Discuss Scratch

24 posts

a suggestion - filterbot specificness

mybearworld wrote:

warriorcats2155 wrote:

[View post]
If this suggesstion were to come true:

some random person wrote:

*Says filterbot triggering word*

Filterbot wrote:

Something is blacklisted, here, lemme show you: (INSERT BLACKLISTED WORD)

some random person wrote:

*Fixes writing to not include the filterbot triggering word.*
Not quite.
What would happen is:

some random person wrote:

*Says filterbot triggering word*

Filterbot wrote:

Something is blacklisted, here, lemme show you: (INSERT BLACKLISTED WORD)

some random person wrote:

*Asks their parents what that word means, and tells them they learned it from scratch*
No support.

half of the time the word isn't even bad. most of the time when i trigger filterbot, it's because of keyboard spam or saying someone username. should it actually be a cuss word, however, wouldn't the child pick up that it's a bad word and shouldn't be said? children would be helped by this feature, cause it would help them recognize what is okay and what isn't. chances are they won't say they learned it from scratch anyways if they ask their parents, they'd most likely say some variation of scratch not allowing them to say it.

stan hiyoko saionji <3

i'm at a point in life where my only hobby is terrorizing people with owo speak
1000+ posts

a suggestion - filterbot specificness

mybearworld wrote:

Not quite.
What would happen is:

some random person wrote:

*Says filterbot triggering word*

Filterbot wrote:

Something is blacklisted, here, lemme show you: (INSERT BLACKLISTED WORD)

some random person wrote:

*Asks their parents what that word means, and tells them they learned it from scratch*
No support.
This situation never happens. For one, most children already know most swear words, two, it was bound to happen anyway if it hasn't already, three, only really small (and those not exactly blessed with towering intellect) would ever do that, four, most likely it will be completely undecipherable to most, and especially those who don't know that word, and five, even if they did learn a swear word from some underlined segment that the filter detects, if you tell people a word is bad, they won't ask their parents what it means.

Hyped for MS-DOS 11.0
1000+ posts

a suggestion - filterbot specificness

MiintyFluff wrote:

half of the time the word isn't even bad. most of the time when i trigger filterbot, it's because of keyboard spam or saying someone username. should it actually be a cuss word, however, wouldn't the child pick up that it's a bad word and shouldn't be said? children would be helped by this feature, cause it would help them recognize what is okay and what isn't. chances are they won't say they learned it from scratch anyways if they ask their parents, they'd most likely say some variation of scratch not allowing them to say it.


Last edited by Wario1027 (June 3, 2021 17:37:27)

Doobus Goobus as Phoenix Wright wrote:

“Maya last time you slipped on a giant banana peel, flew into outer space, landed in the country of Turkey where your hand landed on a knife that had just been used to stab a dude, followed by you knocking over disinfectant on every part of the knife except your fingerprints, but still removing the original killer's fingerprints, and there was a record of airport tickets you ordered online of you going to Turkey at that exact time which you apparently ordered while you were sleepwalking.”
1000+ posts

a suggestion - filterbot specificness

Support, sometimes I get muted for accidentally typing something the filterbot thinks is innapropriate.

everything below is my signature, it appears under everything I post.

I am the real Kris Dreemurr from deltarune

Why are you here, you extension user? This is where I put my copypastas! Run along, now!

Please only create new threads here if you're a New Scratcher introducing yourself the community. Check out [url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/399690/]Making a guide/welcome topic? Please read this first![/url]

Hello!  It's great that you want to help out other Scratchers.  However, I think we have enough guides in the forums at the moment.  Please feel free to welcome new Scratchers on [url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/4670/]the group welcoming topic[/url] or on individual topics created by New Scratchers.

Other places that can always use more helpful Scratchers like you, are the "[url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/7/]Help With Scripts[/url]" and "[url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/4/]Questions About Scratch[/url]" areas - please use them as designed, by responding to topics created by folks with problems to solve :)

Finally, a really good place for Scratch guides is the [url=https://en.scratch-wiki.info/]Scratch Wiki[/url] - check it out and see if it's something you might like to work on. They have a number of guides - and great organization.
1000+ posts

a suggestion - filterbot specificness

YtArie5 wrote:

Support, sometimes I get muted for accidentally typing something the filterbot thinks is innapropriate.

Doobus Goobus as Phoenix Wright wrote:

“Maya last time you slipped on a giant banana peel, flew into outer space, landed in the country of Turkey where your hand landed on a knife that had just been used to stab a dude, followed by you knocking over disinfectant on every part of the knife except your fingerprints, but still removing the original killer's fingerprints, and there was a record of airport tickets you ordered online of you going to Turkey at that exact time which you apparently ordered while you were sleepwalking.”
500+ posts

a suggestion - filterbot specificness

YtArie5 wrote:

Support, sometimes I get muted for accidentally typing something the filterbot thinks is innapropriate.
OOF rip

Parent user: kkidslogin, Generation 16: the first time you see this copy and paste it on top of your sig in the scratch forums, increase generation by 1, and change the parent user to who you’re reading this from. Social experiment.
500+ posts

a suggestion - filterbot specificness

Support, now I won't get muted for saying constructive comments that often.

