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1000+ posts

Green/Red Themed CSS for Chrome

firedrake969_test wrote:

Forgive me, I know very little CSS, but is it possible to hange all the colors just by typing in the hex code/the color names into the CSS?
If I understand correctly what you are asking, yes.

You and 11 others like this post. Unlike?

Album 2 coming soon eventually!
1000+ posts

Green/Red Themed CSS for Chrome

CN12 wrote:

firedrake969_test wrote:

Forgive me, I know very little CSS, but is it possible to hange all the colors just by typing in the hex code/the color names into the CSS?
If I understand correctly what you are asking, yes.
Drake, just replace the colors with the desired color (hex, name, rgb(r, g, b), or rgba(r, g, b, a)).

dracae wrote:

Can you give previews of what these look like, if it isn't too much trouble?
Click Inspect Element, go to <head> and insert the code between <style></style>. Does this make sense?

100+ posts

Green/Red Themed CSS for Chrome

OrcaCat wrote:

CN12 wrote:

firedrake969_test wrote:

Forgive me, I know very little CSS, but is it possible to hange all the colors just by typing in the hex code/the color names into the CSS?
If I understand correctly what you are asking, yes.
Drake, just replace the colors with the desired color (hex, name, rgb(r, g, b), or rgba(r, g, b, a)).

dracae wrote:

Can you give previews of what these look like, if it isn't too much trouble?
Click Inspect Element, go to <head> and insert the code between <style></style>. Does this make sense?
or use the awesome inspector features to edit it live.

Ubuntu 13.04: Chrome 29.0.1547.76, Flash 11.8 (release 800) Windows 7: Same Both: Dell Inspiron 545: Dual-Core w/3GB RAM… let's stop boasting now…
For more info ask me on my profile page…
1000+ posts

Green/Red Themed CSS for Chrome

comp500 wrote:

OrcaCat wrote:

CN12 wrote:

firedrake969_test wrote:

Forgive me, I know very little CSS, but is it possible to hange all the colors just by typing in the hex code/the color names into the CSS?
If I understand correctly what you are asking, yes.
Drake, just replace the colors with the desired color (hex, name, rgb(r, g, b), or rgba(r, g, b, a)).

dracae wrote:

Can you give previews of what these look like, if it isn't too much trouble?
Click Inspect Element, go to <head> and insert the code between <style></style>. Does this make sense?
or use the awesome inspector features to edit it live.

500+ posts

Green/Red Themed CSS for Chrome


I only check in to Scratch from time to time to see what others have been up to. I don't really post anything anymore. I'll occasionally post a question in the AT forum if I can't find an answer anywhere else.
100+ posts

