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1000+ posts

Official [scratchblocks] Testing Topic 9

Not actually Scratchblocks, just trying to work out why a certain bit of text fell foul of the filter so I couldn't post in Help with Scripts.

will send a message to
other sprites

If you join the two lines above the filter objects!

Last edited by deck26 (April 3, 2024 08:49:08)

500+ posts

Official [scratchblocks] Testing Topic 9

say () for (2) secs

500+ posts

Official [scratchblocks] Testing Topic 9

quote this lol

when green flag clicked
save FSR (Fat Sand Rat)
destroy (baby nova)
switch costume to [happy :) v]

define save FSR (fsr)
point towards [fat sand rat v]
go to [fat sand rat v]
go to [safe spot/ship v]

define destroy (enemy)
switch costume to (join [destroying ] [(enemy)
500+ posts

Official [scratchblocks] Testing Topic 9

champion_ofcloud-var wrote:

quote this lol
oh no i got scratchblocked :: motion

Last edited by Pibby59 (Never 00:00)
Hello and welcome to my signature.
Owner of the “Python Code Testing” topic!
look at this! (click me!)
100+ posts

Official [scratchblocks] Testing Topic 9

champion_ofcloud-var wrote:

i cant even post a tetris board (made with scratchblocks) because "Sorry, this post appears to include unsuitable language and will not be posted."
actual board size
() () () () () () () () () () :: #ffffff
() () () () () () () () () () :: #ffffff
() () () () () () () () () () :: #ffffff
() () () () () () () () () () :: #ffffff
() () () () () () () () () () :: #ffffff
() () () () () () () () () () :: #ffffff
() () () () () () () () () () :: #ffffff
() () () () () () () () () () :: #ffffff
() () () () () () () () () () :: #ffffff
() () () () () () () () () () :: #ffffff
() () () () () () () () () () :: #ffffff
() () () () () () () () () () :: #ffffff
() () () () () () () () () () :: #ffffff
() () () () () () () () () () :: #ffffff
() () () () () () () () () () :: #ffffff
() () () () () () () () () () :: #ffffff
() () () () () () () () () () :: #ffffff
() () () () () () () () () () :: #ffffff
() () () () () () () () () () :: #ffffff
() () () () () () () () () () :: #ffffff

Last edited by 96498cb (April 3, 2024 18:57:26)

highlight (double click) a piece of text + control (command on mac) + shift + down arrow key to see my full siggy.
define 96498cb
help forums :: custom
Come to this link for awesome code, employees, and service!
100th post!!!!!!!!! https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/706823/?page=185#post-7670932

This is Mira. She is my siggy protector.
(= ^ •⩊• ^ = :: #aaaaaa)
Hey, I am a small creator that doesn't have a lot of projects, but i would appreciate if you liked and faved them. (you don't have to)
100+ posts

Official [scratchblocks] Testing Topic 9

page 8^2

Last edited by 96498cb (April 3, 2024 19:10:11)

highlight (double click) a piece of text + control (command on mac) + shift + down arrow key to see my full siggy.
define 96498cb
help forums :: custom
Come to this link for awesome code, employees, and service!
100th post!!!!!!!!! https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/706823/?page=185#post-7670932

This is Mira. She is my siggy protector.
(= ^ •⩊• ^ = :: #aaaaaa)
Hey, I am a small creator that doesn't have a lot of projects, but i would appreciate if you liked and faved them. (you don't have to)
100+ posts

Official [scratchblocks] Testing Topic 9

sudden activity lol

if <e:: sensing> then{
ask for [$ v] (5) and wait:: #59c059
when gf clicked
}:: control

>o\( :: motion boolean // border control

ocular: https://ocular.jeffalo.net/user/theapplesguy2-1
fandom: https://adventures-of.fandom.com/wiki/Adventures_Of_Wiki
23 posts

Official [scratchblocks] Testing Topic 9

when this sprite touches (mouse pointer v) :: hat :: events

Last edited by trey666666666 (April 3, 2024 21:40:21)

100+ posts

Official [scratchblocks] Testing Topic 9

make the blocks:

for each [shared v] project by [] {

} :: cap :: // This block had a string input meant to hold the username of a Scratch user. It also had a drop-down menu with two possible arguments: Shared, which loops the code inside the block once for every project that the inputted user has shared Favorited, which loops the code once for every project that the inputted user has favorited

[title v] of project :: reporter // — This block had five possible arguments, and could return the title, description, number of love-its, number of favorites, or number of comments associated with the project currently selected by the loop block.

