Scratcher Joined 6 years ago Japan
About me
feel free to advertise your project to me on my profile. Also, tell me when you are making a sub-account. I will follow that account if I followed the main account already.
What I'm working on
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (81)
View all- フォロワー200人突破記念 by ZeroX_Game
- PFP CONTEST!!! (open!) remix by ZeroX_Game
- x秒でy度回す(再現) remix by ZeroX_Game
- convert 3 dimensional coordinate to 2 dimensional by ZeroX_Game
- Reversi (モンテカルロ法みたいな何か) [100% PEN] by ZeroX_Game
- Raycaster (fixed) by ZeroX_Game
- 3d rotation [remix] by ZeroX_Game
- 文字を数字に置き換える例 by ZeroX_Game
- 3D(slow)100%pen by ZeroX_Game
- pongの鬼強いcpu by ZeroX_Game
- Untitled-52 by ZeroX_Game
- レイキャスティング? by ZeroX_Game
- Online-Reversi[100% PEN] by ZeroX_Game
- オンライン鬼ごっこ online tag by ZeroX_Game
- 火が出るエフェクトの練習してた by ZeroX_Game
- Pen Platform maker! [100%PEN] by ZeroX_Game
- Reversi (vs bot) [100% PEN] by ZeroX_Game
- My New PTE by ZeroX_Game
- soft string by ZeroX_Game
- 重力練習的な by ZeroX_Game
Favorite Projects
View all- Mouse range expansion (マウス範囲拡張) by oligami
- バイバイン by abee
- Assemble shooter by CorteX__T73
- Pen Platform maker! [100%PEN] by ZeroX_Game
- Noteblock Collection by -DancerRJV-
- WORLD (v.1.5) #games #all battle royale by DawsonStudios
- PFP CONTEST(Entry) by Bytiratz_Test
- Barrier Grid Scratch Cat by Rocket-Flier
- 3Dの切り身(誰得) by yonepoko
- Good Omens Opening Title noteblock by KiwiWatermelon
- Wolfenstein 3D For Scratch by reigameru
- 『ツキアカリ』feat.初音ミク(by _Retoro_) by _Retoro_
- 『めらんこりーりっく』feat.初音ミク(by _Retoro_) by _Retoro_
- 日本語PTE by penpen1112 by penpen1112
- 【オリジナル曲】bismuth by kentarou0903
- MEGALOVANIA Piano by AiyanMind
- OS判定プログラム / OS detecting system by itta611
- サイコの達人 / Psycho no Tatsujin With.のばまん by TsubochanEX
- 3D Renderer with surface filling by daidaidai1
- 《凄い》ワープホール by hclhcl
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