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100+ posts

★ SWC 2023 ★ Donnie´s Weeklies and Dailies Tracker ★

I have no clue what I´m doing, this is my first time doing SWC–
★ About Me
✰ Hello, and welcome to my writing tracker! My name is Donnie (or Emmet), and I go by any pronouns. I've really been wanting to improve my writing, as well as write more, so SWC seemed like the perfect choice. I also got in my favorite genre's cabin; Sci-Fi! I'm really excited since this is my first session. I hope it's a great one!

★ (Bi)Daily
✰ 3/1/23 - Introduction (Welcome to Rockshire)
✰ 3/2/23 - Word Soup (Just a Computer)
✰ 3/3/23 - Not the Protagonist (Morning Glorys) (Daily Finished, Story In Progress)
✰ 3/4/23 - New Environments (Familiar Space) (Daily Finished, Story In Progress)
✰ 3/5/23 - Mythology turned Modern (Late, not counted for points) (In Progress)
✰ 3/6/23 - Blackout Poem (Late, not counted for points) (In Progress)
✰ 3/7/23 - Three-word Story (AKA SWC goes insane)
✰ 3/8/23 to 3/9/23 - Two Lines of Dialogue (In Progress)
✰ 3/10/23 - I forgor ☠
✰ 3/11/23 - I forgor ☠
✰ 3/12/23 - I forgor ☠
✰ 3/14/23 - TBD
✰ 3/15/23 - TBD
✰ 3/16/23 - TBD
✰ 3/17/23 - TBD
✰ 3/18/23 - TBD
✰ 3/19/23 - TBD
✰ 3/20/23 - TBD
✰ 3/21/23 - TBD
✰ 3/22/23 - TBD
✰ 3/23/23 - TBD
✰ 3/25/23 - TBD
✰ 3/26/23 - TBD
✰ 3/27/23 - TBD
✰ 3/28/23 - TBD
✰ 3/29/23 - TBD
✰ 3/30/23 - TBD
✰ 3/31/23 - TBD

★ Weekly
✰ 3/2/23 to 3/9/23 - Timelines (In Progress)

★ Misc. Writing
✰ 3/4/23 - Gift for Chloe (In Progress)

★ Stats
✰ Session: 1st
✰ Cabin: Sci-Fi
✰ Word Per Minute (WPM): 25-40?
✰ Word Goal: 10,000
✰ Words Total: 2,178
✰ Dailies Total: 5
✰ Weeklies Total: 0
✰ Crystals: 12
✰ Word Wars Total: 0
✰ Word Wars Won: 0
✰ Word Wars Lost: 0

Last edited by Mr-Skelecat (March 25, 2023 03:35:19)

∘₊✧───────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.─────────✧₊∘
¨In fair Verona, where we lay our scene…¨
Donnie/Emmet, Any Pronouns <3
Scratcher, Artist, Writer, Game Developer
(Some of) My Friends = Chloe, Bella, Millie, Adro, Ash, Tulip, Pinky, Kitty
About | Alt. Account
SWC ´23 | SHC ´23 | R+J AU

∘₊✧───────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.─────────✧₊∘
100+ posts

★ SWC 2023 ★ Donnie´s Weeklies and Dailies Tracker ★

★ Daily 3.1.23 ★
Prompt: “Bonjour, my fellow writers! Welcome to another era of Starr Wants Cookies - er, Scratch Writing Camp ;) It's introduction day, and in the spirit of creative endeavors, we challenge you to introduce yourself as a book! What genre would you be, what would your cover look like, and what texture would your pages have? Would you be a paperback or hardcover? Do tell.”