# of [Motion v] [move %n steps in project v] :: reporter // — This block reported how many of a specific block was used in the selected project. It could select blocks from the Motion, Looks, Sound, Pen, Data, List, Events, Control, Sensing, and Operators categories (all of the categories of Scratch 2.0 except for More Blocks).

project uses blocks in [Motion v]? :: boolean // — This block was a boolean that returned true if the selected project used at least one block from the selected category, or false otherwise.

for each Scratcher [following v] [] {

} :: cap // This block would loop through the code that it contained one time for each Scratcher either following or followed by the chosen user, depending on which input was selected in the drop-down menu.

[username v] of Scratcher :: reporter //— This block could report the username, country, or "About me" of the user selected in the current iteration of the For Each Scratcher () () block. The block was originally called
[username v] of user :: reporter //, but "user" was changed to "Scratcher" after there was some confusion about the correct usage of the block, and some Scratchers tried to use the block outside of the loop to get the username of the user viewing the project (which the block did not support). This block was then released with the username block.

total # of projects on Scratch :: reporter

total # of users on Scratch :: reporter

total # of comments on Scratch :: reporter
These blocks returned, respectively, the total number of projects, users, and comments on Scratch.

and the:

Play Note () for () Seconds

Color FX Test () :: looks

User ID :: sensing

Hide All Sprites :: looks

Forever If <> :: control

Scratch Days :: reporter sensing

Show Monitor [variable v] :: variables

Hide Monitor [variable v] :: variables

Loud? :: sensing

scroll right (10) :: motion
scroll up (10) :: motion
align scene [middle v] :: motion
x scroll :: reporter sensing
y scroll :: reporter sensing

All at Once {

} :: control

Stop All @stopSign :: cap control

Stop Script :: control

Stamp Transparent () :: pen

[say v] [] :: stack looks

[say v] [] for () Secs :: looks

Set Text [] :: looks

Set Font [plain v] Color [#000000] :: looks

Sense Color 1 [#000000] :: looks
Sense Color 2 [#000000] :: looks
Sense Color 3 [#000000] :: looks
Sense Color 4 [#000000] :: looks
Sense Color 5 [#000000] :: looks
Sense Color 6 [#000000] :: looks

Set Thresholds Hue () Sat () Bri () :: looks

Create Clone :: control

Note On () Vel () Chan () :: sound
Note Off () Chan () :: sound
Pitch Bend () Chan () :: sound
Set Controller () to () Chan () :: sound
Set Instrument to () Chan () :: sound
Turn All Notes Off :: sound
Use Java Synthesizer <> :: sound

start movie :: sound
stop movie :: sound
change seconds by (1) :: sound
set seconds to (0) :: sound
change zoom by (10) :: sound
set zoom to (100)% :: sound
change horiz. pan by (10) :: sound
set horiz. pan to (0) :: sound
change vert. pan by (10) :: sound
set vert. pan to (0) :: sound
change fade by (-10) :: sound
set fade to (100) % :: sound
set fade color to [#00FF00] :: sound

camera motion :: reporter sensing
camera direction :: reporter sensing
camera relative x :: reporter sensing
camera relative y :: reporter sensing
camera absolute x :: reporter sensing
camera absolute y :: reporter sensing
track motion :: sensing
track color :: sensing
auto calibrate red :: sensing

abs () :: reporter operators

When <> Is True :: control hat

Change Costume by () :: looks

Change Background by () :: looks

Beep :: sound

Say Nothing :: looks

Point Away From Edge :: motion

sqrt () :: reporter operators

Set Stretch to ()% :: looks

Change Stretch by () :: looks

and the:
[ v] received? :: events boolean

draw [circle v] with perimeter (100) :: pen

stop [all and press green flag v]

