Scratcher Joined 4 years, 6 months ago United States
About me
Name: Silent Sparrow
pronouns: prefers she/her/they/them
Extended pf:
Please look at comments for rules.
What I'm working on
Hello! I'm truly sorry but ever since the site had updated ive been elsewhere.
!nst @gram or t|kt○k as Dragon_princess_47 or d¡sc●rd as queensilentsparrow
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (69)
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Winona by StargazerTheHybrid1
✨Art Dump✨ by StargazerTheHybrid1
Arcticmoon by StargazerTheHybrid1
Beatrice as a Duchess by StargazerTheHybrid1
Stargazer by StargazerTheHybrid1
by StargazerTheHybrid1
Beatrice‘s personal horse by StargazerTheHybrid1
Beatrice.B. Crestview by StargazerTheHybrid1
Spacer by StargazerTheHybrid1
I’m back! And Happy pride! by StargazerTheHybrid1
Remix and Circle your Identity! remix-2 by StargazerTheHybrid1
DTA OPEN 90+ remix by StargazerTheHybrid1
Art dump by StargazerTheHybrid1
TimeBreaker by StargazerTheHybrid1
Art competition by StargazerTheHybrid1
Light seeker by StargazerTheHybrid1
Aura by StargazerTheHybrid1
Lady Cresent by StargazerTheHybrid1
Nobody: Me: is so bored I draw ugly dragon by StargazerTheHybrid1
DTA for 1280+ followers by StargazerTheHybrid1
Favorite Projects
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Art example for collab sign ups by StunnerGirl16
Cats of All Lands! | Warrior Cats | Warriors Game | Cats of All Clans by Zinnea
Create a Warrior | Warrior Cats Game Demo by Zinnea
Serenade | Art by Rosyda
Ave's Adoption center! <3 by TheAvengers_FanGirl
Fire Thumbnail by ThePoet61
Coming August 10th.... by Mapleshade30
Possibility Villians: Good to Evil by Rebuilt_WoF_RP
Guide to The Shrouded Sands by Rebuilt_WoF_RP
small dta (CLOSED) . emojis by astroquality
Arabian Horse Creator by Perky_Pony
Zobilioes MYO - ENTRY by wingsoffirehybrid
CLOSED hHH by pichu1DERP
BAD KARMA (meme) by C1tyEscape
Hello Kitty (meme) by C1tyEscape
|| UNFAIR -meme- (vent) (flashing lights warning) by OreoPopPupper
sneezes [ updates ] by Warriorcats4life9
City Lights - AT by Warriorcats4life9
❀ Hyacinth || MYOE ❀ by Legolasisdabest
Studios I'm Following
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(Rp)Frost in the shadows in a kingdom of plenty
(Oc bio)Frost in the shadows in a kingdom of plenty
Kingdoms of the Sea-Mermaid RP
Possibility : A WoF RP
Extended Profile
Have we truly fallen this far? High school Rp
My world Rp
The Dark Forest (RP)
Souls (An RP)
“A Mystery within” rp
Let the eclipse begin a WoF rp (Reviving)
Crow’s Hangout Room!
Vent (I might take a break)
WoF to info continued
ღℒast ℛoyalsღ(A WoF rp){DEAD TNT}
follow if you like scratch
Ice+ Memberships OPEN
YouTube Channel!!!!!!!!!!
MCU rp bios and rp studio
Studios I Curate
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{ Jade Mountain Academy RP Sign-Ups}
Spaced Out - A Tribes RP
2079- A/n rp
moved <3
(Rp)Frost in the shadows in a kingdom of plenty
(Oc bio)Frost in the shadows in a kingdom of plenty
I’m back! I’m bi! And I want to cry
Westward Haven Private School
moving pog!!
The Salem Witch Trials *Active RP*
rating profiles! (CLOSED!!!)
The Fall of Shadow-Brook ~A Medieval RP~ Part 1
Im back!!
The Falling Star | Official Studio
The Society [RP]
My world Rp
The Dark Forest (RP)
~The Old Ways~ (A Clan/Medieval RP)
Souls (An RP)
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