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100+ posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024

silky's one paragraph 1k intro! <3

greetings everyone, it is i, the wonderful silky /j from epistolary. i enjoy writing, drawing, and reading, the usual. why, you ask. well its simple - it helps take my mind of things, especially when i'm listening to music. what music? that's a good question indeed, i have some intresting music taste. let's see, what do i draw? i draw realism, i'm quite bad at drawing abstract (sobbing in the corner). i'm also quite terrible at digital art (sobbing for the second time). writing…hmm.. i love writing about fantasy, and dragons and unicorns and all those mythic animals. this goes the same for reading, i just like ficion in general :winks: besides these, i enjoy swimming but i don't get to often swim ,sadly. all other sports give me stomach cramps :sobbing: i'm currently improving at chinese poker, and monopoly yipee <3 monopoly is such a loooooooongg game it takes like 2 hours just for someone to get bankrupt :sobs: i think i sobbed 5 times now hehe. let's get into my favorite games, cookie run kingdom! my favourite cookies is milky way cookie and moonlight cookie. the only problem with crk is that it crashes (but that might be my electronic's fault, i will never know). i also enjoy playing animal jam, but am i good at it? absoloutly not :0 i want to give up on this 1k words intro challenge already but i shall not > now, my favorite color? purple, especially a light, dull purple. i really like pastel colors and i don't know why asjdhkajs. i will say that i think i have an excellent skill of giving/making names, such as “elivertra” and “ilfera”. i think there quite unique and they sound right hehe. last names, on an other hand is something i cannot do for some reason. it's quite sad :,). let's see what else i could write about… hmm oh my favourite art utensil! i like color (colour?) pencils, and i'm currently learning to draw with markers, though the markers don't blend . speaking of which, i'm currently learning a lot of stuff now that i reread this xD. i just realized i never talked about this, but my favorite books are…and i don't know oops. i have so many favourites :sobs for the 10th time: small rant though: i feel like sophie from kotlc is kinda…unsmart? i don't know if it's just me, but sophie has so many superpowers and yet she can't win a single fight. another small rant: sherlock holmes is too powerful, he solves every single case so quickly :0. right now, i have an obsession with emoji combos :0. also, according to this keyword density, apparently i used “like” 5 times…actually 6 now. oh, i also used “now” 5 times, and its 6 now, nope its 7. i'm running out of ideas to write about and i only written 480 words :sob:. perhaps i should list some of my *cough* failed achivements, like learning the piano. i eventually gave up as my teacher made me restart everything i learned, and i lost my motivation because of that. i do feel a bit guilty whatsoever, as i spent 6+ years learning it maybe one day i'll pick it back up again…alright now, let's talk about something more :sparkles: happy, such as my favorite candy flavour! its lychee, which might also be because i also enjoy the fruit. let's be honest, though, the orginal fruits taste nothing like those candy fruits (at least in my opinion). next thing i will tackle is the fact that my friends all say i have terrible grammer, but my teachers say i have good grammer. when i tell my friends this, they say that they are serious. which is weird. perhaps i do have terrible grammer, but i downloaded grammerly to help. i just remember i did not introduce my favourite food. which is pasta. and i also did not say my zodiac. which is an aquarius. my apologies :,) /lh. my goals for this session is to complete this 1k intro, reach my word goal, and do 2 weeklies and 10 dailies. i am determineddddd!!!!! i know a bit of pixlre, but i am definitely not as good as all those amazing people in the aes community :,) same thing for bio/wiwo, the b/w i make aren't that good :sob: i wonder how much i sobbed throughout this whole intro - wait i think i already said that asjhdkaj. let's see..my favourite subject? it will have to be history, its so interesting for whatever reason. i really don't know why ahhhh. my favorite chip flavour is barbeque yummy <3 i love snacks. at this point i don't even know if i said something or not ashdkajh i have a bad short-term memory. (i think that's how you say it?) now what else, my lucky number? i think its 18. speaking of luck, i don't have a lot of it :,). my favorite candy is swedish fish, or sour skittles. its quite delicious, i love snacks. oh i also like airheads sour strip <3 it taste so nice. i think i'm rambling now alsjdhk. my favorite holiday is probably halloween, i love dressing up, though the outfits could be quite itchy indeed. i do still enjoy coding, but not as much. it could be quite challenging some times (i should probably stop jumping from one subject to another asjhdk). i'm currently in the middle of writing a chose your own adventure with lynx (@avacac12078) though she's doing a lot of the work :sobbing because i have no motivation for it:. i always have peaks of motivation, but they often don't last, which i feel is something i have to work on. but i am trying though! let's talk about stuff i dislike, like ketchup and mustard. i also don't like tootsie rolls, nor hot tamales. peppermint is also something i despise. and fake crab. and this should be the end of my 1k long intro (i feel like this is the most unhinged and random intro ever asjhdk). thank you for reading and i'm so excited for this session! sorry for any typos asldkja
1,025 words hehe

Last edited by starryy-silk (March 1, 2024 23:01:15)

6 posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024

Daily #1, 777 words :3

Howdy guys!

This is my intro for SWC 2024! My name is Zero and I use he/him pronouns. I’m a bi and trans guy. This is my first year participating so please accept that I will be confused for most of this.

I love writing, I just don’t often get a chance to set aside time to actually write. I’ve won a couple of awards from writing for school but still never do it, so hopefully this session gets me to continue. I want to expand my comfort zone and elaborate on my characters. As you might guess from my username, I draw a lot. My characters are my little blob guys and I want to give them shape again, so yay writing! I’ve been writing since I was five, trying to write feel-good stories (with a moral literally written out at the end). Now I mostly write more horror-related stories because I find it more fun to write 1000 words of suspense instead of 1000 words of happy characters. I forgot where I heard this, but “Always think of the worst possible thing to happen to a character and let it happen” is a quote I live by.

I LOVE theater/ musicals. Honestly, I read librettos (musicals in book form) more than actual books. I’m currently in a production of Mary Poppins (ending tomorrow) and Matilda, but I’m auditioning for 13: The Musical next week! I love to keep a schedule and music is one of the best ways to do that for me. My favorite musical is the original Falsettos from 1992 because of the perfection of it. I truly believe it is peak musical theater. It’s not for young audiences because it has many mature themes, however, it also has history, catchy songs/choreography, symbolism galore, and an emotional kick at the end. It was written during a crisis, about the crisis, by someone affected by that crisis, so it’s just pain to 135 bpm.

Over-analyzing things is how I enjoy life. How I see it, to truly love something, you have to dive deep into why. This is part of the reason I love musicals; there’s four parts of things ready to be assessed. The accompaniment, melodies, choreography, and how every actor delivers a line all have so much meaning. No show is ever the same, and that’s beautiful. If you ever want to have an interesting conversation on something, ask me and I’ll try my best to dive deep into it. I once got really into the band Weezer due to the fact that it had so much meaning in the first two albums. The band I’ve been told over and over was the ‘loser band’ actually had feelings attached to it! The Blue Album has the best instrumental I’ve ever heard in an album and Pinkerton is about emotions you shouldn't feel (also with a banger instrumental).

(small blood tw!) I have many things I despise. Blood, people who overlook things, singing a note wrong, my brain, I could go on forever. Blood is just… annoying. My skin often bleeds at the smallest things which gets everywhere and is sticky. Disliking people who overlook things may be because of my pedantism, however, I believe skipping over main parts of the history of something is unacceptable if you want to show support for something. As a theater kid, singing the wrong note is possibly the worst thing that could happen. Voices are very sensitive and subjective to each ear, but there are times where you’re just off. And it sucks. I’m not great at singing to begin with, so having an off day and then having to belt a song out of my range is stressful. Also, as a trans guy, my voice in general bothers me. My brain is stupid a lot like that. My trans-ness pits my brain against my body and it's exhausting. The only good thing about it, in my opinion, is that it gives me emotion to write with. I have a very sheltered life but this gives me a fire. Something to burn. I also hate transphobes so if you’re one of those, scurry away!

Smaller things I love: Winter because of the way the trees look, my room, my cat, playbills, the music my dad plays, almonds, plushies, seven, light from fires, screaming, the smell of old paper, and history. History has its roots in everything, so history is my one true love. Sure I can love musicals, but never as much as I will love where that musical came from, why it was written.

Seven is my lucky number, thus, I end here.

table of contents for future days ⋆。°✩
1. here!

Last edited by a_sloth_who_draws (March 3, 2024 18:06:56)

85 posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024

daily 3.1

1k intro
Here’s to me rambling! Some basic info: I’m a highschooler in the Eggcellent Speggcial Timezegg (by now you should realize I’m entirely crazy) and my main hobbies are playing the bassoon, art, reading and probably some others I don’t remember right now haha. This is my third SWC session but my first one not as a backup so that’s exciting! (I always forget it’s happening until halfway through the month lol)

I guess I’ll start by going in depth with my hobbies :]

Bassoon! I've been playing for four years and even though it's such a pain sometimes I still love it <333 before that I played flute for a year and violin for three so I've been kinda all over the place! I'm in my school's advanced band where I try my best to disappear as one of only three freshmen there :sob: but the other people are incredibly entertaining and some of the music is quite fun! I also play in a county orchestra which of course I can't name but there's actually four bassoonists which is the most I've ever played with so I love that. The wind section in the orchestra is so out of pocket but it's so fun and let's just say giving a bunch of band kids bubble wrap in the middle of rehearsal is doomed from the start… That's about it for bassoon lol

Oh speaking of band I'm in my school's marching band which is so overstimulating but really fun most of the time. (Not when the game goes into overtime and the football team still loses…like dude if you're gonna lose do it in the fourth quarter :sob: ) Our football team is horrible but thankfully I don't know the first thing about it so I don't have to worry about that. Our band has a regular part and a “competition” part which I didn't do this year because of conflicts but I would like to in the future. I do colorguard/flag corp in the band because one does not take a bassoon put into a field and walk around with it. Our guard is really small but we got to know each other well and it was really fun.

Please hold while I try to remember if I have a life outside music haha…

Oh yes art. I have only really seriously been doing art for the past year-ish but I've been doing SAC for the past two years which has really helped me along. My friends and I like to do art challenges together and things like that which I love :] I mostly draw humans but my friends usually draw feral so I've been working on that.

