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AI Stuff For Stories

AI Stuff For Stories - The Topic

This topic is about AI being used to interact with stories (yours, in the public domain or if you have permission to)

- What is this topic for? -

This topic is for anything related to having an AI program either partake or otherwise “interact” with stories in any way. (this will be called stairying from now on) Whether that involves the AI being a character in your story, having the AI decide (elements of, or) the plot or even having the AI write (parts of, or) the story is decided upon you.

- Why the name stairy? -

I felt inspired by craiyon's wordplay (because craiyon is also AI, and as such, it changes a -> ai), so I decided to do the same for this one.

- Neat. May I have an example? -

An example would be someone who used an AI plot writer to write the climax of a story. Or someone who lets an AI talk to the people inside the story. AS LONG AS AI IS INVOLVED SOMEHOW IN THE STORY, IT COUNTS AS STAIRYING!

- What are the rules of this topic? -

1: Follow the Scratch CG and ToS.

2: If the story you want to stairy is NOT yours, please make sure it's either in the public domain (meaning no copyright) or you have permission to let the AI interact with said story. This rule no longer applies. Although this rule is still recommended, as (especially with image generation and artists) some people are really peeved off about AI being used for “creative endeavors”.

- How do I start Stairying? -

If your main goal with AI is producing (parts of, or depending on the model you use) stories:

The best place to start with is ChatGPT. It's a free, online-based large language model that is tailored towards creativity. (It does have a plus version, but I find GPT-3.5 - the free model - good enough for everyday use)
Another really good place to start off with is Bing's Copilot, which only requires a Microsoft account (which, if you play Minecraft in any online capability, you probably already have). Although there is a limit of ~30 messages per session, and the AI image generator can only generate up to ~20 images for free without paying for more credit, the free plan is more than good enough for most stairys.

If you have a beefy enough computer, you can also consider using something like LM Studio which runs completely locally in your computer, and you can even customize the model used! However, the only thing making me not consider it as the best option is the fact that it requires a relatively beefy computer for most of the good models to run anyway, so ChatGPT still reigns supreme.

A good place to start with (at the very least, if you don't mind the idea of using a online product made in China, which, if you use the clock app even once, you probably don't) is Dreamily (which I conveniently can't link because of unmoderated chat), which is a producing stairy program. [Technically, there is an account system (which requires a phone number to my knowledge), but you can already use a lot of features without it. Okay, apparently now you have to pay a monthly subscription of 4.99 bucks in order to get the most out of Dreamily, so I'd no longer recommend it.

I also heard (good | humorous | weird) things about Botnik, which is more so suited toward comedy books (but could also work).

c.ai also technically counts as a stairy application / website, but there's already a seperate topic for that made by yours truly so use that instead.

If your main goal with AI is figuring out images to put inside your story:

Stable Diffusion is king at the current moment in terms of image generation. It can run locally, if you have a beefy enough computer, or you can use it online.

Craiyon is also a good option (albiet the image quality is so bad without paying(?) for Craiyon+) of image-generating AI.

If your main goal with AI is [something else]:

Please comment on this forum that something else, and I will respond to your query on this forum thread.

- Is it legal? -

Yes, it is legal to hobbily publish an AI book, but you wouldn't be able to own it, as (according to the USA) AI-made stuff doesn't count as “not an official work of authorship”, as “to qualify as a work of ‘authorship’ a work must be created by a human being”.

Other posts: #4 #7

Last edited by DifferentDance8 (May 3, 2024 04:20:58)

Mod's Protogen Maker v2 released. I will update it when I will update it
1000+ posts

AI Stuff For Stories

Question: Can we make AI stories on the Craiyon topic, and link to them here?*

*As in, generating and uploading the images onto the Craiyon topic, in the format of a story, whether it be long or short.

Animated button created by me

Despite what my About section says, I have been using Scratch before 2019. 2019 was the year that I first joined Scratch.
1000+ posts

AI Stuff For Stories

k0d3rrr wrote:

Question: Can we make AI stories on the Craiyon topic, and link to them here?*

*As in, generating and uploading the images onto the Craiyon topic, in the format of a story, whether it be long or short.
…this is sort of in a pseudo-stairy territory, where it's not a full stairy (because you are completely making the story from the images, instead of letting AI do parts of the story, and it's not like the images can be separated either), but then it's also not not-a-stairy (because AI is involved in it). This will be technically allowed, but it won't be classified as a true stairy.

