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Erie's Writing Forum


“Oh hello, Sandy! I didn’t see you there. I can’t believe we are in the same cabin again.” I said

“Yeah, me neither! Did you check out all of the portals to each cabin this year? They are looking really good, I can’t imagine what the cabins actually are. Anyways, I gotta go put my stuff away and get ready for March!”

And with that, she was off, my very first friend in SWC. I walked around the main hall of camp .

When I got to my epic cabin, fan-fi, led by the even more epic Luna. With her this session was her co-leaders Katie and Andy. Last session, Luna was one of the co-leaders for Thriller, the cabin that I was in. The Fan-Fi Forest was absolutely beautiful, with rays of sunlight peeking through the enormous trees.

I got to the dorm where all of the fan-fi campers slept and set my stuff down, seeing a few familiar faces from around the Scratch writing community. Before I could unpack, I fell into a deep sleep.

Then I woke up from my dream, by the sound of my annoying alarm clock.
Word Count: 196

Ok so I know haven't written anything for Camp Pinelake, but I have a perfectly reasonable exuse for that. So at school I have had a ton of work and homework to do, I recently went on vacation for a few days if some of you haven't noticed and that just adds on to my work load. So speaking of school, I wrote this for it along with the two following posts Ween!e Ville (I don't know if that will get me muted or not, lol) and Iguana Island. I felt like I really needed words so I think these should help. Oh one more thing, this is based off of a dream that I had after signing up for SWC.

Last edited by -DesVision- (Feb. 25, 2022 13:24:38)

To see the entire signature, press ctrl + shift + down arrow
Hi I'm -DesVision-, but you can call me Erie! I love to read, write and sleep. I am in my school's book club and love when it is SWC season! MY favorite games are Minecraft and Stardew Valley. I also love to watch Marvel, too. I am aspiring author and hope to one day get published . . . somewhere. Check out my latest, and biggest, project! Go check out Sandy and Ani!
“A book is a gift you can open again and again” -Ani
For my Misconception photos, Touch Of Adventure did the image hosting.

100+ posts

Erie's Writing Forum

Ween!e Ville

Max and Duke appeared in a sausage train out of a puffy white cloud, already slurping down sausages. It was heaven for them, and what made it even better was that they had just appeared in Weenie Ville.

The train swerved around Weenie Ville and Max and Duke got out at the pool that was filled to the brim with sausages. They swam around a little bit while sausages lined up at the diving board. Max and Duke sat right under the board waiting for sausages to jump right into their mouths.

Max and Duke went to a town hall meeting, awarding them the Sausage Medal Of Freedom, from the ever so gracious Mayor Weenerly. Everybody in Weenie Ville cheered for them as the medals were placed atop their heads.

As their stay was ending in Weenie Ville, they got back on the train and waved goodbye to their new-found friends. The train slowly chugged back from wherever it came from, into the clouds.
Word Count: 164

So this is in the series that I wrote for a class. Here is my SWC Dream and Iguana Island, if you wanted to know. If you haven't watched the movie or recognized whats going on here, I based this off of Max and Duke's Sausage Adventures in Ween!e Ville (Yes, that's what it's actually called). It doesn't have as many words as the first one but I think I needed the practice.

To see the entire signature, press ctrl + shift + down arrow
Hi I'm -DesVision-, but you can call me Erie! I love to read, write and sleep. I am in my school's book club and love when it is SWC season! MY favorite games are Minecraft and Stardew Valley. I also love to watch Marvel, too. I am aspiring author and hope to one day get published . . . somewhere. Check out my latest, and biggest, project! Go check out Sandy and Ani!
“A book is a gift you can open again and again” -Ani
For my Misconception photos, Touch Of Adventure did the image hosting.

100+ posts

Erie's Writing Forum

Iguana Island

We arrived at Iguana Island. From our catamaran, the large lizards look like dark green specs on the otherwise clear beach. The music was blasting loudly when we anchored a little off shore. Nobody minded of course, cause we all wore bathing suits, or whatever you were comfortable in.

The moment I set my foot down on the beach I saw actually how big these creatures were. I was absolutely horrified, so I stepped right behind my mom. One came up to us and I booked it across the beach, sand shooting up from behind me. I ran as fast as my little legs could go, even though the iguanas weren’t chasing me.

Later after I calmed down, we swam with the lizards. I never knew that lizards liked swimming. I was delighted when I went under water and saw them kicking their webbed feet around.

I was sad when we had to go though, but was happy to get back to our cruise.
Word Count: 164

This is based on a true story, I think when I was 4, maybe. Since I was so young a bunch of parts of this are made up, but it's supposed to be real.

