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Chloe's CJP Files (May 2023)

Hello! I'm Chloe or Phoenix! Here is my Files for this Session!

Word Goal: Ummmm I forgot….
Birthday: May 6th

May 1st Introductions


Last edited by smartypantschlo (May 1, 2023 19:51:28)

Chloe/Phoenix ~ Camper ~ Musician ~ Artist ~ Writer ~ Ranger's Apprentice Fan ~ Christian ~ So Much More

100+ posts

Chloe's CJP Files (May 2023)

Daily 1:
Prompt: Welcome to the very first session of CJP! We're really excited for this session–and we hope you are too! The first daily will be introducing yourself to the main cabin–your scratch nickname, your favorite frog, and what you're most excited about this session!
And a reminder that you can't start counting words until it hits may in your timezone! (and no, that doesn't mean stay up till 12–)

The current daily is worth 0 points and changes at 12:00am UTC

Hello! I'm Chloe or Phoenix! My favorite frog is….ummmm idk, maybe a Poison Dart Frog. I don't know, maybe making new friends!

Chloe/Phoenix ~ Camper ~ Musician ~ Artist ~ Writer ~ Ranger's Apprentice Fan ~ Christian ~ So Much More

100+ posts

Chloe's CJP Files (May 2023)

Hah, I'm so using this to secretly let Bella and maybe a few others to read this HAHAHAHA
If you are reading this, please don't post in this thread. Please comment on my profile with your opinions on this.

Alpha Reader: Kaitlyn (She doesn't really get a choice, I've shoved the book in her face multiple times
Beta Readers: Donnie, Bella, Millie
(Alpha/Beta readers might be altered/added to over time)
Official Editor: Donnie
(But any of you, yell at me for spelling errors and such)

So I need names for the series and the individual books, starting with book 1.

Ideas for Series:
The Chloe Chronicles (Heh, TCC)
Chloe Chronicles
Phoenix's Fire

Ideas for Book 1:
Up from the Ashes
The Spark Ignites

Give me ya'll Ideas
Table of Contence
Book 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Current Facts:
Book I'm on: 1
Chapter In Progress: 10
Last Chapter Finished: 9
Last Chapter Typed: 9
Current Thoughts: "I'll make character art soon, I promise. I'm doing this thing called Procrastination"

Last edited by smartypantschlo (Oct. 26, 2023 03:02:01)

Chloe/Phoenix ~ Camper ~ Musician ~ Artist ~ Writer ~ Ranger's Apprentice Fan ~ Christian ~ So Much More

100+ posts

Chloe's CJP Files (May 2023)

Prologue, Book 1
“Congratulations!” the nurse said, “It’s a girl! And she has her daddy’s fire!”
Fire, the leader of the Magkoaian Fire Tribe grinned, taking his firstborn child for the first time. On the newborn’s right hand, a flame marked her skin, matching her fathers. Fire glanced at his wife Storm, smiling. Storm was also smiling. “What should we name her?” Storm asked.
“How about… Phoenix?” Fire asked, “After the fiery bird in our Mythology? The one reborn from the ashes?”
Storm nodded. “Yes. Our little firebird will have to rise from the ashes countless times to lead our tribe. Escpellay with the troubles with the other tribes and the humans.”
Fire nodded. “Phoenix it is.”

Phoenix was asleep in her crib, only a few hours old. Suddenly, the door to the quiet room creaked open. The girl stirred, but did not wake. A person, clad in black, grinned under his mask. Picking Phoenix up, careful not to wake her, he quickly escaped the dark room, using a small device to teleport himself, and Phoenix, away.

Chloe/Phoenix ~ Camper ~ Musician ~ Artist ~ Writer ~ Ranger's Apprentice Fan ~ Christian ~ So Much More

100+ posts

Chloe's CJP Files (May 2023)