repeat (1) seconds {

} :: control

spawn {

} :: control

clone? :: control boolean

change by x: () y: () :: motion

glide () secs by x: () y: () :: motion

glide () secs () steps :: motion

point towards x: () y: () :: motion

distance to x: () y: () :: sensing reporter

stop ask :: sensing

ask in progress? :: sensing boolean

sprite clicked? :: sensing boolean

show all sprites :: looks

previous costume :: looks

previous backdrop :: looks

() ^ () :: reporter operators

true :: boolean operators

false :: boolean operators

[] ≠ [] :: operators boolean

[] ≥ [] :: boolean operators

[] ≤ [] :: operators boolean

if <> then [] else [] :: reporter operators

letters [] through [] of [] :: reporter operators

digit () of () :: reporter operators

round () to the nearest () :: operators reporter

[ v] effect :: looks reporter

sound ( v) playing? :: boolean sound

play sound ( v) for (1) beats :: sound

instrument :: reporter music

change item (1) of [ v] by (1) :: list

if <> forever {

} :: control

when @stopSign clicked :: hat events

<> xor <> :: boolean operators

[] is a number? :: boolean operators

shown? :: boolean looks

stop [all scripts in this sprite v]

hide all variables :: variables

<⌐■_■ :: sensing> // This is Sam! He will protect me if any kumquats try to eat my siggy.

when gf clicked
if <<kumquat?:: #ff8c00> = <near:: sensing>> then
Get rid of all kumquats in the universe :: custom stack

Guard housing <っ◕‿◕っ::sensing> <⌐■ᴗ■::sensing> <'__'::sensing> <◕–◕::sensing> :: custom stack
100+ posts

Official [scratchblocks] Testing Topic 9

My browser / operating system: MacOS Macintosh X 10.15.7, Safari 17.3.1, No Flash version detectedMy browser / operating system: MacOS Macintosh X 10.15.7, Safari 17.3.1, No Flash version detected
when I seeMy browser / operating system: MacOS Macintosh X 10.15.7, Safari 17.3.1, No Flash version detected :: operators hat
Play and code to try out a new game! :: loop
Ended the game and try to play another :: sensing cap

this is ‘letter U’
This letter protects me from kumquats
1000+ posts

Official [scratchblocks] Testing Topic 9

champion_ofcloud-var wrote:

quote this lol
do [thing] :: motion

press shift+down arrow to scroll my signature after selecting it
Tileblock suggestion forum
Former suggestion forum
Super Scratch Clicker l suggestion forum
Minecraft modding (i need help)
Igtbox Gpt trailers
Scratchblocks status and my status:
Youtube status: Making Hyperspeed X you can watch me make it on youtube by searching igtnathan
Scratchblocks :: control hat
Testing topic 9 :: pen cap
when someone views my signature :: control hat :: #32CD32
if <a link is clicked :: #008000> then :: #00CED1
say [thanks for clicking one of my links] :: #32CD00 :: cap
say [please click one of my links] :: #32CD00 :: cap
`⬇ scroll down a bit more ⬇` :: control cap :: #00CED1

when I join scratch :: control hat :: #32CD32
eat :: motion
sleep :: #FFB000
code :: pen
}repeat @loopArrow ::control :: #00CED1
100+ posts

Official [scratchblocks] Testing Topic 9

what i would like in scratch:
() ^ () :: operators reporter

exponentiation is the act of multiplying a number by itself an amount of times (aka a^b where you multiply a by itself b times, so lets say a is 2 and b is 4 so 2^4 = 2*2*2*2 = 4*4 = 16 so 2^4 = 16)

if <e:: sensing> then{
ask for [$ v] (5) and wait:: #59c059
when gf clicked
}:: control

>o\( :: motion boolean // border control

ocular: https://ocular.jeffalo.net/user/theapplesguy2-1
fandom: https://adventures-of.fandom.com/wiki/Adventures_Of_Wiki
9 posts