In this little series of short stories, I have written 524 words total, and I wrote that in under 40 minutes. I think that is a new record for me, XD. I'm very proud of myself and it felt good to write!

To see the entire signature, press ctrl + shift + down arrow
Hi I'm -DesVision-, but you can call me Erie! I love to read, write and sleep. I am in my school's book club and love when it is SWC season! MY favorite games are Minecraft and Stardew Valley. I also love to watch Marvel, too. I am aspiring author and hope to one day get published . . . somewhere. Check out my latest, and biggest, project! Go check out Sandy and Ani!
“A book is a gift you can open again and again” -Ani
For my Misconception photos, Touch Of Adventure did the image hosting.

100+ posts

Erie's Writing Forum

3 pages, yay!

To see the entire signature, press ctrl + shift + down arrow
Hi I'm -DesVision-, but you can call me Erie! I love to read, write and sleep. I am in my school's book club and love when it is SWC season! MY favorite games are Minecraft and Stardew Valley. I also love to watch Marvel, too. I am aspiring author and hope to one day get published . . . somewhere. Check out my latest, and biggest, project! Go check out Sandy and Ani!
“A book is a gift you can open again and again” -Ani
For my Misconception photos, Touch Of Adventure did the image hosting.

100+ posts

Erie's Writing Forum

« Introductions »

Twigs crunch under your feet as you stumble through the dense forest. The cool breeze makes birds soar above. March is ever so creeping, but you know it will still be winter. These warm days trick you and the hibernating animals alike. The bees are buzzing around looking for flowers and the water folk are already building dams. Through the thick forest you see stone that you haven't yet seen on your journey. Your heart races thinking that you might be saved from your lostness. In your haste to get to the stone you don't see the vines curled on the ground, and you trip in a big, hard thump. You groan and roll over on to your back. One second your on your back, and the next your standing up right, because something caught your eye. The stone, was not just a stone. It was a full on tower!


Hello! I'm Erie, a tween who goes by she/her pronouns. I love to write, designs cover pages for my writing notebooks, and reading. I play lacrosse and am also an introvert, too. (I know it's kind of ironic) Most of my friends are here on Scratch and in SWC and I would love to make more! My current writing project is a multi-chapter WWII research project that I named Misconception.

I will be continuing the above story throughout the month. I can't wait to see how this character develops! I think I'm going to name this character Alex Cadell, too!


« Table Of Contents »

1) Goals
2) Dailies
3) Weeklies
4) Other SWC Activities
5) Alex's Daily Log
6) Other


« Goals »

Words: 0/6,000
Dailies: 0/12
Weeklies: 0/2


« Dailies »

Main Cabin Dailies: N/A

In - Cabin Dailies: N/A


« Weeklies »

Main Cabin Weeklies: N/A

In - Cabin Weeklies: N/A


« Other SWC Activities »

Word Wars: @-faerylights

Cabin Wars: N/A

Writing Comp: N/A


« Alex's Daily Log »

Entry 1: N/A
Entry 2: N/A
Entry 3: N/A


« Other »

Favorite SWC Writers

<— Meagathread Post

Last edited by -DesVision- (March 11, 2022 02:51:42)

To see the entire signature, press ctrl + shift + down arrow
Hi I'm -DesVision-, but you can call me Erie! I love to read, write and sleep. I am in my school's book club and love when it is SWC season! MY favorite games are Minecraft and Stardew Valley. I also love to watch Marvel, too. I am aspiring author and hope to one day get published . . . somewhere. Check out my latest, and biggest, project! Go check out Sandy and Ani!
“A book is a gift you can open again and again” -Ani
For my Misconception photos, Touch Of Adventure did the image hosting.

100+ posts

Erie's Writing Forum


To see the entire signature, press ctrl + shift + down arrow
Hi I'm -DesVision-, but you can call me Erie! I love to read, write and sleep. I am in my school's book club and love when it is SWC season! MY favorite games are Minecraft and Stardew Valley. I also love to watch Marvel, too. I am aspiring author and hope to one day get published . . . somewhere. Check out my latest, and biggest, project! Go check out Sandy and Ani!
“A book is a gift you can open again and again” -Ani
For my Misconception photos, Touch Of Adventure did the image hosting.

100+ posts

Erie's Writing Forum

My Favorite Writers

These are just some of my favorite SWC writers. These are all of their threads for the March 2022 session of SWC.

