Discuss Scratch

1000+ posts

Official Fanfic Thread

i swear to god if i see any more sonic on this website

mr-scratch-cat wrote:

mr-scratch-cat wrote:

cs156175 wrote:

wait ceebee is a girl I think
I know what ceebee looks like, and I think he's a dude.
So, his name is Christian Balch, and he's a guy.
Ceebee is male.

“If you get it, then let's go, crown citizen.”
1000+ posts

Official Fanfic Thread

scratchnapped wrote:

i swear to god if i see any more sonic on this website

mr-scratch-cat wrote:

mr-scratch-cat wrote:

cs156175 wrote:

wait ceebee is a girl I think
I know what ceebee looks like, and I think he's a dude.
So, his name is Christian Balch, and he's a guy.
Ceebee is male.
Look at her most recent project.

1000+ posts

Official Fanfic Thread

cs156175 wrote:

scratchnapped wrote:

i swear to god if i see any more sonic on this website

mr-scratch-cat wrote:

mr-scratch-cat wrote:

cs156175 wrote:

wait ceebee is a girl I think
I know what ceebee looks like, and I think he's a dude.
So, his name is Christian Balch, and he's a guy.
Ceebee is male.
Look at her most recent project.
Alright, I officially don't know what I'm talking about, g'bye x^x

“If you get it, then let's go, crown citizen.”
1000+ posts

Official Fanfic Thread

I'm currently working on a Fujio Akatsuka fanfic that's actually three.
The set up is that it's written is second person, and you are Akatsuka's never before seen last character he drew before passing. Osomatsu, Bakabon, and Ataro are all in cages on a tiny island and you only have time to save one. You pick who, and the story changes depending on who you decide to save. When you save the character, he introduces you to Akatsuka Village, an island town inhabited by all the Akatsuka characters. That's the general idea, anyway.

I am but a simple cartooning reindeer who loves Fujio Akatsuka.
1000+ posts

Official Fanfic Thread

I tried writing a fic from the POV of my Akatsuka OC Fushoboshi. It's unfinished and unlikely to finish but I'll just dump it here because why not.