Official [scratchblocks] Testing Topic 9

play sound [ 15]
500+ posts

Official [scratchblocks] Testing Topic 9

igtnathan5 wrote:

champion_ofcloud-var wrote:

quote this lol
do [thing] :: motion

when green flag clicked
save FSR (Fat Sand Rat)
destroy (baby nova)
switch costume to [happy :) v]

define save FSR (fsr)
point towards [fat sand rat v]
go to [fat sand rat v]
go to [safe spot/ship v]

define destroy (enemy)
switch costume to (join [destroying ] [(enemy)
1000+ posts

Official [scratchblocks] Testing Topic 9

champion_ofcloud-var wrote:

igtnathan5 wrote:

champion_ofcloud-var wrote:

quote this lol
do [thing] :: motion

press shift+down arrow to scroll my signature after selecting it
Tileblock suggestion forum
Former suggestion forum
Super Scratch Clicker l suggestion forum
Minecraft modding (i need help)
Igtbox Gpt trailers
Scratchblocks status and my status:
Youtube status: Making Hyperspeed X you can watch me make it on youtube by searching igtnathan
Scratchblocks :: control hat
Testing topic 9 :: pen cap
when someone views my signature :: control hat :: #32CD32
if <a link is clicked :: #008000> then :: #00CED1
say [thanks for clicking one of my links] :: #32CD00 :: cap
say [please click one of my links] :: #32CD00 :: cap
`⬇ scroll down a bit more ⬇` :: control cap :: #00CED1

when I join scratch :: control hat :: #32CD32
eat :: motion
sleep :: #FFB000
code :: pen
}repeat @loopArrow ::control :: #00CED1
500+ posts

Official [scratchblocks] Testing Topic 9

igtnathan5 wrote:

champion_ofcloud-var wrote:

igtnathan5 wrote:

champion_ofcloud-var wrote:

quote this lol
do [thing] :: motion

when green flag clicked
save FSR (Fat Sand Rat)
destroy (baby nova)
switch costume to [happy :) v]

define save FSR (fsr)
point towards [fat sand rat v]
go to [fat sand rat v]
go to [safe spot/ship v]

define destroy (enemy)
switch costume to (join [destroying ] [(enemy)
6 posts

Official [scratchblocks] Testing Topic 9

testing my signiture

move () steps

Highlight -this- text and press ctrl+shift+down arrow if you can't scroll.

Ocular: https://ocular.jeffalo.net/user/_MAR1O_
Old Ocular https://ocular.jeffalo.net/user/Yokoanddini1

ScratchStats: https://scratchstats.com/_MAR1O_
Old ScratchStats https://scratchstats.com/Yokoanddini1

I'm a Pisces. ♓
Originally @Yokoanddini1 but hated the username. Check it for my old projects/games.

What splatoon idol am I?

(pretty accurate)
6 posts

Official [scratchblocks] Testing Topic 9

testing my signiture


Highlight -this- text and press ctrl+shift+down arrow if you can't scroll.

Ocular: https://ocular.jeffalo.net/user/_MAR1O_
Old Ocular https://ocular.jeffalo.net/user/Yokoanddini1

ScratchStats: https://scratchstats.com/_MAR1O_
Old ScratchStats https://scratchstats.com/Yokoanddini1

I'm a Pisces. ♓
Originally @Yokoanddini1 but hated the username. Check it for my old projects/games.

What splatoon idol am I?

(pretty accurate)
100+ posts

Official [scratchblocks] Testing Topic 9

_MAR1O_ wrote:

testing my signiture

move () steps
oooo ocular

if <e:: sensing> then{
ask for [$ v] (5) and wait:: #59c059
when gf clicked
}:: control

>o\( :: motion boolean // border control

ocular: https://ocular.jeffalo.net/user/theapplesguy2-1
fandom: https://adventures-of.fandom.com/wiki/Adventures_Of_Wiki
12 posts

Official [scratchblocks] Testing Topic 9

when green flag clicked
change size by (((size) + (<touching [mousepointer v] ?> * (50))) / (3))

a really easy code to use in your game


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