Chapter 1, Book 1
“The Magkoaian species is a normally peaceful, but still dangerous specices. They are much like humans, with several big differences. One is…” the teacher droned on.
Chloe listened, until she felt a jab at her shoulder. She looked behind her, seeing her best friend Bella slidding her a not. She took it, reading it. ‘Why do we have to learn about this? It’s so boring.’ the note read. Chloe shrugged back at her. She didn’t mind learning about this interesting species.
She tuned back into the teacher’s lecture, “Finally, most Magkoas have a power mark on their right hand. These power marks indicate what power this Magkoa has or if there is no power mark, they are powerless. There are a small number of power marks as well as tribes and…”
The teacher paused as the bell rang to signal the end of the day. “I’ll tell you more about them tomorrow, have a good rest of the day, class!”
Chloe rose, gathering her stuff, quickly shoving it into her bag, slinging the bag over her shoulder while following her class. The hallway was soon filled with elementary school kids, each trying to get to their own transportation location. Chloe caught up will Bella, as they walked outside to the buses. The buses, lined up in three columns of five, transported most of the kids who lived in the small town/rural school district of Oakvine R-IV. She said her goodbyes to Bella, before heading down the far line of buses to bus 1. She slipped quietly between the mix of elementary, middle and high school students all trying to get to their bus. She soon mounted the stairs to her bus, greeting her bus driver Mr. Sparkman, before finding her seat in the front middle. “Elementary in the front, middle school in the middle, high school in the back,” came the ever repeated mantra of the bus driver.
Chloe, as a 3rd grader, was just two years from “graduating” to the middle. Still, she could sit a little father back then the kindergateners. Not that Chloe cared. All she wanted was to be left alone during the 30 minute ride home so she could read. So she could continue her peaceful life in her peaceful world. But that was all about to change.

Chloe/Phoenix ~ Camper ~ Musician ~ Artist ~ Writer ~ Ranger's Apprentice Fan ~ Christian ~ So Much More

100+ posts

Chloe's CJP Files (May 2023)

Chapter 2, Book 1
Later that day, Chloe was downstairs in her basement. Most of the basement was finished, the main “U-Shaped area” outfitted with a TV, couch, legos galore, and other toys. Also in the basement was a bathroom, Chloe, room, and an unfinished part holding her family’s laundry and workout areas. Chloe was in her room, which she shared with one of her sisters Nevaeh. She had three sisters and one brother, all younger then her. Chloe was hiding in her room from all this chaos, reading. Reading was one of the few escapes Chloe had from her crazy life, and so, she was a constant bookworm. Currently, she was reading about the Magkoaian species, having sparked her curiosity during school. It was near the end of the school year, something Chloe dreaded. While most kids were anxiously counting down the days until school ended, Chloe wished time would slow down. Not because she was crazy in love with school, though she did like it more then the average kid. It was actually because she would miss the ample time to read school would give her.
Chloe’s eyes quickly darted across the pages of her book, taking in every word. Soon, she heard a sharp knock at the door. “Who is it?” she called, wondering if it was one of her sisters playing a joke on her.
No reply. “Neveah! Leave me alone!” she groaned, before going back to her book. Chloe was distracted, however, by the sound of her door slowly creaking open. Chloe roses, anger filling her hazel eyes, now a dark green color. “Nevaeh! Go away!”
she shouted, going to shut the door.
But when she looked at the doorway, she saw three men clad in black. “Who are you?” she asked, now completely confused, “Wait, are you robbing us?” she asked, her brain instantly running through a million different scenarios.
“No,” one started, before lunging at Chloe, grabbing her, causing her to drop her book.
“Let me go!” she shouted, struggling.
“Shush,” the man said, covering her mouth with a cloth to stop her screams. The man then lifted a strange dive, pressing a button, teleporting them, and Chloe away, leaving the room empty for everything but the fallen book.

Last edited by smartypantschlo (Sept. 2, 2023 03:05:34)

Chloe/Phoenix ~ Camper ~ Musician ~ Artist ~ Writer ~ Ranger's Apprentice Fan ~ Christian ~ So Much More

100+ posts

Chloe's CJP Files (May 2023)

Chapter 3, Book 1
Chloe landed on the floor of the facility, wincing. The three men all landed on their feet. The one who originally grabbed Chloe drug her to her feet. “Move,” he said gruffly, pushing her forward, towards a hallway.
“What do you want with me?” she asked, walking.
“Silence.” he growled
She looked around, eyes filled with fear. The hallway was dark, with concrete floors and dark grey walls. Dark grey metal doors lined the hallway, looming ominously. Soon, they approached at one of the metal doors, opening it, before pushing it open. One of the men shoved Chloe inside, locking it. Chloe looked around the dimly lit room, a little bit stunned at the sudden turn of events. She quickly cleared her thoughts, gathering that she was in a prison cell of sorts. She spun around, testing the locked door, which wouldn’t budge. She sighed, sitting down, losing hope. What did they want with her? Why was she here? What was this place? These questions circulated her thoughts before she eventually drifted into a fitful sleep.