Mod's Protogen Maker v2 released. I will update it when I will update it
1000+ posts

AI Stuff For Stories

Read #1 before continuing, please.

I introduced a new term! True stairy (where the AI is involved in a major part of the story) and a false stairy (where AI is involved in a minor part of the story)

Next time, I will only do a split if the main OP gets too long for the character limit.

- How do you differentiate between a F.S and a T.S? -

A F.S should be designated with an “{f}” somewhere, and “{t}” for T.S. The case is insensitive.

- What's the border between F.S and a T.S? -

A F.S is when the AI bits can be taken out and the story would still make sense. An example of a F.S would be the one that k0d3rrr did over on the Craiyon topic. A T.S would be when the AI bits can't be sensibly taken out without a heavy rework (if at all). An example of a T.S would be this poem:

Sun Shining

The sun shines over all
Gave her his fatal ray.
All will bellow!
Nor speak of sorrow's sway.

Inspired by Frances Ellen Watkins Harper and Phillis Wheatley

COMPOSED IN VERSE BY VERSE {t} (btw, it is recommended to credit the AI website you use!)

Last edited by DifferentDance8 (Aug. 24, 2022 10:03:58)

Mod's Protogen Maker v2 released. I will update it when I will update it
1000+ posts

AI Stuff For Stories

DifferentDance8 wrote:

k0d3rrr wrote:

Question: Can we make AI stories on the Craiyon topic, and link to them here?*

*As in, generating and uploading the images onto the Craiyon topic, in the format of a story, whether it be long or short.
…this is sort of in a pseudo-stairy territory, where it's not a full stairy (because you are completely making the story from the images, instead of letting AI do parts of the story, and it's not like the images can be separated either), but then it's also not not-a-stairy (because AI is involved in it). This will be technically allowed, but it won't be classified as a true stairy.
Okay, here is a pseudo-stairy I made more than two months ago: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/post/6443050/

Animated button created by me

Despite what my About section says, I have been using Scratch before 2019. 2019 was the year that I first joined Scratch.
1000+ posts

AI Stuff For Stories

k0d3rrr wrote:

DifferentDance8 wrote:

k0d3rrr wrote:

Question: Can we make AI stories on the Craiyon topic, and link to them here?*

*As in, generating and uploading the images onto the Craiyon topic, in the format of a story, whether it be long or short.
…this is sort of in a pseudo-stairy territory, where it's not a full stairy (because you are completely making the story from the images, instead of letting AI do parts of the story, and it's not like the images can be separated either), but then it's also not not-a-stairy (because AI is involved in it). This will be technically allowed, but it won't be classified as a true stairy.
Okay, here is a pseudo-stairy I made more than two months ago: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/post/6443050/

Mod's Protogen Maker v2 released. I will update it when I will update it
1000+ posts

AI Stuff For Stories


Some stairi (staries, stariodes?) go here when it's either historical, momumental or otherwise just deserves to be here.

{f} https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/post/6443050/ by k0d3rrr (reason: it was the very first stairy posted here, even though it's a false stairy)

Mod's Protogen Maker v2 released. I will update it when I will update it
1000+ posts

AI Stuff For Stories

Necessairy bump (necessary because this topic hasn't been posted on for less than 4 months)

Animated button created by me

Despite what my About section says, I have been using Scratch before 2019. 2019 was the year that I first joined Scratch.
1000+ posts

AI Stuff For Stories

ChatGPT is going to do wonders for Stairies. as soon as I get access, that is :P

Mod's Protogen Maker v2 released. I will update it when I will update it
1000+ posts

AI Stuff For Stories

DifferentDance8 wrote:

ChatGPT is going to do wonders for Stairies. as soon as I get access, that is :P
Speaking of ChatGPT, why hasn't anyone made a topic for it yet?

