Discuss Scratch

8 posts

new layer sensing blocks, <behind [sprite]?> and (layer)

Yeah, I could see why this could be very useful. Because layers can be a BIG pain sometimes
when green flag clicked
say [A really good suggestion] for (2) secs
100+ posts

new layer sensing blocks, <behind [sprite]?> and (layer)

Definitely in support of this - it would make animating a good deal easier xD

500+ posts

new layer sensing blocks, <behind [sprite]?> and (layer)

I can see another use for this block:
when green flag clicked
go back (pick random (10) to (500)) layers
if <behind [sprite1 v] :: sensing> then
say [i'm behind sprite1]
if <not<behind [sprite1 v] :: sensing>> then
say [i'm in front of sprite1]
say [i'm on the same layer as sprite1]
I support!

Last edited by chrdagos (Feb. 24, 2020 00:34:15)

100+ posts

new layer sensing blocks, <behind [sprite]?> and (layer)

I definitely support it! 100%! That's a great idea!
say [Such a good idea!] for (10000000000000) secs

⚡A BOLT OF BRILLIANCE!⚡ -Detective Pikachu
1 post

new layer sensing blocks, <behind [sprite]?> and (layer)

I support it! We definitely need this block in scratch!

when green flag clicked
say [Support StevenTheSquare!]
1000+ posts

new layer sensing blocks, <behind [sprite]?> and (layer)

chrdagos wrote:

... :: #222222
say [i'm on the same layer as sprite1]
... :: #222222
Actually, it's not possible to make two sprites be on the same level, because it wouldn't be possible for them to be at the same location.

The message above may contain wrong information, rude remarks, or something embarrassing to my current self. In this case, please ignore it and remember that I likely wrote it back when I didn't know what “respect” truly meant. I really hate thinking about it again.
100+ posts

new layer sensing blocks, <behind [sprite]?> and (layer)

WindOctahedron wrote:

chrdagos wrote:

... :: #222222
say [i'm on the same layer as sprite1]
... :: #222222
Actually, it's not possible to make two sprites be on the same level, because it wouldn't be possible for them to be at the same location.
Very true, and a huge part of why the “workarounds” don't really work.

Please support this suggestion for layer sensing blocks!
<<behind [sprite1 v]? :: sensing> and (layer :: looks)>
Please support this suggestion for the ability to replace bio space with projects!
Please support this suggestion for the ability to customize studio permissions!
“You're entirely bonkers. But I'll tell you a secret; all the best people are.”
Need help with anything? You can totally ask me!
stay awesome :: #FF1493
100+ posts

new layer sensing blocks, <behind [sprite]?> and (layer)

Thanks to Feather_Dynamics for supporting via my life-updates studio! We now have 17 supporters!

Please support this suggestion for layer sensing blocks!
<<behind [sprite1 v]? :: sensing> and (layer :: looks)>
Please support this suggestion for the ability to replace bio space with projects!
Please support this suggestion for the ability to customize studio permissions!
“You're entirely bonkers. But I'll tell you a secret; all the best people are.”
Need help with anything? You can totally ask me!
stay awesome :: #FF1493
29 posts

new layer sensing blocks, <behind [sprite]?> and (layer)

Support! It'd also be really great for artists and whatnot

 { ᴅᴏʟᴘʜɪɴʀɪᴅᴇʀ8910 }

writer || bored ||
100+ posts

new layer sensing blocks, <behind [sprite]?> and (layer)

thanks Dolphinrider8910! I hadn't thought of that, but yeah!

Please support this suggestion for layer sensing blocks!
<<behind [sprite1 v]? :: sensing> and (layer :: looks)>
Please support this suggestion for the ability to replace bio space with projects!
Please support this suggestion for the ability to customize studio permissions!
“You're entirely bonkers. But I'll tell you a secret; all the best people are.”
Need help with anything? You can totally ask me!
stay awesome :: #FF1493
84 posts

new layer sensing blocks, <behind [sprite]?> and (layer)

You could create a variable that adds up or down how many layers you are from the front or back, which would allow you to keep track of what layer your sprite is on.
1000+ posts

new layer sensing blocks, <behind [sprite]?> and (layer)

Maybe it's because I make more “technical” projects, but I don't see how this would be useful.
I think a more robust block would be a reporter block that had the value of the layer the Sprite was on, as well as adding “layer” to the context menu of
([layer v] of [sprite v])
I believe it would be more versatile as it could tell you how many layers back it is.
The behind block could then be worked around as
<(layer) < ([layer v] of [sprite v])> // I can't make the reporter purple, this is NOT supposed to be a variable

Hyped for MS-DOS 11.0
100+ posts

new layer sensing blocks, <behind [sprite]?> and (layer)

Thanks for your input, fdreerf!

Last edited by StevenTheSquare (Feb. 26, 2020 18:13:20)

Please support this suggestion for layer sensing blocks!
<<behind [sprite1 v]? :: sensing> and (layer :: looks)>
Please support this suggestion for the ability to replace bio space with projects!
Please support this suggestion for the ability to customize studio permissions!
“You're entirely bonkers. But I'll tell you a secret; all the best people are.”
Need help with anything? You can totally ask me!
stay awesome :: #FF1493
2 posts

new layer sensing blocks, <behind [sprite]?> and (layer)

when green flag clicked
say [(sorry for using the say block, I have never used this) Support! This block could be very useful in the future! Especially for collabs where everyone is overlapping eachother!]
100+ posts

new layer sensing blocks, <behind [sprite]?> and (layer)

EmmettRios19 wrote:

sorry for using the say block, I have never used this) Support! This block could be very useful in the future! Especially for collabs where everyone is overlapping eachother!
EmmettRios19, thanks for your support! I hadn't thought of collabs, but yeah that's awesome!

Please support this suggestion for layer sensing blocks!
<<behind [sprite1 v]? :: sensing> and (layer :: looks)>
Please support this suggestion for the ability to replace bio space with projects!
Please support this suggestion for the ability to customize studio permissions!
“You're entirely bonkers. But I'll tell you a secret; all the best people are.”
Need help with anything? You can totally ask me!
stay awesome :: #FF1493
5 posts

new layer sensing blocks, <behind [sprite]?> and (layer)

that is one good block
60 posts

new layer sensing blocks, <behind [sprite]?> and (layer)

Support! It would really help making projects using multiple sprites to make graphics look good.

Also look at this if you have time
Quick block searching suggestion

My biggest game so far, coming soon:
Space Adventure Teaser

Last edited by norbert00 (Feb. 26, 2020 18:30:07)

500+ posts

new layer sensing blocks, <behind [sprite]?> and (layer)

WindOctahedron wrote:

chrdagos wrote:

... :: #222222
say [i'm on the same layer as sprite1]
... :: #222222
Actually, it's not possible to make two sprites be on the same level, because it wouldn't be possible for them to be at the same location.
It said layer, not level.
1000+ posts

new layer sensing blocks, <behind [sprite]?> and (layer)


trouble with clones? view my clone id toolbox! I also have built the bases of a tower defense game link here.
If someone on help with scripts is saying that something can't be done, they should be suspected of being a team limit grunt.
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5 posts

new layer sensing blocks, <behind [sprite]?> and (layer)

Discussion Forums » Suggestions » SUGGESTION: new sensing block, <behind ?>, useful for organizing layers, very good for complex projects like games or animations! PLEASE IMPLEMENT!
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