Last edited by hiPeeps124816 (June 3, 2021 20:06:26)

Generation 7: First time you see this? Copy and paste it on top of your signature in the forums and increase generation by 1.

Specs -
OS: macOS 11.6.4
Browser: Varies, usually Safari 15.3 or Opera GX 83 or Firefox 96
Computer: Late 2013 MacBook Pro 2.4GHz Dual Core Intel Core i5
highlight and shift down arrow

500+ posts

a suggestion - filterbot specificness

CatGuyAnimates wrote:

WindOctahedron wrote:

CatGuyAnimates wrote:

I do NOT support. If one accidentally typed a bad word and the filter said “NO! No say BLANK!” Then bam, the child learned a new bad word. Now he/she/they cannot use Scratch because of the very reason the filter exists.
Learning that something is inappropriate ≠ using something inappropriate. In fact, if you knew that something is forbidden and you could get punished for doing that, you would avoid it, wouldn't you? And if you didn't know that there are rules, wouldn't the chance of you breaking them increase?
The main point, telling children inappropriate words is bad.
At least they would know what not to say. Sure, they can misuse the warning and speak rudely, but that's why the report button was created - to tell the Scratch Team that they broke the rules, and let them stop the user.
Think of it from the point of view of a parent. Would you want your child learning bad words? Learning its inappropriate may cause some children to want to use it even more. Teaching children bad words when they accidentally type them may cause some parents to think Scratch is not friendly for children.
I learned tons of bad words, whether I wanted to or not. Yet I never cussed these words. It's really unlikely that you want to actually use the new bad words you learned.

Generation 7: First time you see this? Copy and paste it on top of your signature in the forums and increase generation by 1.

Specs -
OS: macOS 11.6.4
Browser: Varies, usually Safari 15.3 or Opera GX 83 or Firefox 96
Computer: Late 2013 MacBook Pro 2.4GHz Dual Core Intel Core i5
highlight and shift down arrow

500+ posts

a suggestion - filterbot specificness

starbyt wrote:

Filterbot needs to be more specific about what, specifically, is offensive about a user's comment.

I’m going to repeat my guess on this from another topic because, so far, no one on the Scratch Team has said its a silly idea.

It’s an advantage to the Scratch Team if their website does not point out bad words. The Scratch Team’s main goal appears to be the dissemination of Scratch and in order to be welcome everywhere they don’t want their software to do anything offensive like highlighting bad words.

They are less worried about people coming to the forums to ask about bad words - even though more people “learn” bad words or phrases - because this way their main product (Scratch web site) and the Scratch Team are not involved.

41 posts

a suggestion - filterbot specificness

Back on topic, I have experienced the problem when using the backpack. When I added the code to a 2000-block project, the extension dies. I checked the source project and it still works.

I made a parser for a comment!
1000+ posts

a suggestion - filterbot specificness

CatGuyAnimates wrote:

WindOctahedron wrote:

CatGuyAnimates wrote:

I do NOT support. If one accidentally typed a bad word and the filter said “NO! No say BLANK!” Then bam, the child learned a new bad word. Now he/she/they cannot use Scratch because of the very reason the filter exists.
Learning that something is inappropriate ≠ using something inappropriate. In fact, if you knew that something is forbidden and you could get punished for doing that, you would avoid it, wouldn't you? And if you didn't know that there are rules, wouldn't the chance of you breaking them increase?
The main point, telling children inappropriate words is bad.
At least they would know what not to say. Sure, they can misuse the warning and speak rudely, but that's why the report button was created - to tell the Scratch Team that they broke the rules, and let them stop the user.
Think of it from the point of view of a parent. Would you want your child learning bad words? Learning its inappropriate may cause some children to want to use it even more. Teaching children bad words when they accidentally type them may cause some parents to think Scratch is not friendly for children.
Literally most adults say bad words in front of kids, whether it be in the supermarket, or outside when someones talking on the phone. Parents should have to teach children what is bad and not bad.

Forumer Post Count Bar Graph! (inspired by AIGamesDeveloper)
Project: Forummon by randomguy3513
hi, contrast

dont call me 7salad
dont call me 7salsa lol
just simply “Salad” will do.

:]::#00289A// This is my pet Noobles! He protects my signature from [i]unwanted guests[/i]


}::#800080//This is Noobles' big brother, Probles. He has returned and Noobles is happy to see him!
//oh, yeah, he is also cool so he wears sunglasses.

:P::cap sensing//This is their little brother, Doobles

old banner thnng
1000+ posts

a suggestion - filterbot specificness

Anyways, support. Filterbot should tell you what is wrong so that you dont repeat the same mistake in the future.

