Scratcher Joined 8 years ago Australia
About me
Hey, I'm pixelated_greninja5. I will be managing this account as an alt for another ac and i will keep it up for old project uses. The link to my new account is: https://scratch.mit.edu/users/AnimSans
What I'm working on
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (100+)
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Untitled-12 by pixelated_greninja5
audio and anim test by pixelated_greninja5
Maze Game by pixelated_greninja5
Undertale Last/Endless Breath Sans OST by pixelated_greninja5
(UnderFell) Great Time Trio by pixelated_greninja5
Disbelief Papyrus Battle by pixelated_greninja5
Disbelief Multiplayer by pixelated_greninja5
Gravitate Hacked! by pixelated_greninja5
Wings of Fire: Create a SeaWing by pixelated_greninja5
Gaster Blaster Showcase by pixelated_greninja5
Create Your Own Gaster Blaster! by pixelated_greninja5
Nightmare By Design by pixelated_greninja5
Omega Flowey VS Frisk by pixelated_greninja5
Sans vs. Chara 2 player by pixelated_greninja5
Just Shapes And Beats Fan Made Boss And Plants by pixelated_greninja5
Bonnie Simulator 2 by pixelated_greninja5
Sky Ninja! by pixelated_greninja5
Jack o' Spook Hacked by pixelated_greninja5
Pokemon Series sign up! by pixelated_greninja5
ANOTHER Fusion Animatronic by pixelated_greninja5
Favorite Projects
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Undyne fight by AnimSans
amogus dies to sun explode by yomany
Maze Game by pixelated_greninja5
Phakilonia by The_Theovaniac
Undertale Last/Endless Breath Sans OST by pixelated_greninja5
ink sans v2 remix by avematata2557
(UnderFell) Great Time Trio by pixelated_greninja5
Bad Time Trio by xXCrystalSnowXx
Swap! Great Time trio v1.0 by miyaoda
Underfell great time trio (6.0) by 012345rty
Bonnie Simulator 2 by pixelated_greninja5
Entry Point Music by afewscratches
Disbelief Papyrus Battle by pixelated_greninja5
Tokyovania by PrinceOrcMurrock
Tokyovania by Undertale_sans___
MEME SONGS and sounds by yaellopez
☁ Duel Online ☁ #games #all by --Accension--
Subnautica 2D by pixelated_greninja5
Cloud Platformer Multiplayer Fun v1.42 #2 by griffpatch
☁ Among Us | Online | BETA | v0.3 ☁ by DragonEngineer0
Studios I'm Following
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Untitled Studio
Cammeray Public School Group
Let's Explore Our World Collab
the horror studio
Fnaf Songs and Vlogs and Other People's creations
TRYING TO MAKE 200 followers and 200 managers!!
Who can get the most followers!!
Hacked games
The CRaZy Club Team
rov studio
Subnautica Studio
Five nights at blobby's
Studio For Awesome Guys
ninjago studio
Christmas Competition!
Studios I Curate
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Untitled Studio
Cammeray Public School Group
Snowdrop & Followers!
Let's Explore Our World Collab
Undertale Music Studio
_krusty's official studio_
Fun Studio
You can say no!
Thanksgiving foodfight collab (OPEN)
- Homemade Beats -
invite all you're followers!
Super Adventuring
magma studios
New day.org (arg)
The Party on Studio!!! ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Untitledbagratast likestudios
gams allstrony mineprostudios proiektsprountisiudio
scratch gams,s prostudios minecraft . baldi studios-
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