You enter the Rockshire Library. It's quite large, being the home of many bookshelves, lounging areas, and even a cafe! You decide to browse the numerous bookshelves, trying to find which story you shall read first. One book piques your interest, and you reach out for it. It's a hard-cover book, the cover being a painting of the galaxy. It's quite beautiful. On the front, there is only a name; “The Psyche of a Starchild.” What an odd name. You shrug, and head to the checkout desk.
Waiting at the desk is a young boy, certainly not an adult. He turns his gaze over to you.
“Oh, Hello! Would you like to check this out?” He asked softly, gesturing towards the book in your hands.
You nod, giving the book over to the boy. He smiles before looking at the computer placed on the desk. He paused.
“Oh, are you new?” He looked towards you, already knowing the answer.
“Don't worry, we can get you a library card.” He assured, grabbing a sheet of paper and placing it before you.
“You just need to fill this out, okay?”
You and the boy stand there as you two go through the entire process. He finally hands you the book, smiling.
“Thanks for checking this one out, it's a good one. It will be due in a month and a half. The 21st of April, to be exact.” He said before you turned away to leave.
“Have a nice day!” You hear from behind you, causing you to also smile slightly.
You arrive at your home, immediately being greeted by your cat. You make yourself a nice, warm cup of tea. You sit down on a seat, your cat jumping up and curling up beside you. You finally open the book and start reading.
“The Psyche of a Starchild” is a story about a teenage boy named Louis. He is known as shy, or nervous by many, though he's more welcoming to his friends, one of his only friends being a girl named Charlotte. Louis dreams to go to space, to be among the stars and planets. However, this is easier said than done. His shyness and insecurities seem to be one of the many things holding him back. He tries not to think of the possibility of his dreams not coming true; he attempts to think on the bright side. Louis loves both math and science, almost enthusiastic about the two subjects. He also happens to be very interested in space. Planets, moons, and other bodies in specific. His favorite planet is Mars, and his favorite moon is Phobos. What makes this ironic is that unbeknownst to him, his mother is a martian. Mrs. Delta Armstrong, the wife of Jackson Armstrong and mother of Louis Armstrong, is an alien. However, Jackson is a human. The two try to keep this secret from Louis since the boy already feels like an outcast. They are also concerned that others may dislike him for being a martian-human hybrid. Louis may feel lonely, but he knows that he has his family, Charlotte, and his beloved cat, Sally.
This novel had information on Louis's life, memories, and thoughts. There were mainly kind and warm-hearted moments, some sadder times being placed throughout the book. You slowly were able to learn more and more about Louis. Sometimes, it even felt as if you knew him personally…or if you were him.
You read the final page slowly before pushing the book shut. It was almost a cliffhanger, for you never knew if he achieved his dreams. You had a small feeling that he would, for his determination and his loved ones would guide him. You placed the book on a nearby table before leaning back and closing your eyes. You fell asleep, petting the purring calico in your arms.

“Hey, were there any new customers today?” A girl asked the boy at the checkout desk.
He grinned, “Yeah, actually there was. His name was…uhm..” He paused, looking around.
“Aha!” He shouted as he grabbed a paper, his sudden enthusiasm gaining a laugh from the girl.
“His name is…..Louis Armstrong. I like that name, ‘Louis.’” He said before looking up at the person in front of him.
“But I like the name ‘Misty’ more.” He complimented.
Misty smiled.
“Why, thank you.” She said as she sat by the boy.
“So……that was our 43rd customer, yes?” She asked him.
“You've been counting?”
“You haven't?”
The two stared at each other in silence, before bursting into laughter
“Sorry–Sorry, I think it's 43.” He said in between laughs.
Misty laughed, “Mkay. Thanks, Donnie.”
The two sat there for the remainder of the day, joking and speaking about their plans for the Rockshire Library.


Word Count: 794

Authors Notes: Hello! Thank you so much for reading this, I really appreciate it. I hope to write more about the Rockshire library in the future. Rockshire's name was inspired by Chloe's (@Smartypantschlo) SHC Cabin. Both Charlotte and Misty were also based on Chloe. Louis and Donnie were based off of me. Louis's cat, Sally, was based on my cat.

Last edited by Mr-Skelecat (March 1, 2023 19:32:07)

∘₊✧───────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.─────────✧₊∘
¨In fair Verona, where we lay our scene…¨
Donnie/Emmet, Any Pronouns <3
Scratcher, Artist, Writer, Game Developer
(Some of) My Friends = Chloe, Bella, Millie, Adro, Ash, Tulip, Pinky, Kitty
About | Alt. Account
SWC ´23 | SHC ´23 | R+J AU

∘₊✧───────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.─────────✧₊∘
100+ posts

★ SWC 2023 ★ Donnie´s Weeklies and Dailies Tracker ★

★ Daily 3.2.23 ★
Prompt: “Happy National Soup It Forward Day! What are your favourite things to put in soup? Carrots, mango … pirate ibexes? Today, let's make a different kind of soup - one made of words! Comment five random words that come to mind. Then, claim someone else's five words and write a story using those words as themes. Stir (staurr /j) your writing/soup for about 300 words, and now you have a meal. 200 points will be awarded upon completion, an extra 50 points for sharing your writing, and a daisy from Starr for saying what kind of soup you think SWC would be <3”