Green/Red Themed CSS for Chrome

I made a theme too. It was 100% by me:
* {
	font-family: Lucida Console !important;
	letter-spacing: -1px !important;
	text-shadow: none !important;
html, body {
	background-image: none !important;
	background-color: black !important;
#topnav {
    background-color: black !important;
	border-bottom: 1px solid green !important;
	box-shadow: none !important;
#topnav ul.site-nav li, #topnav ul.account-nav li {
	border-left-color: green !important;
#topnav ul.site-nav li.last, #topnav ul.account-nav li {
	border-right-color: green !important;
#topnav ul.site-nav li a, #topnav ul.account-nav li>span {
	color: green !important;
	text-decoration: none !important;
#topnav ul.site-nav li:hover>*, #topnav ul.account-nav li:hover {
	background-color: green !important;
	color: black !important;
#topnav ul.account-nav li:hover>*, #topnav ul.account-nav li:hover>span>*, #topnav ul.account-nav li.open>*, #topnav ul.account-nav li.open>span>* {
	color: black !important;
#topnav ul.account-nav .messages .notificationsCount {
	background-color: black !important;
	color: green !important;
	border: 2px solid green !important;
#topnav ul.account-nav ul.user-nav li.logout.divider {
	border-top-color: green !important;
#topnav ul.account-nav .sign-in .popover .arrow:after {
	border-bottom-color: green !important;
#topnav form.search input.glass {
	background-color: transparent !important;
	border: none !important;
	border-right: 1px solid green !important;
/*what's happening + scratch news*/
#activity-feed li a {
	text-decoration: none !important;
#news-feed ul.event-list li {
	border-bottom-color: green !important;
#news-feed ul.event-list li.last {
	border-bottom: none !important;
/*profile page*/
.header-text .profile-details {
	color: green !important;
.header-text .profile-details .group {
	border-right-color: green !important;
#bio-readonly, #status-readonly {
	color: green !important;
#profile-box .player {
	border-color: green !important;
#profile-box .doing {
	background-color: black !important;
	border-left-color: green !important;
#profile-data .footer {
	border-top-color: green !important;
/*project page*/
.stage {
	background-color: black !important;
.showcase .info {
	border-left-color: green !important;
.showcase .info .fixed {
	color: green !important;
	border-top-color: green !important;
.text-block .divider {
	border-bottom-color: green !important;
#editor-stats {
	background-color: black !important;
	border-color: green !important;
#editor-stats div.stat {
	color: green !important;
#project-tags.has-tags {
	border-bottom: 1px solid green !important;
#project-tags.has-tags .tag-box .tag {
	border: 1px solid green !important;
.actions {
	background-color: black !important;
	border-top-color: green !important;
#stats.active div.action.tooltip.top {
	color: green !important;
	border-right-color: green !important;
.action a.remix-tree {
	background-color: black !important;
	color: green !important;
	border-color: green !important;
	box-shadow: none !important;
.action a.remix-tree:hover {
	background: green !important;
	color: black !important;
.box-head .wip {
	background-color: black !important;
	color: green !important;
	border-color: green !important;
.player-box-footer-module {
	background-color: black !important;
	border: 1px solid green !important;
.player-box-footer-module div.section {
	border-left-color: green !important;
.player-box-footer-module .studio-list {
	background-color: black !important;
	border-color: green !important;
/*studio page*/
.remove, .promote {
	background-color: black !important;
	color: green !important;
	border-color: green !important;
/*.close {
	color: green !important;
	opacity: 1 !important;
/*explore bar*/
#explore-bar #related-projects {
	background-color: black !important;
#comments #comments-enabled-box {
	border-bottom-color: green !important;
#comments #comment-form {
	border-bottom: 1px solid green !important;
#comments .more-replies {
	background-color: black !important;
	border-top-color: green !important;
	box-shadow: none !important;
#comments .more-replies .pulldown {
	background-color: green !important;
	color: black !important;
	border: none !important;
#comments ul.comments li.top-level-reply {
	border-bottom-color: green !important;
#comments ul.comments li.top-level-reply ul.replies li.reply {
	border-top-color: green !important;
#comments ul.comments li.top-level-reply {
	background-color: black !important;
#comments ul.comments li#comments-loading {
	background-color: black !important;
#comments .comment .report, #comments .comment .delete {
	color: green !important;
#comments .comment .info .time {
	color: green !important;
.notification-feed ul li, ul.scratch-team li {
	border-bottom-color: green !important;
#notification-list ul.unread {
	background-color: black !important;
	border: 1px solid green !important;
.djangobb th, .tc2, .tc3 {
	background-color: black !important;
	color: green !important;
.djangobb td, .djangobb th {
	border-color: green !important;
.blockpost .box-head span.conr {
	color: green !important;
