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[READ FULLY BEFORE REPLYING] A solution to username changes

Username changing is a popular suggestion amongst the forums, but it is rejected:

TOLORS wrote:

8.1 Changing usernames or changing display names
If a user could change their username, this could be very confusing for the Scratch community, especially for those following that user. In addition, this would make moderation of the website more difficult because it would be harder for the Scratch Team to keep an eye on what a user may be doing.
But it should NOT be, due to these arguments:

1.1. “If a user could change their username, this could be very confusing for the Scratch community, especially for those following that user”
Profiles of users that changed their usernames will have a list of former usernames:

When a user you follow changes their username, it will show on the “What's Happening?” tab in the homepage, like this:

1.2. But then a user can just spam username changes to fill the “What's Happening?” tab!
You can only change your username once every month. If somehow a user you follow manages to spam username changes, you can simply unfollow and report them.

1.3. But storing former usernames would consume way too many resources!
Obviously they would, but it wouldn't consume too many. If you were to store your Scratch username in a plaintext .TXT file, you'd notice that it would weigh only a few bytes. If a user were to change their username, say, 3 times, then the database for their former usernames would still only weigh a few bytes.

2.1. “This would make moderation of the website more difficult because it would be harder for the Scratch Team to keep an eye on what a user may be doing.”
See 1.1. The former usernames list solves this issue.

3.1. Then we'd have to change the username database to support username changes, and that would take time and resources!
That doesn't matter, because developing a website always takes time, and the Scratch Team was able to move, according to statistics, 705.868.169 comments to a new database back in August of last year. There are only 98.468.202 users registered as of now, so transferring usernames to a new database capable of changing usernames is a task that would take less time and resources.

Last edited by Vetzlan (Nov. 4, 2022 19:20:13)

If you cut the wings off a fly, would it be a walk?
1000+ posts

[READ FULLY BEFORE REPLYING] A solution to username changes

support, could be useful if you had your real name or something, cringy.

Generation 4: the first time you see this copy and paste it on top of your sig in the scratch forums and increase generation by 1. Social experiment.
1000+ posts

[READ FULLY BEFORE REPLYING] A solution to username changes

Sorry, but this goes against the list of rejected suggestions,

8.1 Changing usernames or changing display names
If a user could change their username, this could be very confusing for the Scratch community, especially for those following that user. In addition, this would make moderation of the website more difficult because it would be harder for the Scratch Team to keep an eye on what a user may be doing.

/j i support

Generation 4: the first time you see this copy and paste it on top of your sig in the scratch forums and increase generation by 1. Social experiment.
1000+ posts

[READ FULLY BEFORE REPLYING] A solution to username changes

Wasn't this solution suggested before and it was still rejected?

1000+ posts

[READ FULLY BEFORE REPLYING] A solution to username changes

bloctans_4 wrote:

Sorry, but this goes against the list of rejected suggestions,

8.1 Changing usernames or changing display names
If a user could change their username, this could be very confusing for the Scratch community, especially for those following that user. In addition, this would make moderation of the website more difficult because it would be harder for the Scratch Team to keep an eye on what a user may be doing.

/j i support
They did mention that at the start.
Edit: Also, can you close tags?

eikh2 wrote:

Wasn't this solution suggested before and it was still rejected?

Last edited by medians (Nov. 4, 2022 19:12:05)

Medians bamboozled by 3.0 (version 3.0): https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/979822351/
hi875230163394: You're similar to valve in that you both hate a certain number…
Scratch 0.x, 1.x, 2.x, 3.x and LogoBlocks Archives
Bamboozlement: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/33739789
Years on internet: 15 (soon 16)
medians: Oh god not this utc - 12 thing again..
Fun_Cupcake_i81: What, were you expecting not to see the utc - 12 thing again? THE UTC - 12 THIGN ALWAYS RETURNS. ALWAYS.
medians: I knew it would happen. I was the one who started it last year.
Fun_Cupcake_i81: Well then if you didn't want it back maybe you need to time travel to last year and fix that

Oh wait if you could time travel I think we all know exactly when you would go-
user1: That picture is from 2.0. Now he’s at my house and is my pet.
user2: But this is medians we're talking about, so “from 2.0” can mean the same thing as “from five seconds ago”.

