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33 posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

Sci-fi to realistic fiction exactly 500 words and extremely rushed

It was finally time. It is my fourteenth birthday and I was finally going to get my very own pet. Then maybe I’d be able to go to the greatest school here! Only people with pets get to go there to be able to learn to become a breeder, trainer, vet or anything that has to do with animals but only if you have the qualified pets. My family doesn’t have much money but I’ve been saving up for a long time by working with my mom at her family business and I should be able to finally get a dog. I love dogs so much. I always play with my friends dog but he doesn’t like me very much. Once I finally get to the school I’ll actually be able to achieve my dreams of becoming a veterinarian!
I rushed to the pet store dragging my best friend Lana behind me, She kept begging me to slow down but I just can’t wait. She did the same thing when she got a pet after all. the door opened with a ding and I slammed my wallet on the desk. The worker looked tired and sighed as he counted the money. When he found out how much it was he asked me what pet I wanted
“A dog!” I yell excitedly. He then stares at me with dead pan eyes and says that someone else just adopted the last one. My heart shatters, I needed to adopt the dog today or else i wouldn’t be able to fill out the form for my dream school. I asked if there were any other pets I could adopt I could always adopt a dog later on I thought. He listed the pets i could get with my money and all the ones he said weren’t qualified for the school! I don’t want a guinea pig or a fish or a hamster. Now I couldn’t enroll in the school I wanted or get a pet. My friend tries to cheer me up but I just tune her out. What was I going to do now? I could never become a veterinarian and own my own vet clinic if I don’t go to this school. None of the others are good enough to get me into moncha
Moncha is the top animal company in the world. Almost everything that has animals has the Moncha label somewhere on it. Zoos, pet food, vet clinics, doggy daycares. No matter how specific or broad the subject Moncha was alway the reason for it. Not only that, the creator is my role model. She started from the ground up, like me she was poor and didn’t have many friends. Animals seemed to like her and always followed her around so she took care of them and gave them homes even though her parents didn’t agree. Now she’s one of the richest most influential people ever and I can’t imagine what the world looked like before she came along
500+ posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

Daily 3/10/22

(Notes: Ahhhh I'm running out of time, so let's make this quick- basically I took a piece by Mark Twain and rewrote the end of it. I kept some of the original words, and only the parts by me are counted in the word count (they're bolded). This is supposed to be romance xD)

(edit: the two paragraphs missing a space between them were annoying me xD)

You can read the original here: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/3183/3183-h/3183-h.htm

Thanks for suggesting this Elfie :> (@Elvin-Wonders)

“But I am going to abuse you a little now. You promised me, the day I saw you last, that you would look after the needs of the poor family around the corner as faithfully as I had done it myself. Well, I found out by accident that you failed of your promise. Was that right?”

In simple truth, I never had thought of that family a second time! And now such a splintering pang of guilt shot through me! I glanced up at my Conscience. Plainly, my heavy heart was affecting him. His body was drooping forward; he seemed about to fall from the bookcase. Suddenly a burst of remorse flooded through me. How could I continue to stand by, silent, as another suffered? My own conscience I had sought to kill only moments ago, alas unaware of the complete pain of our mutual suffering. My aunt continued:

“And think how you have neglected my poor protege at the almshouse, you dear, hard-hearted promise-breaker!” I blushed scarlet, and my tongue was tied. As the sense of my guilty negligence waxed sharper and stronger, my Conscience began to sway heavily back and forth; and when my aunt, after a little pause, said in a grieved tone, “Since you never once went to see her, maybe it will not distress you now to know that that poor child died, months ago, utterly friendless and forsaken!” My Conscience could no longer bear up under the weight of my sufferings, but tumbled headlong from his high perch and struck the floor with a dull, leaden thump. My heart leapt out as he lay there writhing with pain and quaking with apprehension, but straining every muscle in frantic efforts to get up. In a fever of expectancy I sprang to the door, locked it, placed my back against it, and bent a watchful gaze upon my struggling master. All at once it came to me, the truth of the matter. My Conscience was a burden, a burden of unfulfilled love! For only he could know me so well as he did, an integral part of our shared life together! Already my fingers itched to help my poor Conscience, struggling on the floor.

“Oh, what can be the matter!” exclaimed by aunt, shrinking from me, and following with her frightened eyes the direction of mine. My breath was coming in short, quick gasps now, and my excitement was almost uncontrollable. My aunt cried out:

“Oh, do not look so! You appal me! Oh, what can the matter be? What is it you see? Why do you stare so? Why do you work your fingers like that?”

“Peace, woman!” I said, in a hoarse whisper. “Look elsewhere; pay no attention to me; it is nothing—nothing. I am often this way. It will pass in a moment. It comes from smoking too much.”

I lied, for which I felt remorse, but I did what I must. My injured love was up, wild-eyed with confusion, slowly regaining strength. I could hardly breathe, I was so overwhelmed by the sensations. In no world could I explain this phenomenon to my aunt. She could never understand the sheer joy and exhilaration of the moment.

My aunt wrung her hands, and said:
“Oh, I knew how it would be; I knew it would come to this at last! Oh, I implore you to crush out that fatal habit while it may yet be time! You must not, you shall not be deaf to my supplications longer!” My struggling Conscience showed sudden signs of weariness! How I hated to watch them struggle together! “Oh, promise me you will throw off this hateful slavery of tobacco!” My Conscience began to reel drowsily, and grope with his hands—I had to stop this! Never again would I allow my dear Conscience to grow this decrepit. “I beg you, I beseech you, I implore you! Turn away from these sins, repent!” In that moment, I was certain I would. I would do everything in my power to repent my sins, to help my Conscience grow stronger!

“I will!” I exclaimed, and I knew I meant it. “I will quit smoking! I will look after your poor protege at the almshouse! I will do everything in my power to right these wrongs and turn away from these sins!”

With an exultant shout I sprang past my aunt, and in an instant I was at my struggling Conscience’s side. The poor thing was overwhelmed yet joyous and rapidly regaining strength. In sitting up I assisted him, slowly easing him into a sitting position. As he came to his senses, we embraced with a hug. At long last, I had found my one true love!

I was a free man! I turned upon my poor aunt, who was almost petrified with terror, and shouted:
I had changed my ways! I had found love! I was a good man! I turned back to my poor aunt, who was befuddled with confusion. I felt sorry for her- I actually felt sorry for her! My Conscience was healing!- she was completely unaware.

“Bring me your paupers, your charities, your reforms, your pestilent morals! You behold before you a man whose life-conflict is done, whose soul is at peace; a man whose heart is open to sorrow, open to suffering, open to remorse; a man WITH A TRUE CONSCIENCE! At last I have found my true joy, my purpose, my one and only lifelong love!”

My aunt, of course, could not comprehend the situation in its entirety, no matter how much I tried to explain it to her, yet she seems to have made peace with the unknown with the knowledge that my Conscience has transformed my once virtually ruthless self into a far better man. My Conscience and I have since spent every hour of each day together, enjoying the company of the other. We’ve gotten to know each other on a level I never would have believed possible, and I have no shame in admitting that yes, I did indeed fall in love with my own conscience. We are truly the most perfect match that has ever been, is, and ever will be. No two individuals could ever know each other better than we do.