The Crystall Ball - @opheliio
Sandy's SWC Stuff - @Sandy-Dunes
Soki's SWC Writing - @Rey_venclaw
Dawn's Reading Nook - @Vana_Beifong
Amory's Humble Abode - @-crystaldreams

To see the entire signature, press ctrl + shift + down arrow
Hi I'm -DesVision-, but you can call me Erie! I love to read, write and sleep. I am in my school's book club and love when it is SWC season! MY favorite games are Minecraft and Stardew Valley. I also love to watch Marvel, too. I am aspiring author and hope to one day get published . . . somewhere. Check out my latest, and biggest, project! Go check out Sandy and Ani!
“A book is a gift you can open again and again” -Ani
For my Misconception photos, Touch Of Adventure did the image hosting.

100+ posts

Erie's Writing Forum

July '22 SWC Table Of Contents

☞ MC Daillies:
7/1 - Introduction
7/2 - Magic 8 Ball
7/3 - When I was Kind
7/4 - Ambiguity v. Vague

☞ IC Dailies:
7/1 - Introduction
7/5 - Daggers To The Rescue
♦ Date - Title

☞ Weeklies:
♦ Date - Title
♦ Date - Title
♦ Date - Title

☞ Word Wars:
♦ Date - Title
♦ Date - Title
♦ Date - Title

☞ Other Writing:
♦ Date - Title
♦ Date - Title
♦ Date - Title

☞ Notes:
♦ Heavily inspired by Stingray

☞ Links:
Cami's Mountain Tour - @hamilchaos
Sandy's Writing Thread - @SandyDunes
Sparrow's Bonfire - @Spire-
Aleia's Writing Thread - @Starfairyelise

Last edited by -DesVision- (July 9, 2022 01:39:29)

To see the entire signature, press ctrl + shift + down arrow
Hi I'm -DesVision-, but you can call me Erie! I love to read, write and sleep. I am in my school's book club and love when it is SWC season! MY favorite games are Minecraft and Stardew Valley. I also love to watch Marvel, too. I am aspiring author and hope to one day get published . . . somewhere. Check out my latest, and biggest, project! Go check out Sandy and Ani!
“A book is a gift you can open again and again” -Ani
For my Misconception photos, Touch Of Adventure did the image hosting.

100+ posts

Erie's Writing Forum

Myth Cabin Introduction

Hello, tis I, Erie and I use she/her pronouns. I am in Myth, the best of the best, of course. I am also in the EST/EDT timezone. Ok, now that all of the boring, basic stuff is over with, we can get to the more interesting details! (By the way, this is my Myth daily, I did a short intro in the main cabin, that you should check out.)

I am a warrior under Re who carries daggers and a crossbow. When I made my character I was thinking of describing my character being held hostage and being told to dispose of the weapons on my person. Then I would take out a bunch of daggers of varying sizes, that get larger and larger, thus seeming ultimately impossible and confusing. Then, I would pull out one iny dagger, just for the fun of it!

My favourite movie is Enola Holmes, starring Millie Bobby Brown, and no I haven’t seen Stranger Things. I know, kinda crazy right, but the first episode was very scary to me, and I can not do scary at all. Still, I do my best not to look at Stranger Things spoilers in the hopes that, someday, I will watch it. This turned into a kind of rant about Millie films, but who cares, she is phenomenal.

I also really love Marvel. It is like the best franchise I have ever seen, and you should definitely go check it out! Actually, while I am writing this, I just thought that I should go watch the new Ms. Marvel episode. My favourite Marvel quote, which I quote on a daily basis to unknowing victims is ‘Since, uh, when?’ spoken by Chris Hemsworth, aka Thor. Three simple words, but such a wide variety of uses.

Although Chris Hemsworth isn’t my favourite actor in Marvel, (Tom Holland is) I love all of the Chris’ equally. I could go on and on and on about Marvel, but there are plenty of other things that I want to say and I am running out of time. (I’m kinda speed-running this after dinner, because why not. This is very fun and totally not stressful. Haha …)

This is my 3rd time being in SWC, that does not include when I stalked the entirety of the July session last year. Y’know, it feels really weird to say that it is already July now. My first session was in November of 2022 when I was in the Thriller cabin, or the Thriller Detective Agency. My second time was last March when I was in the Fan-Fi Forest. Now, this time I am in the Mythology Maze! I can’t wait for the rest of the session, and I hope I will see you there!

Sorry if this seemed rushed, but I had like 20 minutes to write my daily, and I was going to write the 1k words that I told myself I would, but as you can probably see, that was not able to happen. I promise I am not as scatter-brained in real-life as I am in SWC and when I am writing. I am writing (well, mostly planning) multiple novels at this moment, plus a collab with a friend, and a personal writing and research project called Misconception. Well, at least I was able to have 500+ words during this. That’s something, especially for me! See you around!
567 words ♦ This was so stressful and I promise myself that I will work harder for future works.