My Five Words
Stars, Rocks, Androids, Repaired, Sky

@ArtisticOne111's Five Words
Wimp, Computer, Shy, Folder, Cup

Just a Computer

Gabriel sat at his desk, absolutely exhausted. He didn't even know this was possible. Could a robot get exhausted? Tired? In this state, he wasn't quite sure if he cared. He yawned, turning his gaze to a yellow folder on his desk. On the folder read “CLASSIFIED.” He opened it, leaning forward to read its contents.
The papers informed him of a break-in at the Bennett residence. Thankfully, no one was injured. The identity or the whereabouts of the intruder was still unknown. He flipped through the pages, trying to keep himself awake. He closed the folders with a sign, still making no progress on this mystery. Who was the intruder? Why was it the Bennett's home? Was it targeted or was it random? These questions swirled around in his mind, but he had no answers for any of them. He glanced over at his mug. He didn't drink coffee. Could he even drink coffee? He was always afraid that the liquid would cause him to short-circuit. He only put it there because it made him feel more human.
It was quite silly. He wasn't human, he was aware that he wasn't – and would never be one. However, that didn't stop him. He learned how to fit in with the species. He even went to the point of getting skin grafting over his aluminum panels. He looked just like one of them, but it was an illusion. A lie. He was a liar. They were going to find out eventually. They would know that there had been an imposter, a faker, in their midst. He didn't ask for this, he just wanted to be treated like a human. He wanted equality. That would never happen, though. The robots were seen as inferiors, just computers with bodies. That was all they were, and nothing more.
A voice was able to snap him out of his daze; “Hey, you alright?”
Gabriel turned towards the person, “Uhm….yeah, sorry.”
“How's the case going?” The man asked calmly, “Find anything yet?”
“…No, sorry.” He said, fidgeting with the folder as he spoke.
There was an awkward silence for a few seconds.
“I know that you're new. It'll get better, trust me.” The man said with a smile.
Gabriel nodded, “Thank you.”
“Of course. My name is Jackson, what's yours?” He asked, his hand facing Gabriel.
Gabriel took it, shaking lightly. “…Gabriel.”
“It's nice to meet you, Gabriel,” Jackson said, pulling his hands away.
“Good luck with the case.” He walked off, allowing Gabriel to return to work.
He turned back to his desk and looked back at the folder. He sighed, and opened the folder, giving the mystery another go.

Note: I believe that SWC would be a sweet-tasting soup because everyone here is really nice. :-]


Word Count: 446

Authors Notes: Many thanks to @ArtisticOne111 for the words! I saw the word ‘computer’ and my brain immediately went to ‘robot’. I apologize if this story wasn't as good, but thank you for reading.

Last edited by Mr-Skelecat (March 3, 2023 23:30:00)

∘₊✧───────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.─────────✧₊∘
¨In fair Verona, where we lay our scene…¨
Donnie/Emmet, Any Pronouns <3
Scratcher, Artist, Writer, Game Developer
(Some of) My Friends = Chloe, Bella, Millie, Adro, Ash, Tulip, Pinky, Kitty
About | Alt. Account
SWC ´23 | SHC ´23 | R+J AU

∘₊✧───────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.─────────✧₊∘
100+ posts

★ SWC 2023 ★ Donnie´s Weeklies and Dailies Tracker ★

★ Weekly 3.2.23 - 3.9.23 (In Progress) ★
Prompt: “Hello there, everybody - welcome to the first weekly! This week, we’re going to be focusing on timelines & time travel. We hope you learn the basics of plotting timelines and time travel mechanics through these workshops <3 Huge thanks to the workshop creators and daily team. Let's dive right in!”

Weekly Link for Reference <3


✩ Part One ✩

Event: Donnie tries to make a time machine in his spare time.

#1: Donnie tries to make a time machine in his spare time ➜ It works, unbeknownst to him ➜ Misty finds the machine ➜ Effect ➜ Effect ➜ Effect

#2: Donnie tries to make a time machine in his spare time ➜ It malfunctions, causing the entire Rockshire Library – and everybody inside – to teleport to another timeline ➜ The Rockshire Library is now in the year 4037 ➜ The group splits up in an attempt to find a way out of here ➜ Gabriel meets his future self, Donnie tries to fix the time machine, Misty joins a band ➜ Donnie has to convince the others to go back to their correct timeline.

#3: Donnie tries to make a time machine in his spare time ➜ He tries to demonstrate it to Misty ➜ Donnie accidentally teleports the two to a week ago (where the first introduction daily took place :-D) ➜ Misty & Donnie have to avoid being seen by themselves ➜ Effect ➜ Effect

The Main Event

Donnie walked through the halls of the Rockshire Library, his hands placed in his pockets. Today was his day off, but he needed to work on something. He quickly looked around – to make sure that no one else was there – and went into one of the storage rooms. He closed the door behind him, sighing. He turned around to face a large, portal-like machine. It was made of metal, and there were wires placed throughout the room, connected to the machine. On the right, there was a small console with buttons. He grinned happily, kneeling beside the machine and opening the toolbox he had left next to it. He tinkered and checked the machine, making sure that it was safe. He didn't want any complications or casualties. After an hour…or four, He stood up and took a step back, looking at his creation. He had created a time machine.