Animated button created by me

Despite what my About section says, I have been using Scratch before 2019. 2019 was the year that I first joined Scratch.
1000+ posts

AI Stuff For Stories

k0d3rrr wrote:

DifferentDance8 wrote:

ChatGPT is going to do wonders for Stairies. as soon as I get access, that is :P
Speaking of ChatGPT, why hasn't anyone made a topic for it yet?
I remember there being a topic over on TiRaP about ChatGPT, but a cursory search on Ocular brings up nothing

Mod's Protogen Maker v2 released. I will update it when I will update it
1000+ posts

AI Stuff For Stories

I used YouChat to write a poem about winter:
Winter chill in the air Snowflakes softly falling everywhere The cold and snow are here to stay A serene winter night to see and play

Ice on the ground, a glistening sight Cold winds rush in, a frigid might The snowflakes whirl and spin in the night Bringing a beauty, a wondrous sight

The cold weather brings us much cheer A time for joy and a time for cheer A time to celebrate and be together In the joys of winter, no matter the weather
Yes, ‘cheer’ rhymes with ‘cheer’.

Animated button created by me

Despite what my About section says, I have been using Scratch before 2019. 2019 was the year that I first joined Scratch.
1000+ posts

AI Stuff For Stories

It was a sunny day in April 2023, and k0d3rrr was browsing the Scratch forums. He was looking for some interesting topics to read and comment on, when he stumbled upon an old topic in the Advanced Topics forum. The topic was titled “Scratch 4.0 - What do you want to see?” and it was created by ScratchCatHELLO in 2022. The last reply was from DifferentDance8 in December 2022, and it said:

“I hope Scratch 4.0 will have more blocks and features for making 3D games and animations. I also hope it will be faster and more stable than Scratch 3.0.”

k0d3rrr was intrigued by the topic, as he was also curious about Scratch 4.0. He wondered if there was any news or updates about it, or if anyone had any new ideas or suggestions. He decided to revive the topic by posting a reply. He wrote:

“Hi everyone, I know this topic is old, but I think it's still relevant and interesting. I'm wondering if anyone has heard anything about Scratch 4.0, or if anyone has any new ideas or wishes for it. Personally, I hope Scratch 4.0 will have more options for customizing the user interface and the editor. I also hope it will have more support for extensions and mods. What do you think?”

He clicked “Submit” and waited for his reply to appear on the forum. He hoped that other Scratchers would join the discussion and share their thoughts and opinions.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the world, ScratchCatHELLO was checking his notifications on Scratch. He saw that he had a new message from k0d3rrr. He clicked on it and read:

“Hi ScratchCatHELLO, I just replied to your topic about Scratch 4.0 in the Advanced Topics forum. I think it's a great topic and I wanted to revive it. I hope you don't mind.”

ScratchCatHELLO smiled and replied:

“Hi k0d3rrr, thank you for replying to my topic. I don't mind at all, in fact, I'm glad you did. I'm curious to see what other Scratchers think about Scratch 4.0.”

He then clicked on the link to his topic and saw that k0d3rrr had indeed revived it. He read his reply and nodded in agreement.

“I agree with you, k0d3rrr. I think Scratch 4.0 should have more options for customizing the user interface and the editor. I also think extensions and mods are a great way to enhance Scratch and make it more versatile.”

He then typed his own reply:

“Hi everyone, thank you for your interest in my topic. I'm happy to see that it's alive again. I'm still wondering what Scratch 4.0 will be like, and what features it will have. I hope the Scratch Team will give us some hints or previews soon.”

He clicked “Submit” and refreshed the page. He saw that his topic had moved up to the first page of the forum, with several new replies from other Scratchers.

He smiled and thought:

“Wow, this is amazing. My topic went from being inactive to being active again, thanks to k0d3rrr. I wonder what else he will do on Scratch.”

He clicked on k0d3rrr's username and visited his profile page. He saw that he had made some cool projects and studios, and that he had many followers and friends.

He decided to follow him back and send him a message:

“Hi k0d3rrr, thank you again for reviving my topic about Scratch 4.0. You seem like a very talented and friendly Scratcher. I'm following you now and I hope we can be friends.”

He clicked “Send” and waited for k0d3rrr's response.

