Scratcher Joined 9 years, 1 month ago United States
About me
Hi Guys!
I don´t even know.
dead account for now.
What I'm working on
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (13)
View all- 10 catchy or annoying songs by cs178529
- Mix - Chill Out Music remix by cs178529
- Your future Is not mine(time lapse) by cs178529
- Having fun! by cs178529
- suspense song by cs178529
- Hey Brother by cs178529
- MAlcom in the middle theme song by cs178529
- DO NOT WORRY BE HAPPY by cs178529
- Candy anime opening by cs178529
- ballet song rx by cs178529
- F5 rx by cs178529
- funny dancing rx by cs178529
- dancing obi wan remix by cs178529
Favorite Projects
View all- Tongue Tied- ~OPEN EDDSWORLD MAP~ by -PapyLover-
- sunflower dreams by dimondwing
- howdy! by komajiro0
- The Chest 2 (v1.401) remix by withersplosion
- Happy Birthday Scratch !!! by FerrieMattias
- Go IV Calc! (it works) by GreenGuy472
- In the Body of a Wolf (art contest) by dimondwing
- Enchanted Mountain (Can you make this better?) by dimondwing
- Tacpoo by mmccabedms
- Try Not To Laugh Or Smile by xe3D
- 10 annoying songs by xe3D
- my frinds by 534267
- save the squirrels song by pokemongo1973
- The Proposal by ceebee
- rafael nadal by saharan
- Dandelions-a short story by SodaCake
- Esperanto Lesson #1 by Splo
- The Brain Poster by SOZAPA
- »♡ “because i love you” ~ (◦ original meme ◦) ♡« remix by Mlp-Seach-Light_12
- oh by Chai-Kittu
Studios I'm Following
View all- 18.19.4thPeriod
- ~Okami's Art Studio and Important Announcements~
- :D (; :3
- everyone studio
- Featured Projects
- Create 101
- Cupcake10993's Hangout club
- The adventure of the friends
- Awesome people
- Be friends
- Happy!
- The Talk one unite
- The Pig Studio Of Me!!!
- jUsT FuNnY
- Pixi's Chat Room!
- Music - Bubblebee3
- NPR: Non-Photorealistic Rendering
- Math Club
- join if you are a human
Studios I Curate
View all- ~Okami's Art Studio and Important Announcements~
- Should I start an animated series about cats?
- :D (; :3
- Pusheen Fan Club!/RP! :)
- GET 1000 PROJECT BEFORE 2018!!!
- Dogs :3
- Music
- everyone studio
- the history fan club
- Awesome Stuff Studio!
- singing studio
- The School RP
- Everyone
- awesome Scratchers
- Wolves...RP
- Featured Projects
- Dog Lovers!
- For The Animals!
- awesome followers studio
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