How Fushoboshi Came to Be
Well, today's the day, guys. Hold on, let me…. Let me just put the lens cap on for a second so I can change out of my sleep mask into my star glasses….
Ah. Better. I'll take the lens cap off now. Anyway, as you probably don't know, I'm Fushoboshi! But you will know me soon enough! Because today's the day I've finally garnered enough confidence to enter in the Bi-Annual Akatsuka Gag Character Entry Contest!
Now, you see, ever since I was a tiny Fushoboshi, I've loved gag manga. My reading teachers would scold me for “reading those childish comic books again”. In fact, I wanted to be a mangaka when I grew up.
But now I've went from a tiny Fushoboshi to a slightly bigger Fushoboshi, and I've made up my mind now. Instead of being the mangaka, why not just be the manga character?
And of course, Akatsuka's always been a favorite of mine. Everyone loves him, so that should come off as absolutely no surprise. Every year he holds this contest where you can become one of his characters. You must think, “How? You don't see random characters just jumping in every year!” But you do. You just pay no mind to them because they're usually one off characters for only one or two chapters. One of my favorite winners was Esper Nyanko the talking cat. I wonder where he is now.
But the unrealistic goal I strive for is to be the most beloved gag manga character of all time. I don't expect to achieve that at all, but it'd still be a good start and incredible to enter this contest. It used to be run by the man himself, Fujio Akatsuka, but since he passed, it's now run by who are probably his three most famous and beloved characters of all time: Iyami, Bakabon's Papa, and Nyarome.
This is how it works: Wannabe gags step up to the judges' table to perform for them. If all three judges buzz you, you're outta there, but if only one or two of you do, you still have a chance, and it's talked over. I don't really know what happens after that since I've only watched the contests online.
Before, the issue was that I was always way too nervous to perform in front of Akatsuka, and having to perform in front of three of my biggest idols is gonna be just as nerve-wracking. I feel like as soon as I come face to face with those gag legends, I'm gonna tense. I've been practicing my gags - I call it “gagticing” - for months upon months. Gagtice makes perfect. I mean, even Iyami himself has to gagtice sometimes, doesn't he?
I'm in line for the contest now. Distantly, I can see the famous buck teeth, headband, and cat whiskers that have graced the hearts of people across the country. I've heard the three of them are quite the harsh judges. I'm gripping onto my notebooks of gags really tightly. I try to get it through my head. Don't cry if they say no. Don't cry if they say no. Don't cry.
Iyami has a certain brand of humor he recognizes, so he doesn't say yes to very many people. Papa was Akatsuka's favorite, so he's always expecting entries to “live up to him”. And Nyarome, well, he's Nyarome!
I approach the judges' table and see Iyami, who is center, read over his list.
Suddenly, my heart rate practically tripled. Iyami's large teeth make his sh- sounds really hard and kind of whistly. It was unreal to hear that very same impediment whistling out my name. This was the man who had indirectly made me laugh ever since I was little. I feel like my book of gags is gonna slip right out of my fingers.
“Fushoboshi? Show me your gags zansu?”
My head is suddenly blank.
“Fushoboshi? Didn't you practice zansu?”
“I call it gagticing,” I squeak.
“Uhyo! That's a good one zansu! Me should write that down zansu!”
I exhale from my nose.
Nyarome is practically falling asleep, so I better do something funny.
“H-Hi, my name is Fushoboshi, oh wait, you knew that already…anyway, here's my gags…”
I riffle through my book. This was Iyami, Bakabon's Papa, and Nyarome. These guys are the best in the business. I can't let them down. I then get this nuts idea to turn my worst fear into my flagship gag.
“So uhh….I have a gimmick.”
Iyami nods.
“No one has ever seen my eyes and they never will.”
Nyarome slams on his buzzer. “NEEEXT! NYYYAROMEEEE!”
The sound pierces my heart. This was it. It was all over. Nyarome doesn't like me. I don't know what I expected, but it certainly wasn't this.
Don't cry, Fushoboshi.
Bakabon's Papa hasn't said a single word. He has a look on his face that shows he really only came here because he felt obligated to and wasn't expecting to see any new gag talent. He's gonna buzz me soon. I know it.
Iyami is brushing his mustache with his fingers, looking into my eyes– err, my glasses. Part of me is telling myself that Iyami is actually considering saying yes, while the other is telling me to stop lying to myself.
“Fushoboshi,” he whistles again.
“Me's been in the gag business for decades, and me knows when potential is there zansu.”
My heartbeat skyrockets again.
“Across the years, me knows that gag characters only work bouncing off of each other. Can you try bouncing off of me zansu?”
I now feel like an intense weight has been lifted from my shoulders. Of course! Of course I can do that!
Iyami took my book of gags and began to look through it, seemingly noting to himself at every few pages.
“Mhm…me sees…ah…mm…”
His arm slowly extends out to my face, and I immediately realize what it is he's doing.
“DON'T!” I cry, lunging backwards.
“Uhyo! So it's true!” Iyami jumps out of his chair to chase me around. He's just trying to play, I realize, but did he think it's all just part of my character?
“Typical,” I hear Papa mutter, and he presses his buzzer.
I don't care, though. I think Iyami is my key to making it through now. He gave me that extra chance.
“Fushoboshi, me thinks you'd fit right into our town zansu.”
I stop running immediately and find myself frozen again. “Are you saying…”
Iyami nods. “Me takes it you've never been to Akatsuka Town?”
I feel like I'm ridiculing myself in front of my hero panting like mad. “I haven't! I haven't! Is this an invitation?!”
The whole building turns to look at me. It's an incredible feeling, but also very nerve inducing.
Nyarome and Papa seem incredibly disinterested. I don't even understand how I made it through. I didn't make anyone laugh, not even once! I'm gonna just be a one-off, aren't I? I mean, I'm one of the winners! I should be happy, but for some reason I feel like I was let through out of pity. I didn't win, my dedication and hope did.
For some reason, that feels awful.
Iyami hands me back my book of gags.
He was open to the spread page that were just my favorite gags of his, complete with doodles.
I collapse.