Chloe woke suddenly the door swinging open, barely giving her time to jump out of the way. One of the guys walked in, shutting the door. Chloe studied him. He was completely clad in black clothing. At his belt was a little machine that looked like a small phone, what looked to be a gun, and a few other random trinkets. In his hands was a clipboard and a pen. “Sit down.” the guy ordered.
Chloe sat on the small cot that was in one of the corners of the room. “I’m going to ask you a few questions, you are going to answer them honestly. If I find out you are lying, you will regret it. Understand?”
Chloe nodded, trying not to show the fear that was coursing her entire body. “Good.” the man said, “Let's begin. First, what is your FULL name.”
“Chloe Eleanor Song.”
“Parents names?”
“Erin and John Song.”
At this, the man narrowed his eyes. “Are you sure, Chloe?” he questioned suspiciously.
She panicked. “Yes, I promise!” she said.
He stared at her for a few moments, before making a note on the paper. Then he asked, “Tell me, Chloe. Have you ever been able to do anything… unusual? Inhuman?”
Chloe furrowed her eyebrows. “No…” she said, before quickly adding. “Why am I here? Why are you asking these questions? What do you want with me?” she asked.
“I would advise you to speak only when spoken to, Chloe,” he said her name with an added treat on the end of it. “We are in charge here. Not you. I think we’ve done enough for now.” he ended, going to walk out of the room.
As he exited the room, the phonelike device dropped from his belt after catching on the doorway. After making sure he shut the door, and locked it, Chloe ran over, grabbing the device. She picked it up, studying it closely. It was a little black machine around the size of a small phone. Looking at it, there was a small screen which lit up. There were tons of little digital buttons, all with three-letter abbreviations under them. On the top of the little machine, there was the words: Teleporter Model Number: MK-362. “So this is how they got me here…” she whispered out loud.
Looking again at the device, she began to wonder how she would get home, which of the three letters equaled her family. Finally, she decided to take a risk, clicking the button which read FMK. She disappeared with a flash from the dark cell.

Chloe opened her eyes, her hand firmly clenched around the teleported. She looked around. She was on a hot, sun-swept plains. Trees dotted the golden grasses, and in the distance, she spotted small, snow-capped mountains. She looked down, realizing she was on a stone circle, with a singular orange plack with the same three letters: FMK. “Wow,” Chloe whispered, as if her very voice could shatter the delicate beauty of the plans. She gazed around in awe, taking it all in. She was quickly snapped out of this little daze by the sound of horses. Looking up, she realized five horses with riders were making their way across the plains, heading straight for her. Determining that she wasn’t going to be able to escape this new threat, she slid the teleporter descreatly into the pocket of her hoody. Taking a deep breath, she turned to face the riders, ready to face the new challenge.

Chloe/Phoenix ~ Camper ~ Musician ~ Artist ~ Writer ~ Ranger's Apprentice Fan ~ Christian ~ So Much More

4 posts

Chloe's CJP Files (May 2023)

100+ posts

Chloe's CJP Files (May 2023)