As for books I love reading and I used to do it all the time but I've been too busy recently and I don't like that (cue violent sobbing) so I've been getting into audiobooks because I can multitask. Some of my favorites are the Grishaverse books, the Skyhunter duology, Watership Down, and lots of others I can't think of right now. Recently I've read Girl in Pieces, The Silent Patient, Ash Princess, 1984, Gone, City of Bones and I'm reading Fourth Wing right now.

I participated in the July 2022 (or was it 2023?) session as a backup camper as well as the November 2023 session also as a backup and JWC 2024. I haven't been particularly active in past sessions so that’s one of my goals for this one! I’d also really like to improve my writing because writing hasn’t really been a hobby of mine but it seems so cool and I’d like to get better so I hope this session will help me with that <3 I think my favorite genre to write would be fantasy because as an inexperienced writer I feel like there’s so many options and I don’t always have to come up with a super complex backstory (although that would be nice). Hypothetically, I’d like to write historical fiction because there’s just so many interesting periods in history that I’d like to vicariously experience or dystopian since there’s so many interesting points about current society shown in such a creative way. It’s also one of my favorites to read.

Let’s see…some other things about me that aren’t humanities related haha is that I really enjoy math, especially algebra. I’m learning Norwegian (and French in school but we don’t talk about that) right now and the funny thing is that learning a new language has made me understand so much more about how English grammar works. I was never particularly into it (English is 100% my least favorite class) but in the context of language learning it’s quite interesting! I love to travel, except to see family (whoops), and am particularly immune to jetlag which has come in handy quite a few times haha.

I’m definitely not a sporty person (let’s just say I stood in the corner for our entire gym block this afternoon) but I enjoy tennis! I play for my school and while I’m not terribly good I love the team and my friends on it <33 Aside from tennis I canoe (it’s gonna start next week I’m so excited eeeeee!!!) and in the summer I do something rather unconventional which is circus arts! For some reason the city outside of which I live has a massive converted church that houses two circus gyms. We do aerial things like sling and lira (painful but really fun) and also juggling (which I suck at) and acro! It’s such a supportive community and I always look forward to going there each year <3 (except for the fact that it doesn’t have air conditioning and we’re doing high intensity stuff all day :skull: )

That’s all about me! If anyone reading this relates to or has any questions about anything I just said please please ask me I would love to nerd out about this stuff omg <33 /nf Since I’ve never been at the beginning of a session I’ve never done this particular daily before but I loved it so hooray!

Wow I can’t believe I just did that :00

Last edited by wolfiebear- (March 15, 2024 23:35:31)

30 posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024

(almost) 1k intro
929 words :')
Hiii, I’m Hail, from poetry. This is my first time attempting the 1k intro, and I have less than an hour left, so we’ll see how that works out lol. Hehe, I’m currently watching Star Trek and that’s kinda distracting, but here we go. To answer the first question from the daily (because I think that’ll get me rambling), I have a lot of favorite authors. I love the classics, like Tolkien, C.S. Lewis and L.M. Montgomery, and then also children’s book authors like Gordan Korman, James Riley, Shannon Messenger, and Rick Riordan. I love reading fiction, especially fantasy, realistic fiction, and that kinda blend genre of fantasy and realistic fiction (of which I believe is called urban fantasy). I also love love love classics, especially Anne of Green Gables and Narnia. Anywayy, this is my third session of swc, which is kinda crazy, because by next session I’ll have been doing this for a year, but I still feel new. ;-; I’m a pretty shy, introverted person, particularly on the internet, but swc has been so wonderful and swcers are really just some of the kindest people over the internet <3. anyways, I think because of swc I’ve really found my love of writing plus my writing style. Um, but back to an intro to me, lets see. I love to draw and have been doing it since elementary school. I’m really bad at posting art, but I think it’s because I tend to draw more traditionally than digitally, and I'm of the mindset that people want to see digital art more than traditional art. I also just don’t really draw huge pieces that are worth a single project, or ever get enough motivation to make big projects (sob I have so many ideas though). I used to draw cats a lot, but now I draw humans, the change of which was mostly inspired by a story I came up with and the characters in it. (I love writing about them, and I want to make a webcomic one day, probably on scratch first. I dunno, it’s kinda weird because I hear everyone talking about their novels, and I’m just like “my webcomic that’s currently just a 3 year brainchild”) cool, anyway, so I also read and write a lot. Um, what other creative pursuits do I have??? Oh yeah, I also play a little piano (I’m in piano class at school) and played the recorder in 5th grade, and I still bring it out sometimes to annoy my sister. I love to listen to music (oh boy now here’s something I can talk about). OKAy. My primary music taste could be defined as “indie folk” music. I think the genre “indie” is kinda hard to define because it’s not a style of music per say, so I add the qualifier “folk” which I think helps clear it up. I love Sleeping At Last, Novo Amor, The Oh Hellos, The Arcadian Wild, umm, Hozier, Branches, Wylder, and Amber Run. BuT, I also like a bunch of other genres. For example, I love classical/instrumental/film scores. My favorite classical song is Litvinovsky’s “Steps Upward” from Tales of the Magic Tree (technically not classic though) and Clair de Lune. I also enjoy Sleeping at Last’s instrumental compositions, and Luke Faulkner’s pieces. AnD, my favorite pieces from film have got to be “Married Life” from Up and the ending theme in the second (technically third counting the original) Jumanji movie (ahh, that piece is just like, friendship and so perfect). Okay, I still got things to talk about and need more words. (help I’ve got 14 minutes) So, I also love rock, especially 80s rock (who doesn’t love 80s rock though?). I’m not super into, like, hard rock songs, but like, I don’t know how to explain it. Umm, I love U2, lets see, it’s more so sporadic songs. But like, my go to on a “rock” playlist will always be Take on Me, Stayin’ Alive (more disco, but like, that song is my life and I need to see Saturday Night Fever), I Was Made For Loving You, and probably Living On a Prayer. (also Don’t Stop Believing). OOH, I also love jazz. (ya like jazz? yes). Like, especially 20s and 30s jazz. I also love Frank Sinatra, who I feel like is a genre of music in and in of himself. And maybe finally, wait no, I like alternative pop, like BANNERS and other stuff, okay, and finally I LOVE musicals, especially Hamilton, The Lightning Thief Musical, Epic The Musical, the Anne of Green Gables Musical (help that was so good for being so old. Like, the song where Gilbert and Anne worry about beating each other is my life), and yeah, I think that’s it. Honestly, I haven’t really seen too many mainstream musicals, but oh well. (tangent, but you know it's kinda weird, because my mom really hates musicals (she doesn’t like how she can’t follow the storyline) but my sister and I love them) I need more words ummm. About me, lets see. For some general information, I’m a high schooler (upperclassman), hispanic, and a total nerd Yeah, I’m not gonna finish this in time. Ooh, I have a dog. She’s pretty dusty right now because she needs a bath and petting her is kinda gross, but she’s the cutest, and I once wrote an entire rant about her cuteness for cabin wars. I have about 100 words left. Farewell cruel world, I did not finish. But, my Star Trek episode is done!

Last edited by Thecatperson19 (March 2, 2024 00:00:56)

100+ posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024

DAILY 2 | Take someone else's compliment and integrate it as a focal point of your story. How does the main character react to these compliments? How does it affect other people?
I've done many things. I've taken many jobs. Never have I taken one that ended like mine did that night.

I was told to trail a man, didn't have any other details other than that. Didn't have anything else to do in the job, other than to trail him and report back on what he did. He was probably 4 times my age then, I was probably around 16 then. He was old, really old. It was a strange request, but I needed the money so I did it.

I wouldn't be lying when I said nothing happened. The entire night, I was there, with this man in a library. He did nothing, other than read this one really thick book he seemed to be enjoying tremendously. He never stood up, until he left the building.

He didn't even check out the book, just left it at the table. When I went to inspect the book, it seemed to be a dictionary, with corners dog-eared and drawn on inside of it. It had taken me some time to puzzle over, but eventually I realized that on every dog-eared corner, there was a number next to the letter on the top of the page. It took me even longer to find each letter and write them down.

He knew I was there the whole time. The letters on the page, when put in order spelled out ‘you have a bigger impact than you realize’. I couldn't tell whether it was positive or negative, but I knew in my gut that it was important. And it was. I never did find the guy who had hired me for that job, but I did find the payment at our agreed location.

There's always more to a job than meets the eye.
DAILY 4 | For today's daily we'll be breathing in the air of spontaneity! Start by grabbing a die and rolling it - if you get 1 or 2, write in present tense, 3 or 4, write in past tense, and 5 or 6 write in future tense. Now roll it again! If you get 1 or 2, write in 1st person POV, 3 or 4, write in 2nd person POV, and if you get 5 or 6 write in 3rd person omniscient POV. Using this tense and POV, write 300 words of a story to earn 250 points, and an additional 100 points can be earned for sharing proof!
Honestly, I’ve done so many jobs, but none were as difficult as me and my sister’s first day alone. I can barely remember it, it was so long ago. I bet she doesn’t remember, because of how young we were. I had been optimistic at first, that the city would help us even though the city shouldn’t have made it possible for people like us to lose our parents. Coming from a previously rich upbringing, I had expected so much. But there were no wills, and so the city took everything that we had, everything that should’ve gone to my sister and I. Of course they did, and now I can’t remember how, but they abandoned us to. Of course they did.

Completely alone, without compassion in what had once been our home. I don’t even know how old I was then, I must’ve been 6 or something. But even then, I saw our previously light city get dark, quick. I saw all the things I had been blind to in my fancy home. People on the streets, starving. Beggars, everywhere. And now, we were part of the group of them.

We had fancy clothes. I still have them, somewhere. Anysha and I never took them off, because we couldn’t get anything better. But still, I tried my best to provide for us. I couldn’t steal from shops then, wouldn’t even consider it, and I had no idea that The Underground existed, nor would I have been of any use there. Even though I couldn’t steal from shops, I could certainly steal from others on the street. It shames me to say it, but my first meal out there was one stolen from some other person on the streets, starving as much as I had been. As my sister had been.
Original myths are great, but there are many different ways to look at them that bring in a novel perspective. Take an old myth and make it something completely new and interesting. Pick your favorite myth and consider what you could change to put a new spin on it. You could change the point of view, genders, setting, time period, or anything really! Choose as many elements as you want to play with, and write your original and fantastical retelling. You'll be amazed at what you come up with!