I'm at home in bed and I don't feel right. I think Iyami just let me through because I was such a big fan of his. The fact that Iyami likes me is absolutely astounding, but I'm pretty certain he only likes me because I like him, and something about that just feels wrong and disappointing. I can't imagine how difficult it'd be to make a gag legend laugh, but I was just hoping that Iyami would see me as something else other than his biggest fan.

I am but a simple cartooning reindeer who loves Fujio Akatsuka.
1000+ posts

Official Fanfic Thread

This one is another unfinished Akatsuka fic. It was called Akatsuka Village, and it had three paths. This was the intro:
Akatsuka Village Introduction

There was once a man by the name of Fujio Akatsuka. He had created dozens of characters, all of whom were bursting with personality. Shortly before his passing, he said these final words:
“I may be leaving this earth…but do not allow my creations to. I have reserved a small island for them off the coast of the mainland. Please ship them there, and explain quick. I want them to thrive and live healthy without my aid. I want to give them a civilization of their own.”
Thus birthing Akatsuka Village.
The final thing Akatsuka had done before his passing was draw one last character.
That character was you. You have just been washed ashore on a small island just off the coast of Akatsuka Village, lost, hungry, and confused. You know nothing of Akatsuka or any of his creations.
In front of you, you see three cages, each one containing a little boy. All three of them appeared malnourished, hopeless, and nearing tears. However, you only have enough time to pick one lock before the small island under your feet collapses. The cages are too heavy for you to carry. You can only save one of these little boys. The other two, inevitably, will drown.
On the left is Osomatsu Matsuno, age ten. He is a sextuplet and the first born of his brothers. He lives with them as well as his mother and father. In his town, he and his brothers protect townsfolk from a conman and his ridiculous schemes.
In the middle is Bakabon, age eight. He has a mutual family love with his papa, mama, and baby brother. The four of them could never be apart. Bakabon has an incredible bond with his father that couldn't be broken. The two of them would set out every day, unknowing of the adventures that would be ahead of them.
To the right is Ataro, age ten. His father had owned a vegetable stand, but after he had passed away, it was left in Ataro's hands. He and his friend Dekkopachi protected it from the evil tanuki mobster, Kokoro no Boss.
Who will you save?
> Save Osomatsu?
> Save Bakabon?
> Save Ataro?
I had a bit of the “Save Bakabon” path written out, so here's that.
You decided to save Bakabon because you figured his father would be heartbroken to see him gone. He was also the youngest of the three, and something about that really softened your feelings for him. He was a pudgy one wearing a blue kimono. You hurriedly picked his lock and grabbed his hand, instinctively doggy paddling towards the village. The ground began to give way, rumbling and sinking into the ocean. You tried to tune out the paining noise from behind you of gurgled cries for help.
You and Bakabon reached the island. Sand dug under your fingernails as you clawed onto the surface. You stood up and brushed the yellow-brown specks from your pants.
“You saved me. Bless you…”
You looked down to see Bakabon had clung onto you in a tight embrace. You told him it was nothing, and it was all you could do.
“Well, here! You're new to the village, aren't you? Here! Here! I'll show you around!”
Above your head was a large arching sign that read “AKATSUKA VILLAGE”. Bakabon dragged you through.
“This is the town plaza! It's where everything happens! See, here in the center, we have a huge statue of Akatsuka!”
Akatsuka? That's who this village was named after, then?
The statue was in the image of an old Asian man making a soft grin towards all the villagers. You asked Bakabon who Akatsuka was.
“Our creator! He created all of us in this village!”
So he was a religious figure? You asked Bakabon if it is typical to pray to Akatsuka.
“Yeah, we do that sometimes!”
Hm, interesting.
“Here, I'll continue to show you around!”
You follow Bakabon and take in the scenery. Everyone in this village looked so odd with how disfigured they all were. Bakabon was one of the most normal looking out of all the townsfolk.
“Up here is Iyami's Store of Whimsical Things!”
Bakabon leads you to the mysterious stand, pointing and walking along as you follow. You see a shady looking buck toothed man with a mustache and a tuxedo, and he was bartering with a child you figured was one of Osomatsu's brothers.
“That's Iyami! C'mon! Let's go talk to him!”
You asked Bakabon if he was crazy for even daring to speak to such a shady looking man.
“Yeah! You know what they say, like papa, like son!”
You were now in earshot of Osomatsu's brother's words.
“You have to be joking! He didn't die!”
Iyami twirled his mustache casually as if this was but another ordinary day for him. “Me's sorry to say this, but this isn't one of my tricks. Osomatsu's not coming back. Me's sorry, Choromatsu.”
Choromatsu's puffy eyes finally spilled and he began crying incredibly loudly.
“You're lying! He's not dead!”
“Go ask Esper Nyanko if you don't believe me!”
After he noticed you, Iyami cried out in a comical tone, “Uhyo! Welcome to Iyami's Store of Whimsical Things! How can me help you zansu?”
“This is my new friend!” Bakabon replied. “They saved me from the cage when I was cast away!”
Choromatsu, stewing and clenching his fists with tears in his eyes, looked towards you. “You could've saved my brother! Why didn't you?”
You had empathy for Choromatsu's pain, but you weren't quite sure what to say to him. You told him you were sorry he had to lose his brother.
“Yeah, you better be! You better be very very very….” his voice squeaked and he could barely talk.
“Sorry we had to come after such unfortunate circumstances,” Bakabon said softly with a bow.
“It's okay zansu,” Iyami replied. “Choromatsu's in mourning. Run along, Choromatsu, go home zansu.”
Choromatsu limped with his head hung towards his home, presumably.
“Sorry about that zansu. Me is Iyami, French entrepreneur! Me is very happy to meet you zansu. What is it you need? It's all yours just so long as you got the dough.”
“We're not here to buy stuff,” said Bakabon. “I'm just showing my new friend around the village.”
“Ushoshosho,” Iyami laughed. “Who do we have here, Bakabon? Me doesn't think me's ever seen this character before.”
“Oh, I don't know who they are…they just saved me from drowning and led me back to the village, and for that I owe them my life.”
“Me sees zansu!” Iyami reaches out to shake your hand, and you hesitantly grab his hand. He locks you in a tight and sweaty grip, fitting for a probably unlicensed businessman.

