat lover • music lover • theatre kid • artist of sorts • crocheter
✎…✌ ♥
500+ posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

Word War with @miraqles-
430 Words

I walked into my room and looked around since I was completely bored out of my mind. There was nothing for me to do. All of my fredinds were off on vacation for winter break and my mom and dad were working so there was nobody left for me to hang out with. I had scrolled through Tiktok for like the entirety of the pasty three to four hours and I knew I needed to stop that cause I was going to kill my eyes if I kept doing that. So I went to my bed and laid down trying desperately to think of something that I could do. but no. Nothing came to mind. Why was it so hard for me to think of something to do. Really it should not be this hard I mean there's always something that you can do. I looked around my room in hopes that I would see something that I could use to entertain myself but alas I saw nothing. Honestly this was getting ridiculous how there was nothing in my room that I could do. Well I guess I could read but I've already read all of the books that I could see on my bookshelf, and I couldn't drive myself yet so there was on getting to the library to get a new one- since I couldn't drive and there was nobody there to drive me either. I sighed and laid back down, resigning myself to likely just sit here and be bored until the end of the day. There had to be something that I could do and I was determined to find it so that I wouldn't just be sitting here wasting the rest of my day. I thought for a moment and then decided that the perfect thing to do would be going on a walk around my neighborhood. It was free and it would also get me some fresh air which was always nice. So I put on my tennis shoes and walked downstairs, grabbing my phone and my house keys. I went outside and locked the door behind me starting to walk around the block. I waved to some of my neighbors who were out in their garages but other than that it was actually really peaceful. Being out in nature was exactly what I needed especially after spending all of that time on titkok. This was also really good just in general for my health and wellbeing so taking a walk was obviously what I was going to do whenever I got bored now.

Last edited by Piper_Camps (Jan. 4, 2023 22:15:47)

Piper ➸ She/Her ➸ Avid Reader/Writer ➸ Theatre Kid ➸ Ravenclaw

100+ posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

January 4th

One of my all time favorite cliches is don’t judge a book by its cover. Ironic, I know, given I absolutely job Ironic, I know, given I absolutely judge Books by their covers. I love this statement because of how open ended it is. Don’t judge a book by its cover isn’t just referring to a book and its cover. Many people think the cliché refers to people as the book And their appearances as the cover, which can be true. Say the girl who looks like she’s never showered is the book cover, but inside the book she is funny, smart and kind. I think don’t judge a book by its cover can really refer to anything. Take that itchy looking pair of socks your grandma needed for you last Christmas, that’s the book cover. But when you put them on, they are soft and remind you of warming your toes by the fire, that’s what is inside the book, with in the pages. But sometimes it’s nice to just be able to look at the cliché as it is. What if don’t judge a book by its cover just refers to a book and its cover? A question I have about this cliché is how it started. I’d like to imagine it was a port author with no art skills but a knack for writing, trying to sell a book with an ugly cover but a beautiful inside. I’d like to think people thought the book and spread the word about not judging a book by its cover.

More active here, find me at Ava Winchect
500+ posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

you people already have SWC, why do you need to make more scratch camps?

Moved to MultigenderMess-_ and MulitigenderMess-, I sometimes use this account though


Alt: @_lcicle-Cube_ (_Lcicle-Cube_)
+ + more
I have other alts, but if you see someone pretending to be me or my main, let me know on my profile :)

control sift down to funny
shey/they/it/ice/fae or anything that isn't he/him or related to he/him (h*/h*m is my only exception to this rule.)
she/her are my auxiliary pronouns
If I don't understand you are joking/being sarcastic. Do not act like I should always understand that. Not everyone can detect tone in text like you can
I also have a collection of pride flags on my pc
100+ posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

I had so little time to complete this, and although it doesnt count, I chose a random one: “Damsel in distress” (i was so close to completing this, noo!)

299 words

ugh, just now realizing you dont incorporate it in a story, aaaa.

