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Chloe’s Castle ~ SWC Writing Thread

Hello! Welcome to my castle aka my Writing Thread for March 2024!

#FairyTaleFTW #TeamApple

About me:

✩ Name: Chloe or Phoenix, either one works!
✩ Pronouns: She/her
✩ Timezone: CST
✩ Cabin: Fairy Tale
✩ Main Cabin Points Earned: I've lost count…I need to go back and add them up
✩ Words: 30142/20000
✩ Jewels: 242

Daily/Weekly Tracker:

✩ Dailies Completed: 31/31
1: Introduction (Completed)
2: Complements (Completed)
3: Anthem (Completed)
4: Random Rolls (Completed)
5: Adding to a Book (Completed)
6: Making a new Genre (Completed)
7: Three Word Stories (Completed)
8: Thank you Note (Completed)
9: Cabin Wars (Completed)
✩ 10: Critquinare (Completed?)
11: Things to Change (Completed)
12: Bookstore (Completed)
13: 13 and Host quotes (Completed)
14: Pi Day (Completed)
15: Ides of March (Completed)
16: Day in the Life of another SWCer (Completed)
17: Song Lyric (Completed)
✩ 18: Pick a Plot (Completed)
19: 6 + 6 = Phoenix (Completed)
20: Pressure Makes a Villian (Completed)
21: Poetry Day! (Completed)
22: Pathetic Fallacy (Completed)
23: Cabin Wars: 1 Cabin Wars: 2 (Completed)
24: My Hobbit Hole (Completed)
25: Color Imagery (Completed)
26: Fan-Fiction Swap (Completed)
27: Song Translate to Story (Completed)
28: Fairy Tale Finish (Completed)
29: Prologue (Completed)
30: Phoenix gets her mark and a nightmare (Completed)
31: Thank you Notes + cover (Completed)

✩ Weeklies Completed 4/4
1: Legends
2: Rewinding
3: Mystery
4: MemorieSWC

Contest Entries + Word Wars

✩ Word Wars Attempted: 4
✩ Word Wars Won: 1
✩ Links to Word Wars
The Beginning
Preparing for a Fight
A Talk with Tom
The Fight

✩ Memory Book Cover Contest Entered: Yes
✩ Link to Entry: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/983518659/

✩ Writing Contest Entered: Yes
✩ Link to Entry: Fan-Fic and Main

In Cabin Stuff:

✩ Monthly Challenge:
✩ Participate in an activity in the sibling hangout (0/1)
✩ Sleep before 11 PM (5 days in a row) (5/5)
✩ Complete 15 dailies (15/15)
✩ Complete 2 weeklies (2/2)
✩ Participate in 2 cabin wars (2/2)
✩ Win 5 word wars (1/5)
✩ Enter the memory book contest (1/1)
✩ Enter the writing competition (2/1)
✩ Create a matching icon with the icon creator (once you receive enough jewels) (1/1)

✩ Task 1: Hello Wanderers! <3 As you make your way into the cabin, I want to give you all a very warm welcome. We're going to be embarking on one heck of a perilous journey, and we need all the help we can get! To start this session off, we Archetypes have a task for you. We want you to get to know your fellow Wanderers, since you'll be working with them to escape and to uncover the mystery of the perpetrator. For this task :: Get to know people! Go around to other fellow SWC-ers and take this opportunity to get to know them a bit better <3 You're going to be asking them any question of your choice (eg: What's your favorite book genre?), if you get a response back, count that as a “page” earned! Keep track of your total “page” count and let your respective leader know how many you've earned when this event ends - although they don't hold any value right now, they'll help us out in the future ;D This task ends on March 2nd at midnight UTC, so remember to submit your “page” count after that time period. Additionally, participating in this task will give you 3 jewels to add to your jewel count (which can be used to by banners, stickers, etc.). Have fun, and let us know if you have any questions <3 #FairyTalesFTW

✩ Pages Earned: 11

✩ Task 2: /!\ Storyline Update /!\ Hi everyone! We've officially arrived in our first realm - The Kingdom of Germonia, Snow White! My telepathic senses are telling me that someone needs help…but I'm not sure who! There are often some travelers that walk through this route - maybe they'll bring useful clues that will help us figure out where exactly we're needed. I have a feeling that this is the key to our escape :0 (translation: be on the lookout for travelers! they will be popping into the cabin with some clues to help us figure out who needs our help - when you have a guess, head on over to the codex: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/973756257 to share you guess (from there, Amethyst will be using her ability to decode runes to determine if you have guessed correctly!).

✩ Possible clues:
✩ hey besties !!! ngl i kinda just stumbled into here and i found a lasagna with the words "feelings we have, and embody we do” written into the pasta … not sure what it means but it sure does taste good (@Polarbear_17)
✩ Hello! I seem to have found a sparkly s0ul with a message that reads “hidden in the forest, isolated and alone”. I'm far too busy to investigate but I trust you will be able to do so… (@-BookDragon-)

Guess: 7 Dwarfs


Other Assorted Stuff (Including, but not limited to: Random Writing, Funny Comments I or others say that I like, Possible Roleplay Threads, Link to character profiles included in Dailies/Weeklies/word wars, and more)

Parody of On the Road again to fit Beta Trip, plus fun convo with @Lilyjen: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/34694852/comments/#comments-251556858

Chloe gives a prompt to @at-least-im-trying when she doesn't have many brain cells active: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/34694852/comments/#comments-251632856

Chloe gets an Apple:

Carl's Cave (Carl's Character profile, mention on Daily 4)

Chloe proves Sienna is a goat:

Random Poem:


Last edited by smartypantschlo (March 31, 2024 21:20:11)

Chloe/Phoenix ~ Camper ~ Musician ~ Artist ~ Writer ~ Ranger's Apprentice Fan ~ Christian ~ So Much More

100+ posts

Chloe’s Castle ~ SWC Writing Thread

Daily March 1st:

Welcome, leaders, campers, fairies, and trolls, to the March ‘24 session of SWC! We hope you're as excited as we are for the exciting month ahead of us. To start us off, introduce yourself to your fellow writers and jot down your goals for this session. Who's your favorite author? How long have you done SWC? Give encouraging messages and compliment each other's intros - some of this might just come into play in tomorrow's daily. Have fun, and happy writing! <3

Hello! I’m Chloe or Phoenix, which ever one you like better and can spell right first. I’m a 15 year old girl, who uses she/her pronouns and resides in the central time zone! My favorite author is John Flanagan and this is my 5th session in SWC as a camper. My fandoms include Rangers Apprentice, Harry Potter, Warrior Cats, Star Wars, Marvel, Kotlc, and more! I’m an avid musician, who plays French Horn, Mellophone, Piano, and sings (though I can play a few other instruments as well, they just aren’t my “normal” instruments)! I can’t choose any favorite song but some of my favorites include Never Say Die by Neoni, While the Nations Rage by Rich Mullins, Start Right Here by Matthew West, and so many more. I’m a Christian, who is Southern Baptist, and is the eldest daughter of a pastor. When it comes to writing, I prefer to write in a fantasy genre, fiction. I love writing about my many characters, and their unique backstories. I’m currently writing a Harry Potter fanfic, a LitRPG, and my “storyline” story involving Phoenix, the Magkoas, and the magical world I made up. I also write poetry but that is more random and less thought through. I am currently trying to focus on improving my writing and working on my long term projects. A few other random things about me: my favorite animal is a Phoenix, I love the color blue, I love any type of Italian food (especially if it has garlic bread), my favorite sport is soccer, I’m going to be drum major in my band next year, I’m in the Beta, FBLA, Drama, and Library Club at school, and I love popcorn. I believe that actions speak louder then words and I’m desperately trying to prove myself to the world, that I am someone they can trust, someone they can rely on, that I am a mighty leader in my own, unique way. I have a major fear of storms, stemming from some major disasters that hit my town. My favorite features about myself are my hazel eyes, my honey blond hair, and my singing voice when it’s not a recording. I want to go into music education when I graduate high school and teach band. That’s all, so yeah!