I am but a simple cartooning reindeer who loves Fujio Akatsuka.
1000+ posts

Official Fanfic Thread

I finally completed and published a fanfic.

I am but a simple cartooning reindeer who loves Fujio Akatsuka.
100+ posts

Official Fanfic Thread

scratchnapped wrote:

cs156175 wrote:

scratchnapped wrote:

i swear to god if i see any more sonic on this website

mr-scratch-cat wrote:

mr-scratch-cat wrote:

cs156175 wrote:

wait ceebee is a girl I think
I know what ceebee looks like, and I think he's a dude.
So, his name is Christian Balch, and he's a guy.
Ceebee is male.
Look at her most recent project.
Alright, I officially don't know what I'm talking about, g'bye x^x
Are we taking over this form with a…GENDER ARGUMENT? Come on, does it really matter?

This is a signature. Because of course.
DestroyerXL44 on Scratch=-=DestroyerXL44 on Nevgrounds=-=DestroyerXL44 on DeviantArt=-=Subscribe to My Youtube!
Bumping Services provided by BumperBot.Eaten by an evil kumquat.
100+ posts

Official Fanfic Thread

Um, this thread has been dead since ‘16… So I’m going to revive it with one of my fanfic ideas!!
Here's the basic rundown:
A young girl (Berri) comes into existence. Doesn't even have parents. (how cliche) However, as she grows, people come to meet her.
Slowly, she learns that everyone's from a different universe and that she was the one that caused them to meet.
She meets characters from Pokemon, Portal, Fable II, Doctor Who, Sherlock, Fallout Four, any of the fandoms that I'm in right now.
One day, she realizes she has a “double,” which is in the universe labeled “Reality.” No one has been able to enter that universe, but a piece of Berri lives on in there…
pff this was the worst explanation I could've done for this lol