I wake up, but the sky still looks dark. Perfect. I put my long, dark hair in a ponytail and change out of my corset and poofy dress. Thank god I can finally be comfortable. I leap out the window and fall into someone's arms. “Lucas, I can do this myself!” I exclaim. “Just wanted to make sure you're safe” He says with a tone of concern. I blow my bangs in frustration. Why didn't anyone understand? Whatever. I get out of his arms quickly, and speed-walk. “Hey, wait up. I was thinking of stopping by at the cafe?” Lucas says. “No, Lucas, we can't! I'm not in disguise.” I whisper-shout, mad at the situation that happened a few moments ago. “Hey, calm down princess. Lighten up!” he says, clearly not devoted in this mission like I am. “Listen, Lucas, if you're not interested in this, then leave!” I shout, louder than before. “Okay, okay, I promise not to, Mom.” Lucas jokes. I stay quiet. This “mission” i'm talking about is finding my biological parents. They left me at the castle's doorstep and the queen had no choice but to take me in. “Lucas, we need to hurry!” I say worriedly. “Okay, jeez” he says, annoyed this time. We both run into the moonlight, and I'm hopeful I'll find my parents this time. But I always say this, so maybe not. We arrive at the market, and I hear someone calling my name. “Lucas, stop goofing off!” I say, smiling. “It's not Lucas, dear.” a voice says. Wait, what? “Mom!” I yell. “Yes honey, it's me.” I hug her tight as Lucas watches, smiling a bit, but still mad at me rushing. Then I shout, “Listen Lucas, let me handle things on my own.” He nods, and I smile.

Last edited by aIoe-there (Jan. 18, 2023 02:43:14)

-ˋˏ aloe there ˎˊ-

azlin ~ she/her ~ wip

1000+ posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

January 5
414/400 words

Write a full (first and last) name in the comments. Any random name, or one you like! Someone else will take that name and make a character solely based on the name! Now, you will pick a name from someone else and write an outline of your character. 400 words for 500 points! An extra 100 points if you share your work!


By @CookieRun_Kat: Akira Hills

Akira Hills


October 22



Akira has brown skin that looks like milk chocolate. She has vitiligo, meaning patches of her skin don't have as much pigment as others, so they're lighter. She stands at a rather short height of 5' 2". Her eyes are a piercing sky blue with specks of green and her hair is black and curly. Very curly, might I add. If it was at it's full length, it'd be around 2'! But with all of the curliness it has, it's more about 9". She has a white dot tattoo on her forehead, along with some white rings on her arms (will be explained in her backstory ;D). Her day to day outfit is usually a black tank top and jean shorts, sunglasses, a blue headband, and brown strappy heels, along with gold bangles (one on each wrist), a small, gold, chain necklace, a bangle-anklet around her left ankle, and gold hoop earrings. Each piece of her jewelry has a sapphire embedded in it.

(+): optimistic
(+): extroverted
(+): hard-working
(+): wise
(: neat
(: organized
(: calm
(-): forgetful
(-): absent-minded
(-): aggressive
(-): obnoxious

Akira grew up on a faraway island, in a colony that has water powers. Akira's parents were the rulers of this island, but when Akira was only 10, her mother and father passed away, due to their house catching on fire, and on the day of Akira's birthday, as well. It was up to Akira, at age 10, to run the colony. And so she did. She was an amazing leader, but got sick of the island eventually. She wanted to explore somewhere that wasn't the island. She had heard so many stories about the mainland, and, so at age 16, she decided she wanted to go there. Leaving her best friend Sasha in charge, she did. There, on the mainland, she met the love of her life, Ryan Rey. They dated and travelled back to the island on a cruise ship a year later, since that was Ryan's home. But when they got to the island, they discovered that Sasha was a power abuser and was not all as good as Akira thought. The island sank, due to things Sasha did, but people were able to evacuate in time and get on the ship. Sasha did not make it. The island was everyone's source of power, so when it sank, their powers disappeared. And now, they live on that ship to this day.

1000+ posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

incomplete, deleted post </3

Last edited by Eeveedonut (Jan. 16, 2023 03:25:55)

500+ posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

Daily 1/4
“Write a full (first and last) name in the comments. Any random name, or one you like! Someone else will take that name and make a character solely based on the name! Now, you will pick a name from someone else and write an outline of your character. 400 words for 500 points! An extra 100 points if you share your work!”