Last edited by MoonlitSeas (March 11, 2022 01:08:51)

1000+ posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

Looking for a tutorial on how to live like Harry Potter? Step right this way!

Section A: The Babyhood Trial

Step #1: Be born on the last day of July. Disclaimer: Be sure that your parents have faced a Dark Lord three times and survived, otherwise this tutorial will be ineffective.
Step #2: Next, use your fantabulous baby charms to convince the Dark Lord that you’re destined to stop him. You’re going to have to ensure that they think that it’s you and not another baby that happened to be born on July 31st.
Step #3: Once you’ve lured the Dark Lord to your house on the Halloween night following your first birthday, use baby speak to command your dad to hold them off while your mother carries you to safety.
Step #4: Now being placed in your crib, wait for your father to be “Avada Kedavra-ed” by the Dark Lord and wait for the Dark Lord to break down your door. Watch intently and innocently as your mother defends you to her dying breath- literally. Try to put on a clueless facade.
Step #5: Here comes the fun part! If you’ve followed all the steps correctly, your mothers love should have placed a protection on you that won’t break until you’re officially of age at seventeen. When the Dark Lord tries to kill you, it’ll backfire on them and they’ll go whooshing away! You’ll also have this peculiar scar that looks like a lightning bolt, and possess part of an evil being’s soul, but that’s okay. You’ll deal with that later.

Section B: The First Decade

Step #6: By now, some stuff that was out of your control will have happened. This big hairy guy took you on a motorcycle ride (fun!) and dumped you on some random person’s doorstep. This person should have likely been your aunt and uncle. If not, at least make sure it’s an adult figure that hates you and you’ll be just alright.
Step #7: This step is quite agonizing, but it’s all worth it in the end. Put up with them and their torment for the next ten years. You’ll be shoved in a cupboard, neglected, compared to, bullied, given hand-me-downs that are too oversized, have your glasses broken hundreds and thousands of times- but it’ll all be worth it. Trust me.
Step #8: One day, when your eleventh birthday nears, you’ll receive a mysterious letter in the mail. It’ll be made of a smooth, parchment envelope with emerald green ink, and have a crimson red wax seal on the back. But don’t open it! If you want to be like Harry Potter, you have to work for it.
Step #9: Let your aunt and uncle ruthlessly steal the letter from you. Don’t worry, you’ll get more! It’ll be quite entertaining to watch your elders struggle to hide the letters- boarding up the mail hole, the door, the windows- but they’ll always find a way in. They always will, always do. Expect to see lots of owls around your house.
Step #10: One Sunday morning, you’ll hear a rumble from your fireplace. This is your sign to make your move! Hundreds of your emerald-inked, crimson-waxed, parchment enveloped letters will come bursting through the fireplace. Leap through the air in joy and try to catch one! Once you’ve succeeded, run back to your cupboard as quick as you can.
Step #11: Your uncle will be chasing you, obviously. To keep up the act of the fact that you haven’t been manipulating your life this whole time, you’ll have to let him catch you and take the letter from you. Much sad.

IDEA FROM THE FANTASTIC @KITVMH <33 not finished yet due to procrastination, but I might get around to it eventually! <3

Last edited by Luna-Lovegood-LOL (March 10, 2022 23:57:58)

☾ luna (she/her) ┆ entp-t ┆ writer ┆ violinist
★ fantasy swc for the win!

take up arms, take my hand, let us waltz for the dead
500+ posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

~March 10th~
Main Cabin Daily
Word count: 507 (minus italics)
Main Post: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/post/6081187/

This is a horror adaptation of ‘Don’t let the Pigeon drive the bus”. I just walked randomly into my brother's room and picked a random book. This is what I got-

Edit: Okay, I reread this and I'm a little horrified at my brain. At least I did my job. XD

Stars twinkle in the sky, happy and bright. Ha, like they would be for long.
I walk up to a bus station, and there a surly, old bus driver eyes me, leaning against his vehicle. I turn to him and ask, “Hey. You drive buses?”
“Why yes, yes I do. What’s it to you?”
“I want to drive it.”
“Not like that’s happening.”
I pulled a gvn from my jacket and pointed it at him. “Let me drive that bus.”
“Not happenin’.”
“Awwww, come on!” I protested mockingly, making a pouty face. “I’ll be careful.”
The man shook his head again.
“Okay, okay, fine. I’ll just steer. You can press the pedals if you want.”
The old man rolled his eyes. “Still not going to let ya.”
I put the gvn back in my jacket and mock-whined some more. “But my cousin Herb drives a bus almost every day. True story.”
“Good for him.” The old man frowned. “Don’t ya have somewhere else to be, ya big baby?”
“Excuse me! I am a man, thank you very much.”
The old man still wasn’t budging, so I decided to act a little crazy. I jumped up and yelled, “VROOM! VROOM! PIGEON AT THE WHEELLLL!”
“You aren’t gonna drive a bus, kid.”
“No? Awwww… I never get to do anything…” I pouted, grabbed the gun again and pointed it at him in a sudden flash. The man put his hands up in fright.
“You know what, I’ve got an idea. Let’s play a game. Does ‘Drive the Bus’ work? I’ll go first.”
I walked over to the bus and yanked the keys out of the man’s pocket. Just before the door closed, I decided to pull the trigger. Don’t think that that bus driver will be bothering anyone else anymore.

I was driving away when Police cars pulled me over. I decided to act nonchalant and asked the officer that pulled me over, “What’s wrong?”
“There was a mvrder by a bus station that this bus was scheduled to go by. Did you happen to see anything?”
“No, unfortunately. Please give my regards to the bus driver’s family.”
And I knew, right then, that I had messed up.
I immediately hissed, “C’mon, can’t a guy just drive around one block?”

I hated jails. I looked around the cell. This would take a while. I knew I wasn’t getting out this time.
“Hey, Gerald.” My friend, Mo, looked at me in my cell. “Tell me, what in the WORLD happened.”
I knew I was gonna be in there for a while, so I told him every word.
Now he’s got a best selling book about me. He never gave me any credit. Good thing for me though, since I’ll be getting out of jail in a few months. Maybe then he’ll finally give me some credit. Here’s hoping, since he’s made a whole series out of it.
Don’t worry, Mo, I’ll eventually get the credit I deserve.

Don’t worry, Mo, I’m coming.

Maybe then you’ll understand the dangers of plagiarism.