Last edited by -DesVision- (July 2, 2022 00:13:00)

To see the entire signature, press ctrl + shift + down arrow
Hi I'm -DesVision-, but you can call me Erie! I love to read, write and sleep. I am in my school's book club and love when it is SWC season! MY favorite games are Minecraft and Stardew Valley. I also love to watch Marvel, too. I am aspiring author and hope to one day get published . . . somewhere. Check out my latest, and biggest, project! Go check out Sandy and Ani!
“A book is a gift you can open again and again” -Ani
For my Misconception photos, Touch Of Adventure did the image hosting.

100+ posts

Erie's Writing Forum

Main Cabin Introduction

Hello, I am Erie and I use she/her pronouns. My favourite colour is olive green, and plants are epic. This is my 3rd session. I love everything Marvel, and my favourite quote to use on a daily basis is ‘Since, uh, when’ by Chris Hemsworth. I usually talk Marvel with my cousin, though, she gets it the most. I love to write and am on my way to writing 1k words for my cabin daily. Oh, I forgot to say that I am in Myth, the best of them all! My favourite genres are Real-Fi and Fan-Fi, with a bunch of others scattered around. As you can see I am very scatter-brained, but trust me I am the best you can fin out there. You might also be able to tell something about the the letters I use, specifically the ou's. No, I am not British. I am American, but it is really fun to use and confuse my teachers with. So far only my mom has corrected me for that, but I don't care. Ok, bye!
178 words ♦ This is just a small introduction to me, myself, and I!

To see the entire signature, press ctrl + shift + down arrow
Hi I'm -DesVision-, but you can call me Erie! I love to read, write and sleep. I am in my school's book club and love when it is SWC season! MY favorite games are Minecraft and Stardew Valley. I also love to watch Marvel, too. I am aspiring author and hope to one day get published . . . somewhere. Check out my latest, and biggest, project! Go check out Sandy and Ani!
“A book is a gift you can open again and again” -Ani
For my Misconception photos, Touch Of Adventure did the image hosting.

100+ posts

Erie's Writing Forum

Magic 8 Ball

“Is there a birthday party?” “Very doubtful.”

“Molly, why didn’t you invite me to your birthday party?”

“Take a guess, Lily! We haven’t talked in weeks, face it. We. Are. Not. Friends. Anymore.” She did all of this. It started with her making fun of my outfit. Then, she completely ghosted me. She hung out with literally anybody, but me. SHe made sure people turned their backs on me, too.

Take Michelle for example, we used to be best friends. For years Molly hated Michelle’s guts, and now they are like a tight-knit friendship bracelet. Only, the friendship bracelet is made out of my blood, sweat, and tears.

I had been looking forward to her birthday for months, thinking of what I could do to make it special. I had a great idea. Although it wasn’t a physical present, I thought she would love it. I remember she told me that she had never been on a rollercoaster before. Ever. I know right, Molly had never been on a rollercoaster before! I was going to take her, for her birthday, to an amusement park and take her on her first ever rollercoaster, this would be so epic!

But when she ghosted me, I was worried that I would never be able to take her on her first rollercoaster. I know this seems pathetic, but I wanted to be nice to her even if she hadn’t treated me the same. I had to hear from Layla that Molly was having a roller skating birthday that I wasn’t invited to, and that really hurt. It hurt mainly because she had known most, if not all, of these people for only a couple months, but me for multiple years.

All my hopes and dreams were flushed away with that simple phrase, “You weren’t invited to Molly’s party?” No, of course I wasn’t. Why would she want me at her party? I would only make things more complicated than they had to be.

Weeks after the party incident, I had forgotten, just like always, and forgave, just like always. I was such a wimp for thinking that I could actually matter to her anymore. Mom was right, she only talks to me when she’s bored. Maybe once a month, she would walk over to my house and we would hangout and have a great time. I would go home and she would forget about it. It went on and on.

I didn’t realise till Brianna told me that she went to an amusement park with Molly that I truly realised that I was being used. I mean, I’d always suspected it, but I didn’t want to admit that fact. Brianna had taken Molly to an amusement park and they went on Molly’s first ever rollercoaster. Now, I couldn’t be mad at Brianna, nor could I be mad at Molly. They didn’t know how much I wanted to be a part of something so bad that I let Molly consume my life. So I had to let go of the entire thing. Molly, the birthday party, the rollercoaster, and the 5 years of memories we had made together.