Detect Scratch version here
My other accounts: @selfexplanatory @modesties @chaircard @fireflyhero @dividendyield @colloids @radians @skeuamorphism @dihectogon @anglebisector @aau- @EditBlockColors @AdamantOrb @MoongeistBeam @festively @Ampharos_ @straightforwardness @interchangeably
i trolled redcat LOL

if you see this
{what method did you use::control hat
answer on profile ::motion
} ::operators

100+ posts

[READ FULLY BEFORE REPLYING] A solution to username changes

eikh2 wrote:

Wasn't this solution suggested before and it was still rejected?
Yes, but this is a solution to it

Last edited by Vetzlan (Nov. 4, 2022 19:12:30)

If you cut the wings off a fly, would it be a walk?
1000+ posts

[READ FULLY BEFORE REPLYING] A solution to username changes

medians wrote:

bloctans_4 wrote:

Sorry, but this goes against the list of rejected suggestions,

8.1 Changing usernames or changing display names
If a user could change their username, this could be very confusing for the Scratch community, especially for those following that user. In addition, this would make moderation of the website more difficult because it would be harder for the Scratch Team to keep an eye on what a user may be doing.

/j i support
They did mention that at the start.

eikh2 wrote:

Wasn't this solution suggested before and it was still rejected?
if you looked you would see i was just joking lol.

Generation 4: the first time you see this copy and paste it on top of your sig in the scratch forums and increase generation by 1. Social experiment.
1000+ posts

[READ FULLY BEFORE REPLYING] A solution to username changes

Vetzlan wrote:

eikh2 wrote:

Wasn't this solution suggested before and it was still rejected?
Yes, but this is a solution to it.

medians wrote:

Also, were the funny and kinda have to take it seriously especially when april fools aint going

Last edited by medians (Nov. 4, 2022 19:13:24)

Medians bamboozled by 3.0 (version 3.0): https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/979822351/
hi875230163394: You're similar to valve in that you both hate a certain number…
Scratch 0.x, 1.x, 2.x, 3.x and LogoBlocks Archives
Bamboozlement: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/33739789
Years on internet: 15 (soon 16)
medians: Oh god not this utc - 12 thing again..
Fun_Cupcake_i81: What, were you expecting not to see the utc - 12 thing again? THE UTC - 12 THIGN ALWAYS RETURNS. ALWAYS.
medians: I knew it would happen. I was the one who started it last year.
Fun_Cupcake_i81: Well then if you didn't want it back maybe you need to time travel to last year and fix that

Oh wait if you could time travel I think we all know exactly when you would go-
user1: That picture is from 2.0. Now he’s at my house and is my pet.
user2: But this is medians we're talking about, so “from 2.0” can mean the same thing as “from five seconds ago”.

Detect Scratch version here
My other accounts: @selfexplanatory @modesties @chaircard @fireflyhero @dividendyield @colloids @radians @skeuamorphism @dihectogon @anglebisector @aau- @EditBlockColors @AdamantOrb @MoongeistBeam @festively @Ampharos_ @straightforwardness @interchangeably
i trolled redcat LOL

if you see this
{what method did you use::control hat
answer on profile ::motion
} ::operators

1000+ posts

[READ FULLY BEFORE REPLYING] A solution to username changes

Vetzlan wrote:

eikh2 wrote:

Wasn't this solution suggested before and it was still rejected?
Yes, but this is a solution to it
also maybe a profile setting to enable or disable if the changed name of someone should be shown

Generation 4: the first time you see this copy and paste it on top of your sig in the scratch forums and increase generation by 1. Social experiment.
1000+ posts

[READ FULLY BEFORE REPLYING] A solution to username changes

bloctans_4 wrote:

Vetzlan wrote:

eikh2 wrote:

Wasn't this solution suggested before and it was still rejected?
Yes, but this is a solution to it
also maybe a profile setting to enable or disable if the changed name of someone should be shown
Still rejected I believe, and would kinda ruin the point of changing it. Also basically nicknames in a way.