.postleft, .postright, .postfootright {
	background-color: black !important;
.postfootleft {
	background-color: transparent !important;
.postright, .postfootright {
	border-left-color: black !important;
	box-shadow: inset 1px 0 green !important;
.postleft, .postfootleft {
	box-shadow: 1px 0 green !important;
.djangobb blockquote, .code {
	background-color: black !important;
	border-color: green !important;
.djangobb hr {
	background-color: green !important;
.blockpost .box-content {
	border: 1px solid green !important;
#footer {
	background-color: black !important;
	color: green !important;
	border-top: 1px solid green !important;
	box-shadow: none !important;
a, #activity-feed li div a {
	color: green !important;
	text-decoration: underline !important;
a:hover, #activity-feed li div a:hover {
	text-decoration: none !important;
/*text fields*/
input, textarea, select {
	background-color: black !important;
	color: green !important;
	border: 1px solid green !important;
	box-shadow: none !important;
h1, h2, h3, h4 {
	color: green !important;
.button, button {
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	background-color: black !important;
	color: green !important;
	border-color: green !important;
	box-shadow: none !important;
.button a, button a, a.button {
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.button:hover, button:hover {
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	color: black !important;
.button:hover>a, button:hover>a, .button:hover>a>span, button:hover>a>span {
	color: black !important;
.caret {
	border-top-color: green !important;
.button:hover>span>.caret, button:hover>span>.caret {
	border-top-color: black !important;
.box {
	background-color: black !important;
	border-color: green !important;
	box-shadow: none !important;
.box .box-head {
	border-top: none !important;
.box .box-content {
	background-color: black !important;
	border-top-color: green !important;
.box .box-content .inner {
	background-color: black !important;
	border-top: none !important;
	border-bottom-color: green !important;
.actionbar {
	border-top-color: green !important;
.ui-widget-content {
	background-image: none !important;
	background-color: black !important;
	color: green !important;
	border-color: green !important;
.ui-widget-header {
	border-color: green !important;
.jqui-modal .ui-dialog-titlebar {
	color: green !important;
.scrollbar * {
	border-radius: 0px !important;
.track {
	background-color: black !important;
	border: 1px solid green !important;
	box-shadow: none !important;
.slider-carousel .handle, .slider-carousel .handle .end, .scrollbar .thumb .end, .scrollbar .thumb {
	background-color: green !important;
.slider-carousel-control {
	background-color: black !important;
	color: green !important;
	opacity: 0.6 !important;
	text-decoration: none !important;
.slider-carousel-control:hover {
	opacity: 1 !important;
.slider-carousel-control.off {
	opacity: 0.3 !important;
.image {
	background-color: black !important;
	border: 1px solid green !important;
.activity-stream img.avatar, #topnav ul.account-nav .logged-in-user .user-icon, .thumb img, .media-item-content .media-thumb img, .box .box-head .portrait img, #gallery-cover-image, .help .about .box-content iframe, .help .about .box-content img {
	border: 1px solid green !important;
a.image, .gallery.thumb .image img {
	border: none !important;
.row.studio .image .filler {
	background-color: black !important;
	border: none !important;
.intro .media-container {
	border-color: green !important;
/*dropdown menus*/
.dropdown .dropdown-menu {
	background-color: black !important;
	border-color: green !important;
	box-shadow: none !important;
.dropdown.open {
	background-color: green !important;
	color: black !important;
.dropdown-menu ul li, .dropdown-menu ul li * {
	color: green !important;
	text-decoration: none !important;
.dropdown-menu ul li:hover {
	background-color: green !important;
	color: black !important;
.dropdown-menu ul li:hover>* {
	color: black !important;
/*tab menus*/
.tabs-index li {
	background-color: black !important;
	border-color: green !important;
.tabs-index li.active, .tabs-index li:hover {
	background-color: green !important;
.tabs-index li.active a, .tabs-index li:hover>a {
	color: black !important;
	border-color: green !important;
.tabs-index li a, .tabs-index li .label {
	color: green !important;
	text-decoration: none !important;
/*media lists*/
.media-col li {
	border-top-color: green !important;
	border-bottom-color: green !important;
.media-list li {
	border-bottom-color: green !important;
.media-grid li {
	background-color: black !important;
	border-color: green !important;
	box-shadow: none !important;
body, .slider-carousel .thumb span.stats, .media-item-content .media-stats .stat, .media-info-item.date, .media-info-item.status, .owner, .activity-stream .time, span.small-text {
	color: green !important;
/*hover text*/
.hovertext {
	background-color: black !important;
	color: green !important;
	border: 1px solid green !important;
	box-shadow: none !important;
.hovertext .arrow {
	border-top-color: green !important;