Chapter 4, Book 1
“Who goes there?” the lead rider called, who sat atop a tall white horse. The rider had fiery red hair, emerald green eyes, and wore a uniform which looked both regal and fitting of a warrior.
“Um…Me…Chloe.” Chloe replied, trying to hide how nervous she was.
The rider dismounted, sizing Chloe up. “How did you get here?” he said, watching her closely.
“Well… three people broke into my house. They kidnapped me…then they locked me in a room, then one of them questioned me, and asked me weird questions, but when he left he dropped a device that teleported me here.” she said, before quickly adding, “But I don’t know where it went. I think I dropped it somewhere.” she said, scared that if she was to tell the truth, they would take away her only means of getting home.
The man glanced back at his compianions with a brief look of alarm on his face. “Are you a human, Chloe?” he asked, after a few seconds of silence.
Chloe was confused, “Yes, of course I’m human. Why would you ask such a silly questions? What else could I be?”
The man chuckled. “I’m surprised they don’t teach you about us in your schools.”
Then Chloe noticed an odd mark on the man’s right hand. It was a flame. Then it all clicked, “Wait…are you Magkoaian?” she suddenly asked.
The man nodded. “Yes, I’m Mahkoaian. Guess they do teach you about us in your schools after all.” he said, chuckling.
“It’s technically a forth grade subject.” Chloe started, “But since MAP testing is over, our teacher started teaching it early. But I’ve also read about them…I mean you…” she said, still in shock that she was face to face with a Magkoaian. Then she noticed his confused look. “What?” she asked.
“What is this…MAP testing?” he asked.
“Ohhh…that.” she almost groaned, “It stands for Missouri Assessment Program. It’s this dumb test they make us take. They say it tests the school, but its long and boring…at least I got a lot of time to read after it.”
The man looked amused, “So I assume you are from Missouri.” he stated. “What country is that?”
She nodded, “I’m from Missouri. Its a state in the United States of America. Though I don’t live in a big city, like Saint Louis or Kanais City. I live in a small town, middle of nowhere, about 10 minutes from the Mississippi River.”
“So, does anything happen in this small town of yours?” he asked, sounding genuinely curious.
“Not really. We’re near the New Madrid Fault Line, so we get a few small earthquakes. It’s flat, so we flood everyone once in a while. One time the train that run through the town derailed. Coal was everywhere!” she said. “But no, Not really. Just a boring town. Full of small businesses, farmers, though we do have a Dollar General and a McDonalds.” she finished.
“Well, Chloe.” the man began, “Do you want to see my tribe? It’s the size of some of your human big cities, such as Saint Louis,” he said, giving her a small grin, before continuing, “But we don’t have any skyscrapers or cars. We do have a lot of tech, but we don’t care much for big things or loud noises. Think small town on a large scale. Come on, I’ll let you ride with me, seeing that you don’t have your own horse.” he said.
Chloe smiled, nodding. “Sure!” she said, letting the man help her up onto the horse.
“His name is Blizzard. Fastest horse in the tribe.” he said, beaming, mounting behind Chloe. He took the reigns, he gave an order for the other men to follow, before sending Blizzard into a gallop, heading deeper into the plains, away from the stone circle.

Chloe/Phoenix ~ Camper ~ Musician ~ Artist ~ Writer ~ Ranger's Apprentice Fan ~ Christian ~ So Much More

100+ posts

Chloe's CJP Files (May 2023)

Chapter 5, Book 1
“So,” Chloe started, as they rode, “Who are you? And what tribe are you from?”
The man chuckled. “I’m from the Fire tribe.” he said, “We have quite a fire and light power marks there.” When Chloe looked confused, he explained. “When the tribes were first formed, Fire only had fire and light power marks. Water Tribe had water and ice marks, Air Tribe had air and healing, and Earth Tribe had earth and darkness. We had not made any contact with humans, so we didn’t have any powerless Magkoa because the powerless genes come from humans. Over time, Magkoas have mixed among the tribes and married humans, so Fire Tribe isn’t solely fire and light power marks. In fact, I have fire, my wife is powerless, and my kids are a mix. My oldest son is powerless, the twin girls are water and healing, and my younger son has fire powers,” he said, a moment of sadness filling his gaze.
“That’s nice.” Chloe said, missing the sadness in his gaze, too busy looking around at the sprawling plains in front of them. In the distance, small houses began to appear. “Is that Fire Tribe?” Chloe asked, pointing towards the houses.
Fire nodded. “Yes, that’s the outskirts of it.” he said.
He motioned, and suddenly, the riders behind them urged their horses forward, taking the lead in two columns of two. They rode into the tribe, the ground shifting from dirt to a stone path, causing the horses’ hooves to echo in the town. Soon they reach the center of the tribe. Chloe observed Magkoaian woman wrestling their young children as men discussed business deals. Chloe heard the sounds of negotiations from a long line of market stalls, and laughter coming from a small resturnaut. She saw a ton of horses around, some tied to posts, others paciently waiting for their owners’ to come back. As they rode through the time, most of the people paused, some pointing at the man Chloe was with. The man just dipped his head, riding on. Soon, they left the center, making their way to a stable. The man dismounted, helping Chloe down. At the same moment, the man almost silently whispered a few words to his horse. His horse whined, allowing itself to be lead away. The man turned to Chloe, pointing at a big house just a small distance away. “That’s my house,” he said, “Welcome to my home!” he grinned.
Chloe paused, “Wait,” she started, “First, before we go inside, you have yet to tell me what your name is. I’m not walking into this random guy’s house who has skirted around the question of his name.” she demanded.
The man turned, shrugging. “I guess I would have to tell you adventally. My name is Fire Cosmo Flame. Most people just call me Fire. And I’m the leader of the Magkoaian Fire Tribe.” he said, grinning.

