Discuss Scratch

1000+ posts

New Scratchers, Introduce Yourselves Here!

Hello there, New Scratchers! Welcome to Scratch!

This forum thread is for New Scratchers to introduce themselves. Here, you can explain why you joined Scratch, how you discovered it, how you want to use Scratch, and many other things about yourself. Feel free to introduce yourself, but please don’t spam or go off-topic here; those posts will be removed by a Scratch Team member to keep the conversation organized.

Even more experienced Scratchers can post here! Feel free to welcome others to Scratch! Be polite and helpful, and remember to follow the Community Guidelines. Posts that are disrespectful and/or divisive may be removed by a Scratch Team member.

  • You can also introduce yourself in the welcoming committee!
  • Make sure you’re following the guidelines for the New Scratchers forum!
  • Want to learn more about the forums? This guide should teach you some additional information on foruming!
  • There is an official Scratch Wiki for more information on anything related to Scratch.
  • Feel free to ask any questions you may have on this topic, but you may find an answer faster by checking to see if it’s in the directory for questions about Scratch!
  • If you want to become a great Scratcher, check out this helpful guide!
  • Needing any ideas for projects? Check out this directory!
  • If you’re unsure about what you want to do on Scratch, this forum thread may help you!
  • This guide explains what a New Scratcher is, and how to become a full Scratcher.
  • If you need some other form of help, visit this directory!

  • Whatever you do on Scratch, make sure you abide by the Community Guidelines.
  • Please make sure you’re not replying to an old post; the user will probably not see it anyway, and, since it was a long time ago, they likely either already know the answer, or they aren’t interested in finding the answer anymore.
  • Remember to stay on-topic, and not to post random messages.
  • Keep in mind not to post random Scratch Blocks here with the [scratchblocks] option on the forums. They’re unnecessary here, and they can sometimes lag up the servers. If you need to test Scratch Blocks, you can do it here.
  • Remember that advertisements are not allowed here. If you want to advertise, you may want to do it on Show and Tell, or you could make a forum signature.
  • If you’re welcoming a New Scratcher, please be courteous and realize that they’re learning how the site works. Additionally, make sure you’re not going off-topic.
  • Please don’t respond to spam. Just silently report it and move on so that a friendly Scratch Team member can help the user learn what they did wrong privately instead.
  • If you don’t know the answer to a question, then it’s best not to say anything, because it will take up server space, and it may confuse the user who asked.
  • Remember that New Scratchers can ask questions here if they wish to do so.
  • Try to avoid posts such as “hi.” Be sincere with your posts. If you’re a New Scratcher, talk about yourself! If you’re a more experienced Scratcher, welcome the user and try to help them!

  • @1Oaktree2 made the introduction sticky before I did, and gave me permission to make a new one. Thank you so much!
  • I made the banner, but @faeriie— image hosted it. Thanks so much!

If I’m missing information, made any errors, or if you think the topic would be better in some other way, then don’t hesitate to let me know in a constructive manner. I would prefer these sorts of comments to be made on my profile, as they will be much more visible for me, but it’s fine to post them here on this thread.

Thank you, and Scratch On!

(Note: The text in this post below the gray line here is my forum signature. It automatically appears at the end of my posts. If you want to make your own, read this article to find out how to do it.)

Last edited by Super_Scratch_Bros20 (Sept. 18, 2022 00:56:10)

1000+ posts

New Scratchers, Introduce Yourselves Here!

calvrett_1 wrote:

welp this is gonna get popular.

(and i mean it in a good way, great job making this.

Thank you! Yeah, I really hope this helps New Scratchers!

1000+ posts

New Scratchers, Introduce Yourselves Here!

Congrats on the sticky!

1000+ posts

New Scratchers, Introduce Yourselves Here!

VioletCalico wrote:

Congrats on the sticky!


1000+ posts

New Scratchers, Introduce Yourselves Here!

Congratulations on the sticky my good man!

“Those who dare to challenge the great GAMS2 will perish.”
-Universal Destroyer Silencio, 8:22:50, Wednesday August 24, 2022

A dude who enjoys life.
1000+ posts

New Scratchers, Introduce Yourselves Here!

Sil3nci0 wrote:

Congratulations on the sticky my good man!

Thanks, I really hope it helps!

1000+ posts

New Scratchers, Introduce Yourselves Here!

Hey! Congratulations on the new sticky, 'Super! I hope a lot of New Scratchers introduce themselves here!

AI isn't being added to Scratch anytime soon. If you want to, you could also read this related essay, which was not made by me.
I also found the earliest mention of Scratch 4.0 on the forums.

This is my signature. It is a small piece of text that appears below
every post I make. In my signature, I can include quotes, images, and even Scratch blocks.

define k0d3rrr
coding since [2019 v] :: #f18800 // The lowest year you can select is 2007, which was when Scratch was released.
favourite Scratch version: [3.0 v]:: #f18800
second favourite Scratch version: [1.4 v]:: #f18800

And now, some words of forum wisdom (which may or may not be controversial):
“What's the point of telling people not to post on your topic, if they are still going to post on your topic anyway?” - k0d3rrr
“If you are writing a story or creating a character roleplay for a Scratch studio, shouldn't it go in either Collaboration or Show and Tell instead of Things I'm Making and Creating?” - k0d3rrr
1000+ posts

New Scratchers, Introduce Yourselves Here!

k0d3rrr wrote:

Hey! Congratulations on the new sticky, 'Super! I hope a lot of New Scratchers introduce themselves here!