Once, there was a girl named Persephone. Persephone grew up in a crunchy-mom home, and was never allowed to have any electronic devices. In her home, she grew up learning to grow her own food, and was homeschooled. A lot of what she learned in her household would never be helpful to her, but her crunchy-mom was set on having the household run to her standards. Persephone was only allowed to hang out with certain kids, the ones that her mother approved of. Her mother did not approve of Hades, who had grown up in a silky-mom home. One day, her friend Hades had her over and showed her the wonders of technology, because he had managed to get his hands on a phone. She fell in love with the small box, and loved Hades for showing her it. Unfortunately, her mother found out that she was with Hades and told Hades’s mom that if she didn’t return Persephone immediately, she would never give them any of her produce again. And so, Persephone was taken home. But here was the problem–she had started her own social media account! And so, according to the laws of the universe, Persephone had to have access to Hades’s phone four times a day, so that she could post a new post. And so is the legendary myth of Hades and Persephone.

Some of the most interesting stories can be made from already existing mythology (think Percy Jackson ;D ). From gods and goddesses to tricksters and schemers, there are so many different elements you can pull from. Find a couple (or more!) pantheons that interest you the most, and write a story that incorporates them all together. Maybe there's a power struggle between them, they're joining forces, or they've just discovered each others' existence. The choice is yours, so don't be afraid to play with it!

Out from the shadows, a hooded figure emerged. The figure came to meet another girl, both looking like some form of trouble, either they were getting into it or they were the trouble itself. From the unhooded figure, a breathy tone was emitted into the air.
“Are you . . . Medusa?” She asked, the question directed to the hooded figure.
“Yes,” the figure replied, a hissed, feminine voice. She used one hand to tug her hood even lower, covering the sounds of hissing coming from within it. “Come. I have others for you to meet.”
The two figures walked until they reached a large stone building, one having once been great, but now reduced to mere ruins. Old pillars leaned heavily on each other, almost completely blocking the entrance. The hooded figure ducked under them, and the girl followed. A snake met them as they walked through the shadowed halls, filtered light casting paths across the cracked floor.
Medusa dipped her head toward the snake, voice reduced to a hiss. “Hello, Harmonia. Welcome our newest member.”
The three stepped into the only well lit room, a circular space with girls and creatures alike gathered. Light from the shattered glass of the ceiling illuminated the bottom half of Medusa’s face, showing pale olive skin, and pink lips.
The lips were moving.
“Welcome to the cursed woman society, Persephone.”

You’ve probably heard of historical characters in historical times, but have you ever heard of original characters in historical times? Pick a character you’ve written with, whether it’s the character from your first ever story, one from that novel you’ve been procrastinating on, or your favorite character, any will work! How would that character react during the Boston Tea Party? Would they make a good knight in the Medieval times? For this task, write a story using an original character in a historical time.

Today was the day. All of our training had all led up to this. We would be the first. The first on the moon from our country, the first on the moon ever. And I was part of it. Somehow, out of that large pool of candidates, I had passed the tests and made it to the end. I had beaten a bunch of men to it. But who was I kidding, I wasn’t surprised. I was me. And someone like me was born to do big things.
“All set?” I heard across the intercoms built into our space gear.
“Set,” I replied, stepping closer to the nearby hatch. I heard an echoing statement around me.
And then it was time. I pushed the hatch open, the heavy metal encasing me making it more difficult than usual. But once that was open . . . there was no gravity. We were on another planet, in unmarked territory. And I was the first to do it. It was almost comical, it felt easy to walk now. It felt too easy, compared to how it had in the chambers. And as I looked out over the terrain . . . there it was. Our planet. Blue water, white marbled clouds, green land. And, of course, it was round. It was a round planet, and a girl had been the first on the moon.

There have been so many different events in one place, such as your friend’s house has probably seen many other friends and people. How would it be if the walls could talk? What would the walls say if they could talk? Would they mention that fit you had when you were three? Or maybe the time you lost your first tooth? For this activity, explain an event from the place’s perspective.

“I remember the first time you came here. It was when you were young, you came on a class field trip!” The walls were great company. Better company than any human would ever be. “You were so enchanted with all of the books, I remember you didn’t even go to the children's section where your class was, you ran straight to the chapter books. Smart kid.” How did the wall chuckle? It was implied, maybe. “You grabbed some book, what was it? I can’t remember now, but I know that you sat down right where you were and started reading it. You were so small, your teacher had to search each aisle for you. You were your teacher's favorite. I mean, how could you not be? You were just about the only one of her students who actually was excited about being here to read, all the other kids just wanted to play with the toys set out. You were so sad when you had to leave. Your teacher practically dragged you out of there. I knew you were bright. And you’ve kept out of trouble so far. Hiding from the Germans in here whenever they come by. But now you must go, little Ruth. Make sure your armband is visible, so you can’t be told you’re violating the rules. Now out you go, Ruth. It is not safe for you anymore.”

Wouldn't it be great if we had the power to control our fate? What if we could choose the obstacles, if any, that life throws at us… wouldn't that make everything easier? For this activity, you'll be placing yourself in a fairy tale, writing your own happily ever after, whether that be replacing a character, evolving into an antagonist, or becoming the lead role - it's up to you! Choose to go in any direction you like as you write a fairy tale that you've placed yourself into. Your fate lies in your own hands!

A ball, for the returned princess and her prince. For Rapunzel, the lost princess. And of course, an opportunity for me. For my sisters. Finally, a chance for us to find the same love Rapunzel had found. Finally, a chance for us to achieve our dreams. Maybe my sisters felt forced into this life, but I loved it. I wanted every second of what mother wanted for us, to marry a rich, charismatic prince. That was all that I had ever wanted. My sisters, maybe not so much. But they couldn’t stop me from going, and couldn’t stop themselves from going. And so, we would attend the ball. Mother had our ball gowns tailored, and all. I couldn’t help admiring myself in the fluffy blue dress, highlighting my blue eyes. I felt like I was a part of a cloud. I felt like I was a stroke in the night sky. I felt beautiful.
We arrived to the ball in style, pulling up to the castle in a rented out carriage. Courtesy of Mother, of course. She only wanted the night to run smoothly for us. I stepped up the steps, reaching heeled feet towards the throne room. She kept a steady pace as the head of her sisters, leading them into the castle. Everything was perfect. “Please welcome Lady Ava, Lady Joanna, Lady Daon.”
We each dipped our own graceful curtsey, and rose. The King and Queen were standing, receiving everything, and Rapunzel and her love were on their right. I dipped another curtsey to the couple, before rising and entering the ball. The ball. It was gorgeous. The people were gorgeous. I quickly became lost in the crowd, my sisters swept away from me. I was alone for only a second, before a handsome young man caught my eye and offered me a hand. I took it, and he dragged me out of the fray. He scanned me quickly, a look of concern written on his features. “Are you injured at all?”
I placed a hand over my mouth to muffle my giggle. He was gorgeous, a perfect face, brown hair, and a tailored suit. “Not at all.” I managed.
“Well then . . . would you care for a dance?”

I think we've all faced that dilemma where we had to choose one favorite character. But fear not! Today you don't have to narrow it down - expand that list as far as you would like for matter! For this activity you will be arranging a little meet up between multiple fairy tale characters. Who you decide to choose is up to you! To complete this task, write a story that focuses on the meet up of multiple fairy tale characters. You'll be amazed to see all the creative plots that come out of this activity!

Rapunzel had seen so much since returning to her parents, and they had seemed to want to make up for lost time. When they wanted to negotiate with other places, they always sent her. Maybe they trusted her to make the best decisions, but she suspected it was because they wanted to show her the world that she had missed out.
And so she traveled. And she was traveling at the moment. The salty taste of sea spray hit her face, causing a giggle to emerge from her lips. She loved being on the ship, the feelings of the wind on her skin was so worth it. Flynn, on the other hand, did not enjoy traveling. But he did it for her, which made it so much cuter.
With the port in sight, she could see the festivities lined up for her at the seaside town. She pointed them out to Flynn, and he grinned at her. “All for you, princess.”
The ship pulled into the port, and deckhands immediately helped tether the ship to the dock. A plank was lowered, giving her access to the doc. She took Flynn’s hand lightly, and let him help her down the plank. He led her down the dock, to where a couple stood hand in hand to meet them. One had bright red hair, and had something . . . mythical about her. Her partner had black hair, and seemed to be much less enthusiastic than her. Still enthusiastic, but it would be hard to match the girl’s energy levels.
“Princess Rapunzel, Prince Flynn. We are honored to have you in our docks.” The man said, and she noticed the smile on the red-haired girl’s face.
“The honor is ours, Prince Sebastion, Princess Ariel.” I dipped into a curtsy, and they mugged my move.
“Follow us. We have prepared quite the celebration for your arrival.” Princess Ariel could barely contain her excitement, Rapunzel noticed. She watched the other girl rise on her toes and whisper something in Prince Sebastion’s ear, which he smiled at and nodded at.
Flynn and her stepped closer, Flynn releasing her hand and taking a place at Prince Sebastion’s side, leaving Rapunzel free to approach Princess Ariel. She felt a whisper at her ear.
“Do you want to get out of the festivities?”
Rapunzel grinned. At the moment, that was just about all she wanted. And it seemed like Ariel had the same thoughts.
“Let’s go. Those two can manage without us!”

Last edited by reallybigwords (March 9, 2024 08:17:32)

More active here, find me at Ava Winchect
500+ posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024

Daily 2
word count - 268 words

“Your intelligence and wit always keep me on my toes and inspire me to be become better person.”

His delicate words, all scribbled down in this letter. It seemed too rushed, maybe even fake in some sense. But confessing such love in this way, it doesn't get any better than that. I know we've had our flaws and mishaps from time to time - pretending that they didn't happen would basically be ignoring our way at living life. But maybe just this once, I could overlook it all and enjoy our happiness. He's always been there, pushing me through it all - whenever I was sad, he was someone I could lean on.

Recently though, things have changed.. and would this note, this compliment, really have the power to dismiss all those feelings I've buried deep? It feels like my gut once one thing, yet my heart yearns for another. I want him in my life.. but is that what I really want? I know he may not be the brightest or even the kindest for that matter, but one thing I know is that no matter what, he'll show up for me. Shouldn't that be a valid reason enough to want him back, to accept him into my life once more? My heart ached at the thought of moving on, but at the same time, I didn't want to accept. It was as if my legs were glued to the ground; they didn't want to move forwards and embark on a new journey, yet at the same time, they didn't want to abadon the possibility of love.

