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How to give helpful suggestions about Scratch: Scratch Design Goals

gateway12 wrote:

I thought of a very useful idea to be implemented into scratch, the ability to collaborate in real time with a 2nd person. If someone moves adds a block or changes a variable, you will see that change almost instantly. I got this idea from Google documents. When someone changes text in your document, you see the change instantly. This would make collaboration between 2 people on a game or animation much easier.
I am not sure if this is where you post stuff like this. If its not please let me know.

-gateway12 =^_^=

That suggestion is already suggested, and is in consideration.

5 posts

How to give helpful suggestions about Scratch: Scratch Design Goals

this has games
52 posts

How to give helpful suggestions about Scratch: Scratch Design Goals

I think that there should be a way to make custom blocks that output True/False, that might look something like this:

define True/False Block <condition 1> <condition 2> <condition 3>
if <condition 1> then
if <condition 2> then
if <condition 3> then
return [True]


I also think that you should be able to add sprites to lists, like you can with objects in Python, because then you could make a list of enemy sprites or ground sprites, and use just one “if” statement, that would look something like this:

when green flag clicked
add [sprite 1 v] to [list v]

if <touching item in [list v]?> then
change [lives v] by (-1)


I also think that there should be a block for if color () touching sprite (), like this:

when green flag clicked
if <color [red v] touching [sprite 1 v]

Last edited by Fiat500Abarth (April 21, 2014 13:27:03)

Has an evil kumquat eaten your signature? Don't worry, just call me, because I am a kumquat Catcher!!!!!!!!! And no evil kumquat will dare eat my signaChomp!
27 posts

How to give helpful suggestions about Scratch: Scratch Design Goals

I have a suggestion! Maybe they should make a blur tool, and more basic shapes such as triangles and diamonds
100+ posts

How to give helpful suggestions about Scratch: Scratch Design Goals

An addition to the (… of Sprite) block so it will make a lot of people's lives easier instead of using the most complicated system of lists ever made to do simple things. Like circle physics.
Also, I would like blocks to create temporary variables that last for the whole frame. It's to make it so that the variables list only contain important things and doesn't get cluttered up with one use scripts. Lastly, an I receive block because a lot of people want it.
([ Any property (variables, costume) v] of [Touched])
if <I recieve [ v]> then

I'm yeahyay. I'm a good programer but lack in trigonometry. I have a tinge of OCD(not enough to make me insane )
and loves drawing/designing. I always try to make buttery smooth animations.

>> Working on the collab, Lightspeed

>> Working on Raptor Engine

>> Working on a PortalEsque game.
6 posts

How to give helpful suggestions about Scratch: Scratch Design Goals

I think that we should have a recomandation feature. Just alongside the ‘studios’ that shows up under a project. If you hit ‘recomend’ you would see a drop down thing: scratchers I'm following and scratchers following me. you select the scratcher you want to recomend to. And then in their mail they get ‘-_____ reccomends the project to you. Here is a link_____-’
Just a crazy idea i had

/Users/toral/Desktop/Screen Shot 2014-05-21 at 6.48.08 PM.png
11 posts

How to give helpful suggestions about Scratch: Scratch Design Goals

foxydoodlydoo wrote:

I think that we should have a recomandation feature. Just alongside the ‘studios’ that shows up under a project. If you hit ‘recomend’ you would see a drop down thing: scratchers I'm following and scratchers following me. you select the scratcher you want to recomend to. And then in their mail they get ‘-_____ reccomends the project to you. Here is a link_____-’
Just a crazy idea i had
yeah thats a good idea!
35 posts

How to give helpful suggestions about Scratch: Scratch Design Goals

What I think should happen…
Wait until I receive
And a

Repeat until [i recieve [message]


Last edited by JUNIORBHT (June 3, 2014 11:59:03)

My LevelEditor is awesome!
38 posts

How to give helpful suggestions about Scratch: Scratch Design Goals

Just an idea, because it is hard to find your stuff in ‘my stuff’ it would be nice if there was a way to categorise your projects. If this would slow the website down a lot, there could be a limited amount of, say, 2 or 3. Or you could make it only for scratchers. This would be very useful.