Last edited by booklover883322 (March 11, 2022 00:06:46)

Hey! I'm Bookie! Co-Leading Fan-Fi, March 2024!
16 posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

From Keeper of the Lost Cities, first chapter, first book. Realistic Fiction

Daily for the 10th. It's late, but I thought I'd share it anyway

“Miss Foster,” Mr. Sweeney called out. “I hope you're still paying attention, though you probably aren't. What dinosaur is this and how does it differ from others?”
Sophie looked at the dinosaur, unsure. She had been listening to her iPod. She looked at the dinosaur thoroughly, discovering it was a Lambeosaurus. She restated all the facts she knew, and Mr. Sweeney scowled. Sophie saw a boy with dark hair and strange blue eyes. From a distance, they looked teal.
“Come on, we're moving to the next exhibit.”
“Mr. Sweeney?” Sophie started. “Can I go to the bathroom?”
He groaned. “Over there to the left,”
“Thanks,” Sophie said quickly. Sophie went over to the bathroom before I came back to talk to the mysterious boy. Sophie started walking over to him slowly.
“Hey,” he asked. “is this you?”
Sophie nodded.
“I never realized your eyes were brown,” he observed.
“I didn't know you could have teal eyes,” Sophie responded.
“Oh, these?” he asked, pointing at his eyes. “I have a condition.”
“Oh,” Sophie mumbled.
“It's okay,” he said. Preschool kids passed them. There were loud, messy, and droolly. Sophie covered my ears as they passed, Sophie had sensitive ears.
“Did you hear that?” the boy asked. Sophie didn't know what he meant.
“You did, didn't you?” he questioned.
Sophie started to run from the boy, he was scaring her.
“Wait!” he called. Sophie was out on the streets. She ran into the zoo, hoping to be obscured by the crowd. the boy still found her.
“Wait up!” he yelled. Sophie knew better than to trust a random stranger. She ran around in circles, eventually leaving the zoo. She ran to the crosswalk, waiting to cross. The strange boy found her again.
“I'm not trying to hurt you, or kidnap you, or do ANYTHING to you.” he promised. Sophie was unsure. She ran onto the street without thinking. A car was about to hit her.
“NO!” the dark-haired boy yelled. He ran onto the street and pushed her out of the way. Sophie closed her eyes and her a thump coming from the road. The mysterious dark-haired boy was no longer living.

The man driving the car hopped out to look at the boy. He started crying. Cops soon arrived. Sophie didn't know what to do. she ran into the zoo, hoping to get lost. She eventually did and sat down on a bench. She started to cry.
“This is all my fault,” Sophie said aloud.

Last edited by hellohumans207 (March 11, 2022 00:24:23)

500+ posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

My setting for the weekly! I kind of want to make an rp based on this!
Midnight Grove. A rugged civilization hugging the edge of The Grove, a massive forest. The accommodations are small, but the hearts and minds of the people who live there are even smaller. Many ‘green spaces’ are only dusty fields, barren of all the life that made them special. Many people dwell in cabins made of brick or stone. Due to not having much advanced technology (more on that later), they don't have enough control over fire to feel safe building out of wood. The few small paths that run throughout the city are perfectly straight—even they have no time for messing around. Even the animals from the forest are two terrified of the townspeople and their rifles to find shelter within the city walls.
Built out of sturdy cobblestone bricks, ten-foot-tall moss-covered battlements surround Midnight Grove, letting no one in, and, more importantly, no one out. To be a part of the town, you must be descended from the very people who founded it. Because of this, the townspeople are very separate from the modern world and are behind the times and technology. You can write about this setting in any time period you wish, just remember that the characters inside will not follow any customs typical to that era.
One of the special traditions followed inside of the city is staying up late (typically until midnight) and waking up in the earlier afternoon, especially on once-a-month holidays that align with full moons, when they have small celebrations. However, even during these holidays, interactions between townspeople are very limited. Many people who live inside are very gruff, not talking much to others outside their families. Though the town is small, social interaction is limited. People are distrustful of each other, even though the families of the area have known each other for generations.
The Grove, the forest next to the city, is crammed with trees dripping with ripe stone fruits. However, the townspeople are forbidden from entering the Grove, for reasons the leaders refuse to divulge. Some say that monsters dwell within…
The town leaders are all descended from the founder of Midnight Grove, sometimes they are good candidates, but other times not so much. They are the only ones entrusted with the secret of The Grove. The secret (and rumors about it) are spread only by word of mouth, so to make sure a leader doesn't suddenly die without passing it on, two children are told the secret at a time.

Last edited by mossflower29 (March 11, 2022 00:20:16)


Jan. ‘22 Snooze Cabin Leader for JWC!!
July ’22 Mythology Cabin Leader for SWC!!
500+ posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

My premise! I did no planning beforehand xD
Your main character is outside taking a walk when suddenly a small rabbit hops out behind her. Its coat is an unnatural shade of blue, and it almost looks like it is glowing. Your character spins to see the animal hopping away, heading into a small area (like a tree tunnel in a forest, an alleyway in a city, an underground tunnel in a giant plain/field, etc.). It jumps onto the shoulder of a person dressed in all black, and they walk away. Your character follows it inside, into a masssive open clearing, much larger than you would have expected from the entrance. The person sits down, crossing their legs and settling with the rabbit sitting calmly atop their head. They begin to chant an otherworldly song, and the rabbit glows brighter and brighter, until finally, it explodes. After the blue dust fades, the only thing left behind is a…


Jan. ‘22 Snooze Cabin Leader for JWC!!
July ’22 Mythology Cabin Leader for SWC!!
100+ posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

3.10.22 - daily 10

Excerpt from Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone:

BOOM. They knocked again. Dudley jerked awake.
“Where's the cannon?” he said stupidly.
There was a crash behind them and Uncle Vernon came skidding into the room. He was
holding a rifle in his hands - now they knew what had been in the long, thin package he had
brought with them.
“Who's there?” he shouted. “I warn you – I'm armed!”
There was a pause. Then –
The door was hit with such force that it swung clean off its hinges and with a deafening crash
landed flat on the floor.
A giant of a man was standing in the doorway. His face was almost completely hidden by a
long, shaggy mane of hair and a wild, tangled beard, but you could make out his eyes, glinting
like black beetles under all the hair.
The giant squeezed his way into the hut, stooping so that his head just brushed the ceiling.
He bent down, picked up the door, and fitted it easily back into its frame. The noise of the
storm outside dropped a little. He turned to look at them all.
“Couldn't make us a cup o' tea, could yeh? It's not been an easy journey…”
He strode over to the sofa where Dudley sat frozen with fear.
“Budge up, yeh great lump,” said the stranger.
Dudley squeaked and ran to hide behind his mother, who was crouching, terrified, behind
Uncle Vernon.
“An' here's Harry!” said the giant.
Harry looked up into the fierce, wild, shadowy face and saw that the beetle eyes were
crinkled in a smile.
“Las' time I saw you, you was only a baby,” said the giant. “Yeh look a lot like yer dad, but
yeh've got yer mom's eyes.”
Uncle Vernon made a funny rasping noise.
“I demand that you leave at once, sir!” he said. “You are breaking and entering!”
“Ah, shut up, Dursley, yeh great prune,” said the giant; he reached over the back of the sofa,
jerked the gun out of Uncle Vernon's hands, bent it into a knot as easily as if it had been
made of rubber, and threw it into a corner of the room.
Uncle Vernon made another funny noise, like a mouse being trodden on.
“Anyway – Harry,” said the giant, turning his back on the Dursleys, “a very happy birthday to
yeh. Got summat fer yeh here – I mighta sat on it at some point, but it'll taste all right.”
From an inside pocket of his black overcoat he pulled a slightly squashed box. Harry opened it
with trembling fingers. Inside was a large, sticky chocolate cake with Happy Birthday Harry
written on it in green icing.
Harry looked up at the giant. He meant to say thank you, but the words got lost on the way to
his mouth, and what he said instead was, “Who are you?”
The giant chuckled.
“True, I haven't introduced meself. Rubeus Hagrid, Keeper of Keys and Grounds at Hogwarts.”
He held out an enormous hand and shook Harry's whole arm.
“What about that tea then, eh?” he said, rubbing his hands together. “I'd not say no ter
summat stronger if yeh've got it, mind.”
His eyes fell on the empty grate with the shriveled chip bags in it and he snorted. He bent
down over the fireplace; they couldn't see what he was doing but when he drew back a
second later, there was a roaring fire there. It filled the whole damp hut with flickering light
and Harry felt the warmth wash over him as though he'd sunk into a hot bath.
The giant sat back down on the sofa, which sagged under his weight, and began taking all
sorts of things out of the pockets of his coat: a copper kettle, a squashy package of sausages,
a poker, a teapot, several chipped mugs, and a bottle of some amber liquid that he took a
swig from before starting to make tea. Soon the hut was full of the sound and smell of sizzling
sausage. Nobody said a thing while the giant was working, but as he slid the first six fat, juicy,
slightly burnt sausages from the poker, Dudley fidgeted a little. Uncle Vernon said sharply,
“Don't touch anything he gives you, Dudley.”
The giant chuckled darkly.