Chloe/Phoenix ~ Camper ~ Musician ~ Artist ~ Writer ~ Ranger's Apprentice Fan ~ Christian ~ So Much More

100+ posts

Chloe's CJP Files (May 2023)

Chapter 6, Book 1
Chloe stared at him in shock. “You’re what? How? Who?” she saud, her thoughts suddenly becoming a jumbled mess.
He just chuckled, waving her on. “Let’s go.”
They walked to the house, and Fire let them in. Chloe looked around in amazement at the ornate home that she was in. Then she noticed something. “So you don’t have guards?” she asked, finding that the house was surprisingly empty for being a leader’s home.
Fire shrugged, “I do, but right now, they are with my family or busy putting away the horses.But I can control fire, which is one of the more powerful power marks. And the Makoaians, for the most part, all live on this island, shielded from human government which seek to hurt us. There is an invisible barrier making the island seem like it’s just another part of the ocean. Only Magkoaians know the exact location of the island. The other tribes rarely mess with us. They are to busy fighting among each other for one thing or another. They are also scared of our fiery spirit.” Fire joked.
Chloe nodded, though she was still a little nervous. “Come on,” Fire said, leading the way. Soon they came to a doorway, which was guarded by two people. They nodded to Fire, letting Chloe and him in. Inside the room was a sandy blond haired lady, with brown hair, and tan skin. She was brushing a young girl’s hair. The girl looked up at Chloe with turquoise blue eyes, pale skin, and long, jet black hair. “I’m home!” Fire said, smiling.
The woman paused, putting the brush down, before taking Fire into a hug. “I missed you honey.” she said, smiling.
“I missed you too.” Fire said. Then when the woman let go, Fire motioned to Chloe. “Ladies, meet Chloe. She’s a human. Chloe, meet my wife, Storm, and one of my daughters, Pool.”
Pool waved at Chloe sheepishly, while Storm smiled at Chloe. “Hello,” Storm said, smiling warmly at Chloe.
“Hi,” Chloe smiled awkwardly.
“So,” Fire started, “Where are the boys? Where is Bird?”
Storm grabbed the brush again, going to finish Pool’s hair. “Panther is out with his mentor, Bird is in her room, working on a painting, and Fox is in the play room.”
Fire nodded. “Sounds good, I’ll go say hi to them after I get Chloe in a guest bedroom.”
“So…” Storm began, “Why is Chloe…here? How did she get here?”
Fire sighed. “Well, she was kidnapped by some people. One of the people dropped a teleporter in her cell, and she must have randomly clicked the Fire Tribe teleport. Though the teleporter has gone missing. We need to find were she lives, though that might take a while. So I figured she could stay here for a bit.” he finished.
Storm sighed. “You could have called ahead.”
“No cell service on the plains, remember?” Fire reminded her.
“I know,” Storm said, “I still don’t know why we haven’t made our own way of communication, instead of reliying on human tech.” she mumbled, just loud enough to be heard.
Fire sighed, as if they had this talk before. “I’m just going to take Chloe to her room,” Fire said, motioning for Chloe to follow him out of the room.
Chloe followed Fire out, waving a goodbye to Pool. They walked down the hallway, before stopping. “Here’s your room.” Fire said.
Chloe thanked him, walking inside. She sat down on the bed. She took out the teleporter, staring at the numerous buttons. She sighed, “How will I ever get home?”

Chloe/Phoenix ~ Camper ~ Musician ~ Artist ~ Writer ~ Ranger's Apprentice Fan ~ Christian ~ So Much More

1 post

Chloe's CJP Files (May 2023)

How do you make stuff like this?
100+ posts

Chloe's CJP Files (May 2023)

Amy_Pond_ wrote:

How do you make stuff like this?
Like what? The story? OR the forum?

Chloe/Phoenix ~ Camper ~ Musician ~ Artist ~ Writer ~ Ranger's Apprentice Fan ~ Christian ~ So Much More

100+ posts

Chloe's CJP Files (May 2023)