59 posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024


“That’s you. Always one step ahead,” Alisha says.
I smile weakly. “Thanks.”
Of course I’m a step ahead. She shouldn’t compliment me, shouldn’t thank me, for what I was born as. One step ahead is just knowing what’s next. That’s me. Don’t thank me. Never thank me. Thank the ones who act on their knowledge, who pull people away from danger instead of just standing paralysed. My footsteps dent the snow with a crunch, my feet dragging like lead.
There’s an overhang in a rock, about a kilometre ahead. An animal growls, sending waves of red through my vision. One step ahead.
Redder versions of us light a fire at the overhang, content to stay there. The shadows come out the moment the sun sets, as usual, clawing their way towards us but slipping back at the flames’ touch. We settle in our places in the dirt, falling quickly asleep.
Then the shadows attack.
Smaller creatures merge into bigger ones, repelled by the light but still powering through, creating larger and larger things, strange abominations with three arms, five horns, and no legs, things that never deserved to be in this world. The monsters fight their way through the fire. They keep going, through the flames, hurt but not killed by the light. One huge thing stands on the other side, light slowly chipping away at its form. But its claws still attack.
The monstrous form dives towards us and we awake to agonising screams. Our screams. The shadow backs away slightly at our open eyes, our moving bodies- it’s come to finish the job. Destroy. It has no mind, no purpose other than destruction. So it does.

I stumble forwards, falling in the shin-deep snow. Alisha rushes back to pull me up, one warm hand over mine, snow, sky, black rock ahead. The world is clear. No fire. No shadow. No night. But there will be.
She turns to me, black hair whipping in the wind. “Yeah? Did you see it?”
I sigh. “Not yet. But I did see a huge shadow.”
“Huge, huh?”
“Yes. We can’t stay here.”
Alisha stares at me. “There’s an overhang right there. We’ll be fine.”
“We won’t. They’ll-”
“It’ll be fine. When have you doubted me?”
Many times. But I don’t have the heart to say one.

Last edited by 1lMaM (March 2, 2024 06:56:39)

84 posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024

March 2nd, 2024:
“Hello, swc-ers, and welcome to our second daily of camp! Yesterday was world compliment day, and we all exchanged compliments on our introductions. Today, we'll use them in our writing! Take someone else's compliment and integrate it as a focal point of your story. How does the main character react to these compliments? How does it affect other people? Complete this daily with a minimum of 250 words for a scrumptious 300 points for your cabin, plus a bonus 100 points for providing proof!”

Author’s Notes:
✦ first non-introduction daily of the session let’s go!!
✦ this is not very proofread cough cough
✦ I am aware on how flowery this is but oh well

Leather shoes trudge across a cobblestone pathway, each step echoing with a small thud. Harold sighs as he checks his watch on one hand and carries a heavy suitcase in the other.

Work today was dull, tedious and tiring, full of frustrating coworkers and sarcastic remarks, but going home was not any better. He would have to drag himself for kilometres until the bus stop, and from there he had to force himself to wait until the crowded bus came by. The zephyr happens to be shivering on this unfortunate evening as well, making the umber-haired adult breath out puffs of mist. He sighs again, wishing nothing more but to be claimed by the comforting blankets of his bed.

The sky is starless as if someone had spilled ink all over it. Harold mutters that he cannot even have the reassurance of the stars to improve his mood. At long last, after what feels like and likely is a many dozen minutes, he reaches the bus stop. It is quiet and he hears no sound but his own breath and the howling wind. He collapses onto one of the benches, but his rest does not last long, as the bus screeches around the corner as soon as he sits down.

Harold struggles up. He fumbles with his wallet until he finds his bus card. He wobbles onto the bus, which is full of so many people that he cannot find a place to sit down. He sighs for the third time that day and reaches for one of the grab rails. He gets out his phone from his pocket, ready for the long ride ahead of him, and see spots a message on his home screen.

5 unread messages
Aden (Brother)
7:21 PM
hiii harold!!!!
youre probably on your way back by the time you see this
i know you hate mondays so pledy and i made some cookies for you :] theyre double chocolate
youre very cool
ily happy bus ride

Harold’s eyes read over the messages several times. He takes in every word. When he is satisfied with the amount of times he reread it, a smile, faint and soft but still there, makes his way onto his face. He clutches his phone over his heart, grateful for whatever he had done to have such a caring brother.

The adult coughs and erases the smile from his mouth, remembering that he is on a public bus with other people. Inside him, however, is now warm, despite the chill of the night. The day will not be such a bad one after all, he thinks.

Word Count: 436

┌─── . . . ☾ CRYSTIE
⌗⌗ ☆ an introverted artist who enjoys writing

☆ Scratch Writing Camp
July 2022 ⌗ Hi-fi Faire w/ Sun, Goose and Star
November 2022 ⌗ Poetry Isle w/ Finch, Badowie and Viara
March 2023 ⌗ Poetry Coffeeshop w/ Stingray, Ivy and Hop
July 2023 ⌗ Folklore Woods w/ Skye, Reese and Hop
November 2023 ⌗ Fairy Tale Academy w/ Yume, Soph(ie) and Sarah
March 2024 ⌗ Epistolary Letter Terminal w/ Yume, Nat and Silky

☆ Scratch Art Camp
October 2022 ⌗ Botanical Birdhouse w/ Cloudii and Dawn
November 2022 ⌗ Traditional Towers w/ Finch and Alex
February 2024 ⌗ Gouache Gorge w/ Maia

⌗⌗ ☆ thanks for reading !!
└─── . . . ☾ GOODBYE
100+ posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024

back to main post

March 2nd Daily
Quote: your name is so cool and unique <33

I froze at the place the moment I heard the phrase. Me? My name? Unique? No way… It's so common you see it everywhere! I turned my head and stared into the expression of my speaker. Luna's face was serious with every line of it etched upon her face. That got me curious. “Y-You're joking, right? Everyone says that my name is horrible. My mother named me like that to show that I'm a burden in her life- Oh no!” I clapped my hand over my mouth. I said too much. Luna began to piece everything together. A smart girl like her wouldn't take long to find it out. “Burden? What do you mean by that? Besides, I find your name interesting! It's like a representation of leaving behind something positive!” I sighed, “On the contrary, that was the meaning my mother went for, but it leaves behind the impression of something unwanted.” I said, looking down at my fingers, which were clenched into tiny balls that are my fists. I didn't want Luna to look at my eyes, which were starting to water. “You know, apparently everyone also thinks the same way your mother thinks about you. I don't know why, you're a very nice person to be with!” Luna spoke to me, trying her best to regain my eye contact, but I looked away. No one had ever gave me a compliment. “Mark, you aren't speaking to me. You know that is the reason why people call you a scarring on their life?” At this point, I wanted to burst out. Luna had just told me my weak point. But she will never understand. “The reason why I don't talk is because I'm afraid people will think about that exactly! So why won't you say the same? C'mon! Throw at me with whatever horrible nicknames for someone stupid named Mark!” I hadn't mean to shout the last few sentences, as my tears finally found a way to seep through my eyelids. I covered my face with my hands, hoping that Luna wouldn't notice. “Mark, you're wrong. I'm not going to make fun of you. Actually I think no one should make fun of you just because you're an introvert and prefer to be alone!” I looked up to her, responding with a really weak “Really?” Luna smiled, “Yes. Once they get to know you, they will know that you are very friendly to be with. And you're so kind too! Taking that hit for me when the basketball was hurling onto my face!” I flushed instantly. I probably left a mark on her that I'm very easily embarrassed. “Besides, your name really fits for nice things too! Like you leave a good impression every time you meet somebody!” I was shocked. Listening all these from a person I really like kinda helped me with whatever I was struggling from the past few days. “Luna, thank you. I really needed it.” I said while trying to not make my smile look fake. “I know you would.” Luna replied before departing.

511 words

Last edited by theawesomemarbler (March 2, 2024 13:27:08)

Marbles || he/him || has absolutely no idea what to add here

play sound [writing is life] until done
40 posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024

Churro's Dailies No. 2- 3/1/2024
“You're sweeter than churros.”
It was last winter that she said that to me. During which I had been feeling just like the weather outside my inky window. Cold, dark, numbing. Depressing. Isolated.
Sometimes I feel like I'll never be out of the cold. Never be out of the stress. School, peer pressure, friends and ex-friends, every thing you can possibly think of, crashing down on my back. Sometimes I feel like my back has taken on enough, and that I'll need someone else's back to balance it all out. But nobody is there. Sometimes I feel like my body doesn't produce enough tears to sustain me. Nobody is there to help me. Nobody will be there.
“You're sweeter than churros.” She'd said.
“You are so awesome and unique, always someone I can talk to when I'm feeling down.” She'd added.
“Of course,” I'd said back, “I'll always be there.” Even if no one else is there for me.
“You da best.”
Hugs just have that feeling. That feeling of evaporating the chilliness. That feeling of warmth and peace and joy and that everything is going to be all right. Those protective arms around you projecting their coziness onto you. It's not something that one can explain, other than it just works. They warm you up, even if you feel iced up inside. They speak to you, they say, “This is how I show that I care.” They say, “I am here. I am here to help. To help… you. I am here to help you carry your weight. I am here.”
The words. The hugs. The smiles.
The kindest thing you can do is to show someone, to tell someone, “I care.”
And that will bring out the sunshine inside of them. And maybe, just maybe, you too.

Last edited by CHUROS000 (March 4, 2024 13:02:06)

8 posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024

*note!* i wasn't here yesterday (:sob so sadly i didn't have a compliment so i just used someone else's ALSOO this is very cliche i know but no judgment pls! <3

It all began on one of those stupid Tuesdays. I always say that Tuesdays are the worst days of the week. They just annoy me. Then again, a lot of things annoy me. Such as the Invisible Wall, the only thing separating me from what I wanted. Or rather, who I wanted. Ezra. I don't know what it was about him that got me - if it was his big brown eyes, or the way his hair flipped up at the ends, or how he always seems to be laughing. But then came the Invisible Wall. For a day or two, we liked each other. And then… it all disappeared. And we haven't talked - or made eye contact - since. But I still love him. More than anything I've ever known. So when he came up to me last Tuesday and said “I don't know why I'm saying this, because I doubt you feel the same way, but… I love you. I love the way your hair flows, how you always say just the right thing to make someone feel better, and the way your eyes light up when you see someone you love. And… I guess I do know why I'm saying this, because I'd give anything for your eyes to light up when you see me.” My eyes were shining, and I laughed. “Me too.” I said, and then… the most amazing thing happened. He kissed me. He actually kissed me. My hands found my way into his hair, and I didn't care that I heard whispers coming from the other kids in the hallway, I was just… in heaven.

word count: 270 words (yay!)
100+ posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024

Daily 002: 560 words, The Lies We Can't See

“how do I know you're not a sparkly mango on the other side of that screen?”
yes that is a compliment. in context.
you get no context.