381 words

Last edited by smartypantschlo (March 1, 2024 21:52:57)

Chloe/Phoenix ~ Camper ~ Musician ~ Artist ~ Writer ~ Ranger's Apprentice Fan ~ Christian ~ So Much More

100+ posts

Chloe’s Castle ~ SWC Writing Thread

Daily March 2:

Hello, swc-ers, and welcome to our second daily of camp! Yesterday was world compliment day, and we all exchanged compliments on our introductions. Today, we'll use them in our writing! Take someone else's compliment and integrate it as a focal point of your story. How does the main character react to these compliments? How does it affect other people? Complete this daily with a minimum of 250 words for a scrumptious 300 points for your cabin, plus a bonus 100 points for providing proof!

you are ray of sunshine in a tornado!! crazy, fun, and bright <33 @SeptemberSong

Present Day

“You are a ray of sunshine in a tornado!! Crazy, fun, and bright <33.”

Reading this comment, the memories flooded back.

It's been 11 months.

I still can't sleep when there are storms.


Before, it was only an idea. A “what if?” A thing that only happens on the news.

Yet it happened.

Yes, I've written about it before. But never about the work that was done. My dad was there at 5 a.m. The family life center was unlocked. Disaster relief was called.

I was there. I was strong. And despite my inner heartache, I was smiling.

Present Day

Currently, I'm at Beta, spending the day remincing on the past. Ranting about the wrong, enjoying life with other betas, and trying to show the world that I'm someone to look out for, trying to prove that I AM ME.

My past defines me, the present challenges me, and the future is daunting.

But I'm still going, still standing, still smiiling.


I sang the Easter after the storm

The Sunday right after

“See, what a morning”

Learned in a week, in the Family Life Center.

The Disaster Relief people said I had a gift, a talent.

Said that I brightened the dreary mood.

Present Day

The fact this compliment was meant to be a metaphor

Yet it turned out completely true

In real life, I'm still shining

To the people devastated by the storms

Yes the tornado hit us hard

And the flood took what we had left

But our community came together

Our people helped each other

And I was right there with them

Yes I am a chaos child

I do like to have some fun

But I do my best to keep shining

even when there is no sun.

+ 296 Words

Last edited by smartypantschlo (March 2, 2024 17:48:20)

Chloe/Phoenix ~ Camper ~ Musician ~ Artist ~ Writer ~ Ranger's Apprentice Fan ~ Christian ~ So Much More

100+ posts

Chloe’s Castle ~ SWC Writing Thread

The Apple Incident: AKA Chloe gets an apple from a sweet old lady in Fairy Tale world, and goes to eat it:

Chloe Finds the Apple, and Sienna tries to convince her not to eat it
Chloe brings the issue to the main cabin, Sienna and Nova tries to convince her not to eat it, while Twi and Mouse say otherwise. Also, a goat from Fairy Tale spawns in.
Chloe fends people away from her apple
First Apple is Eaten, Chloe gets new apple from Mouse, and climbs a tree with it
Nova tries to be reasonable, Mouse tries to convince her otherwise
Chloe eats apple, is perfectly fine
Chloe hangs out in the tree with Matty
Chloe enjoys apple in tree, Sienna heals Chloe just in case
Goat eats Chloe's tree
Sienna is the goat
Chloe reveals her Magkoa background, and Nova offers Chloe a toad. Mouse offers a new apple
Mouse steals Sienna's Goat Soul
Three Days in, Chaos Children take Charge
Is Snow White a Step-Princess Pt.1
Is Snow White a Step-Princess Pt. 2
Sienna says that keeping your campers alive should be added to the job description, and tries to tell Chloe that food from strangers is bad
Chloe enjoys Chaos
Nova offers everyone Toads instead of Apples
Rockie convinces Nova to eat a Toadoodle
Apples vs. Toads
Toxin Talk, More Apples vs. Toads
Blau asks about the Chaos, more Apples vs. Toads
Sienna tries to posion Dystopian with Apples
Apples vs. Mangos, Chloe gets ready for another rebellion
Opheliio questions the Apple Movement, in a very philosophical, mind-boggling way.
Attempts to find the true between all the claims between the Apple Movement and the Toad Movement tries to claim Sienna saved Chloe
Apple flavored Toad Talk
Fairy Tale is the Best, regardless of what side you are on
Mouse says she's going to burn down Fairy Tale, almost releasing the wrath and protection of Chloe, but Mouse quickly confirms its just Sienna's Word Count Group she's going to burn
A News Channel is formed to help explain the chaos
Wondering about Hosties thoughts, more Apples vs. Toads
Chloe struggles to add comments, but also does a quick interview with @swcnewschannel
A Debate that Won't load for Chloe XD
Apples News Cast
Cookies News Cast
Rockie and Cecilia talk about Apples vs. Toad, Cecilia ingests Apple, almost dies
Chloe and Sienna sign a peace treaty

Last edited by smartypantschlo (March 3, 2024 21:19:57)

Chloe/Phoenix ~ Camper ~ Musician ~ Artist ~ Writer ~ Ranger's Apprentice Fan ~ Christian ~ So Much More

100+ posts

Chloe’s Castle ~ SWC Writing Thread

Daily March 3:

Prompt: Hello, patriots! Today is national anthem day, so you’ll be writing national anthems! Write an anthem for your cabin and 1-3 other cabins for a maximun of four anthems - 100 points per anthem in at least 100 words each. Be sure to think about the cabin’s values, history, and ethics. If you need some inspiration, head on over to this link https://nationalanthems.info/ to find a list of national anthems for you to draw from. Happy writing, adventurers!

To listen to the songs: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/975767919/

Fairy Tale
(106 words)

Mirror Mirror on the Wall?
The greatest cabin of them all.
Archetypes three to guide us through,
Fairy tales have been made new

Traveling through Stories
Wandering the trail
Dealing with the Chaos
Trapped in a Fairy Tale

Shiny jewels we collect,
Three goats to protect.
Fighting to make our way home,
these stories no more will we roam.

Traveling through Stories
Wandering the trail
Dealing with the Chaos
Trapped in a Fairy Tale

Fairies fly through the sky,
Animals roam nearby.
Peace will be restored
We will not be ignored

Traveling through Stories
Wandering the trail
Dealing with the Chaos
Trapped in a Fairy Tale

(103 words)

The Sci-fi Database

Running from the enemy

Corrupted Data in the air


Colors back and forth
Which way is north
Feeling so confused
It won't be refused

Fighting the Ai
Struggling to survive
Leading the charge
forwarding this march


The Sci-fi Database

Running from the enemy

Corrupted Data in the air


Where is the peace
where is the resolution
where is the answers
to defeat this AI?


Stopping it is our cause!