Chapter 7, Book 1

Chloe yawned, waking up. She hadn’t even realized she had fallen asleep, but she could see the sun rising outside her window. She found her glasses and the teleporter, hidden in the rumpled sheets. Sliding her glasses on, she put the teleporter in her pocket, before hearing an abrupt knock at the door. “Who is it?” she asked, jumping out of bed, trying to straighten her short, honey blond hair to the best of her ability.
“It’s Pool, Fire’s daughter. We met yesterday. Me and my sister had a few things too big for use to wear, so we are letting you borrow them, so you don’t have to wear the same clothes from yesterday.” she said from through the door.
Chloe walked over, opening the door to let Pool in. Pool smiled at her, peering overtop the small pile of clothes in her hand.
“Here you go!” Pool said, setting the clothes on a small table. “Hopefully, there’s something you like. We’re younger then you, so all of our clothes are small.”
Chloe noticed that Pool herself was wearing a light sundress which was blue, and dark blue books with silver lacings. Silver hair clips held her long black hair in place. Chloe secretly hoped none of clothes she had been given were that fancy. She preferred more laid back, shorts and a t-shirt type clothing. At least of the clothes were ugly, she had her faithful hoody and her tennis shoes to keep her looking semi-like herself.
Pool smiled, “Dad says I have to clean the practice room, but Bird should be here soon to take you to the dining room for breakfast. I’ll see you soon, human girl.” she said, walking out, shutting the door behind her.
“My name is-” Chloe started, but paused, “Nevermind.” she mumbled. She sifted through the pile, finding a shirt and a pair of black pants that looked like they would fit, that she also deemed acceptible. She changed into them, putting her jacket on. Soon, she heard another knock. “One second!” she said, sliding her tennis shoes on, before opening the door. Standing there was a girl, the same age as Pool, just with wavy, fiery red hair. She had Pool’s turquoses blue eyes. Freckles dotted her face, and Chloe noticed on the girl’s right hand, that there was a red cross on top of a bandage, which looked as though it was part of her skin.
“I assume you are Bird.” Chloe said, smiling at her.
Bird nodded, “That I am. Come on, breakfast is almost ready.”
Chloe followed Bird out of the room. They made their way down the hall, before entering a dining room. Inside, Storm was wrestling a small, redheaded toddler, with deep green eyes, trying, and failing, to get the little boy into his high chair. Chloe noticed Fire wasn’t in the room, and neither was Pool. Chloe also noticed a boy, closer to her age, but still a little younger, sitting at the table. He had black hair and brown eyes, and looked as though he was staring off into space, daydreaming.
Storm smiled at Chloe, finally getting the toddler into his seat. “Hey Chloe!” she said, still smiling.
Chloe smiled back. “Good morning Storm.”
Storm waved her hand at the table, “Take a seat. Fire’s making breakfast. He should be in here soon, as well as Pool.”
As Chloe sat in an empty chair, Storm looked around. “Yeah, welcome to our crazy house.” then seeming to remember Chloe was new, “That’s Panther.” she said, indicating the older boy, “And the little rascal I was dealing with is Fox. You’ve already met Bird I see.” she finished. “That’s the family,” she said, though by the look in her eyes, she was hiding something.
Chloe shrugged it off. ‘Let the family keep their secrets,’ she thought to herself, ‘They were nice enough to take me in in the first place.”
Soon, Pool slipped into the room, sitting in between Chloe and Bird. “Hello Chloe! Glad to see the clothes fit!” she said cheerfully, as though this was one big slumber party. Chloe smiled at her, before hearing a noise at the door. Fire came in, holding a plate of beautiful pastries. “Breakfast is served!”

Chloe/Phoenix ~ Camper ~ Musician ~ Artist ~ Writer ~ Ranger's Apprentice Fan ~ Christian ~ So Much More

1 post

Chloe's CJP Files (May 2023)

I found it
1 post

Chloe's CJP Files (May 2023)

This is awesome! I loved what I read!
2 posts

Chloe's CJP Files (May 2023)

how do I do thissssss
100+ posts

Chloe's CJP Files (May 2023)