I am better now, but it still kind of hurts to know that Molly isn’t going to come to my door and ask to play outside. It hurts to know that we won’t make anymore horrible Oreo milkshakes. It hurts to know that none of that will ever happen again, at least not with her.
577 words ♦ This is supposed to be meant as a diary entry. This is also based on a irl event with my long time bestfriend. I hope none of you have to relate to this, but if you do you can make it to the light at the end of the tunnel.

Last edited by -DesVision- (July 4, 2022 23:01:25)

To see the entire signature, press ctrl + shift + down arrow
Hi I'm -DesVision-, but you can call me Erie! I love to read, write and sleep. I am in my school's book club and love when it is SWC season! MY favorite games are Minecraft and Stardew Valley. I also love to watch Marvel, too. I am aspiring author and hope to one day get published . . . somewhere. Check out my latest, and biggest, project! Go check out Sandy and Ani!
“A book is a gift you can open again and again” -Ani
For my Misconception photos, Touch Of Adventure did the image hosting.

100+ posts

Erie's Writing Forum

When I Was Kind

There are many things that I have done in my life that have been kind, and plenty of wrongs, of course. I don’t remember all of the good things, but I definitely remember most of the worst. For right now, I am going to talk about the good things.

FIrst of all, I went to a pool party the other day and I met this little girl. Her real name is not going to be said for privacy reasons so let’s call her Melody. Melody came up to me asking about my cupcake. She was kind of clingy, so I went into the pool to get away. She followed me and my friend in and we didn’t realise she was following us. Now, Melody isn’t that tall, probably not taller than 4 feet. So, she couldn’t touch the bottom of the pool, but she also had a lot of perseverance. Even though she couldn’t stand, she still kept on swimming towards the only person she knew.

She grabbed onto my arm and looked at this small child clinging frantically to my even smaller arm. At this point she was about to drown me, so I swung her around one to the other side of my body to carry her and tip-toed my way to where I could stand. So, for the rest of the party, I had an adopted child.

I also love to smile at random people. Yes, they might judge me, but who cares it’s for the greater good! Kind of, but it still makes people’s days and that makes my day! Like most people, I hold the door for others. For example, when I walk into a two door situation and there is another person on the other side, I’lll hold the door I just walked through for them. Another time at the pool, this happened today, there was a group of little kids that was doing a cannonball competition, and I was in the middle of the group in line for the diving board. So, I let the rest of them go ahead of me. Not all of them said thank you, but they were little, so I didn't care.
364 words ♦ Thanks for reading!

To see the entire signature, press ctrl + shift + down arrow
Hi I'm -DesVision-, but you can call me Erie! I love to read, write and sleep. I am in my school's book club and love when it is SWC season! MY favorite games are Minecraft and Stardew Valley. I also love to watch Marvel, too. I am aspiring author and hope to one day get published . . . somewhere. Check out my latest, and biggest, project! Go check out Sandy and Ani!
“A book is a gift you can open again and again” -Ani
For my Misconception photos, Touch Of Adventure did the image hosting.

100+ posts

Erie's Writing Forum

Ambiguity v. Vague


“You just blew his mind, Avery!”

“Yeah, well it’s pretty easy when you have a bunch of explosives on you at all times.” Avery always seemed so chill about everything.

“That reminds me of the new Explosive Hot Pepper Tacos at the taco stand in the park. Which reminds me of food, so naturally, I’m hungry!”

“Ok, sounds good.”

We walked the rest of the way home in silence. My stomach was rumbling the entire way.

“The chicken should be ready to eat!”

“Dave is so delicious! You know that, right?” Dave was one of our old chickens, but he got sick and couldn’t walk anymore so we ate him.

Avery perked up from her chicken and peas, “That reminds me, can you call me a cab?”

Why would Avery want that? “Uh, ok, I guess. So are you legally changing your name to Cab Thomas?”

“You are the biggest dummy ever! I swear, you are going to be the end of me!”

“Dummy as in the lollipop or dummy as in stupid?” I asked innocently.

Avery screamed. I giggled, of course, because it’s just fun like that.

“Just go get the bat, we have work to do.” Avery was on her last straw, and I could tell, so I messed with her even more.

“Ok, I’ll be back in a couple minutes.” I was on my way to getting a living bat. AVery hats bats, they scare her to death.

Later, I came back home with a living bat in a crate.

“What took you so long? I’ve been waiting for hours!”