The Sci-fi Database

(119 words)

Split in two
rebels and order
Something new
because of the disorder

Each side trying
to prove they are right
Each side relying
On this fan-fi fight

Fanfiction Variance Authority
wants to spread an art
They have a priority
they want to do their part

Each side trying
to prove they are right
Each side relying
On this fan-fi fight

The Fanfiction rebels
let creativity shine
They know the fundamentals
the boundaries redefined

Each side trying
to prove they are right
Each side relying
On this fan-fi fight

Who will win?
Only time will tell
The choices are in
and this is my farewell

Each side trying
to prove they are right
Each side relying
On this fan-fi fight

(103 words)

“Welcome to the Ruins”

Ruins in the dark
Do not be alarmed
We're making a new life
It's time to survive



Tread Carefully

Build our new society

Shadows in the night
Don't give us a fight
The old city is gone
this is our new song



Tread Carefully

Build our new society

Secrets come to light
We are ready to fight
Making our own life



Tread Carefully

Build our new society

These ruins are now our home
No more will we roam



Tread Carefully

Build our new society

“Welcome to the Ruins”

+ 431 words!

Last edited by smartypantschlo (March 3, 2024 23:51:39)

Chloe/Phoenix ~ Camper ~ Musician ~ Artist ~ Writer ~ Ranger's Apprentice Fan ~ Christian ~ So Much More

100+ posts

Chloe’s Castle ~ SWC Writing Thread

Daily March 4

For today's daily we'll be breathing in the air of spontaneity! Start by grabbing a die and rolling it - if you get 1 or 2, write in present tense, 3 or 4, write in past tense, and 5 or 6 write in future tense. Now roll it again! If you get 1 or 2, write in 1st person POV, 3 or 4, write in 2nd person POV, and if you get 5 or 6 write in 3rd person omniscient POV. Using this tense and POV, write 300 words of a story to earn 250 points, and an additional 100 points can be earned for sharing proof!

Numbers rolled: 1, 6

A large, yellow monster walks down a hill. His tentacles move swiftly, as he hopes he won't be late. His name badge reads, “Hello, my name is Carl.”
Carl arrives at his job and opens the door as he walks inside the building. Other monsters greet Carl, and he nods his head, as he says “Hewo!” to all his co-workers. He walks to his locker, grabs his red, metal toolbox, and smiles. He is ready to work.
Carl checks his papers and sees he will have three jobs today. He grabs his map, and heads towards the site of his first job.
He arrives at the scene and greets the person at home. As he walks inside, he notes that most of the pipes are rusty and old. He walks into the bathroom to find a massive leak, as water floods the bathroom. Carl grabs his wrench and works diligently to stop the flood of water. Stopping it, he turns to the owners of the house. “Pipes bad. Carl fix them.”
Carl grabs a large selection of shiny pipes from his toolbox and dumps them on the floor. Carl shuts off the water to the house and begins to take apart the entire pipe system, as he replaces them with newer, better pipes. As he attaches the last pipe, he grins at the owners. “Carl fix the pipe. Carl finished now.”
The owner of the house smiles at Carl. “Thank you. Here is your gold,” they say as they hand the gold over.
Carl beams. “Carl loves plumbing! But Carl loves gold even more!”
Carl packs his stuff up, tossing it all into his toolbox. Then he picks up his toolbox, smiles one more time at the owners of the house, and walks out, back into the bright, yellow sun.

+300 words

Last edited by smartypantschlo (March 4, 2024 20:30:54)

Chloe/Phoenix ~ Camper ~ Musician ~ Artist ~ Writer ~ Ranger's Apprentice Fan ~ Christian ~ So Much More

100+ posts

Chloe’s Castle ~ SWC Writing Thread

Chloe Flamesong
No Teacher
04 March 2024
Why Sienna is a Goat
During the Great Apple Incident of March 2024, a new species came to the playing field, as I, Chloe, sprinted away with my glorious apple. Tinkergoat, the goat representative of Sienna’s word count group, magically appeared at the scene of the fight, to eat my lovely apple. Once the initial fight finished, accusations that Sienna was actually Tinkergoat began to surface, which led everyone to wonder if Sienna had a power besides healing. Sienna has lots of evidence pointing towards the fact that she is, indeed, a goat, as well as having other campers back up this claim. However, there is a small opposition to this claim as well. Proving Sienna is a goat is a daunting task, but one that is full of truth.

Shortly after Tinkergoat arrived into existence, Sienna called on them for battle. However, evidence to believe that Tinkergoat is actually Sienna is of high amount. For one, Sienna and Tinkergoat have never been seen in the same place at the same time. Whenever the two talk, Sienna starts. Then she disappears, and two minutes later, suddenly Tinkergoat appears! They also were both very against my apple, and Tinkergoat only appears when Sienna appears. I also did some research, and when my robot asked Sienna the same set of questions, Sienna said, “Hmmm this looks like something I saw in the main cabin once” (F Sienna Answers Questions). This interview was ONLY posted to Tinkergoat in the main cabin, and despite the claims that Sienna was just “comment stalking,” it’s clear Sienna is making a desperate excuse to hide her goat-shapeshifting powers.

Despite the claims that I have gone crazy from eating that apple from the old lady, other people back me up on the claim that Sienna, is indeed, a goat. In “Chloe’s Call for Evidence in the Main Cabin,” Pepper again brings up the point that Tinkergoat only appears shortly after Sienna does. Mouse also states, “She said she taught Tinker all he knows when I said Tinker was too good at being a goat,” which can point to the fact that Sienna had to do research on proper goat behavior before camp, in order to try and trick campers that she wasn’t the goat. Mouse also brings up the point that Sienna referred to Tinkergoat as we, which means they clearly have the same mind. Alana tried to hide her opinions of the issue, but when I bribed her with an apple, she agreed that Sienna, was indeed, a goat (F Chloe Asks Alana). Amethyst did the same thing, saying, “Perhaps… Perhaps not….,” (F Chloe Asks Amethyst). Again, she tried to dodge the question. This proves the Archetypes know about Sienna’s hidden power, but refuse to tell us for some unknown reasons. Finally, when I asked Starr on the matter, she claimed, “Goat = greatest of all time, so you tell me ;D,” (F Chloe Asks Starr). This shows that even if it's a metaphorical sense, Starr still believes that Sienna is a goat.

Despite the pressing evidence proving Sienna’s goat power, there has been a small bit of opposition. Sienna has repeatedly claimed that she is not a goat, claiming “That's because he's my familiar- obviously,” (F Sienna Answers Questions). She has denied all evidence that she was a goat from the beginning. Tinkergoat’s brother, Fern, spoke out against this claim as well, saying that his brother was too stinky to be Sienna. Summer claims that, “Her displayed intelligence is far above the average goat’s,” (F Opposition in the Main Cabin). However, if she is a shapeshifting goat, her intelligence wouldn’t change between her goat form and her human form. The only other opposition I got was from Alana, when she said, “But that is not something that I can answer,” (F Chloe Asks Alana). This shows the archetypes are actively trying to protect Sienna’s secret, despite the evidence coming out against Sienna’s claim.

The small opposition does not refuse the overwhelming evidence that Sienna is a goat. Sienna’s hidden ability is hidden no longer, and she should start using it to help Fairy Tale progress in their quest, as well as in future cabin wars. Her desperate attempts to cover the truth and hide it from my curious nature was futile, as we all knew the truth would come out eventually. However, one more question does arise from this not so shocking revelation. Are Alana and Amethyst also goats?