Check out my games!

My games studio
1000+ posts

Green/Red Themed CSS for Chrome

….woah. That's cool.

'17 rickoid

1000+ posts

Green/Red Themed CSS for Chrome

relrel wrote:

I made a theme too. It was 100% by me
Nice! It's really cool!

100+ posts

Green/Red Themed CSS for Chrome

any screenshots?

i hate my username
1000+ posts

Green/Red Themed CSS for Chrome

relrel wrote:

I made a theme too. It was 100% by me:
…Woah. That was epic. I think I'm going to stick to my current theme, but that is amazing.
1000+ posts

Green/Red Themed CSS for Chrome

relrel wrote:

I made a theme too. It was 100% by me.
Here's my black/white version: (same code, different colors):
* {
font-family: Lucida Console !important;
letter-spacing: -1px !important;
text-shadow: none !important;
html, body {
background-image: none !important;
background-color: white !important;
html,body::selection {
#topnav {
background-color: white !important;
border-bottom: 1px solid black !important;
box-shadow: none !important;
#topnav ul.site-nav li, #topnav ul.account-nav li {
border-left-color: black !important;
#topnav ul.site-nav li.last, #topnav ul.account-nav li {
border-right-color: black !important;
#topnav ul.site-nav li a, #topnav ul.account-nav li>span {
color: black !important;
text-decoration: none !important;
#topnav ul.site-nav li:hover>*, #topnav ul.account-nav li:hover {
background-color: black !important;
color: white !important;
#topnav ul.account-nav li:hover>*, #topnav ul.account-nav li:hover>span>*, #topnav ul.account-nav li.open>*, #topnav ul.account-nav li.open>span>* {
color: white !important;
#topnav ul.account-nav .messages .notificationsCount {
background-color: white !important;
color: black !important;
border: 2px solid black !important;
#topnav ul.account-nav ul.user-nav li.logout.divider {
border-top-color: black !important;
#topnav ul.account-nav .sign-in .popover .arrow:after {
border-bottom-color: black !important;
#topnav form.search input.glass {
background-color: transparent !important;
border: none !important;
border-right: 1px solid black !important;
/*what's happening + scratch news*/
#activity-feed li a {
text-decoration: none !important;
#news-feed ul.event-list li {
border-bottom-color: black !important;
#news-feed ul.event-list li.last {
border-bottom: none !important;
/*profile page*/
.header-text .profile-details {
color: black !important;
.header-text .profile-details .group {
border-right-color: black !important;
#bio-readonly, #status-readonly {
color: black !important;
#profile-box .player {
border-color: black !important;
#profile-box .doing {
background-color: white !important;
border-left-color: black !important;
#profile-data .footer {
border-top-color: black !important;
/*project page*/
.stage {
background-color: white !important;
.showcase .info {
border-left-color: black !important;
.showcase .info .fixed {
color: black !important;
border-top-color: black !important;
.text-block .divider {
border-bottom-color: black !important;
#editor-stats {
background-color: white !important;
border-color: black !important;
#editor-stats div.stat {
color: black !important;
#project-tags.has-tags {
border-bottom: 1px solid black !important;
#project-tags.has-tags .tag-box .tag {
border: 1px solid black !important;
.actions {
background-color: white !important;
border-top-color: black !important;
#stats.active div.action.tooltip.top {
color: black !important;
border-right-color: black !important;
.action a.remix-tree {
background-color: white !important;
color: black !important;
border-color: black !important;
box-shadow: none !important;
.action a.remix-tree:hover {
background: black !important;
color: white !important;
.box-head .wip {
background-color: white !important;
color: black !important;
border-color: black !important;
.player-box-footer-module {
background-color: white !important;
border: 1px solid black !important;
.player-box-footer-module div.section {
border-left-color: black !important;
.player-box-footer-module .studio-list {
background-color: white !important;
border-color: black !important;
/*studio page*/
.remove, .promote {
background-color: white !important;
color: black !important;
border-color: black !important;
/*.close {
color: black !important;
opacity: 1 !important;
/*explore bar*/
#explore-bar #related-projects {
background-color: white !important;
#comments #comments-enabled-box {
border-bottom-color: black !important;
#comments #comment-form {
border-bottom: 1px solid black !important;
#comments .more-replies {
background-color: white !important;
border-top-color: black !important;
box-shadow: none !important;
#comments .more-replies .pulldown {
background-color: black !important;
color: white !important;
border: none !important;
#comments ul.comments li.top-level-reply {
border-bottom-color: black !important;
#comments ul.comments li.top-level-reply ul.replies li.reply {
border-top-color: black !important;
#comments ul.comments li.top-level-reply {
background-color: white !important;
#comments ul.comments li#comments-loading {
background-color: white !important;
#comments .comment .report, #comments .comment .delete {
color: black !important;
#comments .comment .info .time {
color: black !important;
.notification-feed ul li, ul.scratch-team li {
border-bottom-color: black !important;