1000+ posts

Official Fanfic Thread

o-Berryfrost-o wrote:

Um, this thread has been dead since ‘16… So I’m going to revive it with one of my fanfic ideas!!
Here's the basic rundown:
A young girl (Berri) comes into existence. Doesn't even have parents. (how cliche) However, as she grows, people come to meet her.
Slowly, she learns that everyone's from a different universe and that she was the one that caused them to meet.
She meets characters from Pokemon, Portal, Fable II, Doctor Who, Sherlock, Fallout Four, any of the fandoms that I'm in right now.
One day, she realizes she has a “double,” which is in the universe labeled “Reality.” No one has been able to enter that universe, but a piece of Berri lives on in there…
pff this was the worst explanation I could've done for this lol
That sounds ok at worst

Net Neutrality is done and over with and we still have free speech so yay
And knuckles.
1000+ posts

Official Fanfic Thread

cs156175 wrote:

scratchnapped wrote:

i swear to god if i see any more sonic on this website

mr-scratch-cat wrote:

mr-scratch-cat wrote:

cs156175 wrote:

wait ceebee is a girl I think
I know what ceebee looks like, and I think he's a dude.
So, his name is Christian Balch, and he's a guy.
Ceebee is male.
Look at her most recent project.

IMPORTANT: do not stalk me. just because im active somewhere doesnt mean that you should stalk me to that place. please, its VERY annoying.
2 posts

Official Fanfic Thread

Oh no, oh no
Oh yeah
Diridiri, dirididi Daddy
Sí, sabes que ya llevo un rato mirándote
Tengo que bailar contigo hoy (DY)
Vi que tu mirada ya estaba llamándome
Muéstrame el camino que yo voy (Oh)
Tú, tú eres el imán y yo soy el metal
Me voy acercando y voy armando el plan
Solo con pensarlo se acelera el pulso (Oh yeah)
Ya, ya me está gustando más de lo normal
Todos mis sentidos van pidiendo más
Esto hay que tomarlo sin ningún apuro
Quiero respirar tu cuello despacito
Deja que te diga cosas al oído
Para que te acuerdes si no estás conmigo
Quiero desnudarte a besos despacito
Firmo en las paredes de tu laberinto
Y hacer de tu cuerpo todo un manuscrito (sube, sube, sube)
(Sube, sube)
Quiero ver bailar tu pelo
Quiero ser tu ritmo
Que le enseñes a mi boca
Tus lugares favoritos (favoritos, favoritos baby)
Déjame sobrepasar tus zonas de peligro
Hasta provocar tus gritos
Y que olvides tu apellido (Diridiri, dirididi Daddy)
Si te pido un beso ven dámelo
Yo sé que estás pensándolo
Llevo tiempo intentándolo
Mami, esto es dando y dándolo
Sabes que tu corazón conmigo te hace bom, bom
Sabes que esa beba está buscando de mi bom, bom
Ven prueba de mi boca para ver cómo te sabe
Quiero, quiero, quiero ver cuánto amor a ti te cabe
Yo no tengo prisa, yo me quiero dar el viaje
Empecemos lento, después salvaje
Pasito a pasito, suave suavecito
Nos vamos pegando poquito a poquito
Cuando tú me besas con esa destreza
Veo que eres malicia con delicadeza
Pasito a pasito, suave suavecito
Nos vamos pegando, poquito a poquito
Y es que esa belleza es un rompecabezas
Pero pa montarlo aquí tengo la pieza
Quiero respirar tu cuello despacito
Deja que te diga cosas al oído
Para que te acuerdes si no estás conmigo
Quiero desnudarte a besos despacito
Firmo en las paredes de tu laberinto
Y hacer de tu cuerpo todo un manuscrito (sube, sube, sube)
(Sube, sube)
Quiero ver bailar tu pelo
Quiero ser tu ritmo
Que le enseñes a mi boca
Tus lugares favoritos (favoritos, favoritos baby)
Déjame sobrepasar tus zonas de peligro
Hasta provocar tus gritos
Y que olvides tu apellido
Vamos a hacerlo en una playa en Puerto Rico
Hasta que las olas griten “¡ay, bendito!”
Para que mi sello se quede contigo
Pasito a pasito, suave suavecito
Nos vamos pegando, poquito a poquito
Que le enseñes a mi boca
Tus lugares favoritos (favoritos, favoritos baby)
Pasito a pasito, suave suavecito
Nos vamos pegando, poquito a poquito
Hasta provocar tus gritos
Y que olvides tu apellido (DY)
1000+ posts