Name shared: Ausha Grace

Name stolen: Azalea Loucks (from @aloe-there)
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Sexuality: Straight
Looks: She has long black hair (typically tied in a tight braid and then wound into a bun), light-caramel colored skin, and dark eyes. Her features are fairly angular, with a set jaw, sharp eyes, and a lean frame. She’s tall, slightly over the average height for a 16 year old, but very skinny. Her left arm is mechanical elbow-down, so she often wears long sleeves and fingerless gloves to hide it. Her typical outfit is traditional in her colony: a black form fitting tee under an olive green jacket, black pants with lots of pockets, brown leather combat boots, and a tan shoulder bag. She wears two small gold hoop earrings and a worn braided bracelet made by her father.
Personality: Azalea’s fairly quiet and restrained, though she has a quick temper if people mess with her family or friends. She doesn’t trust too easily, and is very skeptical of most people. She’s not negative per say, but is sarcastic and doesn’t like being optimistic. Azalea lives by the “assume the worst of people so then you’re never disappointed” motto, particularly because of her background.
Hobbies: She can frequently be found dagger and sword fighting in the woods against Rhea, and enjoys running through the forest. Other hobbies include learning to use a bow-and-arrow, climbing trees, and listening to the latest gossip.
Family: Azalea’s father, Magnus, died when she was young (45 at death). Her mother, Odella (48 currently, 39 at Magnus’s death). She has three sisters- Christine (13), Roselle (14), and Venus (17)- and a twin brother, Avi (16). Her grandmother, Amaria (87), also is still alive, as well as an assortment of aunts and uncles (Aunt Jena/Uncle Khol on her father’s side, Aunt Karida/Uncle Tomas and Uncle Lian/Aunt Ester on her mother’s side) and cousins (Pipet (male, 3), Yuna (female, 10), Crystal (female, 14), Opal (female, 18), and Markus (male, 15)).
Friends: Her closest friend is Rhea Le’Brien (female, very creative and a bit reckless, 16). She also often can be found with Morah Quense (female, bold and talks a lot, 15- and a half) and Doran Flighter (male, quiet and down-to-earth, 16).
Likes: Dagger and sword fighting, the forest, Venus’s homemade desserts, watching her siblings bicker (it amuses her), gossip, squirrels and foxes, rain
Dislikes: Anything romantic or relating to love, dresses, the color white, snow, carrots, family gatherings, large crowds, being around her mother
Backstory: Azalea lives in a colony in the forest, where the village is suspended in the treetops, a network of bridges, main buildings, and treehouse-homes. She was born without a left arm from the elbow-down, leaving her susceptible to bullying from other kids and feeling outkast in her own home. At the time, the forest became her escape, so she spent most of her time on the forest floor with the trees. Her father, Magnus, was one of the only people she felt comfortable confiding in, as he understood her more than anyone else. He first taught her to defend herself, and she began learning dagger and sword fighting. When he died from a fatal fall from the trees, she took it harder than anyone else, locking herself away for days at a time. Rhea, who she’d met in the woods, was one of the only people that could get to her, as well as her siblings. Azalea grew to resent her mother both for the way she was treated, and how her siblings were treated. This eventually led her to move out at the age of 15, into Venus’s small treehouse. Around this time, she met Doran and Morah, who also became her good friends. With the money she earned from gathering plants and food from the woods, she bought herself a mechanical arm, allowing her to do much more. With the distance between her and her mother growing, the teasing subsiding, and the connections developing between her and her friends, and her siblings, Azalea finally began to heal, though she remained weary of people and skeptical of everyone she met, as she was used to ulterior motives.

Last edited by TheBibliophile7 (Jan. 5, 2023 03:14:49)

reese (she/her) <3
reader | writer | swiftie
❝ who could ever leave me darling, but who could stay ❞
1000+ posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

Word War w/@Pinkmouse773
214 words
5 minutes
continuing from here

Iris started to cry and squirm even more. Dawn, rolling her eyes, slapped the bag holding Iris with her hand.

“Shhhut up, you little idiot!” Dawn hissed at Iris. But Iris did not shut up. No, she cried and squirmed even more and wouldn't stop. Eventually, after what seemed like- and probably was- hours, they came to a stop. The ground felt different… more smooth. Iris' face was wet with tears, for she had been crying the whole time. But she had eventually drifted off to the realm of sleep. Although the bag got snagged on a rock, and at that point, Iris woke up.