(In Progress)

Outcome One

He sighed happily. He walked towards the machine, pressing a few buttons. He then stepped back, as if he expected something to happen. The machine did not respond. Donnie sighed, ‘maybe next time.’ With that, he left the room, disappointed.
A few days later, Misty was walking through the hallways. She had a few boxes in her hands, which were most likely new books– she would have to find a place for them in the library later.

(In Progress)

Outcome Two

He took a deep breath, moving forward. His hands moved to the console on the machine, pressing a few buttons. There was a spark before the portal opened. Donnie looked at it with wide eyes. ‘It actually worked,’ he thought to himself. However, he thought too soon. The power abruptly turned off, leaving him in the dark. He was annoyed, not thinking anything else of it other than it being a power outage.
He walked outside and out into the main library. It was dark, making it difficult to know where he was going. A lantern flickered at the front desk, Misty sitting by it. Misty looked over at Donnie, confused. He shared the same glance. Donnie walked over to her, sitting down by her side.
“What do you think caused this?” she asked.
He shrugged, though he may have had a guess.
Two others emerged from the bookshelves. A boy and a girl. (Personal note: Be more descriptive here, please!)

(In Progress)

Outcome Three

He stood up and took a step back, looking at his creation, for he had created a time machine.

(In Progress)

✩ Part Two ✩

✩ Part Three ✩

✩ Part Four ✩

(In Progress)


Word Count:

Authors Notes: casually panics what am I doing what am i doing
update i am still panicking aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Last edited by Mr-Skelecat (March 6, 2023 13:01:48)

∘₊✧───────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.─────────✧₊∘
¨In fair Verona, where we lay our scene…¨
Donnie/Emmet, Any Pronouns <3
Scratcher, Artist, Writer, Game Developer
(Some of) My Friends = Chloe, Bella, Millie, Adro, Ash, Tulip, Pinky, Kitty
About | Alt. Account
SWC ´23 | SHC ´23 | R+J AU

∘₊✧───────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.─────────✧₊∘
100+ posts

★ SWC 2023 ★ Donnie´s Weeklies and Dailies Tracker ★

★ Daily 3.3.23 ★
Prompt: “We've all heard stories about, and from heroes. But what about the sidekicks, mateys on the sidelines, and tyrants like @Luna-Lovegood-LOL? Write 300 words from the perspective of a narrator who is not the protagonist - either an original story of your own, or a fanfiction. What kind of role do they have in the narrative, and what's their relationship to the protagonist? 300 words for 400 points.”


Morning Glorys

(Content Warning: Character Death)

Lola quickly sprinted away from the Blue Casket. She knew that he was not too far behind her. He wanted something, something that she had. Something that would ruin both Nick Virago’s and Olivia Ofrenda’s careers, something that could get the couple killed. That didn’t stop Lola, though. Maximino needed to know, Lola needed Maximino to know. Perhaps if she informed Max of Olivia cheating on him with his own lawyer, he’d kick them both out. Perhaps he’d even fall in love with her, for her honesty and dedication. Maybe — just maybe — she chose the right guy for once. She grinned just thinking about it.
She decided to focus back on the task at hand. She needed a place to hide the photo, her evidence. She scanned the area, spotting the walls of Maximino’s cat race track. Could she hide it in the photo finish booth? She remembered that Virago was coming after her, so she didn’t have much time to decide. Her heart nearly skipped a beat when she noticed that she would have to return to the Blue Casket in order to reach the race tracks. ‘There has to be another way,’ she told herself in an attempt to calm down. The gate by the docks, she could go there! She raced towards the docks, being met by Captain Velasco. She ignored him, heading straight for the gate. She grasped it, but it didn’t budge.
“It’s locked, if that’s what you’re wondering.” said Velasco, watching her attempt to open the gate.
“Oh,” she took a step back, “I’m sorry, I—“
“Don’t be,” Velasco interrupted, getting up from his chair.
He walked over to the gate, a collection of keys, connected by a singular metal ring, in his hands. He took one of them — a small, metallic key — and unlocked the gate.
He held the gate open for her, taking a step back.
“Here you go.”
She thanked him before running up the stairs. The sound of a gate shutting and being locked could be heard behind her. She knew that would give her time, Virago would have to find another way to get to her. She took a deep breath and began to walk again. It took perhaps a minute or two before she finally reached the Feline Meadow’s race tracks. She looked around, no one was watching her. She ducked into the photo-finishing booth. ‘where to put this, where to…’ she grabbed a photo. It was of Sanspoof, one of the late champions at the race tracks, and Olivia’s personal favorite. ‘Poor Sanspoof,’ she thought as she replaced the photo of Sanspoof with the one she took. She quickly left Feline Meadows, trying not to draw attention to herself. She fidgeted with the photo in her hands as she walked, thinking of what to do next. ‘I should have planned this out,’ she said to herself. She paused for a moment, trying to come up with a quick plan.
‘I could— wait. no, that wouldn’t work,’ she tapped her foot. ‘Wait— wait! I got it!’ She grinned, knowing what she would do. She started heading back to the gate at the port, when she paused at the elevator to the Blue Casket. She could take it that way, Virago probably wouldn’t be there anymore. After all, that is who she thought was following her earlier. Olivia would still be there, of course — it was her establishment. Lola would just keep her distance, that’s all. She entered the small elevator, pressing a button. The doors shut, and before she knew it, she was just outside the Blue Casket. She walked the until she saw a submarine. It looked copper, and it was rusted. She climbed inside, being met by Toto Santos and an unexpected visitor.

