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The New Advanced Topics directory!

Welcome to the advanced topics directory, a place where you can find all sorts of cool topics about advanced aspects of Scratch!

Last edited by Ihatr (Jan. 7, 2021 23:03:07)

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1000+ posts

The New Advanced Topics directory!

Adding your or other people's topics is simple! Just make sure your topic follows all of these simple guidelines
1: Is in the “Advanced Topics” category

2: Is about a kind of “Advanced Topics”

3: You have permission from the owner to add the topic (if you don't own the topic)

If all of this is fulfilled, simply post the topic link and a “I would like this topic to be added” message. I will then add the topic to the directory!

Last edited by Ihatr (Jan. 7, 2021 22:59:57)

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1000+ posts

The New Advanced Topics directory!

Previous Topic(s)

Topic #1 by Nambaseking01


13 Topics Added!

Last edited by Ihatr (Jan. 7, 2021 23:01:00)

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1000+ posts

The New Advanced Topics directory!

Please add Doing stuff (posting/commenting/sharing etc.) on scratch via the console to the directory

Use SHS (Shiny Hunting Simulator)
a realistic shiny pokemon hunting simulator. to use, go here.
I am Dogsmakemehappy (Github) A
Dog Lover - Minecraft player - Forum Helper - Wiki Editor
1000+ posts

The New Advanced Topics directory!

dogsmakemehappy wrote:

Please add Doing stuff (posting/commenting/sharing etc.) on scratch via the console to the directory

this is a link
1000+ posts

The New Advanced Topics directory!

Ihatr wrote:

dogsmakemehappy wrote:

Please add Doing stuff (posting/commenting/sharing etc.) on scratch via the console to the directory

Use SHS (Shiny Hunting Simulator)
a realistic shiny pokemon hunting simulator. to use, go here.
I am Dogsmakemehappy (Github) A
Dog Lover - Minecraft player - Forum Helper - Wiki Editor
1000+ posts

The New Advanced Topics directory!

ahhh I forgot it said owner request or permission from owner

no more posting in AT for me

Last edited by NotDucki_ (Feb. 11, 2021 14:50:42)

Semi Active moment
Oshi No Ko - Topic vv

That moment when you got PENTA-NINJA'D dustbinned D:
Highlight this text and press CTRL Shift Down and please tell me what post this was from

spocite wrote:

Za-Chary wrote:

bobcat0701 wrote:

we could just ask gobo scratch cat and griffpatch to force the st to add these in because gobo scratch cat and griffpatch rule the world
You would be surprised to hear that they do not. Even Scratch Cat has to discuss features with us to make sure they're good — it's called the Scratch Team, after all.

Yeah, but we all know griffpatch secretly runs the scratch team; I mean, he’s GRIFFPATCH. It would be outright dumb to not have griffpatch on the team. But, since it’s impossible for a human to make such good projects, it has to be either Scratch Cat, Gobo, Pico, and the other one. It has to be Scratch Cat, because the other one is too obscure, Pico is to busy making records, and Gobo is, well, Gobo. So, Scratch Cat in fact DOES have all the power, and the scratch team is a hoax made by NASA to distract from the fact that the moon landing was fake, the earth is flat, the government is run by lizard people, and spocite is a serial killer.

Furthermore, all the “Scratch Team members” are also fake. I mean, @Paddle2See is a robot designed to reject suggestions, @Za-Chary is, well, he might be held hostage by Gobo, I have no idea about him… All the rest though, they’re just actors…
1000+ posts

The New Advanced Topics directory!

add the arch btw topic

i use arch linux (btw) with the linux zen kernel and enjoy writing silly things in silly languages using silly frameworks
1000+ posts

The New Advanced Topics directory!

uwv wrote:

add the arch btw topic

April Fools' topics:
New Buildings in Scratch's headquarters
Give every Scratcher an M1 MacBook Air
Scratch should let users edit other Scratchers' projects
Make a statue for Jeffalo
Scratch Tech Tips™
Make a Chiroyce statue emoji

<img src=“x” onerror=“alert('XSS vulnerability discovered')”>

this is a test sentence
1000+ posts

The New Advanced Topics directory!

ninjaMAR wrote:

add https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/436402/

this is a link
1000+ posts

The New Advanced Topics directory!

uwv wrote:

add the arch btw topic
do you have permission from mr archbtw

this is a link
1000+ posts

The New Advanced Topics directory!

Ihatr wrote:

uwv wrote:

add the arch btw topic
do you have permission from mr archbtw
Dude! What if uwv is archbtw?!

April Fools' topics:
New Buildings in Scratch's headquarters
Give every Scratcher an M1 MacBook Air
Scratch should let users edit other Scratchers' projects
Make a statue for Jeffalo
Scratch Tech Tips™
Make a Chiroyce statue emoji

<img src=“x” onerror=“alert('XSS vulnerability discovered')”>

this is a test sentence
70 posts

The New Advanced Topics directory!

Ihatr wrote:

uwv wrote:

add the arch btw topic
do you have permission from mr archbtw

i dont have friends…

…but im happy because i use arch linux, arch linux is a safe, easy to use, fast, lightweight linux distribution, try it out by going to archlinux.org

…you can also simulate having friends with arch btw, if you're into that!
1000+ posts

The New Advanced Topics directory!

are these topics advanced?
1000+ posts

The New Advanced Topics directory!

potatophant wrote:

are these topics advanced?
are you advanced enough to know if they are advanced?

this is a link
1000+ posts

The New Advanced Topics directory!

Ihatr wrote:

potatophant wrote:

are these topics advanced?
are you advanced enough to know if they are advanced?

Big brain!

April Fools' topics:
New Buildings in Scratch's headquarters
Give every Scratcher an M1 MacBook Air
Scratch should let users edit other Scratchers' projects
Make a statue for Jeffalo
Scratch Tech Tips™
Make a Chiroyce statue emoji

<img src=“x” onerror=“alert('XSS vulnerability discovered')”>

this is a test sentence
1000+ posts

The New Advanced Topics directory!

Ihatr wrote:

potatophant wrote:

are these topics advanced?
are you advanced enough to know if they are advanced?
are you advanced to know if im advanced enough to know if they are advanced?

Chiroyce wrote:

Ihatr wrote:

potatophant wrote:

are these topics advanced?
are you advanced enough to know if they are advanced?

Big brain!
no u
wait doesnt that technically make it a compliment
1000+ posts

The New Advanced Topics directory!

Please add js or python

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