Works Cited
F, Chloe. “Chloe Asks Alana.” Scratch, scratch.mit.edu/users/-NightGlow-/#comments-316974937. Accessed 5 Mar. 2024.
F, Chloe. “Chloe Asks Amethyst.” Scratch, scratch.mit.edu/users/Amethyst-animation/#comments-317009238. Accessed 5 Mar. 2024.
F, Chloe. “Chloe Asks Starr.” Scratch, scratch.mit.edu/users/Stariqe/#comments-317020662. Accessed 5 Mar. 2024.
F, Chloe. “Chloe’s Call for Evidence in the Main Cabin.” Scratch, scratch.mit.edu/studios/34694852/comments/#comments-251949337. Accessed 5 Mar. 2024.
F, Chloe. “Opposition in the Main Cabin.” Scratch, scratch.mit.edu/studios/34694852/comments/#comments-251955181. Accessed 5, Mar. 2024.
F, Chloe. “Sienna Answers Questions.” Scratch, scratch.mit.edu/users/snuggles0426/#comments-316978165. Accessed 5 Mar. 2024.

Last edited by smartypantschlo (March 5, 2024 12:41:07)

Chloe/Phoenix ~ Camper ~ Musician ~ Artist ~ Writer ~ Ranger's Apprentice Fan ~ Christian ~ So Much More

100+ posts

Chloe’s Castle ~ SWC Writing Thread

Daily March 5th:

Hey there! Today, word wars begin—ready for the adventure? Hop on over to this project (OH NO GURTLE ATE THE LINK) to begin clashing swords! Additionally, here's a mini-activity: read one chapter of a book, then write a continuation of it—perhaps Percy refuses to go to Camp Half-Blood, or Elphaba and Galinda defy gravity together! Write 200 words for 100 points, and an extra 50 for sharing proof <3
Authors Notes: This is a continuation of Ranger's Apprentice, Book 1, the Ruins of Gorlan, Chapter 26

Will froze at his master's words, despite already thinking the same thing. The Kalkara were hunting. These fearsome beasts that could paralyze with a glance were hunting, and the three rangers were alone on the wide plains. To make matters worse, the night was falling.
Gilian went to mount Blaze, to go after the monsters, but Halt stopped him. “We'll go after them in the morning. We can't face the Kalkara at night. They are too dangerous as is, much less when we can't see them.”
Gilian nodded his agreement, but Will still looked around nervously as if the Kalkara was going to attack him at any moment. It didn't matter that Morgarath didn't know who he was. It didn't matter that Will was a newborn when Morgarath was pushed back to the Mountains of Rain and Night. Will was still terrified that somehow, the Kalkara were hunting him. But he was a Ranger. An apprentice at that, but still a Ranger. He had Halt and Gilian, two of the best Rangers in the corps with him. Maybe he could surivie the Kalkara. “Well, I'll take first watch. You all try to get some sleep,” Halt said, looking at his two apprentices, knowing full and well that no one in the trio was getting sleep this night.

+217 word

Last edited by smartypantschlo (March 5, 2024 17:38:10)

Chloe/Phoenix ~ Camper ~ Musician ~ Artist ~ Writer ~ Ranger's Apprentice Fan ~ Christian ~ So Much More

100+ posts

Chloe’s Castle ~ SWC Writing Thread

Word War 1

Opponent: @-BookDragon- (Mouse)

Time: 5 mins

Results: Lost

A ginger braid floated gracefully in the wind. The girl the braid belonged to stood at the helm of a mighty ship, guiding the large wooden boat through the turquoise waters, glistening in the sun. “Captian?” a guy called from below the deck she was standing on. “Where are we headed? The sailors want to know.” She sighed, exasperated. “I've told you guys before, don't you listen to me? We are sailing for Portugal, to deliver our cotton, and earn money.” The guy sighed. “I told them that you would be frustrated, and I tried telling them. But you also know they don't listen to me. I've tried Sas, I really have.” The girl shook her head again. “Tom, what have I told you about calling me by that nickname while on the boat? It's Sasha, or Captain Sasha. Not Sas. The sailors won't respect me if you call me that.” Tom sighed. “Whatever.” Suddenly, they heard a cry from above. “SHIP SIGHTED. PREPARE FOR DANGER.”

Word Count: 166

Last edited by smartypantschlo (March 5, 2024 19:37:43)

Chloe/Phoenix ~ Camper ~ Musician ~ Artist ~ Writer ~ Ranger's Apprentice Fan ~ Christian ~ So Much More

100+ posts

Chloe’s Castle ~ SWC Writing Thread

Word War 2

Opponent: @TheWItch_of_Jam

Time: 5 mins

Results: Lost

Sasha raced to the front of her boat, the Flying Stars. Scanning the salty ocean waters, she spots the ships her look out spotted. “TOM. GATHER THE CREW. PREPARE FOR A FIGHT,” she said, grabbing her own sword out of the sheath. She rushed to the edge of the boat, peering into her spyglass, seeing the distinctive flag of the Destroyer. She cursed under her breath. “We're going to have a rough fight.” she muttered. Running into her cabins quatuers, she began to hide important documents as well as her money stories under a loose plank in her wall. After assuring it was properly hidden, she ran out to go help her crew prepare for an attack. She was ready to take on the most fearsome pirates in the entire sailing indistry. She had to do it. She had to protect her crew, her load, and her ship.

Word Count: 148

Chloe/Phoenix ~ Camper ~ Musician ~ Artist ~ Writer ~ Ranger's Apprentice Fan ~ Christian ~ So Much More

100+ posts

Chloe’s Castle ~ SWC Writing Thread

Word War 3

Opponent: @a_sloth_who_draws

Time: 5 mins

Results: WON!

Sasha spent the next 10 minutes rushing around the Flying Stars, preparing her crew for the biggest battle of their lives. She knew the odds of winning this fight, of surviving were low. Sailors exchanged horror stories of the Destroyer taking ships, and forcing the crew to surrender or die. As she was loading the cannons, she saw Tom walk up to her. “Look, Sas,” he started but put his finger up to stop her before she could protest. “I'm talking to you not as your first mate, but as your friend. We've been close since we were siblings when I and your brother were closer than magnets. When your brother passed, we relied on each other more than ever. So listen to me. You know what they do to the captains of the ships they capture, on the Destroyer. Captain Blake Toothslasher is notorious for showing no mercy to the captains. You'll be killed Sas, killed! I can't let that happen.” Sasha sighed. “What do you want me to do? I'm not running away. The Flying Stars is my ship. My crew is relying on me.” Tom sighed. “Let me claim to be captain.”

Word Count: 195

Last edited by smartypantschlo (March 5, 2024 22:18:03)

Chloe/Phoenix ~ Camper ~ Musician ~ Artist ~ Writer ~ Ranger's Apprentice Fan ~ Christian ~ So Much More

100+ posts

Chloe’s Castle ~ SWC Writing Thread

Word War 4

Opponent: @–Artsy_Girl–

Time: 5 mins

Results: Lost

“No! You can't! Tom, I need you. I need you to stay with my crew. You need to be there for them. Please Tom. Don't do this. I won't let you do this.” Sasha said, desperate for him to forget this silly plan, to give up this scheme and let her take what she was doing. Tom gave a sad smile to Sasha, before running back to the deck of the ship. Sasha sprinted after him, just to see the Destroyer was on them, and about board. “PREPARE FOR WAR!” Sasha cried, now determined to win this fight. Not for her. Not for her ship or her crew. She was going to win this for Tom, to keep him save. She couldn't lose him like she lost her brother. Gripping her sword tighter, she raced into the fray of people already letting loose the cries of battle. She defended, slashed, and fought like a whirlwind, knowing that this battle could end everything. Soon, she came face to face with Captain Blake Toothslasher, the fearsome pirate himself. She noticed Tom was already fighting him, bravely facing this fearsome foe. This was Sasha's time to shine,

Word Count: 194

Last edited by smartypantschlo (March 6, 2024 23:41:36)

Chloe/Phoenix ~ Camper ~ Musician ~ Artist ~ Writer ~ Ranger's Apprentice Fan ~ Christian ~ So Much More

100+ posts

Chloe’s Castle ~ SWC Writing Thread

Daily March 6

Get ready to stretch your imagination with this daily! Today, you'll be inventing a new genre. It can be anywhere from something like a Cashier Memoir to Sci-Fi. Get creative! What genre would you love to write in? Then, write a story in this genre that is 250 words long. Post it in the comments, and try to guess other people's made-up genres. You will receive 200 points for doing this daily and an extra 50 points for sharing proof!