Re-writing this story with horror as my least favorite genre: (I also don't like romance, but I don't want to write that lol) OMG I BASICALLY CHANGED HAGRID'S ENTIRE PERSONALITY

“Ahh!” Dudley yelled. “A ghost! A zombie!”
Harry shook his head. This person must have been way too persistent to just break in.
There was a pause. And then, SMASH!
The door landed flat on the floor, broken, with a huge man standing in the doorway. His face wasn't clear, just hair drooping into his eyes.
“A zombie!” Dudley yelled again.
Although he obviously couldn't fit into the doorway, the giant simply just broke down the wall near him and squeezed into the hut. Then he threw the door outside.
Uncle Vernon, Aunt Petunia, and Dudley ran into a little corner, too scared to face the giant.
Harry just stared.
“Harry,” the giant murmured.
“H-how do you know my name?” Harry stuttered, more scared than ever.
The giant bent down, and picked Harry up. It was like he was the size of a little action figure toy and the weight of a feather.
Harry screamed. The Dursleys cowered, but didn't want to interrupt, afraid they would get picked up too.
Harry was now close to the giant's face, and he could make out his eyes, glinting like black beetles under all his hair.
Harry couldn't speak anymore. His mouth was closed tight.
It was just like that, staring, and silence.
Harry wasn't sure what was going to happen.
The giant was examining him, sort of. His humongous eyebrows were scrunched together.
Suddenly, Harry was dropped to the ground. He landed on his back, nothing was broken, but the pain was obvious. Harry still couldn't talk but he managed what sounded like a squeak because of how much it hurt.
The giant looked at him. “Harry Potter, I am Rubeus Hagrid, Keeper of Keys and Grounds at Hogwarts.”
Then he turned towards the Dursleys. His face darkened, and he grimaced. “Well, well, well, the Dursleys. How wonderful.”
Uncle Vernon finally found his voice. “I demand that you leave at once… sir! You are breaking and entering!”
“Shut up.” came the voice of Hagrid. He sounded rather annoyed.
“Anyway, Harry,” he said, “You're invited to Hogwarts. I mean, not invited, you have to come.”
“Hog-what?” Harry said, confused.
“Hog-how-” Hagrid looked shocked, and angry.
“DURSLEY!” He boomed, turning toward the Dursleys.
“What?” Uncle Vernon said flatly. He seemed to have been gaining more confidence, but Aunt Petunia and Dursley were still cowering and protecting themselves from the huge giant.
Hagrid seemed to have calmed down though, in that second Harry wasn't looking, as he seemed much more interested in picking his fingernails.
From the pocket of his coat, Hagrid took out a bottle of orange juice.
“For Dudley,” he muttered.
Uncle Vernon suddenly became protective, blocking Dudley out of sight from Hagrid.
“Don't touch anything he gives you, Dudley.” Uncle Vernon said, sharply.
“But-but why? I want it!” Dudley looked like he wanted to snatch the orange juice from Hagrid immediately.
“It could be…” Uncle Vernon said, “It could be like a potion, or some poisonous liquid of some sort.”
The giant chuckled darkly.

(503 words)

“The poet waits quietly to paint the unsaid.” - Atticus

hii! <3
. ⇢ sophia/sofi/sofa ˎˊ˗
╰┈➤ she/her ꕥ 12 y/o ꕥ art + writing ꕥ infp-t - - - - - - - - - - - - > ❝ have a great day! ❞
55 posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

Daily 3/10

Started but not finished in time :')

Modern Realistic Hansel and Gretel (326 words)

Hansel heard his step mother say to his father, “We are losing money because of these retched children. We should get rid of them.”
“We'd get sent to jail!” his father replied. Hansel went straight to his trusty sister, Gretel, and told her. The next day when their mother's plan was put into action, Hansel brought some paper with him to show him the way back. They were going camping. Or so that's what their parents said.
It was getting dark and Hansel and Gretel were worried. They could hear the crickets chirping and the moon seemed a little too bright. Their parents said to wait there while they was going to get some fire wood and their mother was going to get her phone and blankets. After half an hour, Hansel decided to see if the trial was still there. It was not. Great. Hansel took out his phone, like any normal human being, and went to Google Maps. No cell data? Wonderful.
They wandered around a bit and found a house. It was a small wooden cabin decorated as a gingerbread house. Gretel, being 6, tried to eat the house. “Gretel, that's not edible.” Hansel corrected her.
“You don't tell me what to do!” Gretel remarked. Hansel rolled his eyes.
Hansel knocked on the door, just in case someone was in it. An old lady answered. “Hello?”
“Hi! We were wondering if you knew how we could get out of the forest?” Hansel asked. The lady look down to Gretel trying to eat her in-edible house.
“I'm not quite sure. But your welcomed to stay here for the meantime!” the lady replied. Hansel didn't want to go into the grandma's house but it was past midnight and he didn't know what to do.
And so on Hansel and Gretel went, into the old woman's house. Gretel was running around poking literally everything. Hansel was standing stiff in the doorway, Who knew what could happen?

Annnd I got bored. How nice. It's late anyway. :^

Howdy do!
55 posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

Poetry Cabin Activity (3/11)
Haikus (I tried :'))

The Playground
The swings are squeaking
Ladders being climbed upon
Children are playing.

Carousels spinning
The monkey bars are hung from
Children are shouting.

Smell of colored grass
Sound of wood chips on your feet
The breeze on your face.

Smelling the wood chips
The sun shining on faces
The sun’s warmth on you.