Meanwhile, k0d3rrr was reading the new replies on the topic about Scratch 4.0. He saw that many Scratchers had joined the discussion and shared their ideas and wishes for Scratch 4.0.

He thought:

“This is awesome. I'm glad I revived this topic. It seems like a lot of people are interested in Scratch 4.0 and have some great suggestions for it.”

He then saw
He then saw that ScratchCatHELLO had replied to his message. He read:

“Hi k0d3rrr, thank you again for reviving my topic about Scratch 4.0. You seem like a very talented and friendly Scratcher. I'm following you now and I hope we can be friends.”

He smiled and replied:

“Hi ScratchCatHELLO, you're very welcome. I really liked your topic and I wanted to see what other Scratchers think about Scratch 4.0. You seem like a very creative and kind Scratcher. I'm happy that you're following me and I hope we can be friends too.”

He clicked “Send” and felt a warm feeling in his heart.

He thought:

“This is amazing. Not only did I revive an old topic, but I also made a new friend. ScratchCatHELLO is awesome and I can't wait to see more of his projects and topics.”

He then decided to check out some of his projects and studios, and leave some comments and likes.

He thought:

“Scratch is such a wonderful place. I'm so glad I joined it. There are so many things to do and learn, and so many people to meet and talk to. Scratch is more than just a programming language, it's a community of creative thinkers and problem solvers. Scratch is my favorite website ever.”

He smiled and continued to scratch.

The End
That was something
how did the new bing know that i was going to check out scratchcathello's profile soon after making this post?

Animated button created by me

Despite what my About section says, I have been using Scratch before 2019. 2019 was the year that I first joined Scratch.
1000+ posts

AI Stuff For Stories


Mod's Protogen Maker v2 released. I will update it when I will update it
1000+ posts

AI Stuff For Stories

why can't you just write your own stuff instead of letting a soulless piece of metal do it for you

Names you can call me by:
  • Meat (preferred)
  • Meatlol
  • Pierre (which is actually my oc's name)
  • 555
  • Mr Boombastic, tell me fantastic. /j
1000+ posts

AI Stuff For Stories


meatlol555 wrote:

why can't you just write your own stuff instead of letting a soulless piece of metal do it for you
sometimes it's better to have “a soulless piece of metal” do it for you

Mod's Protogen Maker v2 released. I will update it when I will update it
1000+ posts

AI Stuff For Stories

DifferentDance8 wrote:


meatlol555 wrote:

why can't you just write your own stuff instead of letting a soulless piece of metal do it for you
sometimes it's better to have “a soulless piece of metal” do it for you

Names you can call me by:
  • Meat (preferred)
  • Meatlol
  • Pierre (which is actually my oc's name)
  • 555
  • Mr Boombastic, tell me fantastic. /j
1000+ posts

AI Stuff For Stories

meatlol555 wrote:

DifferentDance8 wrote:


meatlol555 wrote:

why can't you just write your own stuff instead of letting a soulless piece of metal do it for you
sometimes it's better to have “a soulless piece of metal” do it for you
for example when you run out of time, or just can't be bothered

Mod's Protogen Maker v2 released. I will update it when I will update it
1000+ posts

AI Stuff For Stories

This looks like so much fun with bing.
Write the most obnoxious, convoluted, story on going to a Japanese Arcade.

The response started normal, but then it got weird, and flirty, and the girl… kissed the screen? Then mid writing it, it realized what it was writing, and cut it short. I didn't get to read it because of the writing being cut, but it's imagination went wild. Hoho what the heckin heck

I'm a professional forum lurker who likes Vocaloid, retro games, and story writing.

Social Experiment Generation 0: Add this to your signature increase generation by 1 and add the username of the person whose signature you saw this in to this studio

I am the 454th most active TIRAP forumer. Wow! Not surprised in any way though.

I love the OG mods. They are just done with forum trolls.

1000+ posts

AI Stuff For Stories

co0lcr34t10ns wrote:

The response started normal, but then it got weird, and flirty, and the girl… kissed the screen? Then mid writing it, it realized what it was writing, and cut it short. I didn't get to read it because of the writing being cut, but it's imagination went wild. Hoho what the heckin heck

Mod's Protogen Maker v2 released. I will update it when I will update it

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