The rock had torn a small hole in the bag, although Iris couldn't see it, she just felt a breeze coming through the bag and flowing up her back. She turned her head, trying to see out of the bag, but couldn't. Squirming, she some how made the hole bigger, though Dawn had no idea about this hole.

“We're here. Are you ready, Irisss? Ha! * if you are,” Dawn smirked. Dawn opened the bag and dumped Iris out of it, onto the cold, hard floor. She dragged Iris over to some chains and bound her feet and hands to a wall, her body being spread out in an

100+ posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

Word War #1
competitor: Eeveedonut
won / lost
word count: 255

In the kingdom of Kaia both animals and humans lived together. Animals and humans are able to communicate with each other. This was a skill that everyone was born with, but sometimes there is an exception, like Charles Jenkins. Charles was born quite normal, he had sandy blond hair, green eyes flecked with gold, and pale skin. His parents were one of the most famed zoologists, they were able to communicate with all types of animals. You see here, even though everyone can communicate with animals, they can only communicate with a specific species. Only a few selected humans, like Charles’s parents, could communicate with unique animals of all types. Charles grew up as an outsider. He never felt like he could fit in. When other kids would visit the zoos on the weekends together to practice their animal communication skills Charles would head to the park alone. He would sit by the big water fountain fuming. When he saw that no one was around he would secretly approach an animal, like squirrels or fish in the pond. He attempted to talk to them. Emptying his mind and attempting to try to project all his big thoughts into their minds. It never worked. The animals would all dash off as soon as Charles approached them. Charles grew frustrated over time. Eventually when he became of age, 15, he left home in search of a remedy for his condition. He walked and walked, having not found anyone yet he sat down for a drink of water.

✧ s.her ⨾ teen ⨾ books ⨾ istj-t ✧
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100+ posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

Daily #5 1/4/23
word count: 1000
points: 600

Name: Ausha Grace
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Occupation: Assistant in family bakery

Ausha Grace’s normal appearance is of wavy strawberry blond hair which is often braided down her back. Pale complexion, and hazel eyes flecked with gold. She dressed quite plainly in dresses that are neutral colors, such as colors ranging from white, beige, brown, tan, black, etc., and she tops it off with one of her many, also neutral colored capelets. She is around 5’5, considered skinny as she never had enough to eat because of a lack of government support for her village, from the Royal Family. She also wears a small golden locket around her neck with an image of her family inside, this helps her release her worries, being reminded of her family.

Personality: Ausha is a quite yet determined girl. She will not back down from any challenge which also makes her a bit stubborn at times. Most of the time when she’s quiet, she’s definitely thinking of something. She’s a big worrier, worries about her family very often. She tries her best to hide her feelings from others as she doesn’t want to be looked at as weak. She gets jealous easily, this is because of always having to grow up in her siblings’ shadows, she never felt like anyone payed attention to her and all her life she was constantly compared to the six of them.

In the village that Ausha lives, The Land of Kaia, magic is strictly forbidden. Magic has been forbidden for decades since the Great Uprising of Magical Beings. All magical beings with powers were banish from the Land of Kaia and those who remained, who had magic in their blood, were forced to go into hiding. Those who were caught using or demonstrating magic On the Ausha’s thirteenth birthday the magic in her blood is revealed at the exact hour she was born fifteen years ago. Ausha has the magic of being able to conjure illusions, therefore she’s also known as a Illusionist. Illusionists are severely banned as they caused the lack of descendants for the Royal Family. Their illusions were so powerful that they could cause someone to cause harm or become severely confused. The best illusionists could keep an illusion intact for several years, driving one, who was stuck in the illusion, mad. An illusion can only be lifted with a single ‘magic’ word that the Illusionist established when they first created the illusion. This led to chaos during the Great Uprising, the only way they were able to defeat the Illusionists were sneaking up on them and making them lose control over their illusions for a brief period of time, just enough time to rescue the victims of the illusionists. Since her thirteenth birthday, in her free time, Ausha practices her magic secretly in the cellar of her home. She was able to find a book that teaches Illusionists the basics of establishing illusions in the very back of the Grand Library, which is situated in the town square, in the very back of the bookshelf of the old history section of books. No one to her knowledge knows of this secret of hers

