Discuss Scratch

1000+ posts

Now Hiring | Coding Hut™️ | premium code and art AND WE NOW MAKE ANYTHING!!!

Guys refer coding hut to your friends here. It is a free service and once a form is filled, we will tell them about it in a special way


Last edited by MyScratchedAccount (March 11, 2023 08:00:13)


Give An Internet - - My Profile - My Best Project Of The Week - Am I Online? - on wiki, go to my talk

Scratched//Boy/Him/He////Likes Apples//Coder //
Go to Codin[co
500+ posts

Now Hiring | Coding Hut™️ | premium code and art AND WE NOW MAKE ANYTHING!!!

an-adaptable-rock wrote:

Username: an-adaptable-rock
Product you want: BBCode
Product you want in more detail: The BBCode is for my signature (although it'll probably not be used). Please add in all the information in my current siggy. Otherwise, be as creative as possible!
Are you following this shop?: Yes
Have you read the TOS?: Yep coding
Other: This is a test order from the IFSF 2.0 to receive your monthly shop review.
Order Bump

hey hey! i'm @an-adaptable-rock :]

charlie | they/them | non-binary | gemini | a walking identity crisis

Natura non contristatur. // Nature is not saddened.
1000+ posts

Now Hiring | Coding Hut™️ | premium code and art AND WE NOW MAKE ANYTHING!!!

sry if this is kind of an advertisement but I have an art shop contest if u want to join(scroll down on the post for it)

1000+ posts

Now Hiring | Coding Hut™️ | premium code and art AND WE NOW MAKE ANYTHING!!!

wikibro300000 wrote:

sry if this is kind of an advertisement but I have an art shop contest if u want to join(scroll down on the post for it)
[quote]TOS wrote:
No advertising unless related or you are BOD.

Sorry you get a strike for not following ToS

Oops that is related because we sell premium code and art and this is an art shop as well

Last edited by MyScratchedAccount (March 11, 2023 21:11:12)


Give An Internet - - My Profile - My Best Project Of The Week - Am I Online? - on wiki, go to my talk

Scratched//Boy/Him/He////Likes Apples//Coder //
Go to Codin[co
1000+ posts

Now Hiring | Coding Hut™️ | premium code and art AND WE NOW MAKE ANYTHING!!!


Give An Internet - - My Profile - My Best Project Of The Week - Am I Online? - on wiki, go to my talk

Scratched//Boy/Him/He////Likes Apples//Coder //
Go to Codin[co
1000+ posts

Now Hiring | Coding Hut™️ | premium code and art AND WE NOW MAKE ANYTHING!!!


Give An Internet - - My Profile - My Best Project Of The Week - Am I Online? - on wiki, go to my talk

Scratched//Boy/Him/He////Likes Apples//Coder //
Go to Codin[co
500+ posts

Now Hiring | Coding Hut™️ | premium code and art AND WE NOW MAKE ANYTHING!!!

an-adaptable-rock wrote:

Username: an-adaptable-rock
Product you want: BBCode
Product you want in more detail: The BBCode is for my signature (although it'll probably not be used). Please add in all the information in my current siggy. Otherwise, be as creative as possible!
Are you following this shop?: Yes
Have you read the TOS?: Yep coding
Other: This is a test order from the IFSF 2.0 to receive your monthly shop review.
Order Bump

hey hey! i'm @an-adaptable-rock :]

charlie | they/them | non-binary | gemini | a walking identity crisis

Natura non contristatur. // Nature is not saddened.
48 posts

Now Hiring | Coding Hut™️ | premium code and art AND WE NOW MAKE ANYTHING!!!

How did u put the pictures?

500+ posts

Now Hiring | Coding Hut™️ | premium code and art AND WE NOW MAKE ANYTHING!!!

RemmyGold wrote:

How did u put the pictures?
Image Hosting. (I'll explain in your studio)

hey hey! i'm @an-adaptable-rock :]

charlie | they/them | non-binary | gemini | a walking identity crisis

Natura non contristatur. // Nature is not saddened.
1000+ posts

Now Hiring | Coding Hut™️ | premium code and art AND WE NOW MAKE ANYTHING!!!

an-adaptable-rock wrote:

RemmyGold wrote:

How did u put the pictures?
Image Hosting. (I'll explain in your studio)
For example a image would look like (that is me hacking screen time)


Give An Internet - - My Profile - My Best Project Of The Week - Am I Online? - on wiki, go to my talk

Scratched//Boy/Him/He////Likes Apples//Coder //
Go to Codin[co
1000+ posts

Now Hiring | Coding Hut™️ | premium code and art AND WE NOW MAKE ANYTHING!!!



Give An Internet - - My Profile - My Best Project Of The Week - Am I Online? - on wiki, go to my talk

Scratched//Boy/Him/He////Likes Apples//Coder //
Go to Codin[co
1000+ posts

Now Hiring | Coding Hut™️ | premium code and art AND WE NOW MAKE ANYTHING!!!

MyScratchedAccount wrote:

Guys refer coding hut to your friends here. It is a free service and once a form is filled, we will tell them about it in a special way

I removed the word king from the quote because I am not king this time
Guys first referrer = 3 follows (main,alt,coding hut offical) for the first referrer

Last edited by MyScratchedAccount (March 19, 2023 06:22:38)


Give An Internet - - My Profile - My Best Project Of The Week - Am I Online? - on wiki, go to my talk

Scratched//Boy/Him/He////Likes Apples//Coder //
Go to Codin[co
1000+ posts

Now Hiring | Coding Hut™️ | premium code and art AND WE NOW MAKE ANYTHING!!!