(In Progress)


Fandom: Grim Fandango (1998)

Word Count: 627, as of currently

Authors Notes: I haven’t written Fanfiction in such a long time, this feels so odd. Now I want to make an Ao3 account.

Last edited by Mr-Skelecat (March 4, 2023 00:03:46)

∘₊✧───────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.─────────✧₊∘
¨In fair Verona, where we lay our scene…¨
Donnie/Emmet, Any Pronouns <3
Scratcher, Artist, Writer, Game Developer
(Some of) My Friends = Chloe, Bella, Millie, Adro, Ash, Tulip, Pinky, Kitty
About | Alt. Account
SWC ´23 | SHC ´23 | R+J AU

∘₊✧───────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.─────────✧₊∘
100+ posts

★ SWC 2023 ★ Donnie´s Weeklies and Dailies Tracker ★

★ Daily 3.4.23 (In Progress) ★
Prompt: “It's been a few days since SWC started - hope you got the chance to get to know your cabin and give Starr lots of cookies ;D Imagine a character (either one of your own creation, or from a story you like) in your cabin. Would they get along with your cabinmates, or would a messy mango fight ensue? How might their personality react in that environment? Write at least 250 words for 100 points, and share your writing for an extra 50 points.”


Familiar Space

¨Captain!¨ shouted a nearby voice. (Description of Darcy here.)
¨The systems are shutting down! We´re approaching quite fast– I think too fast.¨ He panicked.
Another man raced in, halting when he was by the other boy´s side. He was taller than the man beside him, his dark, black hair was pulled into a short ponytail.
¨What? Darcy, how did this happen?¨ The taller man asked, concerned. His gaze quickly turned to the controls of the starship as he tried to find out what the issue was.
¨I don´t know–¨ Darcy said, trying to calm himself. He was merely a teenager, he wasn´t prepared for this at all, but almost everyone else on the ship was dead. What could he do? Darcy looked at the captain with wide eyes. He looked as if he was on the verge of tears.
¨Are we going to die?¨ The boy asked.
¨No, we´re not going t–¨ were the last few words that Captain Cesar Valentine could get out before everything went black.

Everything felt like a blur as he woke up. His head was killing him– and the almost blinding lights weren´t helping either. Where was he?
¨Cadet? Cadet Valentine?¨ called an unfamiliar voice. He opened his eyes. He was laying on the ground, a woman dressed in a lab coat towering over him. He glared at the woman, extremely confused.
¨Cadet Valentine, you passed out while you were getting up. Are you alright?¨ She asked, her voice calm.
He nodded as he got back onto his feet, his entire body aching. His mind wasn´t quite processing where he was– or who he was either, but he hoped he would find out soon. He saw one a majority of the others heading towards another room.
¨No– No, thank you.¨ He mumbled to the woman before joining the others.

(In Progress)


Word Count: 311, as of currently

Authors Notes: This is of my OC, Cesar Iapetus Valentine :-D

Last edited by Mr-Skelecat (March 4, 2023 19:48:33)

∘₊✧───────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.─────────✧₊∘
¨In fair Verona, where we lay our scene…¨
Donnie/Emmet, Any Pronouns <3
Scratcher, Artist, Writer, Game Developer
(Some of) My Friends = Chloe, Bella, Millie, Adro, Ash, Tulip, Pinky, Kitty
About | Alt. Account
SWC ´23 | SHC ´23 | R+J AU

∘₊✧───────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.─────────✧₊∘
100+ posts

★ SWC 2023 ★ Donnie´s Weeklies and Dailies Tracker ★

★ Misc. Writing 3.4.23 ★
Prompt: “No prompt. This is a gift for my best friend, Chloe (@smartypantschlo)!”