My smirk told her all she needed to know. “Well, you told me to get a bat, so, I got a bat. A living one!” I pulled the crate from out behind me and opened it.

Again, she screamed. This time, the scream also included a black out.

“Good night, Avery.”


“Ok, so where was your friend last seen?” The officer was very serious, but Alex was anything but.

“Well, I think he was near that taco stand in that park by the library on the other side of the other town down south. Yeah, that sounds right, I think.” Alex giggled lightly, telling the officer everything he needed to know.

The officer was absolutely dumbfounded. “You know that this is a serious matter, right? You can’t just go around joking around about your friend’s disappearance.”

“Yeah, I know. He was my best friend, and I am doing my best to give you a precise location. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to retrace his footsteps.”

“Nahaha, not so fast. You are going to try harder to answer the rest of my questions, so we can find your friend. The sooner the better.”

“Fine, but how many questions are there?”

“If you want to play games, we can play games.” The officer muttered under his breath, then smiled smugly. “Well, there might be 20, maybe 30. Oh wait, I think there’s 70 to 90. But, that’s just a guess.”

At this point Alex was getting irritated, but knew that he had started it, so he had to finish it.

“First question, what was your friend wearing the last time you saw him, Alex?” The officer extended that final word like a threat.

“Well, my friend, he was wearing a shirt. Probably a dark one, but it might’ve been lighter, although it could have had patterns or a mix of all of that. I couldn’t really tell, because it was pretty dark.” Alex took a deep breath and continued on. “Then, he was definitely wearing some type of pants, maybe shorts, but then it also could have been long pants. Again, I couldn’t tell because he has a darker skin tone. Any more questions, officer?”
“You just blew his mind, Avery!”

“Yeah, well it’s pretty easy when you have a bunch of explosives on you at all times.” Avery always seemed so chill about everything.

“That reminds me of the new Explosive Hot Pepper Tacos at the taco stand in the park. Which reminds me of food, so naturally, I’m hungry!”

“Ok, sounds good.”

We walked the rest of the way home in silence. My stomach was rumbling the entire way.

“The chicken should be ready to eat!”

“Dave is so delicious! You know that, right?” Dave was one of our old chickens, but he got sick and couldn’t walk anymore so we ate him.

Avery perked up from her chicken and peas, “That reminds me, can you call me a cab?”

Why would Avery want that? “Uh, ok, I guess. So are you legally changing your name to Cab Thomas?”

“You are the biggest dummy ever! I swear, you are going to be the end of me!”

“Dummy as in the lollipop or dummy as in stupid?” I asked innocently.

Avery screamed. I giggled, of course, because it’s just fun like that.

“Just go get the bat, we have work to do.” Avery was on her last straw, and I could tell, so I messed with her even more.

“Ok, I’ll be back in a couple minutes.” I was on my way to getting a living bat. AVery hats bats, they scare her to death.

Later, I came back home with a living bat in a crate.

“What took you so long? I’ve been waiting for hours!”

My smirk told her all she needed to know. “Well, you told me to get a bat, so, I got a bat. A living one!” I pulled the crate from out behind me and opened it.

Again, she screamed. This time, the scream also included a black out.

“Good night, Avery.”


“Ok, so where was your friend last seen?” The officer was very serious, but Alex was anything but.

“Well, I think he was near that taco stand in that park by the library on the other side of the other town down south. Yeah, that sounds right, I think.” Alex giggled lightly, telling the officer everything he needed to know.

The officer was absolutely dumbfounded. “You know that this is a serious matter, right? You can’t just go around joking around about your friend’s disappearance.”

“Yeah, I know. He was my best friend, and I am doing my best to give you a precise location. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to retrace his footsteps.”

“Nahaha, not so fast. You are going to try harder to answer the rest of my questions, so we can find your friend. The sooner the better.”

“Fine, but how many questions are there?”

“If you want to play games, we can play games.” The officer muttered under his breath, then smiled smugly. “Well, there might be 20, maybe 30. Oh wait, I think there’s 70 to 90. But, that’s just a guess.”

At this point Alex was getting irritated, but knew that he had started it, so he had to finish it.

“First question, what was your friend wearing the last time you saw him, Alex?” The officer extended that final word like a threat.

“Well, my friend, he was wearing a shirt. Probably a dark one, but it might’ve been lighter, although it could have had patterns or a mix of all of that. I couldn’t really tell, because it was pretty dark.” Alex took a deep breath and continued on. “Then, he was definitely wearing some type of pants, maybe shorts, but then it also could have been long pants. Again, I couldn’t tell because he has a darker skin tone. Any more questions, officer?”
Ambiguity: 314 words & Vague: 314 words ♦ This was really hard to fingure out, but then somebody said something about homophones and I just instantly had so much motivation.