Hamburgers in hands
Smell of fast food lingering
Slurping McFlurries

My dog :)
My wonderful pal
Funny, playful, and cute
Always by my side

(73 words)

Howdy do!
100+ posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

Word War w/ @-faerylights - 5 minutes (She won)

The sun was rising, birds chirping all around. I woke up with a slight yawn, got out of bed, and started to get ready for the long day ahead of me. Today was THE day. The day that I had been waiting for my entire life, I was going to start college today. Specifically at NYU, or New York University, and I am going to the Tisch School. I am working on my career as a screen director, writer, and actor in movies and shows. I knew that NYU was the best place to do all of that and more. Plus my older sister, Lily, went to NYU, although she majored in something else. I’ll go further into that later. I finished loading up the car and started the not so long journey to NYU, only a little over 3 hours. I stopped at my local coffee shop to get a cake pop, and was off.

Word Count: 156

To see the entire signature, press ctrl + shift + down arrow
Hi I'm -DesVision-, but you can call me Erie! I love to read, write and sleep. I am in my school's book club and love when it is SWC season! MY favorite games are Minecraft and Stardew Valley. I also love to watch Marvel, too. I am aspiring author and hope to one day get published . . . somewhere. Check out my latest, and biggest, project! Go check out Sandy and Ani!
“A book is a gift you can open again and again” -Ani
For my Misconception photos, Touch Of Adventure did the image hosting.

1000+ posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

written for sparring (fantasy cabin stuffs)
words: 2607

Sitting around and waiting for nothing to happen is the worst thing that could happen. For context, let’s zoom back out of this moment and back (chronologically) to the reason why this happened.
I was sitting in my room and staring at the window and listening to someone reading about a purple dragon that could fly and shoot mist out of its mouth. I was having a good day except for the fact that the window was very boring to look at. The book was also a bit boring, but I liked the characters and the concept of a dragon that could never camouflage unless it used its power and wanted to go to sleep (the mist caused anyone in the mist to feel really sleepy).
The door opened and everything just sort of stopped. All of the sounds in the room and the rain from the sky outside that I only barely noticed due to the audiobook being louder than the drops of rain. Everything except for me.
I tried to figure out what was going on and my best conclusion was that the world had fallen apart. My parents, brother, and cat were all stopped in time. When I looked out of the window, I saw that each individual drop of rain was frozen in midair. Somehow, I was the only one who wasn’t caught in the effect of frozen time.
The only clue was that all of the doors were open. Each one of them, which was a rare occurrence. My parents were unreasonably strict about whether the doors should be closed or not, and my brother was too concerned with his quiet and dark room staying quiet and dark. I rarely opened my room’s doors due to the possibility that the noise would bleed out into the surrounding area and my brother would tease me about liking such a childish book.
When I walked outside, I grabbed an umbrella and held it in front of me to stop the raindrops from bursting into my face as I walked into them. On the street outside, there were a few dozen cars stopped in the process of going down the street, so I assumed all manner of transportation which could not be powered by me was unreliable.
I grabbed my bicycle and cycled down the street. I wasn’t sure where I was planning to go, but I knew it was best if I left my house. After all, who would want to stay in a place where everyone was frozen still?
I parked my bike at the library and hurried inside. After I closed my umbrella, I looked around and realized that everyone else was frozen in time too. I hurried to the fiction section of the library, grabbed any books that might seem to have a theme of people frozen in time, then weaved through the crowds and up the stairs to the non-fiction books.
I had no clue what to take as there were no incidents like this in history, so I grabbed a book about surviving in the wilderness and took off. As there were no people who would catch me, I had no reason to check out the books. That was what I told myself, but I had actually forgotten to bring my library card due to the fact that I had no clue where I was going and let my subconscious steer myself.
As I cycled away, I took the opportunity to sort through the books. When I stopped at the grocery store, I sat down on the sidewalk with the books and began to read. I read the first one I thought would be interesting, not really caring much about the sorting part so much as if the book would be of any help to me.
The book’s first page was a landscape painting of a colorful person walking through a market full of gray, frozen people. The next page was an introduction to the book, which turned out to be a Dungeons and Dragons expansion book of some sort. Undeterred, I read on and found out that the book said there was a spell that could freeze people in time but took a lot of effort. Knowing this, I moved on.
The book after that was The Ending of Time, which I had already read and disliked. It was helpful in that the author wrote about a hidden mastermind disguised as the main character’s friend, but not much else.
I continued on, the next book being a poem about a society of people who survived the Time-Freeze and how they lived in the aftermath of the catastrophic event. The only helpful part was that it suggested that there were more people like myself.
After reading all of the other books, I finally pieced together a possible suggestion of what had happened- the person who cast the spell didn’t put in enough effort, and so there were many people who survived without being harmed. However, if alone for long enough, they would become like the others and have nothing to do but stay still and never wake up again. If they grouped together and worked together to find special items to undo the spell, they would be able to restore everyone.
I had no clue as to how to find other people who would be willing to work with me and were unaffected by the spell, but my first bet was my friend Erin. She had lots of scientific gadgets and would probably be able to hack the satellites and initiate a program to find other people like me. Luckily for me and Erin, she was unaffected too- I had been planning to dismantle all of her gadgets if she wasn’t unaffected.
After we talked for a while about my theory that there was someone pulling the strings behind all of this, Erin went online and figured out a way to find the things that I was hoping she could do, saying that since there were not a lot of people like us in as many as ten- maybe a hundred- miles, it was very rare for someone to be unaffected by the spell.
Erin would ordinarily be able to calculate the odds of where they were, but as there was no other data as to how often someone who could still be free from the effects of the spell that had been placed upon everyone in the world, it was likely that there were only a few others and that they could be either spread out or already clustered together and she had no patience for going to everywhere in the world and trying to find people who were still moving around.
After all, if we tried to do that it would be like finding a moving needle in a giant haystack. However, Erin theorized that if we developed our magical powers that had prevented us from being affected by the spell, enough people would find themselves drawn to our area and it would be easier to find them.
I agreed and showed Erin the books that I had taken from the library. She wasn’t happy that I had neglected to use my library card and might get a fine, but cheered up once she saw the contents. There were spells and other such things, and also wilderness survival tips.
“We may just make it out of this,” Erin said.
I started doing random movements and hoping that something magic-like would happen. I put out a finger and jabbed it into the air, then in the form of a circle, but nothing happened. Erin just sighed and started writing out words in some sort of other language in her notebook.
I peeked over Erin’s shoulder and and saw a circle, then the words “aterural etkash molanrer” repeated around the circle.
“Ate rural et cash mole and rer?” I tried to pronounce the words, but I couldn’t make any sense of them. Apparently Erin could, however, and as she wrote the last letter the circle suddenly began to glow.
Erin grinned. “Anything goes in this new fantasy world, right? Aterural etkash molanrer means glowing circle in the last book you brought… What was it, Tales of Uraleka?”
“Tales of Urakal, but close,” I said. “But how did you figure that out?”
Erin tilted her head. “You can’t see what’s going on?”
I turned around and looked out of every window in Erin’s house, then walked back. Everything (except for the frozen people and raindrops outside) looked normal. Then, I looked up the staircase to the attic and realized what she had.
Glowing in the attic was a bed of brilliantly shining maturilim- a moss that was from The Ending of Time and emitted a blinding light when there was no sunlight to touch it.
“What else changed?”
“There used to be normal moss there,” Erin said as she uncapped a stray pen that was sitting on her desk. It immediately turned into a spear with a golden tip. “Also, this happens whenever I uncap my backup pen.”
I stared at her spear-pen in disbelief- the legendary spear-pen from the Time-Unfrozen book series. “Anything else?”
“Hmm…” Erin thought for a moment, then reached into her desk and pulled out a glowing map. “This, plus the maturilim and the spear-pen. I think this map might be the clue to fully unlocking our magical powers.”
“How did you activate yours?” I asked. I didn’t want to be left behind by Erin’s sudden progress in learning the arcane arts.
“Studying the books. There are lots of words in there that might have practical applications if magic does indeed work here. After that, just guesswork.” Erin didn’t seem to think that breaking the laws of physics and the universe was a groundbreaking achievement, but I did.
“So you broke the universe’s laws of physics and nature and so on and so forth by just guesswork?”
“Like it’s guesswork when I’m saying that the laws of physics and the universe don't really work here, yeah.” Erin still seemed to not understand what the implications of our discovery meant for the world and the study of magic and the arcane arts that up until now were just fictional.
“You really just guessed that?!”
“Yeah, of course I did. There aren’t really any textbooks that tell you how to activate your latent magical powers that saved you from certain time-freezing.”
“Do you realize what this means for the world? For everything? Think of how the world might be changed by this discovery!”
Erin turned to look at me, expression deadly serious. “Bella, we only discovered this because of the field of frozen time. Nobody will believe us, and nobody will find out. The field of frozen time is likely the only reason this is happening- if something seemingly impossible happens, then that opens up the doors while that impossible thing is happening if the conditions are right.”
I sighed, my good mood popped by her words as though it were a bubble. “I guess you’re right.”
Erin didn’t say anything after that, and I opened up the book and read silently.
After a large amount of time that was immeasurable due to the freezing of everything else around us and measured only by the times that we felt sleepy and went to sleep (Erin had a large stock of foods and had been prepared for all manner of scenarios, so we were fine on that front), Erin had finally figured out how to wield other types of spells and could perform all of the ones in the book.
I, on the other hand, lacked Erin’s skill of improvisation and had to pre-prepare spells to finish myself when the occasion called for it. I had a variety of spells, but only one or two of each, and when the spell was finished the paper became useless. The second “day” we measured, Erin tried to put spells on both sides of the paper, but only the first one to be finished of the two spells worked.
After lots of research, Erin connected the real worldscape to the map in her drawer, and we set out to undo the spell. The first item on the long list was the spear-pen, which Erin already had. The second item was thirteen jars full to the brim with maturilim. After a while spent scraping the moss into jars, we only filled three.
Erin consulted the map and the book again, then declared that there would be more of the glowing moss seventeen miles away. We set out on the journey and, taking the nearest car from its owner, drove off in the direction that Erin’s map pointed us towards. Every once in a while, we stopped to correct our course if necessary, and eventually reached a large mountain.
When we climbed to the top of the mountain, we realized that it was entirely covered by moss of all types.
Erin groaned. “Ugh! How are we to figure out what moss is normal moss and what moss is maturilim?” She walked back towards the car to grab a sample of the maturilim.
I prodded at the moss around me with a stick and heard a scream. I whirled around and saw a hole in the moss that wasn’t there before. I walked over, prodded that moss, and peered down inside. Erin was sitting there on a bed of moss… And if I looked close enough, some of the moss was almost white with a glow.
I called down to Erin excitedly, “There it is!”
Erin nodded nervously. “Yup. There’s something else… Don’t come down here, Bella.”
“What?” I asked. “Why?”
Then, the underground cave Erin was in illuminated with another light, and more of the rock crumbled away. I saw what the reason was- the strangest creatures I would ever see. They were bright green with pink patterns all over them and twelve scaly legs. When the light hit the creatures they skittered back into the darkness.
“I didn’t bring any paper!” Erin shouted up. “Can you make a ladder for me?”
I reluctantly placed the paper for a ladder on the ground, not wanting to lose a spell so soon, and finished the circle. The rock slowly lowered itself down into a ladder, then headed back up with Erin on the bottom rung.
Erin exhaled a sigh of relief. “Thanks. Maturilim crawlers are ferocious when you’ve disturbed their home. Especially so when you’ve taken a part of it…”
Erin held out ten filled jars of maturilim. “That’s the second item down. Let’s leave and find the next one.”
I nodded, still shaken up from the sight of the crawlers. “Alright. Let’s head to the next one.”
After a long while of searching, we finally found all twenty-six of the items. I lined them up on the floor of Erin’s room in order to make a circle, and with both hands on the last jar of maturilim we placed it into its place in the circle.
The circle lit up and began to glow, slowly enveloping the room. I dropped the books off in the library and hurried to put everything back in its place. I waited for what felt like an eternity, then finally saw the light fill our house. Everything it touched began to glow, but then stopped.
Nothing happened, and I dropped to my knees in despair. The counterspell hadn’t worked. All of our hard work had been for nothing. All of the items… All of our hard work… No, I thought to myself. My story will not end this way.

