Discuss Scratch

1000+ posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Hiring artists, game designers, and more!)

https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/post/7816607/ I added the main idea post to one of the reserved ones.

We're desperately needing game designers, who will think about the lore, story and gameplay of games we will make!
500+ posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Hiring artists, game designers, and more!)

I think we are all a bit out of hand at the moment lol. The fact we aren't coordinated will make this take 100x longer than it ever should. I say we vote to make Malicondi a lead. Or someone who can actually organize this whole thing other than moigam.

Update: I am way behind and didn't read page 11 _skull_. ignore this

Last edited by MineTurte (April 8, 2024 12:46:23)

Front-end web developer and software programmer
Javascript, HTML5, CSS, Python3, & Lua.

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AAGS Manager
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Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Hiring artists, game designers, and more!)

Just tell me what to do, give me a link, and I'll do it. I'm not good at keeping track of hundreds of things at once. Also tip for everyone, let people do one thing at a time as if 2 people work on the same base and make 2 different things it'll be hard to add them both without having to fix quite a few bugs. And I dunno about you but I sure don't wanna be the one to have to fix those.

Edit: Whoever is working on the base add it to the studio even if it's not done so everyone knows what we are working with

Last edited by MineTurte (April 8, 2024 12:51:44)

Front-end web developer and software programmer
Javascript, HTML5, CSS, Python3, & Lua.

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AAGS Manager
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Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Hiring artists, game designers, and more!)

sieugach wrote:

then when it start, can i volunteer for the main menu?
You realize you just code the main menu; I make the graphics. This means I'd have to make the design for the main menu before you fully code it. Also you're making entire engines before we know for certain how the game will look (or maybe I'm just behind, if I am sorry). I mean yes, you can if you want to. But i'm saying it'd probably be more efficient to stick to our roles instead of just doing it all yourself. Idk though, I am just guessing. You can ask moigam if you want confirmation about this. Or maybe I am just really unhinged and have no clue what is happening. That very well could also be the case.

Last edited by MineTurte (April 8, 2024 13:03:16)

Front-end web developer and software programmer
Javascript, HTML5, CSS, Python3, & Lua.

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cool LiDAR game!

AAGS Manager
54 posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Hiring artists, game designers, and more!)

Username: firegod677- @firegod677
Position: artist-s
Why do you want to join us?
Really, just for some fun.
How active will you be?
I'm on like, every other day.
How skilled are you at the position you chose?
I'm a sorta new artist. I have been drawing for half a year now.
Proof of work (if possible): https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/997058514
Notes (optional): none
500+ posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Hiring artists, game designers, and more!)

firegod677 wrote:

Username: firegod677- @firegod677
Position: artist-s
Why do you want to join us?
Really, just for some fun.
How active will you be?
I'm on like, every other day.
How skilled are you at the position you chose?
I'm a sorta new artist. I have been drawing for half a year now.
Proof of work (if possible): https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/997058514
Notes (optional): none
Sent to moigam.

Status: Pending…

Last edited by MineTurte (April 8, 2024 13:57:43)

Front-end web developer and software programmer
Javascript, HTML5, CSS, Python3, & Lua.

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cool LiDAR game!

AAGS Manager
54 posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Hiring artists, game designers, and more!)

k! ty!
100+ posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Hiring artists, game designers, and more!)

CorgThePorg wrote:

We should try to come up with a unique game idea/mechanics to stay different from majority of 2d games.
Honestly, in Scratch, we can basically just make a default scrolling tile game with good graphics and it'd stand out from the sea of generic trending games.

But I do agree with you, we need a good gimmick in our game, otherwise it's just going to be plain.
Here are some of my ideas:
  • You can disguise yourself as enemies (ez)
  • You have a grappling hook (That can attach to all terrain) (This would take more programming)
  • There are multiple endings (This would take a lot of story work)
  • You can switch between two different dimensions at any point (would take a lot of art and level design)

Also, I think we need to discuss aesthetic and setting asap, because it can define like every element of the game. My idea is either futuristic on an alien planet or dystopia Earth in the near future. (I always go futuristic, that's just me.)

-CrazyTVStu, Also Known As ReBitKe, Chiptune Musician

1000+ posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Hiring artists, game designers, and more!)


Here are some of my ideas:
  • You have a grappling hook (That can attach to all terrain) (This would take more programming)
Time to learn rope physics now, i just love making physics

Honestly when i think about it a grappling hook would just use some IK if you swing, and some simple pulling mechanics for when you grapple forward. It could be you could grapple forward a little and it gives you momentum, or you only can grapple all the way to where you shot the grapple at. Either way, it would be fun ;)

Last edited by Malicondi (April 8, 2024 15:01:34)

post #1000 post #100 i help in the forums post #1 post #500 0 second ninja
I recommend reading jvvg's essay about the scratch team before complaining, as it may change your opinion and provide insight on the topic.

coming soon :)

100+ posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Hiring artists, game designers, and more!)

I'll make a basic side-scrolling engine sometime here in the next week as a starting point, but I've got a bit of work ahead of me with school.
just gonna teardown my Halfland test demo since it's a perfectly good side-scrolling platformer already, ig. Might actually have it done today, if I get schoolwork done quickly.

(Also, have a good solar eclipse day to any other North Americans! As Chorky once said, “Don't stare at the sun or else your eyes will burn out!”)

-CrazyTVStu, Also Known As ReBitKe, Chiptune Musician

500+ posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Hiring artists, game designers, and more!)

Y'all aren't we supposed to stick to our roles?