Last edited by -DesVision- (July 4, 2022 23:03:28)

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Hi I'm -DesVision-, but you can call me Erie! I love to read, write and sleep. I am in my school's book club and love when it is SWC season! MY favorite games are Minecraft and Stardew Valley. I also love to watch Marvel, too. I am aspiring author and hope to one day get published . . . somewhere. Check out my latest, and biggest, project! Go check out Sandy and Ani!
“A book is a gift you can open again and again” -Ani
For my Misconception photos, Touch Of Adventure did the image hosting.

100+ posts

Erie's Writing Forum

Dagger To The Rescue

I sprinted along the riverbank toward the closest tree,=. Then, I started chopping. It was a really tough tree, but it was made harder with daggers instead of an axe. I couldn't see the leaders faces, so I didn’t know if they had seen the dog or not, or even if they realised they were going to the underworld. Yes, it was a cute dog, but if I knew it was going to take me to the underworld, I would walk the other way. No chances are going to be taken. I finished chopping the tree and made another canoe, this one only big enough for a small person, like myself, and a little bit of baggage. I paddled towards the leaders and started yelling. “The dog, it’s a Xoloitzcuintle, it will take you to the underworld.” I paddled harder, determined to save my leaders. “Turn around, stop the boat! Don’t go!”
152 words ♦ Thanks for reading, I had a bunch of fun jjust writing this short piece. It gave me motivation to wrtie the weekly, so bye!

To see the entire signature, press ctrl + shift + down arrow
Hi I'm -DesVision-, but you can call me Erie! I love to read, write and sleep. I am in my school's book club and love when it is SWC season! MY favorite games are Minecraft and Stardew Valley. I also love to watch Marvel, too. I am aspiring author and hope to one day get published . . . somewhere. Check out my latest, and biggest, project! Go check out Sandy and Ani!
“A book is a gift you can open again and again” -Ani
For my Misconception photos, Touch Of Adventure did the image hosting.

100+ posts

Erie's Writing Forum

Good Writing Things:

The Foolish Society Of Fools (Group Text)

The Cartographer's Apprentice

To see the entire signature, press ctrl + shift + down arrow
Hi I'm -DesVision-, but you can call me Erie! I love to read, write and sleep. I am in my school's book club and love when it is SWC season! MY favorite games are Minecraft and Stardew Valley. I also love to watch Marvel, too. I am aspiring author and hope to one day get published . . . somewhere. Check out my latest, and biggest, project! Go check out Sandy and Ani!
“A book is a gift you can open again and again” -Ani
For my Misconception photos, Touch Of Adventure did the image hosting.

6 posts

Erie's Writing Forum

hello former me, we are very similar in the ways we aren't

“The face you have right now is the face you fell in love with in your last life.” -japenese legend

“When you find an idea that you just can't stop thinking about, that's probably a good one to pursue.” - josh james
6 posts

Erie's Writing Forum

i've decided imma use this for my writing so yeaaa

“The face you have right now is the face you fell in love with in your last life.” -japenese legend

“When you find an idea that you just can't stop thinking about, that's probably a good one to pursue.” - josh james
6 posts

Erie's Writing Forum

old swc writing
writing workshops
ahh i still know how to use forums yayy also this is where i will be posting all of my writing until further notice

Last edited by Des_Vision_2 (March 1, 2024 21:56:06)

“The face you have right now is the face you fell in love with in your last life.” -japenese legend

“When you find an idea that you just can't stop thinking about, that's probably a good one to pursue.” - josh james
6 posts

Erie's Writing Forum

Daily - 3/1

Hello all that may or may not read this, I am Des and I'm destined to do great things one day, hopefully, maybe, probably not, but I can still hope and trudge forth with glory and determination. I just got back on scratch like a week ago, according to my profile after like a year of being gone. I really missed everybody here and I made the decision to come back on like last friday because I figured that ‘now would be a better time than never’ because why not y’know?

Also, I'm writing this on google docs and I am being corrected so much, I can’t spell for my life right now. I am on a time crunch , with like 30 minutes to write this 1k intro upload it to the forums and submit it to the main cabin, with being in est while swc is in utc and I have been in school and sleeping for over half of the utc day, so that's kinda not the best for me. I really have to figure out a way to organize myself a little better. I've got it. so I'm going to start the daily/weekly/whatever activity I would like to complete at 7pm when it releases so then I can brainstorm and, hopefully, start writing. that way I have a lot more time to do swc, instead of cramming everything into the 4 hours I have after I get home from school to do homework, swc, and lacrosse practice.