Medians bamboozled by 3.0 (version 3.0): https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/979822351/
hi875230163394: You're similar to valve in that you both hate a certain number…
Scratch 0.x, 1.x, 2.x, 3.x and LogoBlocks Archives
Bamboozlement: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/33739789
Years on internet: 15 (soon 16)
medians: Oh god not this utc - 12 thing again..
Fun_Cupcake_i81: What, were you expecting not to see the utc - 12 thing again? THE UTC - 12 THIGN ALWAYS RETURNS. ALWAYS.
medians: I knew it would happen. I was the one who started it last year.
Fun_Cupcake_i81: Well then if you didn't want it back maybe you need to time travel to last year and fix that

Oh wait if you could time travel I think we all know exactly when you would go-
user1: That picture is from 2.0. Now he’s at my house and is my pet.
user2: But this is medians we're talking about, so “from 2.0” can mean the same thing as “from five seconds ago”.

Detect Scratch version here
My other accounts: @selfexplanatory @modesties @chaircard @fireflyhero @dividendyield @colloids @radians @skeuamorphism @dihectogon @anglebisector @aau- @EditBlockColors @AdamantOrb @MoongeistBeam @festively @Ampharos_ @straightforwardness @interchangeably
i trolled redcat LOL

if you see this
{what method did you use::control hat
answer on profile ::motion
} ::operators

1000+ posts

[READ FULLY BEFORE REPLYING] A solution to username changes

medians wrote:

bloctans_4 wrote:

Vetzlan wrote:

eikh2 wrote:

Wasn't this solution suggested before and it was still rejected?
Yes, but this is a solution to it
also maybe a profile setting to enable or disable if the changed name of someone should be shown
Still rejected I believe, and would kinda ruin the point of changing it. Also basically nicknames in a way.
or thats a better idea, maybe add display names that are changable

Generation 4: the first time you see this copy and paste it on top of your sig in the scratch forums and increase generation by 1. Social experiment.
1000+ posts

[READ FULLY BEFORE REPLYING] A solution to username changes

bloctans_4 wrote:

medians wrote:

bloctans_4 wrote:

Vetzlan wrote:

eikh2 wrote:

Wasn't this solution suggested before and it was still rejected?
Yes, but this is a solution to it
also maybe a profile setting to enable or disable if the changed name of someone should be shown
Still rejected I believe, and would kinda ruin the point of changing it. Also basically nicknames in a way.
or thats a better idea, maybe add display names that are changable
That's rejected too.

Last edited by medians (Nov. 4, 2022 19:19:52)

Medians bamboozled by 3.0 (version 3.0): https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/979822351/
hi875230163394: You're similar to valve in that you both hate a certain number…
Scratch 0.x, 1.x, 2.x, 3.x and LogoBlocks Archives
Bamboozlement: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/33739789
Years on internet: 15 (soon 16)
medians: Oh god not this utc - 12 thing again..
Fun_Cupcake_i81: What, were you expecting not to see the utc - 12 thing again? THE UTC - 12 THIGN ALWAYS RETURNS. ALWAYS.
medians: I knew it would happen. I was the one who started it last year.
Fun_Cupcake_i81: Well then if you didn't want it back maybe you need to time travel to last year and fix that

Oh wait if you could time travel I think we all know exactly when you would go-
user1: That picture is from 2.0. Now he’s at my house and is my pet.
user2: But this is medians we're talking about, so “from 2.0” can mean the same thing as “from five seconds ago”.

Detect Scratch version here
My other accounts: @selfexplanatory @modesties @chaircard @fireflyhero @dividendyield @colloids @radians @skeuamorphism @dihectogon @anglebisector @aau- @EditBlockColors @AdamantOrb @MoongeistBeam @festively @Ampharos_ @straightforwardness @interchangeably
i trolled redcat LOL

if you see this
{what method did you use::control hat
answer on profile ::motion
} ::operators

92 posts

[READ FULLY BEFORE REPLYING] A solution to username changes



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