By Donnie, for Chloe <3

It was a quiet night in the gardens.
wordswordswordswordswordswrods hhbbhbhbbhbh i dont know what to put

(In Progress <3)


Word Count: TBD

Authors Notes:

Last edited by Mr-Skelecat (March 10, 2023 18:44:07)

∘₊✧───────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.─────────✧₊∘
¨In fair Verona, where we lay our scene…¨
Donnie/Emmet, Any Pronouns <3
Scratcher, Artist, Writer, Game Developer
(Some of) My Friends = Chloe, Bella, Millie, Adro, Ash, Tulip, Pinky, Kitty
About | Alt. Account
SWC ´23 | SHC ´23 | R+J AU

∘₊✧───────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.─────────✧₊∘
100+ posts

★ SWC 2023 ★ Donnie´s Weeklies and Dailies Tracker ★

★ Daily 3.5.23 ★
Prompt: “Today, our daily focuses on an ex-cabin's genre from a few sessions ago—Mythology! Choose a creature, god, or another character from ancient mythology and write about them interacting with the modern world for at least 300 words—hopefully, it won't make your hands too thor ;) This daily will earn your cabin 300 points, plus an additional 100 for sharing.”

Not Counted for Points <3


(In Progress)


Word Count: TBD

Authors Notes:

Last edited by Mr-Skelecat (March 6, 2023 12:48:56)

∘₊✧───────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.─────────✧₊∘
¨In fair Verona, where we lay our scene…¨
Donnie/Emmet, Any Pronouns <3
Scratcher, Artist, Writer, Game Developer
(Some of) My Friends = Chloe, Bella, Millie, Adro, Ash, Tulip, Pinky, Kitty
About | Alt. Account
SWC ´23 | SHC ´23 | R+J AU

∘₊✧───────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.─────────✧₊∘
100+ posts

★ SWC 2023 ★ Donnie´s Weeklies and Dailies Tracker ★

★ Daily 3.6.23 ★
Prompt: “Today's daily focuses on blackout poetry! Take a short piece of writing of your choice (a page from your favorite book, a longer poem, a short story you wrote, a news article, or anything else you've got!), then select words in the order they're written to create a new blackout poem. Next, write a longer poem or story of at least 150 words based on your blackout poem for 200 points, as well as an additional 50 points for sharing! And if you'd like an extra challenge, try to incorporate all the words in your blackout poem in order.”

Not Counted for Points <3


(In Progress)


Word Count: TBD

Authors Notes:

Last edited by Mr-Skelecat (March 7, 2023 00:25:00)

∘₊✧───────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.─────────✧₊∘
¨In fair Verona, where we lay our scene…¨
Donnie/Emmet, Any Pronouns <3
Scratcher, Artist, Writer, Game Developer
(Some of) My Friends = Chloe, Bella, Millie, Adro, Ash, Tulip, Pinky, Kitty
About | Alt. Account
SWC ´23 | SHC ´23 | R+J AU

∘₊✧───────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.─────────✧₊∘
100+ posts

★ SWC 2023 ★ Donnie´s Weeklies and Dailies Tracker ★

★ Daily 3.7.23 ★
Prompt: “Today, we're back to a classic SWC daily with three-word stories! Just comment three words (such as ”the legendary ibex“) to start off a story, then wait for replies with another three words (such as ”loves eating popcorn“) to continue it! Feel free to contribute to whichever stories you'd like—the only rule is that you can't reply to yourself.”


Mr-Skelecat wrote:

The rouge android


Word Count: 3 ☠

Authors Notes:

Last edited by Mr-Skelecat (March 7, 2023 01:32:31)

∘₊✧───────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.─────────✧₊∘
¨In fair Verona, where we lay our scene…¨
Donnie/Emmet, Any Pronouns <3
Scratcher, Artist, Writer, Game Developer
(Some of) My Friends = Chloe, Bella, Millie, Adro, Ash, Tulip, Pinky, Kitty
About | Alt. Account
SWC ´23 | SHC ´23 | R+J AU

∘₊✧───────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.─────────✧₊∘
100+ posts

★ SWC 2023 ★ Donnie´s Weeklies and Dailies Tracker ★

★ Daily 3.8.23 ★
Prompt: "Welcome to day one of this session’s first bidaily, focused on dialogue! Bidailies are like dailies, but you have two days to finish them. Before beginning, check out this workshop on dialogue by Skye (@strange_skies) ( https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/665944/?page=1#post-7015579 )! Start by posting a line of dialogue in the comments. Then, choose two lines from others’ comments. Write 300 words of an interaction including these two lines and at least 250 words of dialogue for 400 points. Gain an extra 100 points by sharing your story."


My Line
¨You don´t mean that, right?¨

Lines chosen

Dawn´s (@Dawnflower29) Line
“Do you think I should push this big, red, shiny button? …No? Too late, I pressed it!”

Raye´s (@-Raye-) Line
“(pronouns of character) is a fake, not a genius.”

