My Profile picture
Normal Profile Picture up again. New one coming in October for Halloween, A long way away, but will be interesting. Look out for it! Normal picture up for now. Nothing interesting going on...yet :). For April fool's(2023) I switched with my brother's profile picture. But it's the normal one again. Check out my brother here: @Indomi-knight See what my Halloween picture would have looked like last year Check it out -> I just made this studio so everyone can get a close up of my Profile Picture because the detail is a little hard to see from far away.(so no projects will be added, sorry) All are welcome, ask to join, my followers automatically get a free invitation!! Will be changed the month of every major holiday, so follow for updates. Plz don't add projects. Thank you. Other Hobbies: Ranger,Skywing,walking w/ Briggan,wielding Brisinger and Moonbrand


Nice profile picture:)
last year
last year
3 years ago
Nice "profile picture thingy that is really long to say so I make it even long just so it is super long >:={ 0 --- ". Oh almost forgot the whole reason I type this "comet thingy that I pronounced wrong" but uhh... in the description it says there is a project but there is none........[:- <.......yeah that's it.............wait..... if that was it then why am I still here.......hmmmm.......oh wait that's why I forgot to press the "Post thingy in the corner below my comment"....................
4 years ago
nice pic! :)
4 years ago
So can I say what your picture is? (Btw it looks nice) :)
4 years ago
nice pic!
4 years ago
rkrthkgfb: code words for you haven't updated your pic since Christmas!
5 years ago
Why is Gobo on the table ._______.
5 years ago
nice pic
5 years ago
last year
5 years ago
Is it some sort of evil.. wolf..knight..sith..lord thingy?
5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
look at my profile pic!!!
5 years ago
Can I answer for somebody else plzzz
5 years ago
Nice. As smeagol says "ME KNOWS. ME KNOWS." You know the rest. :)
5 years ago
huh......ok.......uh..... i think if you should celebrate a certain day then perhaps one of the following would be better(just my Opinion tongue-out-cat emoji ) : ........................................ Destiny: September 9th, The Dark below: December 9th, House of Wolves: May 19th, Taken King: September 15th, Rise of Iron: September 20th, Destiny 2:September 6th, Curse of Osiris: December 5th, Warmind: May 8th, Forsaken: September 4th, Black Armory: December 4th, Joker's Wild: March 5th
5 years ago
ok........uh........Scratchers and their weird celebrations.........uh.......two things: 1. Personally i think there are other Marvel movies that are better but that is just my opinion 2. uh.....i don't know a few of them but here goes: 1. The bottom right corner is Star-lord's mask 2. The middle right is Groot's Stem? 3. The top right is the Ship that they use uh......i don't know the name 4. Your wolf is wearing Star-lord's headphones 5. The top left is Yondu's whistle-..
5 years ago
your wolf said be mine so I would be your's :P
6 years ago