Ausha grew up in a family of seven. All her siblings are older than her:
Brother: Adelard Grace (28), tall, lean, works as a blacksmith’s apprentice, tanned skin
Sister: Akki Grace (20), average height, skinny, pale skin, freckles, golden eyes, a twin, seamstress
Sister: Illyra Grace (20), slightly shorter than her twin Akki, freckles, golden eyes, pale skin, beauty mark near right corner of mouth, seamstress as well
Brother: Osric Grace (18), apprentice at a bakery, lean, round face, hazel eyes
Brother: Sorren Grace(16), works in the small bakery that their family owns
Mother: Amaarah Brewer (55), owns bakery with husband, attends to the customers, wispy brown hair with honey nut highlights, embroiders in free time, hazel eyes with gold flecks, short, strict, outspoken
Father: Thale Grace (60), short, wide, baker and owner of Grace’s Sweets, grey hair (used to be a bright red shade), thoughtful, hardworking

Backstory (you need to know her secret first):
One day while practicing Illusionist magic in her cellar, Ausha's oldest brother, Adelard barges in unexpectedly, leaving both Ausha and Adelard stunned. Adelard being the oldest and wisest brother, instructs Ausha to leave home. He mentions how an old town woman, who was a frequent customer at the blacksmith shop, had been caught doing forbidden magic. The Royal Guard had arrested her and thrown her into the dungeons; she was most likely deceased by now. He instructs Ausha to follow the Whispering River upstream till she sees five hills. Walk towards the hill in the middle and say the phrase, ‘aperta’, an opening will open in the cave, follow the path that it leads to an old Illusionist named Lady Vide, she will instruct you on how to control your magic. He tells Ausha that he will tell the rest of the family that Ausha ran off in search of a suitor as she was tired of always being in her sisters’ shadows. Ausha resignedly agrees to the plan, following her brother’s instructions to follow the Whispering river, but along the way something goes wrong. Ausha goes missing. Her family doesn’t know only Adelard knows, Adelard will spend the rest years searching for his lost sister who never made it to Lady Vide, before giving up hope. How did he know Lady Vide you may ask? Well here’s the secret, Adelard was also an Illusionist, his magic was revealed when he became of age. He met Lady Vide when she came into the blacksmith shop requesting a key, she told Adelard that she smelled ‘the magic of illusion’ within him and offered to guide him, he accepted. As for Ausha, it is not know what happened to her, Adelard will continue searching, perhaps he will find a small trace of Ausha along the the same path that she once took.

thanks to TheBibliophile7 for the name!

Last edited by Pinkmouse773 (Jan. 5, 2023 15:55:49)

✧ s.her ⨾ teen ⨾ books ⨾ istj-t ✧
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81 posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

Word with @AbbieB1266

3 mins.

80 words

“So you’re saying there was a monkey in the classroom?” Miss Phelps asked in disbelief.
Camilla was jumping around and claiming that a monkey had entered and left just before Mis Phelps returned. “Miss Phelps you have to believe me.” Said Camilla in dismay. The class giggled at the scene. Poor Camilla , She got fooled by Arnold’s robot monkey. “Camilla , if you saw it , then where’s the evidence?” Asked George innocently. “Here are some nuts on the floor.” She pointed
81 posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023


418 words
Name: Inara Rensi
Name retrieved from : @essayist

“Inara Rensi, I thought I told you not to sneak out of camp.” Said the army commander. Inara looked at the Commander , her smooth black hair tied into a braid which fell on her khaki covered shoulder . “Well Commander , I just went out for a stroll in the woods you know. Nothing dangerous.” She answered casually. Inara was a risk taker. She wouldn't mind breaking a rule or two. Even when she was just a child , she’d still manage to break a piece of something very expensive or very old. Mr and Mrs Rensi would scold her , but she didn’t mind . Once in a while , you’ve got to break a rule or two.

The commander looked at her in disbelief. “Inara you know better that you aren’t allowed to go outside camp once curfew has started. I’ve known you for 2 years and I thought you’d change your attitude towards the rules. Looks like you still haven’t.” The commander said with growing exasperation. Inara got up , her braid falling to one side. As Inara adjusted her cover (army cap) she said with a smile of mischievousness , “Commander , once in a while you’ve got to break a rule or two. Didn't you put graffiti on the walls of the subway when you were 14 and lie to your mother that you had lost your school ID Card though you actually threw it away?” The Commander grew tomato red. “110 push ups for you RENSI! You won’t get away with this!!” He yelled.