“Do you think I should push this big, red, shiny button?¨ Kai asked, being met by Stella´s disappointed stare.
“…No? Too late, I pressed it!”
Stella´s eyes widened, her expression turning to one of fear.
¨You´re joking.¨ She replied, quickly pushing Kai aside so she could see the console.
¨Nope!¨ He beamed, immediately being met with Stella´s cold glare.
¨Was I not supposed to do that?¨ He asked.
¨What do you think? Your stupidity is going to kill us both!¨ She insulted, startling the other.
¨Oh….uhm….Here, let me–¨ He started, being cut off by the girl.
Stella slaps his hand away, ¨No, no, I think you´ve done enough,¨
¨Stella, it was an accident! How was I supposed to know?¨
¨Oh, I don´t know. A big, red, shiny button in the middle of the room isn´t suspicious at all, is it?¨ She said sarcastically.
¨Well, now that you put it that way….¨
¨Please, just go.¨
¨I can help–¨
¨No–No you can´t.

(in progress)


Word Count: TBD


Last edited by Mr-Skelecat (March 9, 2023 18:56:11)

∘₊✧───────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.─────────✧₊∘
¨In fair Verona, where we lay our scene…¨
Donnie/Emmet, Any Pronouns <3
Scratcher, Artist, Writer, Game Developer
(Some of) My Friends = Chloe, Bella, Millie, Adro, Ash, Tulip, Pinky, Kitty
About | Alt. Account
SWC ´23 | SHC ´23 | R+J AU

∘₊✧───────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.─────────✧₊∘
100+ posts

★ SWC 2023 ★ Donnie´s Weeklies and Dailies Tracker ★

★ Weekly 3.9.23 - 3.16.23 (In Progress) ★
Prompt: “Hello everyone and welcome to our second weekly This week, we’re going to be focusing on both inspiration and mental health! Many of our best ideas can come from relaxing, and that’s what we’re encouraging you to focus on this week. Again, a huge thank you to my fellow daily team members for developing and organizing this weekly <3”

Weekly Link for Reference <3


✩ Part One ✩

(In Progress)

✩ Part Two ✩

(In Progress)

✩ Part Three ✩

(In Progress)


Word Count:

Authors Notes: hhhh i hope i can actually finish this one–

∘₊✧───────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.─────────✧₊∘
¨In fair Verona, where we lay our scene…¨
Donnie/Emmet, Any Pronouns <3
Scratcher, Artist, Writer, Game Developer
(Some of) My Friends = Chloe, Bella, Millie, Adro, Ash, Tulip, Pinky, Kitty
About | Alt. Account
SWC ´23 | SHC ´23 | R+J AU

∘₊✧───────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.─────────✧₊∘
100+ posts

★ SWC 2023 ★ Donnie´s Weeklies and Dailies Tracker ★

★ Daily 3.9.23 ★
Prompt: “Welcome to the bookstore! Today, the Main Cabin will be filled up with books of our own creation! Write a 100-word blurb describing yours and comment it here to earn 100 points. Next, browse the rest of the collection—if you see any other books you'd be interested in buying, say so in a reply!”


(in progress)


Word Count: TBD

Authors Notes:

∘₊✧───────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.─────────✧₊∘
¨In fair Verona, where we lay our scene…¨
Donnie/Emmet, Any Pronouns <3
Scratcher, Artist, Writer, Game Developer
(Some of) My Friends = Chloe, Bella, Millie, Adro, Ash, Tulip, Pinky, Kitty
About | Alt. Account
SWC ´23 | SHC ´23 | R+J AU

∘₊✧───────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.─────────✧₊∘
100+ posts

★ SWC 2023 ★ Donnie´s Weeklies and Dailies Tracker ★

★ Daily 3.10.23 ★
Prompt: “TBD”


(in progress)


Word Count: TBD

Authors Notes: If anyone remembers what this prompt was can you message me please <3

Last edited by Mr-Skelecat (March 13, 2023 11:05:50)

∘₊✧───────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.─────────✧₊∘
¨In fair Verona, where we lay our scene…¨
Donnie/Emmet, Any Pronouns <3
Scratcher, Artist, Writer, Game Developer
(Some of) My Friends = Chloe, Bella, Millie, Adro, Ash, Tulip, Pinky, Kitty
About | Alt. Account
SWC ´23 | SHC ´23 | R+J AU

∘₊✧───────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.─────────✧₊∘
100+ posts

★ SWC 2023 ★ Donnie´s Weeklies and Dailies Tracker ★

★ Daily 3.11.23 ★
Prompt: “TBD”


(in progress)


Word Count: TBD

Authors Notes: If anyone remembers what this prompt was can you message me please <3

