WateryCup » Favorites (4990)
- ˗ˏˋ How To Set an Unshared Project for 'Featured Project'ˎˊ˗ by Arsxi_
- Moving Circular Rainbow by Firedrake969
- List Pong with AI by Firedrake969
- Pacman HD with full Ghost AI (Scratch 2) by griffpatch
- -AI Pathfinder- by joshuacdc_
- Find Way AI by Agzam4
- Club Scratch (Beta) v1.0.0c by SirTestALot
- Complex Pathfinding by turkey3
- about me. by quota
- Scratch Cat 3d by Supper_Alex_man
- Приколы в городе Котов (Выпуск 1) by Supper_Alex_man
- My new PFP up close by star-ry321
- Driving Game by potterfan25
- Pac-Man by potterfan25
- PACMAN by bigB
- a PlAtFoRmEr by ElijahCC
- PacMan ghost (noclip) by pokemn
- Cool Pen #1 by BurritoSM
- Info and stuff (I'm back) by BurritoSM
- Scratch Cat AI *DOWNLOAD* by EequalsMC2
- Perlin Noise 2D by Blaze349
- Our Great* Leader - Kim Jong-UNNNNNNNNN by Blaze349
- Week4-Pacman Pathfinder by Blaze349
- extremely professional art dump. by Meyy26
- Undertale red/blue/HP function. by stif_gamer
- Mikeono Physics by probably_not_bro
- balls physics engine v0.7 by WO997
- Merry Christmas, Maki-Tak by maxsteele2
- Physotec Physics Engine v1.0 by maxsteele2
- Sloppy Physics Engine by Java_Programmer
- Physics Engine by Robby_Blue
- Perspective 3D Engine (Pen) by Portalsrule123
- Block rendering (2 point perspective) by gtoal
- Perspective 3D v.1.5.7 by Cryptonic_Designs
- No opers perspective 3D [just4fun!] by TheLogFather
- Space Dog- A platformer by stif_gamer
- 3D by mickay_mouse
- Raycaster by -Rex-
- 2D Raycasting Simulator by eribetra
- 2D Raycasting by AtomicDog
- Real-time sprite-collision 2D raycasting (3D maze) by Kouzone
- 3D MAZE by HuHanimations
- *Junk Food* by -Coffee-Beans-
- Summer be like... [Short] by -Coffee-Beans-
- Pen scratch cat by Thinkmachine
- Pixel -A Platformer- by sceptile100
- scratch smash beta v1.2 by archmage
- Goodbye pepole by edddddds
- AI programming: Dealing Dammage by archmage
- A* Pathfinder by MathWizz
- Pac-Man by ArnoHu
- 3 MouseRecorder by SampleProjectsTeam
- 1 PacMan by SampleProjectsTeam
- List Platformer: Mr. Smiley’s Adventurer (games, stories) by THE_MOST
- Blocks Scratch Needs but with the blocks will blur use with credit by kookycat18
- Catch the apple by Ifeatuisamazing
- pacman by wiei
- code pacman ghost ai by wiei
- PacMan Ghost AI by _SimpIe_