「 Procrastinator - Exhausted - Awkward - Chaotic - Human - Inconsistently Social
(peachi - she/they(/xey) - artist, camp tropiland co-host, writer)
100+ posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

Part 1

Part 2
Name: Gina Alinsky
Age: 24
Species: Human

Personality and traits: Gina is determined and self-absorbed. She believes herself to be superior to most people and is constantly intrigued by herself. She doesn’t like others and has a prejudice against most people. She is subconsciously racist, agist, and classist, although she believes herself to be a fair and just person. She always thinks she is right, and almost never listens to other people’s ideas. Gina enjoys being the center of attention. She is bossy and likes to be the leader of everything. Although, she is well-organized and good at her job as a leader. She is determined and almost always achieves what she wants. She is quite hard-working, although she could sometimes make others do more work than herself. When she is close to somebody, she is kind and stands up for them. She would always make herself the topic of conversations whenever she is in one. She won’t be limited by the rules, and only follow them when she agrees with them. She sometimes overworks and is involved in everything. She enjoys people agreeing with her, and whenever there is someone who doesn’t, she will prompt them into a debate until she wins. She is often verbally abusive to others. She is extremely ambitious, even in her childhood days. She has a heavy ego and always defends her pride, at whatever cost. She also likes to flaunt her achievements and sometimes brag falsely. She is quite short-tempered as well and could be overaggressive at times. She takes criticism well, although she rarely listens to them.
255 words.