Authors note: I will give you until the Daily is changed to guess what genre I wrote in. After that, I'll add it here. Also, please let me know if you want me to continue this story. I had a lot of fun writing it!

Standing on top a grassy, green hill, Willow sighed in disappointment. The countryside she called her home was beautiful, yet corrupt. Her brother was out towards the bottom of the hill, riding his horse in his knight armor. Her brother, once so pure, was now just as corrupt as every other night. The kingdom of Syland used to be such a peaceful, kind kingdom. The royal family was pure in heart and fought valiantly for their loyal subjects. The citizens loved their mighty king, gracious queen, beautiful princesses, and brave princes. However, it all took a turn for the worse when Lord Ray, the brother of the king at the time, took over Syland, slaying all the royal family, and set up a complete tyranny, imprisoning or executing any who dared oppose him. Now every knight was just a loyal spy, turning in innocent countryfolk for “crimes” such as bad-mouthing the king, and traitorous activity.
Lord Ray, who now dubbed himself as Emperor Ray, set up a tight controlling system. All men had to go into the military or become a knight when they were 18. Women were forbidden to work and expected to raise 2 or more kids, or be shunned from society. Any unfortunate kid who lost their parents before the age of 18 was forced into orphanages that were more like military camps then children's homes.
Willow watched as her brother rode up towards her. “Come on sis, we've got to head to town. I've got drill in 10 minutes.” Willow nodded, mounting the horse behind her brother, and they rode into the city.
Once they came into the city, Willow looked around. Instead of the once friendly, cheerful city, it was now all but silent, with people staring at the knights with fear. Willow sighed silently, trying to mask the sadness in her eyes. The poverty in the streets despite the strict work system broke her heart. Soon, they arrived to the clearing where knight drills were held. Willow dismounted the horse with the help of her brother, and they walked together to the General. “What is she doing here?” the General sneered, glaring at Willow. Willow bit her lip to prevent herself from instantly shooting back a sharp retort. “My mums dead. Dad's busy at work. No one to watch my sister. Don't worry, she won't be a bother,” he said, waving Willow off to go sit down somewhere out of the way. “Whatever, Sir Will. In formation. Now!” he ordered, and Will scurried off to go get in line. Willow sat down next to a tree, watching the knights going through their drills, feeling sorry for all of the young boys, such as her brother, poisoned by the evil ideologies of Emperor Ray. As she was watching, a boy, around 17 with dark, midnight hair and deep, chocolate eyes walked up to her. “Girls aren't usually allowed around these parts,” he said, sitting down next to her. “My brother's training. He's a knight. That one, right there,” she said, pointing towards Will. “My mother is gone. My dad is a worker in the blacksmiths. My brother is training to be a knight. I'm only 16. Not old enough to get a husband, but can't be left alone. If it wasn't for Emp-” she said, before realizing she was about to voice her negative opinions of Emperor Ray out loud, something that could get her killed. “What?” the boy said, making direct eye contact with her. Willow's eyes dropped. “Nothing. I shouldn't have even talked,” she said, quietly. The boy lifted her chin with his gentle hand. “But I like your voice. It's soft, yet powerful,” he said, smiling at her. Willow gave a small smile back, her own hazel eyes meeting with his chocolate eyes. Suddenly, she heard a chilling voice, ripping her out of the moment. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH MY SON?”
Willow looked up, and found herself face to face with the angry face of Emperor Ray himself.

Words: 667

Chloe/Phoenix ~ Camper ~ Musician ~ Artist ~ Writer ~ Ranger's Apprentice Fan ~ Christian ~ So Much More

100+ posts

Chloe’s Castle ~ SWC Writing Thread

Weekly 1


Welcome, heroes, to the first weekly of the session! This week, we'll be taking a look into stories of yore, tales that have been passed down through generations and generations, turning from simple narratives into legends.

While walking this path of fabled characters, you will have the chance to chart your own journey! Firstly, read Skyler's workshop here about the the four genres explored in this weekly. Then, from each of the sections below, choose six prompts to write about. You must choose at least one prompt from each of the four sections, and the last two can be from any section you'd like! Write 200 words per section to complete this weekly.

This weekly starts on March 3rd at 12:01 am utc, so please wait until then to start writing. Good luck, and we can't wait to see what legends you create!

1: Mythology, Retelling
Original myths are great, but there are many different ways to look at them that bring in a novel perspective. Take an old myth and make it something completely new and interesting. Pick your favorite myth and consider what you could change to put a new spin on it. You could change the point of view, genders, setting, time period, or anything really! Choose as many elements as you want to play with, and write your original and fantastical retelling. You'll be amazed at what you come up with!

You'd think a girl would be mad if the king of the underworld were to leap out of the ground, kidnap you, and force you to be his queen. You'd think she would be mad if she was just calmly picking flowers, and was snatched below the earth, before being tricked into eating some pomegranate seeds, causing her to spend 6 of the 12 months underground. Any logical girl would think like that. Not me! Hello, my name is Persephone, formerly known as Kore. I was born to Demeter and lived a peaceful life as any goddess of spring would. I absolutely adored flowers and loved to spend time out in nature. Well, Hades, you know, that “evil death god” Hades, saw me, and fell in love with my beauty. So he ran off to Zeus and asked for permission to kidnap me. Wonderful, right? So here I was out having a joyous time among the flowers and all of a sudden, the ground opened up and Hades popped out! He grabbed me, and I was dragged deep into the underworld. So, as I was recovering from the shock of this all, Hades is like, “You're cool. Wanna be my wife?” and at first I was like, “Man, you just kidnapped me, of course not!” While Hades was trying desperately to gain my affection, my mother was FREAKING OUT. I mean, I would too. So she completely killed off all vegetation. So all of the humans couldn't get food and were starting to starve, and some of the other gods were like, “Hey Zeus, Demeter is lowkey kinda upset about her daughter's disappearance. If we do something, those humans might die.” Zeus is like, “That's no good, Hermes, go find Kore.” Well, during this long talk, I started warming up to Hades. Turns out, he has a great sense of humor and a warm heart. Besides, his palace was in SERIOUS need of redecoration and Cerberus was a sweet little dog…or should I say three dogs. So before Hermes got down, I accepted his offer to wed him. Well, Hermes comes, and goes, “Kore, your mom wants you back,” and Hades goes, “Quick, eat these,” and gives me some pomegranate seeds, which I ate, because pomegranate seeds are awesome. Hermes takes me to the surface, much to mine and Hades's disappointment. So we go to Zeus and Demeter, and my mom freaks out, seeing that I'm back, and is so excited. Well, Hades appears and goes, “But wait, uno reverse, she ate some seeds. She's mine!” My mother loses it, and promises that she will kill every plant. Zeus, desperate for a solution, told me I could spend six months in the underworld, and six on the surface, and everyone would be happy! So thats how I began Persephone, Queen of the Underworld. And I don't mind it. People listen to me more, respect me more, and now, no one will ever cross me again.