Forumer Post Count Bar Graph! (inspired by AIGamesDeveloper)
Project: Forummon by randomguy3513
hi, contrast

dont call me 7salad
dont call me 7salsa lol
just simply “Salad” will do.

:]::#00289A// This is my pet Noobles! He protects my signature from [i]unwanted guests[/i]


}::#800080//This is Noobles' big brother, Probles. He has returned and Noobles is happy to see him!
//oh, yeah, he is also cool so he wears sunglasses.

:P::cap sensing//This is their little brother, Doobles

old banner thnng
1000+ posts

a suggestion - filterbot specificness

semi to no support
here's why :

say “cat” was a bad word

someone would get muted for saying catastrophe. highlighting cat would teach the child a bad word (which wasn't meant to be) , also , people could try to abuse that to get around the filter such as changing cat to something else or add letters in between

guide to make good projects <3

Think! Is saying if you support a suggestion necessary? No! People can just tell by your constructive post after it. You have more freedom on your tone!
Forumers, especially new, may also get upset if you say “no support!!!” at them! They may take the whole post in a negative tone, and that makes them upset!
Instead, you can kindly say why their suggestion has cons. They will take it as “constructive criticism” and be happy. - dertermenter

1000+ posts

a suggestion - filterbot specificness

support, only if it still mutes you.

any pronouns, a thing | forumer | 14 | somewhat intelligent most likely idiot

An0therRand0mC0der wrote:

no objection. decent and somewhat constructive posts. truly one of the forumers of all time
postpercent | 69th post / 100th post / 500th post / 1000th post
1000+ posts

a suggestion - filterbot specificness

If it teaches the kid a bad word, that counteracts the point of not teaching kids bad words. It also counteracts the point of muting, as someone comments a bit cheesy and learns a new colorful word. Heck, using a bad word is often a lot cooler when you’re told not to

this is my signature
I simply exist
5 posts

a suggestion - filterbot specificness

100% support. Simply highlighting or underlining the bad words would make it so the kids wouldn't know how to use them properly, meaning that they'd have to look them up, shifting the blame off of Scratch. If parents don't want to use Scratch because it tells their kids what not to say, it's not that big of a deal– Scratch isn't a paid service.

Last edited by TheOneAndOnlySnx (Feb. 14, 2023 23:51:06)

- Snx, the crazy chaotic Craver who is part of GWDFI, deprives themself of sleep daily, and is overall insane

please use they/them pronouns on me at all times

go away kumquats or i will blast your ears out with for KING & COUNTRY music

random quote from yt: “floor towel?”
1000+ posts

a suggestion - filterbot specificness

No support, this tells people what words they need to figure out a bypass for.

This is my signature. It is not a part of this post and it appears under every post I make.
Sonic Says
Every world has its end. I know that's kinda sad, but, that's why we have to live life to the fullest in the time we have. At least… that's what I figure.
Hey there, I'm sonic__fan. I just look for good suggestions to add to Scratch.
5 posts

a suggestion - filterbot specificness

I was wondering about the video sensing thing. I was using a Chromebook and I also made sure to give Scratch permission to use my camera/webcam. I made sure to double check in the chromebook settings and it's still not working I think. So does anyone know how to fix this problem(s)?
1000+ posts

a suggestion - filterbot specificness

girlsruless wrote:

Support 101%!!! This would help stop the drama over unexplained mutings.

Yes! You are definitely right!

Hello! Welcome to my signature!

I am a real Mario enthusiast and a fan of the franchise and an IT nerd (sort of, still needs work). My new account is PaperMarioFan2024, made by request of a user.

Profile | Ocular | ScratchStats | PostPercent | GitHub Main | Snap!

| Professional Mario Enthusiast / (OLD) 3DS FC: 2252-0951-8546 / Switch FC: SW-2091-2478-9614 |

⇢ Scroll down with CTRL+Shift to see the rest of my signature below!

Give me an internet :)

My internetometer is just an archive account now lol ☠

I’ve been a Scratcher since 2021!

My glorious meme section (scroll down to see more)

1000+ posts

a suggestion - filterbot specificness

I support! The filterbot is really bad at explaining what you did wrong after posting the comment, and it only shows what you did wrong in a a light blue high-lighted text box instead of somewhere where users can see it in view.

Hello! Welcome to my signature!

I am a real Mario enthusiast and a fan of the franchise and an IT nerd (sort of, still needs work). My new account is PaperMarioFan2024, made by request of a user.

Profile | Ocular | ScratchStats | PostPercent | GitHub Main | Snap!

| Professional Mario Enthusiast / (OLD) 3DS FC: 2252-0951-8546 / Switch FC: SW-2091-2478-9614 |

⇢ Scroll down with CTRL+Shift to see the rest of my signature below!

Give me an internet :)

My internetometer is just an archive account now lol ☠

I’ve been a Scratcher since 2021!

My glorious meme section (scroll down to see more)

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