Chapter 8, Book 1

Breakfast was very sweet and consisted of small talk and sounds of appreciation for the food. Once everyone was finished, Fire rose from the table. “Chloe, I have a team looking for your town, but Missouri’s pretty big, so it’s hard to find it. However, you shouldn’t be without education during this time. Magkoaian education is different from human education though. We have 4 stages of childhood. When you are 0-6 years old, you stay at home, raised by your parents. If you have a powermark, it is restricted using a special bracelet that only comes off if an adult Magkoa opens it. Most kids don’t accidentally use their powers, as you must know how to draw your power from inside and around you, but we also like keeping our houses from burning down. On your 6th birthday, you get a mentor of the same power mark. During this time, you hone your power, train in stuff such as archery, swordsmanship, basic mimicry, etc., and get your horse. As well as weapons and basic Magkoa skills, you also learn basic fundamentals such as math, history, science, and so on. Once you turn 12, you take a test to prove you’ve passed your apprenticeship. Then you go to a public school, meant to increase your knowledge in Magkoaian skills, learn teamwork, and determine what path you want to follow for your life. Once you turn 14, you go to a trade school specific to the job you want. There you will learn how to do certain jobs in a wider profession so that when you turn 18, you are ready for life.”
Chloe nodded, fascinated by this. He smiled, “I’ve gotten permission from Panther’s mentor, Diamond, for you to train with them. It actually works out well, since they are a powerless match, so you don’t have to worry about power training.” Fire said. “Don’t worry Chloe. We’ll find your home soon,” he added, patting her on the back reassuringly. “Now you’ll need some gear. Normally, I’d trade for some in the marketplace, but I don’t have time for that right now. So, I’m going to let you borrow my old gear, that I used when I was an apprentice. I outgrew all of it, many years ago, as its just training gear, but it’s still in good condition. I will be glad to see it used again.”
He handed Chloe a medium black bag, much like a sports bag. Then he turned to Panther. “Take Chloe to the training grounds, I’ve got to make sure this tribe is running smoothly.” he said, winking at Chloe.
Panter rolled his eyes, “Come on,” he said, leading the way out of the house. Chloe followed, excited for Magkoaian training, excited at the prospect of learning new things. When they exited, they noticed a skinny man waiting there. He had sky blue eyes, and was bald. “Hello Panther,” she said, “Ready for training?

Last edited by smartypantschlo (Oct. 30, 2023 20:54:47)

Chloe/Phoenix ~ Camper ~ Musician ~ Artist ~ Writer ~ Ranger's Apprentice Fan ~ Christian ~ So Much More

100+ posts

Chloe's CJP Files (May 2023)

Chapter 9, Book 1

Panther nodded, not even bothering to introduce Chloe, walking forwards towards his mentor. Chloe stood their awkwardly, unsure of what she should do. Panther seemed dead set on ignoring her and leaving her behind. “Hello,” she said, trying to hide the nervousness in her voice.
Diamond smiled at her, “Oh, hello. I haven’t seen you around before. Who are you?”
“Chloe,” Chloe started, “Fire says I’m going to be training with you and Panther.”
Diamond nodded, “He told me I would have an extra trainee for a while. Nice to meet you, Chloe. I’m Diamond, Panther’s mentor.” he said, taking her hand to shake it. She akwardly recived it, shaking it, before quickly withdrawing her hand. After shaking her hand, Diamond waved them on. “Come on, lets go down to the stables.”
He began walking down a path, leading the way. Chloe followed, ignoring the scowl Panther gave. Soon, they made it to a brown building made of wood. She could hear the sounds of horses. Diamond opened the door. Inside, there were stalls lining the walls. The floor was made of dirt, and cut its way though the medium sized building to a large barn door. The barn door rested at the end of the building, parallel to the door they were going through, which Chloe noted was exactly the same as the barn door. The walls were wood planks and dotted with small, square windows. Each stall had a name card on it, and a horse standing inside it. The horses looked like normal horses, besides their markings. Each horse their own distinct markings. One horse was speckled, like as, on its white fur. Another had odd looking spots all over them. Some horses looked more like human horses then other, but it was clear they were all a breed of their own.
Chloe looked at the horses in awe, amazed by this breed. Then she heard a small voice in her head. “Pick me,” the voice said.
She looked at Panther, “What did you say?” she asked, confused. He gave her a weird look while saddling the ash flecked horse. “I didn’t say anything.”
She shrugged, still very confused. Diamond had just finished saddling his horse, a striped one, looking almost like a zebra, but light grey stripes instead of white. “Since you don’t have a horse, Chloe, we’ll just assign you to one of our horses in training, who still don’t have a rider. It won’t be the same, as you won’t form the bond, but it will work,” he said, smiling at Chloe.
Chloe gave a small smile back, before looking at the horses. She walked down the row, looking at each nametag, each horse. Then she heard the voice again. “Pick me!
Chloe spun around, in the direction of the sound, and saw a brown horse with white spots, and a golden sun on its forehead. It had amber eyes and was young compared to some of the other horses. She walked closer to the horse. The name tag on its stall read: Sunlight, female, unbonded. She looked Sunlight in the eyes and could swear the horse was daring her to come closer.
“Hello?” Chloe whispered, almost silently.
“What’s your name?” Sunlight seemingly asked.
“Chloe,” she replied, still whispering.
“Chloe…I like it!” I like you! Do you want to ride me?” Sunlight said joyfully, leaping around a bit in her stall.
Before she could reply, she felt a touch on her shoulder. Looking up, she saw it was Diamond. “I see you like Sunlight. She’s pretty.” he said, chuckling, “I always liked the sun. It’s unusual. Though all Magkoaian horses are unique, so at the same time, it’s normal.” he said, laughing at his own joke. “Do you want to ride her? She’s unbonded, open.”
Chloe nodded. “Yes! I would love to!”
He smiled, opening the door to saddle Sunlight up. “Yay!” Sunlight cheered.
“Whoa, she’s excited.” Diamond laughed.
Chloe paused. “Diamond, I have a question. I know Magkoas can understand animals and speak their language. Does this mean you can understand these horses?”
Diamond thought, before answering. “Yes and no. This breed of horse can choose who they want to want to talk to. They can all understand us. But they also have this special horse language we can’t understand for some reason. However, these horses can talk to us if they want. The biggest difference between these horses and human horses is our bond. When a horse chooses a Magkoa, they bond with their owner. This means they are no longer restricted to just talking, in whatever language they choose. They can mentally communicate, telepathically. This makes a Magkoa and a bonded horse one of the strongest pairs in battle, because they don’t even have to talk to understand what they need to do.”
Chloe looked back at Sunlight, and watched as the horse winked at her. “I think this means we bonded,” the voice came again, this time in her head like the first few times she talked.
Chloe smiled at Sunlight, realizing she had her very own horse to ride. She was slowly learning more about the Magkoa every minute she spent here and this was boosted by actually getting to experience their culture. As she mounted Sunlight, she was overwhelmed with excitement at the future.