12 posts

How to give helpful suggestions about Scratch: Scratch Design Goals

Lightnin wrote:

By giving feedback and suggestions, you're participating in the Scratch design process with the Scratch Team. So it's important that we give you some background about how we think about Scratch, so you know where we're coming from.

What are the Design Goals of Scratch?

If Scratch was a room, it would have a low floor, wide walls, and a high ceiling.

* Low floor: It should be easy to climb in and get started with Scratch - even for Scratchers who have no experience programming.

* Wide walls: Scratchers should be able to make all kinds of things with Scratch - not just animations and games, but news programs, science experiments - things we can't even imagine.

* High Ceiling: Even though it's easy for someone who is new to programming to get started with Scratch, it should still be possible to make complex stuff.you should tell them if there online or offline

Because we have limited time and resources, new developments that make the program easier and more inviting for newcomers are a higher priority than adding advanced programming features. (Thankfully there are other graphical programming languages that are continuing to add powerful advanced features.)

Who are we designing Scratch for?

We're designing Scratch for girls, boys, experienced users, educators, and especially people with very little or no experience programming. We take feedback from all these people – through meetings, workshops, emails, and these forums – when designing Scratch.

What's the best way to give feedback / suggestions?

Here are few pointers that will help your idea / feedback / suggestion get heard:

* Take into account the design goals described above. While you may want an atomic lambda 3d recursive sine function so you can use Scratch to calculate pi to 96 trillion digits, that may not be possible given the resources and design goals of Scratch. Luckily, there are better tools for that kind of thing out there.

* Be respectful and constructive. We know we're not perfect; we make plenty of mistakes and we're happy to hear when you think you've identified one and have suggestions for improvements. But it's never helpful to give rude or unconstructive feedback: to us, or to any member of the Scratch community. That's not how we roll.

* Make sure your posts (and the subjects of your threads) are written clearly and succinctly. Take the time to illustrate points and suggestions with mockups, so viewers can get a clear picture of the issue at a glance. Try not to assume that something is obvious to us, or to anyone else.

Thanks for reading this, and thanks for your feedback and suggestions!
12 posts

How to give helpful suggestions about Scratch: Scratch Design Goals

You should tell them if there online or offline
5 posts

How to give helpful suggestions about Scratch: Scratch Design Goals

8 posts

How to give helpful suggestions about Scratch: Scratch Design Goals

U know what I thing u should add? A way to make a sprite after turning whatever degrees make it stand back the way it was before it was turned. I know it sounds complicated.

8 posts

How to give helpful suggestions about Scratch: Scratch Design Goals

U know what I thing u should add? A way to make a sprite after turning whatever degrees make it stand back the way it was before it was turned. I know it sounds complicated.

8 posts

How to give helpful suggestions about Scratch: Scratch Design Goals

sorry that was an accident
4 posts

How to give helpful suggestions about Scratch: Scratch Design Goals

i have a suggestion, imagine this:

there is a scratch cat that appears on the screen to a new scratcher and shows them i bit about scratch, like how to get to your messges, change your icon, start making a project and things like that i hope this helps you guys, you rock ST!
8 posts

How to give helpful suggestions about Scratch: Scratch Design Goals

I think that the scratcher should figure that out because When u figure out how to change ur icon it makes u feel actually part of scratch and you'll keep coming back. If a scratch cat shows u how to change ur icon you'll feel like every other person and probably spend less time on scratch But good idea.
New to Scratch
8 posts

How to give helpful suggestions about Scratch: Scratch Design Goals

I Think Scratch Should Make Like A Chatroom System Where You Can Chat Publicly & Privately With People . Of Course Have A Bot To Prevent Rude Words

100+ posts

How to give helpful suggestions about Scratch: Scratch Design Goals

can you get HTML5 working?

YAY!! Rainbow text!

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