+495 words

2: Historical Fiction, Original Characters in Historical Times

You’ve probably heard of historical characters in historical times, but have you ever heard of original characters in historical times? Pick a character you’ve written with, whether it’s the character from your first ever story, one from that novel you’ve been procrastinating on, or your favorite character, any will work! How would that character react during the Boston Tea Party? Would they make a good knight in the Medieval times? For this task, write a story using an original character in a historical time.

Authors Note: Continuation of this story can be found here: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/978749017/. I'm highly considering making this an AU Phoenix series, where I can develop her personality, actions, and technology. LMK if you would like to see her in any specific timeperiod.

Landing on the ground with a thud, Phoenix sighed, opening her eyes. “Where am I…CORSIEA? What is the meaning of this? I said no more random teleports!” she said towards her robot hooked up through her holowatch, glasses, and earp!ece. Silence. “Corsiea. Answer me. This minute.” More silence. She clicked on her holowatch, grumbling. “No service,” was what it read. “Well, that's just great. What am I supposed to do now!?” She walked forward, noting that the street beneath her feet was made of dirt and that all of the houses were mostly wooden. There were no TV satellite dishes, no electrical lines, nothing modern. Suddenly, she was face to face with a guy in a red, army uniform. “HALT. Who are you? And what is that outfit girl?” the soldier asked. Phoenix hesitated. “Uh…the names…Chloe. The outfit…is just something I've been playing around with. My brother's clothing, accidentally got a bit of dye on it, made it my own, you know?” she said, altering her southern-midwestern accent to match the guy's more British accent. “No. I do not know. Go home, and change into an outfit more proper for a lady. And don't be out after dark. Don't want to run into any of those traitors like the ones who dumped the tea into the harbor,” he said, buying her story. Phoenix nodded, running deeper into an alley. “Seriously? Boston? Right before the Revolutionary War? I'm going to get myself k!lled!” she said, using her Magkoa elemental powers to weave together a simple dress to make her fit in with the people. Venturing out into the crowded city streets, she began to gather the supplies needed to hopefully make a teleporter back home. Until then, she was going to have to hope she could survive a redcoat-filled Boston, as well as the war which was about to shake the world.

+311 words

3: Fairy Tale, Mixing in a Little Magic: Place Yourself in a Fairy Tale

Wouldn't it be great if we had the power to control our fate? What if we could choose the obstacles, if any, that life throws at us… wouldn't that make everything easier? For this activity, you'll be placing yourself in a fairy tale, writing your own happily ever after, whether that be replacing a character, evolving into an antagonist, or becoming the lead role - it's up to you! Choose to go in any direction you like as you write a fairy tale that you've placed yourself into. Your fate lies in your own hands!

I walked with my sister, Goldilocks, deep into the woods. Mother had sent us on a very important errand, to get some flour for the bread we were making for some company which would be coming over. However, the town was across the woods from our humble abode, and so we set off, set on our mission. But as we walked, I noticed something peculiar about our surroundings. “Uh, sis?” I started, “Are we on the correct path?” Goldilocks just smiled at me. “Of course we are. There is only one path through these woods,” she said. I just sighed, accepting her answer, but still having an odd feeling

Soon, as we walked, we approached a house. “Goldilocks! This is the wrong trail! I told you!” I said, with hints of anger laced in my voice. She shrugged. “That's fine. Maybe they have flour,” she said. I blink in total shock, shaking my head with surprise. “WHAT? You are NOT suggesting we should break into this random house for flour! Sis, you are insane!” I said in a forced whisper. “That's exactly what I'm suggesting!” she said, approaching the house. “Fine, whatever. I still don't think this is a good idea. I'm not going inside. I'll just wait out here.” I said, crossing my arms. “Be a coward, I don't care,” Goldilocks went to the door, opened it without the struggle of a lock, and waltzed into the house.

I sat down, off the side of the trail, waiting for my idiotic sister to make her way out of the house. Suddenly, three bears appeared, making their way down the trail. “Oh *,” I muttered, diving into a nearby bush to conceal myself. Peeking out of the leaves, I watched as the bears walked straight into the house. “No, no, no, no, no! Goldilocks, you should have listened to me for once in your life!” I muttered under my breath. For a while, everything was silent. Then all of a sudden, I heard my sister scream, and she leaped out of a window, falling straight on top of the bushes I was hidden in. “OUCH!” I yelled, and Goldilock groaned, before coming to her senses. “WE HAVE TO GO!” she yelled, before sprinting away down the path. I raced after her, still wondering how someone with so little brains could be my sister.

+ 393 words

4: Folklore, Write a Story with a moral:

All folktales have one basic idea in common. They all somehow tell us a lesson, maybe to be honest all the time, or to take it slow and steady and not worry about what other people think of you. Sound familiar? If you choose this option, write a story with any moral of your liking. After writing, maybe compare your story to other well-known fables and see how similar they are!

“I'll be there. I promise,” Becky said, signing her name on the list for the bake sale. I shook my head in disbelief. Beaky never showed up to everything, and if she did, she was late. “We can't have her promise to bring something, then not show. This bake sale is very important to the band. We need this fundraiser in order to gain money for a new drumset after it was accidentally broken! She can't just not show,” I said to my friend, Charlotte. “Yeah, I know. She may not think getting a new drumset affects us brass players, but it does! The beat is very important to the music!” Charlotte replied. Suddenly, we heard the voice of the band teacher behind us. “I have an idea. I know your concerns, girls, and know you both care very much about the band. So I have an idea to make sure Becky is never late to anything again.” he said.

A Couple of Days Later

Charlotte and I sat in the band room, me with my horn, and Charlotte with her trumpet. The bell rang, and a few minutes later, Becky ran in. “Sorry, I was eating breakfast!” she said, taking her place behind the marimba. Charlotte rolled her eyes at this, and I silently shook my head. Our band teacher hopped up onto his podium. “Hello, class! So I've got good news! Our bake sale raised just enough money to get the new drum set! I've already bought it, and it's right here!” he said, uncovering a thing in the corner we just now noticed. We all stared at the shiny new drum set in amazement. “Who wants to try and play it? I'll let everyone drop a beat on it, even our winds,” he said. Excited whispers came up throughout the room, as well as everyone's hands. Slowly, our band teacher let everyone come up front and try. Soon, only Becky was left. The band teacher saw her, looked at his paper, and said, “Oh Becky. You are the only kid who didn't bring anything to the bake sale, and to make matters worse, you directly signed up for it. We were relying on your baked goods, and you never brought them. We nearly didn't raise enough money for the drum set, and because of that, I'm not going to let you play the drum set. Not until you prove you can be more reliable. Sorry,” he finished, in the least sorry voice ever. Becky looked shocked, biting her lip, before pretending to be very intent in her music. “Ok class, let's start today with our concert B-flat scale. One, two, ready, go!”

As we played our scales, me and Charlotte exchange a silent glance. Becky finally learned her lesson.