#notification-list ul.unread {
background-color: white !important;
border: 1px solid black !important;
.djangobb th, .tc2, .tc3 {
background-color: white !important;
color: black !important;
.djangobb td, .djangobb th {
border-color: black !important;
.blockpost .box-head span.conr {
color: black !important;
.postleft, .postright, .postfootright {
background-color: white !important;
.postfootleft {
background-color: transparent !important;
.postright, .postfootright {
border-left-color: white !important;
box-shadow: inset 1px 0 black !important;
.postleft, .postfootleft {
box-shadow: 1px 0 black !important;
.djangobb blockquote, .code {
background-color: white !important;
border-color: black !important;
.djangobb hr {
background-color: black !important;
.blockpost .box-content {
border: 1px solid black !important;
#footer {
background-color: white !important;
color: black !important;
border-top: 1px solid black !important;
box-shadow: none !important;
a, #activity-feed li div a {
color: black !important;
text-decoration: underline !important;
a:hover, #activity-feed li div a:hover {
text-decoration: none !important;
/*text fields*/
input, textarea, select {
background-color: white !important;
color: black !important;
border: 1px solid black !important;
box-shadow: none !important;
h1, h2, h3, h4 {
color: black !important;
.button, button {
background-image: none !important;
background-color: white !important;
color: black !important;
border-color: black !important;
box-shadow: none !important;
.button a, button a, a.button {
text-decoration: none !important;
.button:hover, button:hover {
background-color: black !important;
color: white !important;
.button:hover>a, button:hover>a, .button:hover>a>span, button:hover>a>span {
color: white !important;
.caret {
border-top-color: black !important;
.button:hover>span>.caret, button:hover>span>.caret {
border-top-color: white !important;
.box {
background-color: white !important;
border-color: black !important;
box-shadow: none !important;
.box .box-head {
border-top: none !important;
.box .box-content {
background-color: white !important;
border-top-color: black !important;
.box .box-content .inner {
background-color: white !important;
border-top: none !important;
border-bottom-color: black !important;
.actionbar {
border-top-color: black !important;
.ui-widget-content {
background-image: none !important;
background-color: white !important;
color: black !important;
border-color: black !important;
.ui-widget-header {
border-color: black !important;
.jqui-modal .ui-dialog-titlebar {
color: black !important;
.scrollbar * {
border-radius: 0px !important;
.track {
background-color: white !important;
border: 1px solid black !important;
box-shadow: none !important;
.slider-carousel .handle, .slider-carousel .handle .end, .scrollbar .thumb .end, .scrollbar .thumb {
background-color: black !important;
.slider-carousel-control {
background-color: white !important;
color: black !important;
opacity: 0.6 !important;
text-decoration: none !important;
.slider-carousel-control:hover {
opacity: 1 !important;
.slider-carousel-control.off {
opacity: 0.3 !important;
.image {
background-color: white !important;
border: 1px solid black !important;
.activity-stream img.avatar, #topnav ul.account-nav .logged-in-user .user-icon, .thumb img, .media-item-content .media-thumb img, .box .box-head .portrait img, #gallery-cover-image, .help .about .box-content iframe, .help .about .box-content img {
border: 1px solid black !important;
a.image, .gallery.thumb .image img {
border: none !important;
.row.studio .image .filler {
background-color: white !important;
border: none !important;
.intro .media-container {
border-color: black !important;
/*dropdown menus*/
.dropdown .dropdown-menu {
background-color: white !important;
border-color: black !important;
box-shadow: none !important;
.dropdown.open {
background-color: black !important;
color: white !important;
.dropdown-menu ul li, .dropdown-menu ul li * {
color: black !important;
text-decoration: none !important;
.dropdown-menu ul li:hover {
background-color: black !important;
color: white !important;
.dropdown-menu ul li:hover>* {
color: white !important;
/*tab menus*/
.tabs-index li {
background-color: white !important;
border-color: black !important;
.tabs-index li.active, .tabs-index li:hover {
background-color: black !important;
.tabs-index li.active a, .tabs-index li:hover>a {
color: white !important;
border-color: black !important;
.tabs-index li a, .tabs-index li .label {
color: black !important;
text-decoration: none !important;
/*media lists*/
.media-col li {
border-top-color: black !important;
border-bottom-color: black !important;
.media-list li {
border-bottom-color: black !important;
.media-grid li {
background-color: white !important;
border-color: black !important;
box-shadow: none !important;
body, .slider-carousel .thumb span.stats, .media-item-content .media-stats .stat, .media-info-item.date, .media-info-item.status, .owner, .activity-stream .time, span.small-text {
color: black !important;
/*hover text*/
.hovertext {
background-color: white !important;
color: black !important;
border: 1px solid black !important;
box-shadow: none !important;
.hovertext .arrow {
border-top-color: black !important;
1000+ posts