'Cause it makes me feel better
Sometimes you wonder what it'd be like to have real friends.
Not that she isn't real.
But you're not sure whether she's even a she.
Maybe you should shut it all down.
But then it'd hurt.
Sweet true lies
All you've ever seen of her is her profile picture. Her texts.
Is she funny in real life?
Does she really have a pet cat?
Does she actually like you?
You wish you knew the truth.
Against the odds, we bring a bloodless sacrifice
Would it hurt that much to give her up?
Maybe then you'd be normal.
But normal.
There were lots of friendless normal people out there, right?
It wasn't like you were letting a real friend go.
She was just an icon on the screen.
Let it go
She makes you laugh like no one else does.
She's the reason you get up in the morning, to see what greeting she's sent today.
It's silly, isn't it, to feel this way about someone you've never even met.
Silly to have to battle with yourself about turning the phone off.
Silly to shake so violently when you see that she's typing a response.
Maybe today will be the day you get over it.
All those years, wasted wishes drowning in the wishing well
You wanted a friend for so long, so badly. No one felt the same way towards you.
You were just the weird one. The odd one out.
She makes you feel like you belong.
But maybe she doesn't care either.
It's easier to lie when you're hiding behind a screen.
Easier to cry, too.
You're crying.
Is this real?
Do you care?
Oh, I'm feeling better now
Maybe it's better this way. Hiding behind a screen.
That way she can't see your flaws.
Maybe that's the real reason you have no friends in real life.
Maybe they were too scared.
Maybe they just didn't think you were worth their time.
It's probably the best this way.
But are you really solving anything?
Or are you just sticking a mental band-aid on the problem?
Let's go on dreaming, though we know it hurts
Maybe one day you'd be brave enough to fix things.
Maybe one day you'd turn the phone off.
Maybe, instead, someday you'd tell her all the things you hate about yourself, see if she really meant what she said.
Maybe she'd turn the phone off and solve all your problems herself.
But that would hurt.
Oh, you could do this for hours. Thinking of solutions to fix your life.
You should have done this sooner. Distanced yourself sooner.
Not that she's bad. She's funny, and good, and sweet.
But she might be lying.
You know you are.
Nightingale in a golden cage, that's me locked inside reality's maze
The other day she told you that you were as cool as a sparkly mango.
You joked about it with her for hours.
But does she really think you're cool?
Or is she like you? Desperate for an escape?
Desperate for a portal from reality?
You know nothing.
The world is crumbling.
You reach for the phone and turn it on.
It doesn't matter.
Just another lie.

( back to table of contents: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/post/7831826/ )

Last edited by ChueyTheCat (March 2, 2024 20:03:42)

just your friendly local neighborhood chaotic nerd author/artist christian keefe-loving coffee-drinking procrastinator
48 posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024

(I forgot to the the first daily sadly)
compliment -“Your eyelids are looking very nicely shaped today! it would be a shame if mango-stealing gremlins did something to it ”
today was not the best day of my life I woke up on the wrong side of the bed, all my clothes were dirty so I had to wear an old and torn grey hoodie on top of a very tight green crop top and my hair wouldn't sit still it kept fluttering around with the wind like a butterfly and overall I wasn't in a good mood.

and as I looked into the mirror I saw a large pimple and rolled my eyes frustrated with myself

“oh great. I thought. why don't I grow a tail next” Today seemed to be a really bad day and I just didn't know why I did everything perfectly, i made mistakes I am really good all the time, okay fine I am good most of the time but still i don't think i deserve a day this bad

I walked down the stairs where I accidentally tripped and tumbled what a bother.

I walked into the living room jumped on the couch and saw my sister Anya sitting and watching some cartoons she saw me.

hey! how's your morning? she asked me smiling

not the best . I replied

Anya nodded and continued watching but then she looked at me and then said “Your eyelids are looking very nicely shaped today! it would be a shame if mango-stealing gremlins did something to it ”

I smiled and I realized that instead of focusing on the good things I focused on everything else that didn't go my way and I should appreciate all the little things just like Anya

Last edited by AnuMaria (March 2, 2024 13:22:42)

82 posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024

I ran, trying to get as much space between him and me.
“You can run! But it won’t be long before I catch you!”
I risk a quick look back and he was right, he was catching up really fast.
As I ran away, I passed large structures with others staring at me through the windows. I looked around and among the leaves scattered on the ground dotted swords.
I changed direction quickly and grabbed one of the sword, holding it up at him.
He dropped to the ground, and slid over to me, grabbed a sword up and held it up to me, “En Garde.”
I clashed my sword into his and the metallic sound rang in our ears.
We circled, striking each other, and blocking in return.
I jabbed him and he fell over, bl00d coming out of the wound.
I gently poked him, just to make sure he was indeed gone.
“Lilli! It’s time to go home!”
I looked up. Mamma was standing at the edge of playground and she was waving to me. “What happened to Josh?”
“Nothing!” I reached out my hand, and he grabbed onto it and pulled himself up.
“I like your shoes,” he smiled.
I stared down at my shoes. They were coming apart, my socks partially showing. It was old and dusty, and an ugly color.
“These?” I asked confused, “Are you sure? These aren’t that good!”
“I’m sure, I’d want to have shoes like that. My mom said stuff like this means you have char- cares- character?”
“If you say so,” I smiled and grabbed his hand. We ran back to my mom and she took the two of us home.
When I looked at my shoes later, I couldn’t help but think:
If my shoes are okay, then isn’t anything? Do I need to worry about what others said? My shoes are good and I like what I wear..
I smiled.

322 words

Last edited by CherryMango17 (March 2, 2024 03:54:20)

1000+ posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024

sherlock holmes, “you’re a terrible liar”, 136 words

“You really are a terrible liar, John,” John hears Sherlock mutter from a couple rooms away.
“So are you,” he retorts back. ‘No more body parts in the freezer’, you said, smiling a stupid grin that couldn’t have been more of a giveaway if you were holding a (word it won’t let me post that means no longer attached lol) head behind your back.”
There’s a sound that makes John think Sherlock just choked on his tea.
“You alright?” He calls before his thoughts catch up to him and he realizes what happened. “Oh, are you kidding me? Seriously?”
“To be fair it was a cat’s head, not a human’s,” says Sherlock.
John shakes his head a few times even though Sherlock can’t see him. Sherlock knows him well enough to know how he’s reacting.
“So wait,” John says a moment later. “What did I lie about?”

Last edited by Rey_venclaw (March 2, 2024 04:10:42)

❝ I'm Soki, co-leader of Non-Fi, and I am burdened with vacuums and ice cream❞
100+ posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024

lark's writing thread for march 2024:

only putting literary writing here but keeping a record of other things just so I recall what i've done and such!

day 1:
english planning + chem lab finished, added those words

day 2:
wrote nothing. had a nice saturday though!

day 3: wrote 226 words about my in-cabin character. she's meant to be a bit of a grandmotherly figure?

gardener - i bet i've grown every radish you kids have ever eaten. when the city was walled off, y'know we separated ourselves from all the plants of the outside– that's what my father told me. i suppose i'd always figured there was more, but i was stuck inside the city, growing food just like he had. it was the opportunity available to me, and what can i say? why'd i stay so long? well, i loved the work. and it made me happy, knowing my vegetables were helping feed the community. yeah, i mostly grew radishes. some years beans. if you alternate ‘em, they grow better, y’know. but i've got the seeds for a lot more veggies– i kept a lil garden of my own on the side. my wife used to make the best casseroles with ‘em. well. she passed on a couple years back, and i’m gettin' old too. see, we watched the system get worse together, but she thought maybe she could change it. make it better from the inside or whatnot. i dunno. she was an idealist– y'all remind me of her, wanting something more. something that you ain't got back in the city. guess that's why i came here. i wanna help you folks if i can. maybe if we settle down someplace eventually, we can plant a new garden together.

various writings happened between then and now but now i've settled down :'D

weekly 3, part 1: 375 words

Mulder comes to Scully with an x-file; in 1983, shortly after the Lowell Observatory installed a new Digistar projector in their planetarium, a new wireframe model was inexplicably added, focused on the constellation Scorpius. It showed an unknown object orbiting two of the stars. Additionally, the dome of their telescope was left open, and the telescope was pointed at Scorpius. Now, 10 years later, an exoplanet has been discovered orbiting the same two stars as the projection showed.

rising action:
Mulder and Scully travel to Lowell Observatory. When they arrive, they meet with the director of the whole place. He says he got here five years ago, for personal reasons, and he doesn't know much of what happened before. However, he looks quite uncomfortable when they mention the new exoplanet. They then go to visit the dome of the John Hall telescope, where they find it spray painted with graffiti that reads “Methuselah lives.” The janitor cleaning the graffiti gives her perspective on the incident.

She takes them to the planetarium, where they catch the end of the star show. She then plays the model from 10 years ago, and there's some symbolism/hints that the twin stars are like Mulder and Scully. The duo have a heart to heart about the existence of life on other planets. They decide to stay at the observatory after hours and see if the graffiti artist strikes again. They catch him, and begin to question him.

falling action:
The caught individual is the son of the planetarium director, who seems to be a sort of conspiracy theorist. He claims that he's been receiving morse code messages from the twin stars, but has little evidence or proof. Scully and Mulder briefly debate the credence of this claim. Later, they have a meeting with the director, who won't press charges against the vandal for the observatory graffiti.