+462 words

5: Fairy Tale, An Enchanting Reunion: Multiple Fairy Tale Characters Meet Up With Each Other

I think we've all faced that dilemma where we had to choose one favorite character. But fear not! Today you don't have to narrow it down - expand that list as far as you would like for matter! For this activity you will be arranging a little meet up between multiple fairy tale characters. Who you decide to choose is up to you! To complete this task, write a story that focuses on the meet up of multiple fairy tale characters. You'll be amazed to see all the creative plots that come out of this activity!

“Fabulous…my plan is working…wait what?” came a voice from the shadows, before a loud boom. Various people opened their eyes, suddenly finding themselves in a brand new location. In the center of the group of people was a witch. “My bad guys….” she began as everyone glared at her, “Go to go!” she said, vanishing with a puff of green smoke. “So,” a girl said, with black hair, snow-white skin, and blood-red lips, “Who are you guys?” A girl with long, blond hair answered. “I'm Rapunzel,” she replied, braiding her hair. “Well, I am Little Red Riding Hood, or at least that's what people call me,” said a young girl in a red cloak. Two siblings piped up. “Hanzel and Gretal,” they said. “Well, I'm Snow White. This certainly isn't the forest I was running to.” Little Red Riding Hood chuckled. “How ironic. I was in a forest, heading towards my grandma's house,” she said. Hanzel and Gretal also laughed. “We were lost in the forest,” Hanzel said. “Yeah, our parents abandoned us,” Gretal replied. They all looked at Rapunzel. “I was trapped in a tower,” she said, shrugging. “I've never seen a forest.” They all gave Rapunzel a weird look and scooted away from her. “So….how are we going to get back home?” Snow White shrugged. “Who cares? Here, I don't have a demented stepmom trying to end my life, so I'm good!” The other people laughed, and began to talk, sharing their random…yet similar struggles with the world.

+250 words

6: Hi-fi, If These Walls Could Talk: The Events One Place Has Seen.

There have been so many different events in one place, such as your friend’s house has probably seen many other friends and people. How would it be if the walls could talk? What would the walls say if they could talk? Would they mention that fit you had when you were three? Or maybe the time you lost your first tooth? For this activity, explain an event from the place’s perspective.

I've been standing for many years. I'm a large room, with 6 doors, several large windows, and panels on one side, that open up into the place where all of the students eat. I've seen many generations of kids pass through my space, as well as seeing a large variety of teachers. Recently, however, the people in my walls have faced a variety of challenges. It started when the people who run my building, who are in charge of all the kids and teachers who pass through, began discounting the people inside my walls. They began pushing for the kids who played in that large building, my cousin, with those orange balls. Then, halfway through the school year, people just stopped coming. My walls were silent, and when people came back, I was lathered with cleaning chemicals. But the biggest difference was the teacher. The teacher was gone. The new kids were different. We had most of my kids from last year, but this year was the first year I struggled to listen in on their class. I remember one girl. Blond hair. Hazel eyes. Glasses. She played the French horn. She had a light in her eyes, different from most. I remember her constantly getting overlooked, and ignored, as if her instrument didn't matter. I remember them playing a lot of card games, a lot of games where they fought over random trinkets, like drumsticks, or pencils. Summer came and went. Then, they worked on Christmas music. Suddenly, a few weeks after the Christmas break, the teacher was gone. Every one of the kids struggled to keep up with their work, because a sub could only do so much. Then, they had a new teacher come. The kids, especially that girl's class, sounded so much better, despite being so behind their older classmates. I genuinely enjoyed the music which came from the direction of the new teacher. Summer break hit, and he was gone, replaced by yet another teacher, this one much older then the previous. By now, that blond girl was still fighting, was now playing the mellophone and piano at various times, as well as being in the highest level of class. However, this class had shrunk since the first teacher. Only 16 members. 16. It was so sad to see, it broke my heart. They were awesome that year, playing great songs. However, it seemed forced. The fun talk of past years is reduced. Then April rolled around. Then one night, when it was storming, I heard a loud roar. The other walls chattered nervously, wondering what this loud noise could be. However, this loud noise only stayed in the village close by my building, before slowly vanishing to nothing, but silence. That next day, the building was flooded with police, firefighters, medical staff, Red Cross members, school people, and more. The kids didn't come back until a week later, and after that, hushed whispers of ‘tornado’ and ‘so much destruction’ came from my area. Then came the spring concert. A new adult played saxophone with the jazz band. Afterward, he came, asking all the kids questions. I still remember the talk he had with that blond girl. “Hello. Are you planning on staying in band next year?” he asked. The girl shook her head eagerly. “What grade are you in?” he asked. “I'm a freshman, I'll be a sophomore next year,” she said with a smile. “What do you play?” he asked. “French horn, mellophone, and piano,” the girl rattled off. “Wow!” he said, “Well, looking forward for next year.”

Now it's next year. Everyone is relaxed in my room. The kids are sounding better. They all fit into the happy, fun environment more, and to make things better, I've heard rumors of people trying to push band harder. As for the girl, the light is still bright in her eyes, as she talks with her teacher about music-related things, in hopes one day, she could be a teacher of band herself. My story may not be exciting, but it's a story of true dedication and love. I've seen a lot, and I'm excited for the future of this wonderful band and their wonderful teacher.

+700 words

Total Sections done: 6/6
Total Word Count: 2611

Last edited by smartypantschlo (March 9, 2024 22:13:25)

Chloe/Phoenix ~ Camper ~ Musician ~ Artist ~ Writer ~ Ranger's Apprentice Fan ~ Christian ~ So Much More

100+ posts

Chloe’s Castle ~ SWC Writing Thread

Daily March 7

We hope you're ready to have fun and create magic with your peers, because it's time again for three word stories! Comment three words to start a story, and reply to others' stories with three words to keep them going (until, of course, you hit the dreaded studio reply limit ;D)! Have fun, and remember that every three words you write count towards your word count goal! <33


Chloe/Phoenix ~ Camper ~ Musician ~ Artist ~ Writer ~ Ranger's Apprentice Fan ~ Christian ~ So Much More

100+ posts

Chloe’s Castle ~ SWC Writing Thread

Daily March 8

Channel your inner gratitude for international women's day! Pen a 200 words thank-you note to a feminine figure – historical trailblazer or personal hero. dive into what makes her amazing, add a splash of humour and spread the love! This daily is worth 200 points, and you can gain an additional 100 points for sharing proof.

Authors note: Mrs. Balzer is one of the teachers at my school. She teaches English, taught me in 7th grade, moved up to high school but I don't have her as a teacher due to the fact I take college prep classes. She does drama, and is the reason I'm a part of this camp today, as she inspired me to join scratch.

Dear Mrs. Balzer,

I want to thank you for being one of the best teachers as well as my biggest role model. There are so many things I love about you, and what you do for me, and my classmates every day at school. Being here at school with a bright smile on my face, every morning, regardless of the weather, the day, or how you're feeling brightens my day. You're there for us in the good times, and in the bad, and you are the only teacher who's ever told me to take a break when I was pushing myself too hard. You don't even know how far your influence has impacted me. If it wasn't for you suggesting that I join Scratch after leveling out of the Reading Plus program, I would have never come back to Scratch. Scratch has inspired me to forward my writing, my art, and even my music, and keep going even when I feel like giving up. I don't even think I would have placed in Beta for Creative Writing, as various Scratch Camps like January Writing Camp and Scratch Writing Camp have led me to continue with my stories and even get advice on them. Without you, none of that would be possible. You support us in drama, along with other clubs we're in, encouraging us to do our best, even when all of the odds are against us. I look forward to saying hi to you in the morning, for every drama practice, and the fun times surprising you with a thought-out Beta Buddy Gift. You are the teacher I aspire to be when I get older, being there for my students and making their school days bright. You have impacted my life in such a positive way, in ways I could never repay you for. Thank you for everything you do, Balzer. You don't even understand the massive impact you make on me and all the other kids.