Give An Internet - - My Profile - My Best Project Of The Week - Am I Online? - on wiki, go to my talk

Scratched//Boy/Him/He////Likes Apples//Coder //
Go to Codin[co
1000+ posts

Now Hiring | Coding Hut™️ | premium code and art AND WE NOW MAKE ANYTHING!!!

MyScratchedAccount wrote:

MyScratchedAccount wrote:

Guys refer coding hut to your friends here. It is a free service and once a form is filled, we will tell them about it in a special way

I removed the word king from the quote because I am not king this time
Guys first referrer = 3 follows (main,alt,coding hut offical) for the first referrer

Refer form:
Username: kinosaurs515
User to refer: DaBestCoconut
Message: Buy at this shop! I mean, it's good!
What page do you want to send as a link (example home or products) This account

Hi! I'm kinosaurs515!

These are my trusty guardians who protect my signature from evil kumquats! If you want to create a guardian for me, tell me on my profile! I can creat one for you too!
(=I)()(K) // This is Kino. No one knows why, but he has a hole in his body. He is very protective and energetic, but just isn't brave.

-_- // This is Lance. Lance is tired all the time, but is still somewhat "helpful".

define AWAKE
broadcast [ sleep] // This is Sleep. Just as the code says, as if he's awake, he will sleep.

when green flag clicked
if <not <[bumped] = [true]>> then // This is Bump. He helps bump my posts. Because he is Bump, he has a bump on his head.
broadcast [ bump]
stop [ all]
say [Yay! It was bumped!] for (2) secs

when I receive [ NOISE] // This is Nosy. He noses a lot with a long nose.

define BE NOSY
Nose with nose until they say nose
1000+ posts

Now Hiring | Coding Hut™️ | premium code and art AND WE NOW MAKE ANYTHING!!!

Outdated! The widget is outdated, so do not expect it to go off maybe!
Online status: red = offline | green = online | blue = maybe

Last edited by MyScratchedAccount (Aug. 19, 2023 03:01:06)


Give An Internet - - My Profile - My Best Project Of The Week - Am I Online? - on wiki, go to my talk

Scratched//Boy/Him/He////Likes Apples//Coder //
Go to Codin[co
1000+ posts

Now Hiring | Coding Hut™️ | premium code and art AND WE NOW MAKE ANYTHING!!!



Give An Internet - - My Profile - My Best Project Of The Week - Am I Online? - on wiki, go to my talk

Scratched//Boy/Him/He////Likes Apples//Coder //
Go to Codin[co
100+ posts

Now Hiring | Coding Hut™️ | premium code and art AND WE NOW MAKE ANYTHING!!!

Order form:
Username: Purple-car
Product you want: coding
Product you want in more detail: i'm working on a game (here: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/784087184/ ), I've been working on it for months but I kinda suck at coding… delete any code you need to I just want the game to work properly main mechanics are in the “?” tab on the front, it'll tell you how it should work. If its to big of a project please tell me! (change any code you think is necessary, if you need anything or have any questions message me!)
Are you following this shop?: yes
Have you read the TOS?: yes
Other: ty, for the coding help
(also take your time I wasn't planing on finishing the game anytime soon)
1000+ posts

Now Hiring | Coding Hut™️ | premium code and art AND WE NOW MAKE ANYTHING!!!

Sorry for not being active guys, I was on spring break. I should be back starting tommorrow.

Game Is Game.

My King Message:
King like Kendrick, Drake took the L;hotline bling I'm like Rod Wave cuz I sing but I'm black yea we got a brotha as a king I needa queen like elizabeth can't be broke or else I might choke yea I'm with the times I'm woke yea I speak and I spoke I'm Light Yagami cuz' I write a note yea my life is an anime, spiderman and aunt may, this ain't no game no I do not play yea like the mando this is the way and I could freestyle like this all day cuz i got that crown and this golden ring cuz I'm king. –>–>–>–>–>–>–>–>–>–>–>–>–> {Shift + Down Arrow To See The Gang}

Da Gang: (There's no order, just a list so don't take any offense)
@-GaIaxy_cat- (spelled with capitol i and not a lowercase L)
500+ posts

Now Hiring | Coding Hut™️ | premium code and art AND WE NOW MAKE ANYTHING!!!

an-adaptable-rock wrote:

Username: an-adaptable-rock
Product you want: BBCode
Product you want in more detail: The BBCode is for my signature (although it'll probably not be used). Please add in all the information in my current siggy. Otherwise, be as creative as possible!
Are you following this shop?: Yes
Have you read the TOS?: Yep coding
Other: This is a test order from the IFSF 2.0 to receive your monthly shop review.
Cancelling order.

hey hey! i'm @an-adaptable-rock :]

charlie | they/them | non-binary | gemini | a walking identity crisis

Natura non contristatur. // Nature is not saddened.
500+ posts

Now Hiring | Coding Hut™️ | premium code and art AND WE NOW MAKE ANYTHING!!!

Hello, I invite you to the "Forum of the Month".
Every month the judges pick the best shop on the forum,
If you want you can join. (That would be amazing)
Here Is the link:

(Note: This is not an invite to partnership nor an advertising)


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