Green/Red Themed CSS for Chrome

RedRocker227 wrote:

any screenshots?

OrcaCat wrote:

Click Inspect Element, go to <head> and insert the code between <style></style>. Does this make sense?

1000+ posts

Green/Red Themed CSS for Chrome

relrel wrote:

I made a theme too. It was 100% by me:
* {
	font-family: Lucida Console !important;
	letter-spacing: -1px !important;
	text-shadow: none !important;
html, body {
	background-image: none !important;
	background-color: black !important;
#topnav {
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Nice, but I don't like how it changed the whole browser…

You and 11 others like this post. Unlike?

Album 2 coming soon eventually!
1000+ posts

Green/Red Themed CSS for Chrome

Here is my Userstyles.org profile if you want to see what I've done…

You and 11 others like this post. Unlike?

Album 2 coming soon eventually!
100+ posts

Green/Red Themed CSS for Chrome

I remember doing something similar to this last year, but these are a lot better! Nice work!

beyoncé is real
fc: 4098 3216 7443
500+ posts

Green/Red Themed CSS for Chrome

So Cool!

1000+ posts

Green/Red Themed CSS for Chrome

body:after {
  content: ";";
You're welcome

Last edited by scratchisthebest (Jan. 13, 2014 01:44:39)

I am a Lava Expert
1000+ posts

Green/Red Themed CSS for Chrome

scratchisthebest wrote:

body:after {
  content: ";";
You're welcome

Lol, return of the ;!

1000+ posts

Green/Red Themed CSS for Chrome

Looks like Chrome no longer supports Custom.css. I logged in to Scratch today and it was blue. It was quite shocking

1000+ posts

Green/Red Themed CSS for Chrome

OrcaCat wrote:

Looks like Chrome no longer supports Custom.css. I logged in to Scratch today and it was blue. It was quite shocking
You seem to be in need of a userstyle manager.

And, if you happen to have lost all your code…

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