Wants and Fears: Gina’s personal goals in life are to achieve great things, make drastic changes, and be well-known in the world. Strangely enough, she would rather be known for doing something terrible than not be acknowledged for doing something good. She wants to have power and be significant in the world, and have a strong influence on others. She wants to be rich and have a stable life.
Her fears are being wrong and being limited in freedom of speech and actions. Some other fears also include disappointing somebody she cares about, or not being listened to, which reflects on her over-ambitious and overtalkative personality. She fears pain, (both physically and emotionally) as well, which is why she limits herself in both dangerous physical activities and she prevents herself from getting close to anybody.
132 words

Physical Description: Gina is 6’0, quite tall compared to the average height. She is not skinny nor fat, and fit enough to do most sports. She has a strong build and is quite strong. She has long arms and a curved head shape. Her eyes are blue-green and her hair is wavy, strawberry blonde, and is usually down to the height of her elbow. She has thick brown eyebrows and long, thin eyelashes. Her skin is a light shade of tan, and her teeth are white and glowy. She usually uses red lipsticks, eyeliners, and sometimes blue eyeshadow. She uses many concealers and lotions. She has healthy habits, and therefore a healthy body and mind.
113 words.

500 words total

Part 3:

Last edited by A-Sad-Invention (March 11, 2022 23:46:37)

an action or judgment that is misguided or wrong.
“coming here was a mistake”

dear reader
burn all the files, desert all your past lives
and if you don't recognize yourself
that means you did it right
100+ posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

(I know this daily is not worth any points but still) march 11 daily, aesthetic: pet minimalist

About me
*ᵇᵒᵒᵖ* hai! ani here. pet crazy person who owns ฅ/ᐠ. ̫ .ᐟ\ฅ & ▼・ᴥ・▼ & ₍ ᐢ. ̫ .⑅ᐢ ₎
ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ I love drawing animals <33

What I'm working on
hmm… creating another animal-themed project Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ or drawing my pets

42 words

Last edited by _kittykay_ (July 1, 2022 07:34:44)

kitty ✦ she/her ✦ cats~ ฅ/ᐠ. ̫ .ᐟ\ฅ ✦ swc
1000+ posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

Weekly 2-

Total weekly word count- 714 words

Part 1- Collaborative story

Total words inckuding both of us- 714 words (I hope I count all correctly as there may be mistakes in counting by hand.)
Purvitekriwal's words- 347 words
Galaxy_Awesome's Words- 367 words

I have partnered with @Galaxy_Awesome from Fan-fi cabin. I am from dystopian and here is our story.

Galaxy_Awesome(lax)- It was three o’clock in the morning, and Casey was terribly, horribly bored. The sounds outside his house were too distracting, worming their ways into his mind until he couldn’t simply relax and fall asleep. He rubbed his eyes. How the night had come to this, he didn’t know. All he knew was that his eyebags would no doubt be even worse in the morning. Casey groaned, longing to go and talk to his best friend Hira. Unfortunately, there would be no way he could sneak into her house uncaught.
Purvitekriwal(Purvi(me))- Then he remebered he had a phone which his mother had given to him and then grew happy he remembered Hira“s mobile no. and dailed it. He talked to her for a while and then it was dinner time. He went on the dining table and he and his family had dinner together.Then they all walked a while and went of to watch tv. They all had fun together then finally it was 10 pm and they went to sleep.
Lax-  Casey yawned, flopping onto his bed, mind buzzing tiredly. He still felt much too awake, only able to stare dully at his pillow. Burying his face in his pillow, Casey flopped and flipped himself around, trying to find a comfortable position. It didn't work. ”Ugh…“ he mumbled to himself. Eventually, he'd had enough. Grabbing his phone from the bedside table, Casey turned it on and pressed Hira's contact. ”Hey, Hira,“ he whispered, sending a voice message. ”You awake?“
Me- Hira was actually sleeping but she got up hearing her mobile notification tone. She listened to the message and angrily replied,”Why are you up this late? You just woke me up!“ And sent the voicemail. This was sent to Casey and Casey sent the voicemail stating that he is unable to sleep.
Lax-  Hira sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. “Then, Casey,” she forced out through gritted teeth, staring sleepily at her phone. “Why did you decide to wake me up instead of, I don’t know, trying to go to sleep?” She pressed send. The moment he received it, Casey groaned and flopped dramatically onto his bed. He picked up his phone. “But I already tried!” He recorded.
Me-  Hira said replied angrily, ” Now no more messages or else I will block you.“ Now Casey after hearing got angry and tried to sleep. He felt lonely but soon he slept but it was 2am by then and he had to wake up at 6am for school. Her mother went to wake him up as it was not 6.30 am and he usually wakes up on time. His mother woke him up and asked, ”Why didn't you wake up!! It is now 6.45am!“ He told the whole story. Hira could not sleep the whole night and just went to school feeling sleepy and told the story to teacher when teacher asked why is she sleepy. The teacher and Casey's mother both have scolded Casey. Now she was very sad. Now, it was lifeskills as the 1st period where the teacher, Mrs Sumitra taught importance of sleep and how to reduce stress and sadness.
Lax- ”And that, class, is why sleep is important, and how you can reduce your stress and sadness!“ concluded Mrs. Sumitra, much to Casey's chagrin. This was his favourite class. Did it really have to end so soon? Beside him, Hira sprung out of her seat, shooting him a guilty look. ”Come on,“ she said. ”Let's go get some food,“ Casey stuck his tongue out defiantly. ”But I want to stay here and talk to Mrs. Sumitra!“ he complained. Hira sighed and grabbed his arm, pulling him up with all her strength. ”Tell you what,“ she said. ”How about I treat you to some biscuits? I heard Juan's selling them over in the yard. You know, to make up for getting angry at you last night. Sorry for that, by the way,"
Me-  Casey promised to himself not to have stress and be sad and sleep on time. He asked the doubts he had to Sumitra ma'am and also went with Hira and told that he is sorry and did not want to hurt her. She was also not upset nor Casey was now. They all lived happily from now on.

The End

Part 2- Character(In progress)

Wants, hopes and strengths section words- 101 words
Basic description words- 29 words
Personality and traits section words-
Dislikes, weaknesses and fears section words-
Total Part 2 words-
Name- Mira Gupta
Species- Neanderthalis (A species of early humans)
Age- 15 years (life expectancy of a Neanderthal(common name of the species) was 30 years)
Gender- Female

Personality and Traits- She is a girl living in a jungle with her tribe. She has a kind and caring personality. She is creative and cares for everyone. She always thinks logically and gets creative solutions to problems. She can solve most of the problems and carries a disease of supermemory and super calculator which is being passed on from generations.

Wants, hopes and strengths- She wants to live near a 100km far river which she hopes will be able to go to. She has a lot of mental and physical strength and can row boats easily. She loves to always be with her family and enjoys making bamboo crafts. She also likes growing trees and loves trees a lot. She also has a creative and logical thinking which enables her to find answers to most problems. Her 1 strength is her weakness. It is the strength of believing everyone. She is a supercalculator by disease. She loves this disease of her.

Dislikes, weakness and fears- She has a weakness that she believes everyone and it is also her strength. It is her weakness because people many a times have taken advantage of her. She dislikes bad people. She hates her disease of supermemory as she has many bad memories.