I love music so much, but it is such a shame that I can't write/read and listen to music at the same time. My brain can not physically brain when I’m doing both because it’s like I’m being overstimulated I guess? I genuinely don’t know. But, back to music. Right now I’m getting back into Eminem, which is really good for my self esteem for some reason, I honestly don’t know why. Maybe because his music makes me feel confident in myself somehow???? I slept over at my friend’s house last weekend and we walked to Startbucks and CVS and when we were walking back it was really dark and we are young girls walking at night on a path with no overhead lights in the US. All of those combined aren’t very good so, we ran most of the way back and screamed some Eminem songs to assert dominance/show whoever wanted to take us that we are crazy and we would be a hassle to k!dn@p if anything happened. In case of emergency, just listen to Eminem and all should be well.

I just saw in the Main Cabin that somebody that is new to swc asked if the 1k intro is necessary and honestly, same bro, because I’ve don’t the 1k intro like 2 other times I think (March ‘22 & July ‘22) and I honestly love this little standard (?) we have because it is such a fun way to start off the session with a full on little blast of energy. I remember back in November ‘21, my first session, go Thriller Detective Agency, someone challenged Soki to do the 1k intro and I thought everybody was so big and scary and now I’m hoping to apply for leader next session because I think it would be super duper fun and such a reward to lead my own little ducklings/camper (heheheh).

I got a dog like a month ago, as of Sunday, and he is a Golden Retriever and I love him so much. He’s just a puppy, but he is so so so so soooo heavy, but I’m glad that conditioning is paying off because it’s not that bad when I get into, like, a squat form with him in my arms. For reference, we had another Golden Retriever, but he died in February of 2022. I don’t know if I mentioned that in March of 2022, probably not because y’know, but anyways we had been dogless for like 2 years, almost exactly, it is such a wonderful coincidence, in my opinion.

My goals for this session are to extend my word goal (which is 6k I think right now), at least, once and complete 1 weekly (I’ve never completed a weekly before, I don’t know why though, maybe because of not enough motivation, I guess), but now I think that I have the right motivation to complete one. That's all that I can think of right now, because I have to go, so thank you for coming to my TED Talk and may you have a great day/night/morning/whatever time it is right now for you.

779 words

i wanted to do a 1k intro, but i started too late as i said in my intro hehe

“The face you have right now is the face you fell in love with in your last life.” -japenese legend

“When you find an idea that you just can't stop thinking about, that's probably a good one to pursue.” - josh james
6 posts

Erie's Writing Forum

daily - 3/2

“YOU ARE SPEED” -@27coding_crazy

“It’s going to be ok. I’ll be fine, you’ll be fine, the world will all be in balance again.” Avi whispered.

Tears streamed like a raging river down Zabil’s face, mixing with the blood and the rain. It was such a beautiful thing, the red mixing with the water, swirling around.

“All of the world’s boo-boo’s are gone now, it’s for the best, trust me.” Avi coughed and let out a small breath. “Now, I need you to do something for me.”

“Ok,” Zabil sniffed and wiped his nose with his forearm. “Anything you want.”

“Promise me that you’ll never forget me, you were always there for me when I needed it and I need you to promise me.”

“Of course. How could I ever forget my best friend?” Both Zabil and Avi chuckled, just enough for Avi to groan and clutch his side.

“You were always the fastest to help me whenever I needed it. I admire you Zabil, I hope you know that.”

“No, no, I admire you. You were everything that I could have ever wanted and more in a friend. You have the best laugh, you light up a room when you walk in, your smile is contagious, y’know I don’t know what I would do without you. Genuinely, being around you makes everything better.”

It was eerily quiet, no birds singing, no crickets chirping, no wind running through the grass. Most importantly, Avi had no heartbeat. Life is funny like that, one moment you are laughing with your best friend and the next, silence.

259 words

i really like how this came out, although it's kinda sad. honestly, this is kinda what nostalgia is to me, not always just a fun little memory, but sometimes it's the hard memories that we have to debate on whether we want to remember them or not. i also really like writing in this kinda omniscient pov, it's really fun being able to know all the characters thoughts and feelings. another thing that i wanted to mention was the 2 or 3 little metaphors/similies that i slipped in here, i think little by little, i'm getting better at creating better metaphors and similes.

“The face you have right now is the face you fell in love with in your last life.” -japenese legend

“When you find an idea that you just can't stop thinking about, that's probably a good one to pursue.” - josh james

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