Mulder and Scully settle in their hotel rooms for the night, planning to drive back the next morning. From there, Scully writes her report on the file, considering it closed. When she goes out on her balcony, she sees Mulder on an adjacent balcony, with a telescope pointed at the constellation. He claims that the stars blinked at him, but Scully scoffs, and clouds cover the stars.

part 2: 225 words

hint/red herring. the director is anxious, and mentions his son briefly. When Mulder brings up the incident
the director dodges the topic. When he brings up the exoplanet, the director says
he's only been here five
years, moving out when his son graduated from college. It's meant to throw suspicion on him but also hint at his son's guilt.
Red herring - existence of
Janitor. By having her work long
enough to have been around at the planetarium, Mulder and Scully consider her to be one suspect, plus the director says that she was the one who left the roof open when the telescope incident occurred, nearly fired.
and she has access to all the
rooms, she cleans up the graffiti before reporting it to avoid suspicion.
hint - the graffiti could only have been done by someone with aceces to the planetarium even after hours. this means that only certain researchers, janitors, and high level observation officials could have nights allows Mill and scully to stake nut and cath the gry.
hint - the wire frame model also
contains morse code
underneath constellation that says “Methuselah lives” This means that whoever drew the graffiti either knows about the model or has a common source with the person– also means that the individual has a very technical background or source since that's no easy thing to create.

part 3: 213 words

“I'll note that. You're absolutely right though. If I ever wore leopard print with a plaid jacket, I would not be out committing crimes. Now, your high school pals… was there a reunion planned? Do you know why they were meeting? Did it have anything to do with Casimir Pulaski day?”

“I fear that's typical theater kid behavior. But, let's expound on that last bit, shall we. Were those classmates, to your knowledge, present members of the secret society? Would you describe them as snazzy? Sharp-dressed?”
“Perhaps the opposite, then? Atrocious fashion sense?”

“Terrible indeed. Well, I appreiciate your cooperation in this interview. We'll be in touch with any further questions. Now, are there any last details you think might be relevant to our investigation?”

“Hm. I can see you're not much of a critical opinion on this topic. I'll have my guys run a background check, but let's move on. At any point during your visit to the roller rink did you notice anything unusual? Absurd, or more so than usual?”

“Wonderful. Now. Were these… grandbabies, as you say, present at the time of the crime? Do they have any known ties to poachers, professional bass fishers, or lifeguards?! Being a toddler does NOT! except them from the laws of the land.”

part 4: 730 words

From the reports of Special Agent Dana Scully:
X-file #2631
On March 8, 1993, Agent Mulder presented me with a clipping of a scientific journal concerning the discovery of exoplanet ?. He referenced it against a report from 10 years back that the FBI had received about an incident at Lowell observatory, occurring when new model was added to their planetarium projector. Allegedly, it displayed the constellation Scorpius as well as the yet undiscovered exoplanet. Agent Mulder insisted that we travel to Arizona to investigate the circumstances surrounding the model's correct prediction.

“C'mon, Scully. When was the last time you stared up at the stars?”
“I tend to leave at the astronomers, Mulder. That's their job, not ours. And this,” she gestured at the folder in her lap, “is hardly an X- file. Why are you so insistent on taking a road trip to Flagstaff?”
Mulder glances away from the road briefly to give Scully a smile. “We'll never figure this thing out otherwise. An exoplanet predicted via projection 10 years prior to its discovery? That's fascinating stuff. Plus, I'll bet the gift shop has freeze dried ice cream.”
The sun crept above the horizon as the agents crossed the state border, and it began to blaze as they walked to the doors of Lowell observatory. They were greeted in the lobby by its director.
“Hello there– Director Williams. You are..?” He was somewhere in his 60s, with salt and pepper hair, and glasses too small for his face.

“FBI agents Mulder and Scully,” Mulder replied, as he flashed his badge. “I hope you won't mind our intrusion here. Some new evidence came to light on an older case. How long have you held your position at the observatory?”

The Director was attentive, seemingly unfazed by their status. “Oh, around five or six years. I moved out here when my son got a job. Here, actually. Let me show you around.”

Scully looked over at Moulder, figuring they'd be perfectly capable of traversing the observatory alone. But he seemed willing to oblige the director, and agreed with a nod and a “Sure.”

As they passed the gift shop, Mulder quipped, “There's your ice cream, Scully. We'll have to stop by later.” She only rolled her eyes, keeping up with Director Williams' surprisingly quick pace. The first floor had a display room to memorialize discoveries made at the observatory, as well as the planetarium, which kept its visitors enraptured with constellations dotting with ceiling above them.

Climbing the stairs led them to the research offices, where the director appointed out his son. “That's him at the workbench. Hello, Ivan!” There wasn't much resemblance between father and son. Ivan seemed in a perpetual state of motion, stopping only briefly to wave back to his father with gloved hand. From the offices, it was one more flight of stairs to the top floor, with the telescopes.

Scully broke the silence of their walk, and cut to the chase. “What do you know about the exoplanet ?, nicknamed Methuselah?”

He startled, and began to fiddle with his cufflinks. “Well, only that it's been recently discovered. You know, any new discovery is a great asset to our field. I'm afraid I have some urgent business to attend to downstairs. Please, explore the telescopes at your leisure.”

After the Director had scurried away, Mulder chuckled a little. “Well, Scully, you always know just what to say.”

“You heard him, Mulder. The man's hiding something.” She tucked a piece of her reddish-brown bob behind her ear as she opened the door to the telescope.

The ceiling of the room was doped, designed to open to provide the telescope with its view of the cosmos. But there was dark writing staining its golden dome, and the words read “Methuselah lives.”

A woman stepped out from behind the telescope, sponge in hand. “Sorry kiddos, this sections off-limits at the moment.”

“We're FBI,” said Scully, her brow furrowed in thought as she considered the graffiti. “How long has that been there?”

“Well, you're a long ways from Washington. The spray paint's new, last night, probably. Same message as the last night, and the night before that. I've been scrubbing them off every morning before the visitors show.”

Mulder raised an eyebrow, putting his hands into his trenchcoat pockets as he studied the scene. “Have you ever seen a message like this before?”

Last edited by Lark06 (March 24, 2024 21:44:41)

“she wants her cup of stars.”
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀- the haunting of hill house, shirley jackson
67 posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024


The long dusty grasses wavered in the salty breeze, a sea of green amongst the lofty mountains. Purple heather bruised the bumpy landscape, the colour muted, barely visible. The immense waves reflected the golden sunlight that kissed the rugged cliffs. They crashed onto the shore, sea spray showering the pebbled shores, pearly white. Splashes of yellow smeared the peaty ground, little pockets of vibrant hope, the brightest colour to be seen. Gnarled trees twisted around each other, their branches interlocking, leaves dreary and tired. The last touch of sunlight disappeared, leaving ominous rolling clouds threatening to burst.

Then the boy emerged. Just a silhouette on the misty horizon, a smudge of black, shrouded in rain. Gradually he forced himself closer, his eyes fixed on one point in the distance. His eyes were pits of sorrow, yearning for love and kindness. His face was creased with deep lines, forming trails around his ghostly face. His hands were knobbly like the spindly trees. His nose was crooked, a river of crimson trickling down from the thin, pale skin.

He trekked on, limping down the uneven rocks, slick with rainwater. Finally, he stopped, a limp shape visible in his shaking arms.
“Father…” He whispered hoarsely, his grief heart-rending.
The body stayed still. Its face was streaked with mud and rain water, its eyes were glazed over and distant. The boy screeched, wild and raw, the sound shaking the sturdy roots of the earth. Tears flooded from his eyes, bathing his father in a waterfall of sorrow. Rain began to fall, as if sharing the boy’s agony. It was hard and persistent, cold and numbing. Yet to the boy it was strangely comforting. It woke him up.

A pool of briny water formed at the boy’s feet, enveloping his father. The boy gasped. He fell back onto his hands heavily, his chest heaving. A gasp split the air as his father coughed up rivers and oceans. His eyes flickered open, still milky and far away, adjusting to the world. A smile curled on his lips. Tears had woken him from endless sleep, the greatest love possible, yet the saddest.

Daily 11th March
397 words

I stepped tentatively through the doorway. My mind was racing. All these people… they knew each other; they had been friends for years. I was the only new one here. The room seemed to grow smaller and smaller, trapping me inside a cage of fear and anxiety. One person glanced at me for a moment, but then turned back to her friends as though I’d never been there. I knew it was weak, but I felt tears pricking at the edges of my eyes, hot and babyish.

A bell dinged, the shrill screech startling me from my tormented daze. I hurried towards the door, following the other children to a bland, white classroom. I frowned. What sort of place was this?
“Finding it hard to settle in?” A girl with beautiful fair hair sniggered. The others around her giggled behind the hands, whispering visibly to each other. I clenched my fists.
“No. I’m just trying to make friends.” I told her softly.
The girl looked taken aback.
“Really? I think you’re gonna find it a bit hard…”

“OK, do what you want. I don’t have much to do here.” The teacher announced
The children cheered and started jumping up and down on top of the tables. I desperately wished to join in. I could feel my heart yearning for such fun and freedom again. But no. They would laugh at me. They would whisper about me. They would patronise me. So no. I couldn’t.

I sat down on the hard, cold floor, my misery building up inside me. I put up my hand shyly.
“May I go to the toilet?” I queried politely.
The teacher nodded.
I rushed out of the door, only to be met by a gaggle of younger children heading towards me. I stood up in the doorway, trying to seem tall and grown-up. I slipped to the toilets and went inside.
“Oh, hi nerd.”
It was a girl from my old school.
I slammed the door of a cubicle.
I buried my head in my hands.
I gulped, trying to hold back tears.
I blocked out the sound of her malicious voice.
But it was no use. How was I ever going to fit in?


This is absolutely awesome! I love writing and reading poems, and this has to be the best I’ve read all year. Let’s start with all the good stuff!

I love the way you use italics and swap between them and normal fonts. You use metaphors constantly throughout the piece, along with other great imagery. I really like how you describe ‘fate’ as a real person with a personality and mind. You describe as though she is cunning and evil, with thoughts of revenge and greed. My favourite line is ‘all who brush past her are tangled in her web’ as this really paints who she is, as many people are scared of spiders, and spiders are known as quite merciless and unforgiving.

I also admire your use of repetition, since this adds a nice flow to the writing, and makes it very easy to follow. You can really feel the rhythm, even when not saying it aloud. This is a very advanced piece to be extremely proud of.

Now onto what you could improve on!