Part 3- Setting
Part 4- Premise
Part 5- Bringing it together

Last edited by Dahipuri (March 15, 2022 06:22:52)

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Generation 20: the first time you see this copy and paste it on top of your signature in the scratch forums and increase generation by 1. Social experiment.

Touch of adventure White Tiger Federation

signature in progress
52 posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)



NAME: Sage Johansson
AGE: 13, nearly 14


Sage is a very catastrophic thinker. She is constantly worrying that something terrible is going to happen, such as an earthquake or tsunami. Her paranoia can often alienate people. However, she is very kind, and will do anything for anybody, even if they’ve mistreated her. She is always willing to help anybody, whether it’s with homework, giving them advice or just being friendly in general. Sometimes this can be annoying, as she wants to ‘act the hero’ and doesn’t realise that she goes overboard. Sage thinks that if she just keeps on pushing, everyone will adore her - she just doesn’t know where and when to stop. Despite this, due to her relentless kindness and high intelligence, (most - I don’t know what situation she’ll be put in) adults like her. The one thing that everyone dislikes about her, though, is that she literally can't keep anything to herself. Not thoughts, worries - fears in particular - questions or even secrets. She blabs about anything to anyone who will listen. Her outspokenness is the main thing that puts people off of her. In general - yes, we’re going in to Hogwarts houses > - I’d say she’s a Ravenclaw, due to her intelligence, quick with, the way she overthinks things, and her outspokenness.


There are only really two things Sage wants in life:

To have friends. As mentioned in Dislikes and Fears, she is terrified of being alone. Therefore she wants people to like her. Seeing friends giggling and laughing fills her with an incredibly strong sense of want and longing. She also thinks that friendship will give her more stability in life, which leads on to want no. 2.
To have a stable, predictable life. Since she fears chance, planning ahead of time and knowing what will happen is the only thing that can really soothe it. Knowing what will happen also makes her appear more confident, which is something that she really craves. As for strengths, she is amazingly quick witted and resourceful. This means that her fear of change is slightly irrational, since she can get herself out of almost any sticky situation. Another strength - she has a (not quite photographic, but close enough) amazing memory. She can recall events from years ago in the blink of an eye, and can read visual things like maps better than words. This leads to a love of art - which she is absolutely brilliant at. It also means that she’s very quick - and accurate - at non-verbal reasoning. For example, she’s never played chess, but if she had, she would’ve won almost every game.


Despite her name, Sage actually hates nature, due to her fear of bugs. She has severe arachnophobia, and is just terrified of creepy crawlies in general - nobody knows why. She also hates loud noises and change. Things that come around unexpectedly (such as loud noises and change) are what scare her the most in life. She prefers knowing what’s around the bend, and planning everything ahead of time. Because of all of these fears, people often find her hard to interact with and naïve. This leads to another fear - being alone. She tries very hard to please people, but sometimes that just makes her seem strange.

hey, i'm westy


“august slipped away into a moment in time,”
85 posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

2nd Weekly:

First part:

Second part:
  • Name: Jay Hartmann
  • Age: 14
  • Species: Human
  • Personality and traits: Jay is very stubborn. Once he sets his mind to something it's hard to dissuade him, although he changes his mind fairly easily if he sees peoples arguments as logical, relevant, and steadfast. He's pretty modest but enjoys praise, so he works hard. He has a strong worldview but is still polite to those who has different ideas about things. He's basically the type of person you can have a calm, enjoyable talk about something, even if you don't see eye to eye. He needs a bit of outside pressure to do things, and easily falls into a cycle of procrastination if he doesn't have deadlines, but as most people, he doesn't like unrealistic goals. He doesn't really have any secrets that he keeps only to himself, though no one knows everything about him, and there are many things he's only comfortable sharing with one or two people. Jay is bad with confrontation and often doesn't say what he's thinking. Despite that he's not a very quiet person, and will talk fairly often. He's quite emotional when on his own, but doesn't like to show a whole lot when in public/with other people. He's also very kind to most.
  • Wants, hopes and strengths: Jay's very good at helping people as long as whatever it is isn't too out of depth, and he's very hardworking, and quite good with academics. He is driven by a need to prove himself, and therefore wants people to recognize his achievements. He feels the need to do well for the future, and wants to kickstart as much as possible, and will try to do anything from saving up things to learning about how stuff work for future reference. He's quite good at figuring things out on his own. He hopes to be successful, wether that be on small, rather insignificant things, or just life in general. He has many small talents that can be rather useful. He wants to be surrounded by loving people, and hopes for loyal friends, though when it comes to succeeding he will often choose friendship second (depending on the scenario), which makes him rather practical. Despite that he isn't ruthless in any way, and quite a loving person. He's fun to be around for the most part, and will bring logical thinking when others won't. Jay wants the best for himself and his loved ones, even when out of depth for such things.
  • Dislikes and fears: He is scared to fail, and terrified of being alone in the dark. Mostly outside, but also in his own home sometimes. He dislikes people who criticize him and can be hostile towards them. He's not a picky eater but he doesn't like kiwi, avocado, or eggplant. Jay hates when people abuse their positions of power, but isn't very brave and often can't stand up to them. He dislikes being disturbed when he wants to be alone and doesn't like loud spaces, as they tend to overwhelm him and make him rather irritable. He's scared of loosing his loved ones.
80 posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

sorry, ignore this! i tried writing something here but it got messed up

Last edited by doglover_73 (March 11, 2022 12:33:23)

➲ hi i'm log
➼ she/they • isfp-t • cancer ♡

-ˏˋ follow my friends! ˎˊ-
@asha16lc5 @Bean6248 @AudPod @Kitty-Covers
Panda_Bear_2009 @seastarr- -Mistpool-
80 posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

again, ignore this. sorry it double-posted

Last edited by doglover_73 (March 11, 2022 12:33:52)

➲ hi i'm log
➼ she/they • isfp-t • cancer ♡

-ˏˋ follow my friends! ˎˊ-
@asha16lc5 @Bean6248 @AudPod @Kitty-Covers
Panda_Bear_2009 @seastarr- -Mistpool-
93 posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

Hi, I'm from the mystery cabin and here I am sharing the in-cabin daily-
Hi everyone, I am a parrot named Raksha but after I was made a pet of a wonderful little girl, I was renamed as Cutie. At first, I thought this name as stupid name Cutie means to be cute and I am adventurous little parrot so I don't want to cute or adorable.
Whereas, My owner likes to be cute and adorable and is herself a cutie.
I always wanted myself to be free in the jungle and search for clues to find a hidden treasure and solve the unknown mystery. Luckily, my owner was not although only a cutie, she too like adventures so I decided to speak to her but couldn't as she didn't understand then she said in her adorable and cute voice voice, “ Oh, my dear cutie, I can't understand you and I will teach you how to speak.” Just then the calling bell rang and there came her aunt. Oh, I don't like her aunt as she is very angry and throws tantrums on me usually and once I lunged her spectacles when she tried coming near me and she went to rose red for that and never came to me again. I like to be in this house as it is the right place for me.
word count- 212 words.

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