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2 posts

why cant I upload a image to my scratch studio?

I have been trying to upload a image for my scratch studio to get it ready for more games but it just says “Maximum file size is 512 KB and less than 500x500 pixels.” but the image is in that limit, i've tried on multiple browsers but wont work. Help? the studio is The Blue Games Team.please I need help my friends will be in the studio and other people as well.

Last edited by BlueisGaming (May 25, 2024 17:13:41)

2 posts

why cant I upload a image to my scratch studio?

when I receive [ no answer]
set [ mind] to [crazy]

Last edited by BlueisGaming (May 25, 2024 18:13:11)

1000+ posts

why cant I upload a image to my scratch studio?

Try in a different studio- if it doesn't let you there, then it is likely a bug.

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2 posts

why cant I upload a image to my scratch studio?

thank you, i just tryed it and it didnt work so its probably a bug.

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