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500+ posts

~-=: TopGG's Forums Signature! :=-~

Outside Signature Link Hub

About Me!

Hi, my name's Top. I'm 14 years old, and I've been on Scratch for about four years (I changed accounts). I'm not too good at coding, but I like to think I'm pretty decent at block coding. I've been part of many collabs throughout my time here on Scratch, and I've contributed massively to nearly every one of them.

I'm also a proud member of the LGBTQ2IA+ community, I'm Pansexual, and also a proud Furry. You can learn more about me at My pronouns.page!

I took a 16personalities test and apparently I'm an ISFP-T.
I also took the Hogwarts House Quiz on Pottermore and I'm a Ravenclaw!

If you want to get in touch, feel free to get in touch with me at my Activity Hub!

What I'm Working On

I'm currently working on revamping the entire Lightspeed Company! I've recently introduced The Lunar Pound as a new currency to be used in conjunction with the company, and I think it was time for the forums to get a make-up anyways.

Lightspeed will eventually be the ultimate safe-haven for Scratchers, where they can easily find anything they're looking for. Each forum has its own forms for you to contribute with - here's a list of Lightspeed links!

~- Lightspeed Main Topic
~- Lightspeed Shop Division
~- Lightspeed Tutorials
~- Make a Scratch License!

I'm also running one of Scratch's only current TBGs (text-based games) on the platform, called Infinity Dungeons.

I'm also participating in the 4th iteration of Country Clash RP!


ocular ~~ Here you can view my forum posts and my ocular signature!

ScratchStats ~~ Here you can view all of my stats from the Scratch API!

postpercent ~~ Here you can find all of my forums-related stats, like my post count!

ScratchInfo ~~ WOMBO COMBO of ScratchStats and postpercent!

Last edited by TopGG (June 8, 2022 03:01:13)

⇢ ˗ˏˋ TopGG

== He/Him – ISFP-T – Scorpio – Aussie – MeOwner of Lightspeed Inc. – Certified Furry – Ravenclaw – Colour Fanatic ==

Click Here for my Extended Signature

ocular -/- ScratchStats -|- postpercent -\- ScratchInfo

Generation 365: the first time you see this copy and paste it on top of your signature in the scratch forums and increase generation by 1. Social experiment.

Comment “Shield upgrade!” on my activity hub to give Astrum another layer of protection! Let's make the biggest code block on Scratch!

this is my kumquat guard Astrum. He has 15 layers of shield. (((((((((((((((¬‿¬))))))))))))))):: #000000

Last edited by ScratchCat (Tomorrow, 2027 48:77:16)
500+ posts

~-=: TopGG's Forums Signature! :=-~

ok it's donezo now

Last edited by TopGG (June 8, 2022 04:02:32)

⇢ ˗ˏˋ TopGG

== He/Him – ISFP-T – Scorpio – Aussie – MeOwner of Lightspeed Inc. – Certified Furry – Ravenclaw – Colour Fanatic ==

Click Here for my Extended Signature

ocular -/- ScratchStats -|- postpercent -\- ScratchInfo

Generation 365: the first time you see this copy and paste it on top of your signature in the scratch forums and increase generation by 1. Social experiment.

Comment “Shield upgrade!” on my activity hub to give Astrum another layer of protection! Let's make the biggest code block on Scratch!

this is my kumquat guard Astrum. He has 15 layers of shield. (((((((((((((((¬‿¬))))))))))))))):: #000000

Last edited by ScratchCat (Tomorrow, 2027 48:77:16)

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