Discuss Scratch

100+ posts

profile comments, profile activity, and projects viewer does not show

for the entirety of today i haven't been able to see my profile comments, profile activity, or edit any unpublished projects since after making them i wouldn't be able to find them since the viewer is blank and shows no projects

on a different browser, i tried logging out and back in, and when i logged out the entire page turned white and this stayed even when i deleted and reinstalled it, restarted the device, and reinstalled the operating system

I'm pizzafox20109. I like to make and play games on scratch, I mainly like making AIs and engines for people to use in their projects.
I'm semi active on the forums, as you may be able to tell

PizzaFox's Chatbot, the chatbot that learns from what you say: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/623975291
100+ posts

profile comments, profile activity, and projects viewer does not show

iPad Mini 5, using Nekomimi browser (embedded webkit view to scratch.mit.edu), iPadOS 17.4.1

I'm pizzafox20109. I like to make and play games on scratch, I mainly like making AIs and engines for people to use in their projects.
I'm semi active on the forums, as you may be able to tell

PizzaFox's Chatbot, the chatbot that learns from what you say: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/623975291
100+ posts

profile comments, profile activity, and projects viewer does not show

To discuss this issue, please go here: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/727967/
For a lot of info on it in one place, go here: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/756184/

Discuss the My Stuff Bug | Info on the My Stuff Bug | Text Version of My Stuff
I've been pretty active in Bugs and Glitches recently, so I might as well put this here:

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