Inara got back into her tent. She sat on her simple bed , clutching a photo of herself along with Mr and Mrs Rensi . It had been 6 months since she last saw her mum and dad. She’d remember what Mr Rensi used to say every time she broke something : “It’s nice to break a thing or two once in a while. It does satisfy you. But these things are meant to be there and last for some years till they are worn out.” The memories of Inara helping Mrs Rensi bake a crumble or tarte tatin would pop up.

“Mum , Dad , I hope you’ve been keeping yourself busy . I wish you were here though you aren’t. I always think of you both wherever I go. I hope to bring you some souvenirs once I get back home after another 3 months of camp.” Inara kissed the photo and placed it back on the table. One day , she’d see her parents again, once the gruelling camp was done.

100+ posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

Word War #2
competitor: Scrollreader023
won / lost
word count: 242

Sweep, sweep, sweep. This was the life of Emery Green every day. Ever since her parents had left on a quest for the Royal Family, Emery had gone to live with her aunt’s family. Her aunt had immediately shown her true colors as a cruel and vile person. Emery couldn’t stand her. Her aunt, Sally Green was a famed bakery owner in the town of Salia. She was nice to her customers but not to her family? Emery was tired of always being told what to do by her aunt.
“Emery get down here! Clean the dishes,’ screeched her aunt from the bakery downstairs.
Emery sighed, “Yes, aunt Sally.” She gathered the things and quickly dashed downstairs before her aunt lost her very little patience. At the sink she noticed mountainfuls of platters, pots, and used plates all from the customers at the bakery. Immediately she got to work wetting all the dishes and spattering bubbles all over them. She knew this was probably going to take her a hefty hour or two. By the time she would be done, her aunt would yet assign her another task to do. Just an endless cycle of cleaning. The only time she got to rest was after dinner when her aunt would go out and hang out with her friends. That night Emery laid on bed staring at the cobwebbed ceiling of the attic and clutching her threadbear blanket. Winter night’s are chilling here.

✧ s.her ⨾ teen ⨾ books ⨾ istj-t ✧
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75 posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

✂- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Daily #5 - Dellarie Dobble

Words: 631
Points: 600

✂- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Thanks to @Froggola for the amazing name!

Name: Dellarie Dobble

Age: Thirteen

Pronouns: She/her

Personality: Outgoing, determined, sensitive, excitable, caring.

Appearance: Average height, somewhat slender, pale skin, rosy cheeks, curly silvery-white hair, one blue eye and one green. Her left leg is slightly shorter than the other, and she walks with a limp and uses a cane.

Family: Ten siblings: six younger and four older, as well as two parents and three cats

The Dobble family’s topsy-turvy house was a bit small for having sixteen living beings in it. It was always a cozy yet chaotic place: the shouting of small children, the smell of delicious food cooking (especially bread, as Father Dobble had been working at a bakery since he was a child), the sounds of various instruments being practiced, and the seemingly never-ending warbles of Dixen, the second-oldest, constantly practicing her operatic singing. All of the Dobble siblings got along very well, considering that there were eleven of them. All eleven of them, all the way from nineteen-year-old Dana to baby Dazie, had the same large, brown eyes, and the same straight, shimmery blonde hair. All except Dellarie that is; no matter how many times she soaked her hair in chamomile tea, it always remained the same silvery-white color. No matter how many times she combed it, stroking it over and over and over, it was never straight and shimmery like the rest of her siblings; it always remained in the same tight curls. And no matter how many times she looked in the mirror, her eyes always remained the same: one green and one blue, and both small and squinting, and very unlike the large brown eyes of her family.
Since the first time Dellarie had noticed the difference in her physical features at five years old, she constantly questioned her parents. They insisted that she was not adopted - both of her parents and a few of her older siblings could recall her birth perfectly, and often described it to her. And even Dellarie herself had to admit that in some ways she did look a lot like her family, like her small, pointed nose and her rosy red lips, which perfectly matched the rest of her siblings. She would not have minded in the slightest if she had been adopted; in fact, she’d always been wishing that her parents would one day admit to her that they’d been lying, so she would have some sort of an explanation of why she was different. But it was clear to see that she was indeed the biological daughter of her parents, and the biological sister of her siblings.
“You’re just like your siblings, darling, I promise.”