∘₊✧───────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.─────────✧₊∘
¨In fair Verona, where we lay our scene…¨
Donnie/Emmet, Any Pronouns <3
Scratcher, Artist, Writer, Game Developer
(Some of) My Friends = Chloe, Bella, Millie, Adro, Ash, Tulip, Pinky, Kitty
About | Alt. Account
SWC ´23 | SHC ´23 | R+J AU

∘₊✧───────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.─────────✧₊∘
100+ posts

★ SWC 2023 ★ Donnie´s Weeklies and Dailies Tracker ★

★ Daily 3.12.23 ★
Prompt: “TBD”


(in progress)


Word Count: TBD

Authors Notes: If anyone remembers what this prompt was can you message me please <3

∘₊✧───────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.─────────✧₊∘
¨In fair Verona, where we lay our scene…¨
Donnie/Emmet, Any Pronouns <3
Scratcher, Artist, Writer, Game Developer
(Some of) My Friends = Chloe, Bella, Millie, Adro, Ash, Tulip, Pinky, Kitty
About | Alt. Account
SWC ´23 | SHC ´23 | R+J AU

∘₊✧───────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.─────────✧₊∘
100+ posts

★ SWC 2023 ★ Donnie´s Weeklies and Dailies Tracker ★

★ Daily 3.13.23 ★
Prompt: “What do you know about irony? Don’t worry if it’s nothing, we’re here to explain. There are three main types of irony: situational, verbal, and dramatic. Situational irony is when something happens that’s the opposite of what was expected. Say someone thinks they’re going to have a ton of fun at a party, but it ends up being an awful experience.. Verbal irony is when someone says something, but means the opposite. Such as our person coming home and telling their dad that the party was just great. They’re not lying, they’re using verbal irony. And lastly, dramatic irony is when the reader knows something the characters don’t. Maybe the reader knew all along that the party would be horrible.. To complete this daily, choose two of the types of irony explained above and use them in a story of at least 300 words. You get 400 points for this, and 100 more if you share proof!”


(in progress)


Word Count: TBD

Authors Notes:

∘₊✧───────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.─────────✧₊∘
¨In fair Verona, where we lay our scene…¨
Donnie/Emmet, Any Pronouns <3
Scratcher, Artist, Writer, Game Developer
(Some of) My Friends = Chloe, Bella, Millie, Adro, Ash, Tulip, Pinky, Kitty
About | Alt. Account
SWC ´23 | SHC ´23 | R+J AU

∘₊✧───────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.─────────✧₊∘
100+ posts

★ SWC 2023 ★ Donnie´s Weeklies and Dailies Tracker ★

★ Daily 3.14.23 ★
Prompt: “Folklore is one of SWC’s newest cabins. For today’s daily, take a classic element of folklore (such as talking animals or wise old mentors) and incorporate it into a story of 400 words! This will give your cabin 400 points, and an additional 100 if you share proof.”


(in progress)


Word Count: TBD

Authors Notes:

∘₊✧───────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.─────────✧₊∘
¨In fair Verona, where we lay our scene…¨
Donnie/Emmet, Any Pronouns <3
Scratcher, Artist, Writer, Game Developer
(Some of) My Friends = Chloe, Bella, Millie, Adro, Ash, Tulip, Pinky, Kitty
About | Alt. Account
SWC ´23 | SHC ´23 | R+J AU

∘₊✧───────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.─────────✧₊∘
100+ posts

★ SWC 2023 ★ Donnie´s Weeklies and Dailies Tracker ★

★ Daily 3.15.23 ★
Prompt: “lol idk”


(in progress)


Word Count: TBD

Authors Notes:

∘₊✧───────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.─────────✧₊∘
¨In fair Verona, where we lay our scene…¨
Donnie/Emmet, Any Pronouns <3
Scratcher, Artist, Writer, Game Developer
(Some of) My Friends = Chloe, Bella, Millie, Adro, Ash, Tulip, Pinky, Kitty
About | Alt. Account
SWC ´23 | SHC ´23 | R+J AU

∘₊✧───────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.─────────✧₊∘
100+ posts

★ SWC 2023 ★ Donnie´s Weeklies and Dailies Tracker ★

★ Daily 3.16.23 ★
Prompt: “lol idk”


(in progress)


Word Count: TBD

Authors Notes:

∘₊✧───────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.─────────✧₊∘
¨In fair Verona, where we lay our scene…¨
Donnie/Emmet, Any Pronouns <3
Scratcher, Artist, Writer, Game Developer
(Some of) My Friends = Chloe, Bella, Millie, Adro, Ash, Tulip, Pinky, Kitty
About | Alt. Account
SWC ´23 | SHC ´23 | R+J AU

∘₊✧───────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.─────────✧₊∘

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