I think that since you use the italics and arial, when swapping between them with the repetition, sometimes you mix them up. For example, earlier in the poem you wrote ‘take a chance, dance with death’ in italics, then later on you wrote the same line not in italics. I don’t know if this is intentional, but if it isn’t, maybe you could think about this. Obviously, this is a tiny point, and not a very good one, but this is really hard to critique, as there’s nothing there for me to judge really *sob*. Also, the line ‘ Come, will you number yourself among those Fate loves?’ seems a bit long, and I lose the rhythm a little bit at this point. I noticed that when you wrote ‘the wheel is always spinning’ earlier on in the poem, later on it said ‘the wheel of fortune is always turning.’ I know that this is a slightly different line, but due to the fact that you are using repetition as a main point for you to focus on, maybe you could change ‘turning’ to ‘spinning.’

Overall, this is an extraordinary piece with lots of clever description. It all slots together perfectly and has a lovely tone. This writing shows lots of experience and talent! Well done! I hope that this critique helped, but generally, I don’t think there was that I needed to critique, if anything!

Silvi's Thread

Daily 6th March
I blinked grit from my eyes as I thundered to safety. Explosions echoed in the air behind, the ground trembling slightly from its burning touch. Smoke engulfed me; I gasped for air as though drowning in a sea of smoke. My mud-streaked face twitched as I saw a small child shivering on the side. Their eyes were hollow and empty, like deep, endless pits. I softly walked over, smiling comfortingly at the little boy. His curly hair fell in golden rings around his face.

I sat down beside him and nudged him gently. His skin was icy and cold, yet as he felt my presence, his eyes sent out beams of warmth. Their heat made me tingle. A sense of love. Of hope.I eased him off the ground into my sturdy arms.
“Who are you?”
His voice was barely a croak, yet power radiated from it. I felt as though I should drop him and run away, never turning back. He was so strong. He was so… wise. He was just a boy of 3, yet he looked as though he had lived a thousand years.

“I’m Alfred.”
The boy nodded slowly, then whispered, “ I’m Frionhaleo.”
I frowned for a moment, confusion passing over my face, then I switched my smile back on. Frionhaleo?
“How about I call you Leo?”
The parched ground where we had been sitting was now a black hole, like Leo’s eyes.
“We need to go.”
So I ran, Leo bouncing up and down in my arms. My head stayed firmly fixed on the horizon. Slowly the earth grew peaty and soft. I slowed, relieved that we had made it out.
“No!” shouted Leo. “Keep going!”
“But we’re safe now, Leo.”
A wall of flames reared up in front of me. I had been fooled.

Then a screech erupted from Leo’s mouth, a roar. I stared as he grew gradually taller, scales glinting in the flames. Horns poked from behind his disappearing mop of hair. His muscles rippled and his eyes grew to slits. He roared again, a column of fire weakening the fiery barrier, its flames wavering. Another burst of flame doused it and I collapsed to the ground.
“You’re a… dragon.”
And I passed out.
Daily 5th March
Book: Rooftoppers
Sophie hauled herself onto the slippy metal railing, balancing precariously.
“What do I do now?” She shouted behind her shoulder. Her glimmering eyes kept on flitting back towards the dark and churning water nervously.
“Just dive!” Matteo screeched wildly. “At the bottom you should find the remains of your mother’s boat.”
She took a deep breath, closed her eyes and…
She entered the freezing water ungracefully, water curling up around her shivering body. The cold blanket enveloped her and she stared back up at the warm bridge.
“Go!” Matteo ushered her.
Sophie dived down, bubbles erupting in the water around her. A dark lump appeared at the bottom of the ocean. Her lungs were burning with the pain of being underwater for so long. She needed air.

Sophie swam up to the welcoming surface and gulped in the refreshing air.
“I’m going down again!”
This time, the black midnight water seemed to push her along, streamlining her body. Through her misty eyes she could see a small bump on the seabed, churning up piles of sand as it shifted. The boat! The texture was worn down and rough on her fingers. She elegantly twisted through the water to squeeze inside it. And sure enough lay a cello, splintered and battered by the elements. Sophie ran her fingers over the faint engraving. Vivienne Vert. Sophie smiled to herself softly. Her mother. Now she had proof! Her mother had played on this boat, she played the cello, and she might still be alive!

She swooped towards the surface. The air rushed at her in a great surge of cold.
“Well, you sure can swim!” laughed Matteo. “Any luck?”

Daily 4th March

This is in memory of the brave astronauts who embarked on a space mission in 2003, and never returned.

“Why can't I go to space?”

You wrapped your arms around your mum, sobs muffled and heart-wrenching. A tear slid down your face hot and threatening.
“Don’t go, Mum!” You cried, breath catching in your throat. Your tongue grew thick and dry, a desert. You couldn’t speak. You stared in utter horror as she walked away, skipping along the front path. Her eyes were bright and happy, little sun rays of hope and joy. You knew she might never ever return.
“I’m going to space! I’m really going to space! Imagine! Can’t wait to see you there, Daniel!”
You felt, deep down, that wasn’t true. Her voice was so convincing that you could almost believe you were going to space with the twinkling stars and dazzling sunshine. Sunshine in space! You couldn’t even imagine it.
“Come on, Daniel!” Your dad barked roughly. “You’re only 4! You can’t go to space.”
Your head drooped in sorrow. Your breath grew shaky once more, fast and shallow. You felt your dad’s comforting warm arm around your back, as he swung you into the air. You felt invincible. You felt your wings gliding softly through the air, catching on the gentle breeze.
“I’m in space!” You shouted in excitement. “I’m in space!”
You hit the shimmering fabrics of the sofa.
“No, you’re not, monkey.”
Your brow wrinkled in confusion. How have you been flying then? It was so exhilarating! You thought about your mum, laughing and chattering with the other people going to space, her dimples deep, her smile wide.
“Why can’t I go to space?” You asked.
“Because it’s dangerous!” Your dad replied
“Then how come mum gets to go?” You asked.
But he’s gone.

You plummeted towards the earth, a searing pain coursing through your veins.
“Mummy!” You yelled.

You woke up with a jolt, sweat trickling down your forehead.
“Mum…” You whispered sadly.
“Daniel! Get up! Breakfast’s ready!”
You plodded down the stairs, your footsteps matching your heartbeat. Heavy and sad.
“Space launch today, kid!” Your Dad exclaimed elatedly. You nodded dejectedly.
A plate clattered down in front of you, laden with pancakes, swimming in a lake of maple syrup. You ate half-heartedly, nibbling the sugary sponge.
“Daniel? You alright?” Your dad asked worriedly.
“Fine.” You mumbled, your eyes too serious and wise for their tender age.
“Are you sure?”
You considered your answer for a minute, tapping your fingers on the rough wood of the table. You imagined the bumps as monstrous mountains, the dips shimmering lakes. Your heart yearned to go to a place of such peace. But you wanted to go somewhere even more.
“Why can’t I go to space?”
“It’s dangerous.” Your dad answered woefully. He wiped away a tear with his hand and sniffled despondently. He ran out of the room.

Smiling people laughed and chattered around you, their smiles sickly. You felt a smile curl on your own lips, like a swan: elegant and graceful, yet deceiving. Your dad’s calloused hands squeezed yours and you squeezed back. An ugly stupendous shuttle towered over you, its shadow squid-ink black. You imagined your mum in there, her eyes sparkling and impatient with anticipation.
Your heartbeat quickened, hammering in your chest.
Your smile faded as you realised the moment was approaching faster than you could believe.
Your knuckles furled into a ball.
Tears pricked the edges of your shining eyes.
You leaned your head against your dad’s sturdy torso, like a tree trunk.
Your eyes widened.
You bit your lip, blood blossoming, a bright crimson.
You inhaled sharply.
You held your breath.
You let it out in a blood-curdling shriek.
“No!” You screamed. But it was gone.
Flaming tongues licked the sides of the shuttle as smoke plumed into the air. You thought you could see your mum waving goodbye happily. You raised your pudgy hand.
“Goodbye, mum.”
You stared in terrified awe as it spiralled through the fluffy white clouds leaving murky grey smoke in its wake. It disappeared. Just like that. You cried and cried, tears pooling at your feet.
“W-why can’t I go to space?” You sobbed.
Your dad picked you up and wheeled you around in the air.
“You already are, Daniel!”
“The earth is a fixed point in space. Therefore you are in space.” He explained slowly.
“What about an unfixed point?” Your face open with curiosity.
“You’d still be in space!”

A few days later…

The shuttle, Colombia, sped towards earth, ripped apart by the intense heat of the atmosphere. Debris tumbled from the blackened sky. You wailed in pain and fear. You wished that you had been with your mum. Before she died.
“Why can’t I go to space?” You asked.
Your dad remained silent, his eyes stormy and distant. His grip on you tightened.
“Why can’t I go to space?”

Daily 3rd March


Renaissance Realms,
A place of joy,
A place to write,
Make friends and enjoy.

Forgotten blueprints,
Buried in time,
From watches to compasses,
Even a motorised lime!

An artist’s alcove,
Hidden away,
Hazy light,
Working day by day.

Magical melodies,
Soft and light,
Capture the purest beauty,
In its immense might.

Colossal pillars,
Delicate carving,
Mosaic floors,
A new time is starting.

Hi-fi, hi-fi,
A place of glory,
To treasure and cherish,
Like a beautiful story.

Hi-fi, hi-fi,
Smiles dance,
On rosy lips,
With you, we stand a chance.


Entrancing tales,
Swirling mists,
If all else fails,
You shall become a myth.

Myth, myth, myth, myth,
Somewhere to question places of old,
Heroic demigods, hide,
For in the labyrinths, you have to be bold.

Yet success shall fall upon your young shoulders,
You brave, courageous souls,
We shall achieve the unthinkable,
So we are told.

We shall live peaceful with joy,
Never again will we suffer,
For we are so strong,
We are now tougher…

But don’t become a,

Myth, myth, myth, myth,
Somewhere to question places of old,
Heroic demigods, hide,
For in the labyrinths, you have to be bold.

Yet victory shall fall upon our young shoulders,
The greatest of all time,
Remembered throughout history,
With grace and wisdom we shall dine.

Myth, the fantastic, the great, the kind,
Eternal peace we shall find.


Plays and dances,
Heavenly songs,
Script share friendship and smiles,
Showtime, at last!

They twirl and leap through the summer air,
Eyes alight with good cheer,
Vibrant colours shine bright,
Costumes swishing by the floor.

Adoring audience clap and cheer,
‘Encore, encore!’
They shout and scream,
‘Stay with us!’