Chloe/Phoenix ~ Camper ~ Musician ~ Artist ~ Writer ~ Ranger's Apprentice Fan ~ Christian ~ So Much More

100+ posts

Chloe's CJP Files (May 2023)

Chapter 10, Book 1

The trio rode out towards the plains. While they were riding, Diamond began to discuss some various Magkoa skills they would learn. “We are going to start with archery today. Most Magkoas are average archers, with some of the best able to hit almost every target they have. We, of course, will just be shooting stationary targets, but over time, you should both improve,” he said.
Chloe and Panther nodded in understanding. After a few more minutes, Diamond stopped his horse and dismounted. “Here we are, the training grounds. We have a few of these scattered throughout the tribelands,” he told Chloe.
Chloe dismounted Sunny, smiling at her, before grabbing her equipment out of the saddlebag. Included in the black bag was a small bow, a quiver full of arrows, a small sword, a small knife, and a small first aid kit. Chloe grinned seeing them, grabbing the bow and the quiver, and quickly throwing the quiver over her shoulder.
Chloe ran over to where Panther and Diamond were getting their stuff ready. Once she came over, Diamond turned to address his two trainees. “So Panther already knows a little bit about shooting, but it never hurts to do a quick review. So here’s how you properly shoot a bow,” he said, moving to stand in front of one of the targets.
“First you turn your body, so that you’re facing sideways,” he said, demonstrating. “Then you need to hold the wood with your left hand, nock the arrow with the odd feather out, and draw the string back to where the end of the arrow is next to the far corner of your lip. You should have two fingers underneath the arrow, pulling the string back. Then you release,” he said, releasing the arrow, which landed with a THUD near the bullseye of the target.
“Wow,” Chloe breathed, in awe.
“A couple rules. First, always shoot with closed toe shoes. Not normally an issue, as most Magkoa like boots or tennis shoes, but we do have a few Magkoa which came from the human world that like to wear shoes that expose their toes. Second rule: NEVER SHOOT YOUR BOW WITHOUT AN ARROW. I can not stress this enough. This tears up the bowstring and causes repairs which need to be made. Three, always wear an arm guard. This will prevent the bow string from recoiling and hurting you. Four: unless we are at war, never shoot at another person. War is the one exeption. That’s all, I would like to see you two practice now.”
Chloe grinned, getting ready to shoot. She grabbed an arrow, nocked it, drew back the bowsting and shot. The arrow flew through the air and went… straight into the ground. She frowned to herself for a moment, a bit disappointed. She then felt Diamond pat her shoulder. “Don’t worry, you’ll get it eventually. I would adjust your stance slightly, like this,” he said, showing her how to correct it. She smiled, then went back to practicing. She was going to get this eventually.

Chloe/Phoenix ~ Camper ~ Musician ~ Artist ~ Writer ~ Ranger's Apprentice Fan ~ Christian ~ So Much More

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