With love and gratitude,

+333 words

Last edited by smartypantschlo (March 9, 2024 14:19:26)

Chloe/Phoenix ~ Camper ~ Musician ~ Artist ~ Writer ~ Ranger's Apprentice Fan ~ Christian ~ So Much More

100+ posts

Chloe’s Castle ~ SWC Writing Thread

Daily March 9:

Extra Challenge:
Character swap! To complete this challenge, at least two cabin members must share a short biography of one of their original characters in their cabin comments. They must then claim a character that is not their own, and write 300 words from the perspective of that character. This applies for up to six campers (resulting in 150 points earned maximum.)
I swapped with Sienna using the character Adella

“GO TO YOUR ROOM YOUNG LADY,” my dad shouted at me. I sprinted to my room, masking my tears, trying to pretend like his words hadn't pierced my heart like a sword. All I had wanted to do was spend some time with my father. Thats the only thing I wanted. Yet he ignored me, and treated me like some tiny child, who could only every do something wrong. He only saw my faults…and that was when he would actually see me. Most days, he was off in some room, planning the ways he could tax the people more. I sighed, slumping down onto my bed. “Oh mother…why did you have to die? I needed you…father needed you…everyone needed you…” I said to the ceiling. Shaking off the feelings of sorrow and loneliness, I stared at myself in the mirror, and saw the reflection of my lute in the corner. Suddenly, a memory flew back into my head. “OH *, THE PERFORMANCE WITH EMILY,” I muttered to myself. I looked out the window, seeing the sun was towards the middle of the sky. “I'm not late…yet.”
I rushed to change into common folk clothing, donning my disguise quicker then I had ever done before. Gently, I put my instrument into it's case, slinging the case over my shoulder, before leaping out the window. I quickly made my way down the side of the castle, releasing my hair out of it's braided state to disguise myself even more. Leaping off the roof onto the castle wall, I made my way to a small area where I could rush down to the ground, and out into the village. I ran to the local tavern, where Emily was there, waiting. “Where have you been? We go on in like 3 minutes!” she said, in a half joking, half serious tone. “Sorry. Dad got in the way. Don't worry, I'm here,” I replied. Emily smiled. “Don't worry Ayana, I knew you could make it. Now lets put on the worlds best show!” I returned the smile. “Of course!” I said, gathering my lute, and giving it a quick tuning, before mounting the stage with Emily, ready to let the music carry away my woes.
+340 words

Last edited by smartypantschlo (March 9, 2024 16:48:08)

Chloe/Phoenix ~ Camper ~ Musician ~ Artist ~ Writer ~ Ranger's Apprentice Fan ~ Christian ~ So Much More

100+ posts

Chloe’s Castle ~ SWC Writing Thread


The chickens took over. What do you do? Do you join the Chickens? Do you fight the chickens in a human rebellion? Do you remain peaceful? Or are you a double agent?

Chloe/Phoenix ~ Camper ~ Musician ~ Artist ~ Writer ~ Ranger's Apprentice Fan ~ Christian ~ So Much More

100+ posts

Chloe’s Castle ~ SWC Writing Thread

Word War 5

Opponent: @rocksalmon800

Time: 5 mins

Results: Lost

Sasha leaped at the pirate cabin, brandishing her sword with all her might. She knew he was one of the strongest swords men, if not the strongest in the war, but that didn't matter to her. If she lost this fight to Captain Blake, Sasha or Tom would likely lose their life, and she wasn't going to take either option. She sent attack after attack towards the captain, juggling attacks with Tom. Captain Blake looked very surprised to see a girl jump into the fight against him, but he didn't let that stop him, struggling against the two of them. He shouted something towards his crew, and soon, the two found themselves surrounded by pirates. “Surrender or DIE!” Captain Blake yelled at the two fighters. Tom looked at Sasha with a sorrowful, goodbye glance, before tossing his sword down. “We surrender,” he said. “Well, brave Captain, I'll spare your crew since you surrendered so quickly, but you won't fare so well. First, though, we must search your cabin for your riches. We can't let those get away, and dead men can't tell us where the money is at.”
Sasha sighed. “Here's the thing. He's not a Captain. I am.”

Word Count: 200

Last edited by smartypantschlo (March 9, 2024 22:43:46)

Chloe/Phoenix ~ Camper ~ Musician ~ Artist ~ Writer ~ Ranger's Apprentice Fan ~ Christian ~ So Much More

100+ posts

Chloe’s Castle ~ SWC Writing Thread

Daily March 11th

Mar 11: Today is the first day of Ramadan, a month of fasting, introspection, and charity that is considered the most important part of the year for millions of Muslims worldwide. Do some introspection yourself - what are things you are happy with? What are things, both in the world and about yourself, that you'd like to see changed? Make a list, pick one or two things, and create a 200 word story out of it for 400 points. An additional 100 points will be given for sharing!

“Chloe, your room is a mess.”
“Chloe, your backpack is so unorganized.”
“Chloe, why don’t you straighten up everything every once in a while.”

Talk, talk, talk. That’s all people ever do, right? Always judging other for things they could do better. But here’s the thing. I judge myself too. I want to be like my sister Karissa, who keeps everything perfectly neat, and posts videos about restocking her mini fridge and organizing her life on a regular basis. I want to be like Kaitlyn who consistently works in our room, whose dresser is perfectly straightened. I want to be like the girls at school who have Pinterest perfect planners and backpacks, lockers and Chromebook tabs. But I can’t. I may have it organized for a month. I may keep everything perfect for a little while. But then I get busy. Shove my math work in my music bag. Toss the pencil I was using straight into my backpack. Toss my shoes onto the floor, not my closet. Then it piles up. Then it takes hours to get everything back to its place. Hours I need to practice music, or to do homework on time. And cleaning my room? A whole different ballgame. It’s never been clean, never been organized. I share it with my sister, who I don’t like cleaning with, due to constant fights when we clean. I know these fights will happen. I know I will get in trouble, but she won’t be yelled at all. Then I’ll lose all motivation. And let’s not count the countless times the room was empty, and I cleaned for fun, and my parents came in and made it a chore.

“On Scratch, you are organized!” People might say. “Your comments are organized, you have a perfect chatroom, even your swc thread is organized.”
Yeah, true, but have you seen the planning threads for SHC? Completely disorganized, with important info getting randomly thrown out every once in a while. I have over 300 unshared projects, 75% of my projects have no thumbnail, and my character account has been undergoing renovations for over a months. Even my project form of my SWC thread is still a mess. And part of me doesn’t care. Half the time, people don’t care enough to view my hardest works. People don’t look at the character art, at the lore I spend hours typing out. Why even try?

That’s what it is. My disorganization is an insecurity so big, that there seems to be no way out. I don’t know how to fix it. I don’t know if I can fix it. I’ve been trying to keep newer projects organized but even that’s hard. I’m just doing my best out here with hopes one day I might improve.

+461 words

Last edited by smartypantschlo (March 12, 2024 18:42:07)

Chloe/Phoenix ~ Camper ~ Musician ~ Artist ~ Writer ~ Ranger's Apprentice Fan ~ Christian ~ So Much More

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