My Profile picture
Normal Profile Picture up again. New one coming in October for Halloween, A long way away, but will be interesting. Look out for it! Normal picture up for now. Nothing interesting going on...yet :). For April fool's(2023) I switched with my brother's profile picture. But it's the normal one again. Check out my brother here: @Indomi-knight See what my Halloween picture would have looked like last year Check it out -> I just made this studio so everyone can get a close up of my Profile Picture because the detail is a little hard to see from far away.(so no projects will be added, sorry) All are welcome, ask to join, my followers automatically get a free invitation!! Will be changed the month of every major holiday, so follow for updates. Plz don't add projects. Thank you. Other Hobbies: Ranger,Skywing,walking w/ Briggan,wielding Brisinger and Moonbrand