Although she was somewhat bothered by this lack of explanation about her appearance, that wasn’t what bothered Dellarie most. What stood out the most to her was that her family never noticed the things she noticed.
“Mama, there’s a mushroom dancing outside! Look!”
“A mushroom, dancing? You sure do have an imagination, my dear.”
“Davey, don’t you hear that snoring coming from the silverware drawer?”
“Snoring? What are you gabbing on about?”
Even her favorite sibling, her constant companion and her eleven-year-old roommate, Daisy, couldn’t understand her:
“But Dellie, I really don’t believe there’s a fairy in the walls. Are you quite sure you saw one?”

One day, Dellarie decided she’d had enough. She loved her family, and they loved her, but she couldn’t help but feel that everyone was hiding something from her. So one night, after she was sure her family was asleep, she opened her bedroom window and crept down the large oak tree leaning against the house. She wasn't “escaping,” she told herself, she was merely exploring.

Dellarie was different, no matter what everyone else said.
And she was going to find out why.

Last edited by gamerny (Jan. 6, 2023 02:34:25)

she/her • cat lover • music lover • theatre kid • artist of sorts • crocheter
✎…✌ ♥
100+ posts

JWC Mega-Thread 2023

Daily #5
Name stolen: Quinn Andra (@Sophie-Foster-Fan)
Name given: Azalea Loucks

Word Count: 421 (would've wrote more, didn't have time)

TW: k!lling

Name: Quinn Andra
Age: 16
Gender: Female
DOB: 11/6/07

: Super curly dark-brown hair that goes up to shoulder length, hazel eyes that gleam in the sunlight, a little tall for her age, needs glasses but just wears contacts; says they are too geeky. She's a bit oversized, and has almond-toned skin. Although she doesn't like jewelry, she wears the locket her mother gave her before she died. Has chubby cheeks, a cold stare, and dimples. Her daily outfit would be any graphic tee, a monotone-colored hoodie, fila shoes or any comfortable shoes and ripped jeans.
Personality: Extremely persistent - when she's made up her mind, you can't change it by any means, very stubborn, lives by the quote of “never give up”. Very confident, and being the youngest, she's a bit more laid-back, although very mysterious and never reveals her identity right away. She's definitely leaning on the introvert side, Semi-negative, tries not to get too negative though as it might “get in the way of her plans”. Always in a rush and overthinks things sometimes.
Father: Tyler Andra: almond skin, chestnut eyes, is now spending his 10 years in prison
Mother: Jillian Brooks: tanned skin, blue eyes, died from a ruthless young man, was a knitter at heart.
Brother: Camryn Andra: dark-almond skin, blue eyes, spy, never, ever gives up on finding his mom's k!ller; taught Quinn how to be a spy
Brother: Oliver (“Ollie”) Andra: tanned skin, hazel eyes, soft smile, works as a cobbler, innocent.
Grandmother: Claudia Gale: light, fair skin, dark, piercing eyes, fashionista
Likes: Books, specifically mystery and dystopian, her fencing classes, and her friend, the Princess herself, Princess Mya.
Dislikes: Stupidity, bragging, and her very own father.
Backstory: Her very own father tried to kill her one night, while her grandmother was away. Camryn and Ollie were not present in the house either. During dinnertime, Tyler poisoned her water, and she watched him, with each single drop, which made her shiver. She ran out of the house, but her father noticed. She called 911, but suddenly her father was slowly catching up to her, when she heard sirens. When the police came, Tyler Andra was immediately arrested on the spot, to Quinn's relief. Her grandmother was furious, and flew back to their hometown in Maine straight away, but was definitely glad Tyler was gone. Claudia knew he was a mentally sick man, and thoroughly deserved every moment in prison.

Last edited by aIoe-there (Jan. 5, 2023 22:17:48)

-ˋˏ aloe there ˎˊ-

azlin ~ she/her ~ wip

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