Thanks, I hope so too!

1000+ posts

New Scratchers, Introduce Yourselves Here!


Last edited by jackson49 (April 22, 2022 02:36:57)

Denny Crane. Name on the door.


1000+ posts

New Scratchers, Introduce Yourselves Here!

jackson49 wrote:


Thank you!

Lol. I have yet to have an actual New Scratcher post here :P

1000+ posts

New Scratchers, Introduce Yourselves Here!

hi im new pls view my projects

Now Showing: CCRP V

Coding on Scratch since 2013

Foruming since 2016

In the Forum Helpers since 2022
1000+ posts

New Scratchers, Introduce Yourselves Here!

qloakonscratch wrote:

hi im new pls view my projects

Haha, very funny, Qloak.

1000+ posts

New Scratchers, Introduce Yourselves Here!

Even if im not new, here we go (you can use this for an example of how you can introduce yourself if your a old scratcher)

Hello! I am Sil3nci0, but you can call me silenc or silencio678.

I joined in late of February and has been making projects from random generators ( https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/635334393/ is a example) to GIGANTIC collaborations ( https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/677095313/ is also an example)

When i joined:
When i first joined, i was interested in making games, then i made “A Boring Game Where A Ball Follows You”. It was my 1st game, but i decided to work on more games. I then realized the power of randomization and made random generators. Then i tested myself and made a zombie shooter game (which was deleted due to bugs) and thanks to @warframe, i made one.

Why i joined:
The reason why i joined is because that it looked interesting and fun. It also came in one of my favorite categories: ”creation games”

How im doing right now
Im doing fine. I met some friends like @GAMS2, @AIgamesdeveloper (did i spell that right-), @Qloakonscratch (not sure if we are friends yet) and more!

So yeah. Seeya!

“Those who dare to challenge the great GAMS2 will perish.”
-Universal Destroyer Silencio, 8:22:50, Wednesday August 24, 2022

A dude who enjoys life.
1000+ posts

New Scratchers, Introduce Yourselves Here!

I can confirm I gave permission here https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/post/6230325/

100+ posts

New Scratchers, Introduce Yourselves Here!

Hello! I'm here now, I'm from the old thing!

Hello! Welcome to my signature! It’s a bit messy but this is my playground!
Blocks I made:
erase :: pen

stop broadcasting [all v] :: control

say [This is work in progress!]
1000+ posts

New Scratchers, Introduce Yourselves Here!

Well done on the sticky.

(Thanks to butterfly_cat8 for part of the thumbnail for Cat TV used in this banner.)

Suggest purple things on my profile I can feed to Cat Posts, Cat Comments, Cat Replies or even better the Cat Profile in the link.
1000+ posts

New Scratchers, Introduce Yourselves Here!

Amazing, nice job on sticky!

-gr: forumer | scratcher | professional exister

1900+ forum posts / 5+ years on Scratch

me on postpercent [broken] / me on github / me on scratch
highlight this text and shift+down arrow to see the rest of my signature

Terms of Use wrote:

4.4 You may only submit user-generated projects that were created with (1) the Scratch website editor or (2) an unmodified copy of the Scratch editor compiled from the source code described in Section 5.3. You may not upload any projects that were created, by you or by anyone else, with a modified version of the Scratch editor.
oh shoot well i broke that rule (i use turbowarp sometimes)
1000+ posts

New Scratchers, Introduce Yourselves Here!

Congrats on the sticky!

This is a SIGNATURE. This is seperate from a normal post ^
Forum Posts: 2600+/3000
Highlight + Shift + Down Arrow = To see whole signature.

Want to friend me on Roblox? My username is BaconvsRoblox121314 if you want to friend me!

–v More Information v–
New Scratchers - Introduce yourself here!

Questions about Scratch - Ask questions related to scratch here!

Help with Scripts - get/provide help here!

Suggestions - Suggest blocks, features, and more here!

Bugs and Glitches - Report bugs/glitches here!

Last edited by Tunde123 (May 17th, 2022 10:18 AM EST)
1000+ posts

New Scratchers, Introduce Yourselves Here!

very poggers sticky, congrats!

Last edited by Yeetoburro1 (April 22, 2022 17:02:18)

1000+ posts

New Scratchers, Introduce Yourselves Here!

Adzboy wrote:

Congrats on the sticky!

Tunde123 wrote:

Congrats on the sticky!

-gr wrote:

Amazing, nice job on sticky!

scratchgodo wrote:

Well done on the sticky.

1Oaktree2 wrote:

I can confirm I gave permission here https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/post/6230325/

Sil3nci0 wrote:

Even if im not new, here we go (you can use this for an example of how you can introduce yourself if your a old scratcher)

Yeetoburro1 wrote:

very poggers sticky, congrats!

Thanks, all of you! I hope I can help.

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