(Talking about how we are thinking of game designs when there is literally a role for that exact thing)

Edit: To be fair our main game designer hasn't been active in awhile- Someone has got to do an activity check *cough cough* moigam *cough*

Last edited by MineTurte (April 8, 2024 16:05:28)

Front-end web developer and software programmer
Javascript, HTML5, CSS, Python3, & Lua.

Signature color gradients here
cool LiDAR game!

AAGS Manager
100+ posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Hiring artists, game designers, and more!)

MineTurte wrote:

Y'all aren't we supposed to stick to our roles?

(Talking about how we are thinking of game designs when there is literally a role for that exact thing)

Edit: To be fair our main game designer hasn't been active in awhile- Someone has got to do an activity check *cough cough* moigam *cough*
My bad. Should I still make the side-scroller engine?

-CrazyTVStu, Also Known As ReBitKe, Chiptune Musician

1000+ posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Hiring artists, game designers, and more!)


My bad. Should I still make the side-scroller engine?
Seeing as we're making a side scrolling rpg, it would be beneficial. I can help, should it be tilebased (like an rpg) or free form?

Last edited by Malicondi (April 8, 2024 16:16:45)

post #1000 post #100 i help in the forums post #1 post #500 0 second ninja
I recommend reading jvvg's essay about the scratch team before complaining, as it may change your opinion and provide insight on the topic.

coming soon :)

500+ posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Hiring artists, game designers, and more!)


MineTurte wrote:

Y'all aren't we supposed to stick to our roles?

(Talking about how we are thinking of game designs when there is literally a role for that exact thing)

Edit: To be fair our main game designer hasn't been active in awhile- Someone has got to do an activity check *cough cough* moigam *cough*
My bad. Should I still make the side-scroller engine?
Lol tbh idk rn. Everything is quite confusing and not just for me. Only like half of the “staff” have actually replied to this stuff and we don't have a set plan for what we are going to do. I would try and help by making one but rn I'm still UI Designer/General Programmer and Moigam hasn't come back yet so I'm still waiting on my managership request status.

Other than that though I can still help plan since we really don't have an active game idea designer.

Last edited by MineTurte (April 8, 2024 16:19:56)

Front-end web developer and software programmer
Javascript, HTML5, CSS, Python3, & Lua.

Signature color gradients here
cool LiDAR game!

AAGS Manager
100+ posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Hiring artists, game designers, and more!)

MineTurte wrote:

Lol tbh idk rn. Everything is quite confusing and not just for me. Only like half of the “staff” have actually replied to this stuff and we don't have a set plan for what we are going to do. I would try and help by making one but rn I'm still UI Designer/General Programmer and Moigam hasn't come back yet so I'm still waiting on my managership request status.

Other than that though I can still help plan since we really don't have an active game idea designer.
Alright, cool. I'll probably not work on the engine right now since i have a lot of school projects due on wednesday I forgot about

Malicondi wrote:

Seeing as we're making a side scrolling rpg, it would be beneficial. I can help, should it be tilebased (like an rpg) or free form?
My vote's on tile-based. Also, I don't think my old engine was a good place to start since it's peppered with random features and specificities we'd likely not use.
Also, should we do this in all pen? It opens doors for better effects, like ones seen in Chrono Trigger (best game ever made) or Super Metroid.

-CrazyTVStu, Also Known As ReBitKe, Chiptune Musician

1000+ posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Hiring artists, game designers, and more!)


My vote's on tile-based. Also, I don't think my old engine was a good place to start since it's peppered with random features and specificities we'd likely not use.
Also, should we do this in all pen? It opens doors for better effects, like ones seen in Chrono Trigger (best game ever made) or Super Metroid.
Pen's my specialty, so i can do that quite well. Haven't seen Chrono Trigger, so i'll go check that out later and I'm really experienced in tile-based grid-list scrolling engines, so i can easily make that work.

post #1000 post #100 i help in the forums post #1 post #500 0 second ninja
I recommend reading jvvg's essay about the scratch team before complaining, as it may change your opinion and provide insight on the topic.

coming soon :)

500+ posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Hiring artists, game designers, and more!)

Lol you guys really wanna make it harder than necessary?

Front-end web developer and software programmer
Javascript, HTML5, CSS, Python3, & Lua.

Signature color gradients here
cool LiDAR game!

AAGS Manager
1000+ posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Hiring artists, game designers, and more!)

MineTurte wrote:

Lol you guys really wanna make it harder than necessary?
How's pen harder? With most engines the “touching” block is never a option as it's incredibly slow, i'm testing out AABB collision methods right now in a geometry dash like test project on my test account lol, and pen is always fun :)

post #1000 post #100 i help in the forums post #1 post #500 0 second ninja
I recommend reading jvvg's essay about the scratch team before complaining, as it may change your opinion and provide insight on the topic.

coming soon :)

500+ posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Hiring artists, game designers, and more!)

Malicondi wrote:

MineTurte wrote:

Lol you guys really wanna make it harder than necessary?
How's pen harder? With most engines the “touching” block is never a option as it's incredibly slow, i'm testing out AABB collision methods right now in a geometry dash like test project on my test account lol, and pen is always fun :)
Fair enough. Also AABB? I though you were talking about AAGS lol.

Last edited by MineTurte (April 8, 2024 16:55:37)

Front-end web developer and software programmer
Javascript, HTML5, CSS, Python3, & Lua.

Signature color gradients here
cool LiDAR game!

AAGS Manager
100+ posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Hiring artists, game designers, and more!)

MineTurte wrote:

Fair enough. Also AABB? I though you were talking about AAGS lol.
Whats AAGS? Never heard of it, also AABB is incredibly fast to use which is why i'm testing it out, it literally requires 3 if else checks, and 2 operator comparisons. As i said, incredibly fast.

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