Scratcher Joined 13 years, 10 months ago United States
About me
Yooooo hello peoples I'm Sophie. I live in Boston. p obsessed with basically music in general. I haven't been on this website in like a year but I said ya know what imma come back so here I am
What I'm working on
idk maaaayybe ill put some effort and make a platformer game but I might get lazy so dont take my word for it
PS i have new followers so thank you! I haven't made any projects but i'll make em now!~
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (47)
View all- The Carousel Ride by Kit_Kat1000
- The Fortune Telling Cupcake (he's not actually very good) by Kit_Kat1000
- Piano Music by Kit_Kat1000
- The Adventures of Harold and Jeremy ep. 2 by Kit_Kat1000
- For Coolguy939 by Kit_Kat1000
- Add your character running down the street! by Kit_Kat1000
- Pong by Kit_Kat1000
- The Adventures of Harold and Jeremy by Kit_Kat1000
- The Wierdest thing ever by Kit_Kat1000
- The Circle by Kit_Kat1000
- Mad Cat Ad. by Kit_Kat1000
- What The Heck Are Ya Doin! by Kit_Kat1000
- I'm Back!!!! by Kit_Kat1000
- Couch Potato Training 2 by Kit_Kat1000
- For creater7 by Kit_Kat1000
- CONTEST!!!!!! [kind_of] Entry by Kit_Kat1000
- HELP US SAVE SCRATCH! by Kit_Kat1000
- Sign Your Name If Scratch Has Changed You!!! by Kit_Kat1000
- I Got My Own Website!!! by Kit_Kat1000
- Who's Your Favorite Warriors Cat? by Kit_Kat1000
Favorite Projects
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