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Oh yeah, I haven't written my part either, but I'll definitely work on it today and/or tomorrow. ☺️

Pinks, they/he/she
1000+ posts

planning forum <3

okay! it’s not terribly urgent so don’t stress or anything, but do get it done as soon as you can so we have time to set the studio up and propose it before April begins :D

❝ I'm Soki, co-leader of Non-Fi, and I am burdened with vacuums and ice cream❞
500+ posts

planning forum <3

for “what is autism”, 2 options:

(1) newly written explanation
Autism is a neuro-developmental disability, which means an autistic person's brain works differently from how a non-autistic (allistic) brain would. Autistic people process social interaction, details, our senses… pretty much everything, differently.
Autism is lifelong, genetic, and a natural part of human neurodiversity. About 1 in 50 people are autistic, so you probably know someone who's autistic!

Every autistic person is unique, that's why autism is called a spectrum. Autism doesn't come in amounts or severities, but we each display different traits which can fluctuate depending on the time and situation. Due to this, our strengths and challenges can be different from what you'd expect.

Autistic people are a neuro-minority, and there are a lot of misconceptions about us: so it's important that people should understand autism correctly, and learn how to help accommodate our needs better. That's what autism awareness/acceptance month is for!
plus (optionally)
Some facts about autism:
- People of all genders, races and ethnicities can be autistic.
- Autism is genetic, meaning it runs in families.
- You're autistic from birth, and you stay autistic your whole life.
- Not everyone is “a little bit autistic”, you either are autistic or you aren't.
- Autism is a disability, and that's ok.
- Autism is not inherently good or bad.
- Autism cannot be “cured”, and it's not an illness anyway.
- Rather than a line from mild to severe, the autism spectrum actually looks more like a colour wheel made up of different traits.
- Autism commonly co-occurs with other neurotypes like ADHD and OCD (but they're not the same thing).

(2) the explanation I always use when explaining autism to people
Autism is a disability that means your brain is wired differently. It lasts your whole life and can't be treated like an illness, but it's not an illness in the first place, it's not really a bad thing. You're autistic before you're born, and it's part of who you are. Autism is part of neurodiversity (diversity of how your brain works) and it's natural, like skin tone or being left handed.

Autistic people process communication, socialising, thinking patterns, detail, and senses differently, which is difficult because non-autistic people don't see things the same way we do so are less likely to understand and care about our needs. Autistic people are all different, but there's no such thing as more autistic or less autistic.

either is fine by me.
I can change or rewrite anything you think should be changed (I could make a shorter version if needed). I want it to be as good as possible because it's important to me how people look at autism.

Last edited by -Squiggle (March 27, 2023 18:15:46)

I have a studio for new/hesitant forum users https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/34049909/
Squi (she/they)
1000+ posts

planning forum <3

i think the newer version is better, i find it a little easier to understand.

could we add “autism is not something that everyone has,” and maybe “autism isn’t something that can be cured” to the list of facts?

❝ I'm Soki, co-leader of Non-Fi, and I am burdened with vacuums and ice cream❞
500+ posts

planning forum <3

sure, ok

I have a studio for new/hesitant forum users https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/34049909/
Squi (she/they)
23 posts

planning forum <3

Ok, here's my part:

Autism Awareness Month was started by the Autism Society in the 1970s, to raise public awareness and educate people about Autism. Every April, we celebrate Autism Awareness month for those reasons.
Autism Acceptance Month was a different name for this, proposed by some autistics activists. The idea of acceptance was to move away from some of the harmful ideas that came along with awareness. Some people thought the world is already aware of autism, now what we need is for the world to accept us for who we are.
But overall, we celebrate Autism Awareness/Acceptance Month because it's necessary. Both awareness and acceptance are needed right now, they work together. There is still a lot of hate towards autistic people, high rates of bullying, and discrimination against us. That's why we have this month to educate people about autism and the issues autistic people face. You can wear red on April 2nd (Autism Awareness/Acceptance Day) to show your support for autistic people.

You can make any changes or shorten it if you need to.

Pinks, they/he/she
1000+ posts

planning forum <3

thanks everyone any updates on a/the thumbnail?

❝ I'm Soki, co-leader of Non-Fi, and I am burdened with vacuums and ice cream❞
23 posts

planning forum <3

What do you want the thumbnail to look like? I want to make it, I'm just not sure exactly what words to put on it or what you're imagining it as.

Pinks, they/he/she
1000+ posts

planning forum <3

I don't really have an idea for what it should look like. Generally just the title of the studio, and red and gold colours like we discussed earlier? Other than that, you're the artist so it's up to you

❝ I'm Soki, co-leader of Non-Fi, and I am burdened with vacuums and ice cream❞
1000+ posts

planning forum <3

also the description is already very close to being too long. maybe removing the facts about autism and the manager bios would shorten it enough?

❝ I'm Soki, co-leader of Non-Fi, and I am burdened with vacuums and ice cream❞
1000+ posts

planning forum <3

or we could remove the credits of who wrote which part

❝ I'm Soki, co-leader of Non-Fi, and I am burdened with vacuums and ice cream❞
35 posts

planning forum <3

How about we limit manager bios to pronouns???

Cody | He / Him
35 posts

planning forum <3

Rey_venclaw wrote:

or we could remove the credits of who wrote which part
That sounds good to me

Cody | He / Him
23 posts

planning forum <3

Ok, yeah that sounds good. ☺️

Pinks, they/he/she
23 posts

planning forum <3

Also to save a bit more space, you can remove the spaces in front of each section of my part. Like the paragraph spaces at the beginning, because they aren't necessary, I just wrote it that way to help myself organize it. There are just three spaces in front of each section.

Pinks, they/he/she
500+ posts

planning forum <3

what I did in my studio was move the manager bios to a project (though now it is a forum post)

you're welcome to tweak or remove any of the words for my section to make it shorter (for example the paragraph I wrote about misconceptions)
you could also remove some or all of the facts about autism, or move it to a project or forum post (I'd be happy to create a project about it)

btw you need to put a space between the slash and the bracket when writing “_guidelines/)” (in the desc) otherwise it makes it part of the link and then the link doesn't work

I have a studio for new/hesitant forum users https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/34049909/
Squi (she/they)
35 posts

planning forum <3

Can anyone add a codeword into the rules?? For some reason I cant change the desc

Cody | He / Him
23 posts

planning forum <3

I finished the thumbnail.

Pinks, they/he/she
23 posts

planning forum <3

It won't let me change the studio thumbnail, so I put it in a project, hopefully that works. I'm not sure because it has to be a size of 500 x 500 or less, which I did make it but idk if when you download it from the project if it'll still be that size. But anyway, here's the project: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/826747123

Pinks, they/he/she
23 posts

planning forum <3

Or if that doesn't work, Soki do you have dis? XD
I don't want to say the actual name because Scratch doesn't like it, but if you have it I can send the correctly sized picture there and you should be able to download it and make it the thumbnail.

Pinks, they/he/she

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