Scratcher Joined 10 years, 5 months ago United States
About me
What I'm working on
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (94)
View all- Color Palettes with Dithering by MasterOfArithmetic
- Faked "Random" Noise by MasterOfArithmetic
- Rising Moon by MasterOfArithmetic
- SpeedDrawCreator Example by MasterOfArithmetic
- wut by MasterOfArithmetic
- Safe Chat by MasterOfArithmetic
- Staggering Beauty - 2 by MasterOfArithmetic
- Record a drawing sample 2 by MasterOfArithmetic
- Record a drawing example by MasterOfArithmetic
- Speed Draw Creator by MasterOfArithmetic
- Dodge 2.0 remix by MasterOfArithmetic
- Pole by MasterOfArithmetic
- AI Tank Battles TANK by MasterOfArithmetic
- cloud variable test stuff by MasterOfArithmetic
- "Please do not remix." lol no by MasterOfArithmetic
- Rotate by MasterOfArithmetic
- Cipher by MasterOfArithmetic
- Stretchy Texture by MasterOfArithmetic
- Prime Spiral by MasterOfArithmetic
- Monty Hall Problem by MasterOfArithmetic
Favorite Projects
View all- Ball Physics Scroll v0.4 by griffpatch
- BASIC v1 by geek62
- Virtual Telescope 120K (+search!) by LBMCompany
- AI Tank Battles 2 by gor-dee
- Custom Block Megapack by Zro716
- Quad raster test [TheLogFather's framework] by _youtubeN1
- Piston and Flywheel (100% Pen) by ivan321
- Bezier Surface's Normals Calculation by sureornot
- DOOTRUDE - THANKSTORM <-=[({$ ORIGINAL MEME $})]=-> by MegaApuTurkUltra
- Staggering Beauty by MasterOfArithmetic
- Optics (refraction) v0.5 by griffpatch
- Wormhole Escape by Scratchifier
- ISTE Tiles Engine w. stacking (WIP) remix remix FIXED by StrikerT
- [Broken in Scratch3] Pen Vid-player +Pokemon & Dr Who demos by DadOfMrLog
- Scan Pic To List by Layzej
- NPR: Floyd-Steinberg-Dithering by MartinBraendli2
- 3d pen sketcher v4.2 by griffpatch
- Unfamiliar by Hubalaboo
- story of a line by epicgaming02
- Menger Sponge by ianrocks
Studios I'm Following
View all- Bitmap Transforms
- My Works-in-Progress
- Speed Drawing Creator Studio
- a cat studio yeet
- NPR: Non-Photorealistic Rendering
- Cubuc OS Major Releases
- Je suis Charlie
- SCRATCH SCIENCE (Science explained)
- Gadgets and Games
- Graphics 101
- 100% Pen
- Scratch School
- Scratch Math
- Conway's Game of Life
- R.A.V.E.
- The Scratch "Influence" team
- Drawing shapes with math
Studios I Curate
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