When at last the play is done,
Crowds gather and swarm the square,
Begging for autographs,
Prancing along.

Never again shall plays be a bore,
Script shall make them incredible,
With their colourful costumes,
And marvellous masks,
The stage will transform,
For once and all.

Script have the power,
To revive broken hearts,
With sweet singing,
And endless dance.


Stars twinkle in the moonlit skies,
Staring at you with shining eyes,
But one by one, they blink away,
Leaving you longing for the day.

They smile and wave,
Leave you wondrous, in a daze,
Love and compassion shine out bright,
Illuminated by starlight.

Will you join us,
In out starlit paths,
Together we shall stand,
United, as one,
You we shall understand.

Brilliant buildings of shiny stone,
Faces gazing out, you’re never alone,
In those faces you will see trust and hope,
It will pull you like a rope.

They smile and wave,
Leave you wondrous, in a daze,
Love and compassion shine out bright,
Illuminated by starlight.

Will you join us,
In our starlit paths,
Together we shall stand,
United, as one,
You we shall understand.

Daily 2nd March
430 words

Compliment: You make me explode with happiness.

I sighed. The cold air battered my face and the insistent rain blurred my vision. The muddy track was scattered with amber leaves and discarded shoelaces. I could feel anger bubbling up in my throat, powerful as the stormy sea. Piercing shouts filled the air as I remembered that one moment.

Fire raged through the house, licking the trees, blindingly bright. It reached towards the sky and clouds of thick smoke spiralled into the air, a warning to any passers-by. A tear silently slid down my face. I couldn’t do anything. This place was so important to me, it held many treasured memories, so much endless love, all I had left of my grandfather. And here I was, staring in horror as it was destroyed mercilessly before my anguished eyes. I clenched my fists by my side. I bit my wobbling lip and blinked back the hot tears. I thought about my grandfather’s notebook, charred, unreadable, dead.

The harsh wind carried glorious moments with him, just a second away.
“You make me explode with happiness.” he whispered in my ear. The last words he ever spoke. I felt his warm rough hand gripping mine, his arms wrapped around me in an endless embrace. I saw his gentle eyes staring into mine. My cracked lips curled into a smile and my swollen eyes lit up, cherishing those last memories.

My eyes snapped open. Sirens wailed in the distance, glowing specks on the horizon. Sunshine filtered through the remaining leaves of the trees as the fire engine arrived. Gallons of rushing water, bursting out of mammoth canons were poured onto the burnt shell, reflecting the light, glimmering and shining as if honouring the place where my grandfather took his final breath, a breath full of hope, a breath full of life, a breath full of love.

The track in front of me widened and I stumbled over a gnarled tree root. It took me a while to realise I was crying, sobs that split the air. It took me even longer to realise they were happy tears, happy because I had seen my grandfather once more. I touched my heart. It thumped rhythmically.
“I’ll always be in here.” Grandfather once said.
Heat warmed my frozen hands, reaching the tips of my toes like a golden sun ray. I glanced up at the sky. It was a dazzling blue, fluffy clouds floating gracefully inside it and the sun… it shone like my love for Grandfather.
“You make me explode with happiness, Grandfather.”

Last edited by silverlynx- (March 12, 2024 19:09:39)

12 posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024

felicity’s writing thread, march 2024 <3

❃ greetings! ❃
i'm felicity (nicknamed fizz)
i write stories and hug cats <3
3 posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024

Ruby's Writing
I shall add my dailies here

Daily 1 - Missed
Daily 2 - (thx @opheliio) your laughter is more musical than all the birds’ calls, more magical than all the fairies’ spells
I swivel around, looking for the source of the voice. “Who-who are you? What do you want?” I say to the darkness surrounding me. That compliment comes from my living days..this place I am trapped in reflects my memories and echoes my voice while sucking it away.. The echo of my question sounds unearthly, inhuman. Like the being I am now. When I lived, my name was Sophie. When I walked by on the street, heads would turn. The shopkeepers would find me the prettiest dresses, the most ripe peaches.. When a dance was announced, everyone would clamber over each other to ask me. Those people loved me, and I laughed at them.. “your laughter is more musical than all the birds’ calls, more magical than all the fairies’ spells,” comes the voice again, from nothingness, and I recognize it..It is the voice of that boy on a cold autumn day, holding out a rose as he stood on the crumpled leaves..and I laughed at him, I did, with my voice like tinkling bells… How many ages will I stay here, not knowing what goes on in the world of the living? This place is darker than the darkest midnight, cold as a winter night of frost, and emptier than my own sadness. I know why I am here..I broke them. They loved me, and I broke them.. Here there is nothing, there is no one.. I will be here for eternity and beyond, and I deserve it…
Daily 3 - Missed
Daily 4 - 307 words When Tomorrow Comes
My power is a curse, a curse.. I can't ever stop it.. Another blinding flash will fill my head any moment now.. And then it comes. Tomorrow I see a stranger, a fire, the stars going out. A wonder, a fighter, but I can't tell who. Not yet. Somebody falling, not getting back up, I can't stop my power.. A young girl watching as the powerful mirror to the next world is shattered, then I see nothing..then something. A wielder of light, somebody magical. A wielder of darkness, the two clash on the edges. They duel with their minds, like the wizards they are. One I recognize, they are the head wizard of this kingdom. Evil. The other I do not know. I watch as the light wielder is pushed further and further beyond the reaches of my power. Farther into the realm of the d3ad.. But they fight back. They slash out with their sword of light, but the darkness is too strong. A wonder, a wanderer, me, I see myself walking towards them, helping, fighting, glowing green and gold. The wielder of darkness summons their power and strikes me. And then I di3. The flash stops. I walk out of the castle grounds, trying to understand what I have seen. I walk past the mirror that has not yet been broken, greeting my little sister. My heart is broken to know that this may be the last time I see her. I continue into the little room I call my own. I open the secret compartment in my wall, just behind the dresser, pulling out my father's sword. As I hold it up to the setting sun's light, it glimmers gold. Sighing, I sit down on my bedspread. The future is my gift, and it cannot be changed. Tomorrow, the world ends. Tomorrow, I di3.
Daily 5 - 225 words What if Qibli got Darkstalker's scroll…
“Well, I think Qibli should have it.” Moon said. Winter stared at her. Qibli? He'd do who-knows what with it.. I'd help my tribe! But Winter knew he was outvoted. Everyone was nodding at Moon's suggestion. Qibli looked surprised that everyone had agreed. Winter looks unhappy.. Qibli thought. Well, of course he is. He probably wanted to use it for his tribe. Moon looked at the scroll lying on the ground between the dragons, and nudged it carefully towards Qibli with one of her talons. Peril looked at the scroll. “Are you sure I shouldn't burn it?” Peril said skeptically. “Yes,” Moon said. “If you burn it, then it's just gone and we don't have a choice of what to do with it.” And…Darkstalker won't get it back. Moon thought to herself. She knew her friends didn't trust Darkstalker, so it wasn't a good idea to mention it now. Qibli carefully took the scroll. I think out of all these dragons, Qibli can probably keep that scroll safe the best, and help people while doing it. Moon thought. Winter scowled inwardly. I'll have to get it myself. Qibli excitedly thought of all the things he could fix in the world, but in the back of his mind he wondered.. Am I really up to using this power wisely?
Daily 13 - their hands meet, and light spills in a flood like a hundred golden urns pouring out of the sun @Luna-Lovegood-LOL 363 words
(Didn't finish in time to post)
Daily 14 - PI DAY!!! YUM YUM YUM -

Last edited by RubyFires (March 14, 2024 01:28:53)

6 posts

swc megathread ➷ march 2024

Daily #2, “Your hair looks good. From the rain.” 582 words (not proofread don’t kill me if there’s a grammar mistake) ✮⋆˙

Knox always started his day with a hot, black coffee.

Every day, the same routine. Wake up at 6:32, start the machine, read exactly seven pages of a book, put it in his lucky blue mug, and go off to school. This routine was all he knew, the last three years of his life all planned out.

With his blue mug, Knox went outside to walk to school. It was a cool 60° F, just how Knox liked it. The spring air always reminded him of himself; hiding something, but just endearing enough to draw you in.


After walking for 15 minutes, Knox arrived in town. It was now raining and his coffee ran out a while ago, but Knox trudged on. Picking up the pace to arrive at his lecture in time, Knox shoved the mug in his bag. Then, a pinecone hit the bridge of his glasses.

Knox stumbled back, before looking up. Brown hair and the slyest grin ever greeted him.

“You’re such a nerd,” Ed yelled down into the street.

“Nerd? Really? That’s all you could come up with after two years?” Knox wiped the rain off his glasses.

“Come up here before you freeze to death and I might be able to come up with more.”

Before Ed could finish his sentence, Knox was already trying to jimmy open the door. Familiar cream walls greeted him as he sprinted up the oak stairs to Ed’s room.

“Missed me that much?”

Knox scowled at Ed and took off his backpack. “It’s cold out.”

The two stared at each other for a moment before Ed walked over to him, “You want me to get you anything?”

Playing with the hem of one of Ed’s posters, Knox sighed, “Probably more coffee.”

“There’s the old man I know.” Ed strolled over to the bookbag and pulled out the blue mug. “I love your little habits. Even if you do have a caffeine addiction.”

Knox snorted and turned to face the other, “I’m missing class for you right now, and you’re going to make fun of the best drink ever?”

Ed shrugged and walked out the door, before turning back and leaning on the doorframe. “Your hair looks good. From the rain.” And out to the kitchen Ed went.
Knox froze and kept looking at where Ed just stood.

Did he really just say that? He never actually compliments me, was he joking?

He sat on Ed’s cushy green bedspread and looked at the string of photos of them throughout their lives. 7th grade, when they tried to make a band, 9th grade when they had to walk home in a thunderstorm and Ed just had to take a photo of them with lightning, and Knox with his college acceptance letter. After all they’d been through, Ed had kept those Polaroids in the corner of his room. There were others, but most were of him and Knox.

Ed finally returned with two mugs, the blue one with Knox’s coffee and a red one with sparkles filled with orange juice.

Knox quickly stood up and took the mug, chugging most of it quickly.

“No choking allowed in my room! Ace Frehley doesn’t want to see that,” Ed pointed to the signed Kiss poster behind him.

Knox took a breath and looked up at his friend. They’ve been through so much. Knox would be willing to change how he started his day if it involved Ed. This is where he wants to be.

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