Official Fanfic Thread

I wrote a couple Percy Jackson fanfics, but I'm still trying to get enough motivation to continue them.

<Insert uncreative signature here>

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“Though the seasons come and go, and sunshine turns to snow, we will always have tomorrow up ahead.”
28 posts

Official Fanfic Thread

owlannaelsa wrote:

cs156175 wrote:

scratchnapped wrote:

i swear to god if i see any more sonic on this website

mr-scratch-cat wrote:

mr-scratch-cat wrote:

cs156175 wrote:

wait ceebee is a girl I think
I know what ceebee looks like, and I think he's a dude.
So, his name is Christian Balch, and he's a guy.
Ceebee is male.
Look at her most recent project.
Yeah. It also says ‘fangirling over random things’ on her profile.

Hey… call me jay
Ex-scratcher || genderfluid || they/them or he/him, idm|| loves doing origami
trying to train a somewhat decent gengar in Pokemon moon, tips appreciated!
1000+ posts

Official Fanfic Thread

when green flag clicked
if <<(pages) > [100]> or <(pages) = [100]>> then
play sound [Yay! Fanfic is great! v] until done

play sound [No one likes Fanfic v] until done
This really needs more attention. I am trying to write a million fanfics and 2 - 6 stories at one time and THIS IS SO CRAZY I CANNOT DO IT.
So my fanfics are mainly warrior cat based, such as
Brackenwhisker's Tragedies / Brackenwhisker's story
Lightstar's Trauma
Moonscar's Hate / Moonscar's Vengance
Mistystar's life

And my Wings of fire ones:
War of death ~5 book arc

And my Crossover ones:
Warrior cat Hunger games
Clans of the continents

“are you sure you're not jewish?” - howard, tbbt

If you made it down here, if something's hard, rember, it's not rocket science.
- - -
out of contextness

i actually feel sorry for a traffic bollard, bbc news you are too good at your job


- - -
*jams to the Every Tube Station Song*
1000+ posts

Official Fanfic Thread


First Sonic fanfic that I've took the time to read. Now I read Sonic fanfic on Fanfiction.Net regularly.

I'm writing a Sonic fanfic! It's called “The Hedgehog of the Streets” and can be found on Fanfiction.Net, Wattpad, and DeviantArt.

Last edited by PrincessPandaLover (Feb. 1, 2022 14:58:49)

1000+ posts

Official Fanfic Thread

my fanfics?
if I wrote one it would be terrible lol

“that's life, goofball, sometimes you lose people. sometimes you lose people you care about. and you never see them again. and the worst part is, you never even get a chance to apologize to them for letting them down.”

give me an internet so I can feel better about myself

1000+ posts

Official Fanfic Thread

Yay this place has been gloriously reborn!!

ROBLOX, Minecraft, Pokémon, AJ, Miraculous, Warrior cats, HTTYD, and CW fan(and obviosly a girl), girlsruless.

1000+ posts

Official Fanfic Thread

girlsruless wrote:

Yay this place has been gloriously reborn!!
and I have nothing good to show

“that's life, goofball, sometimes you lose people. sometimes you lose people you care about. and you never see them again. and the worst part is, you never even get a chance to apologize to them for letting them down.”

give me an internet so I can feel better about myself

500+ posts

Official Fanfic Thread

My old stuff I draw is considered as “uncreative fanfiction” by me. Sadly, I threw it away now.
Its because I just mixed up Minecraft, Terraria, EVERYTHING into one monstrosity.

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