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Redirect to project ID *arg*

portalpower wrote:

thugatwoary wrote:

I don't know why everyone is quick to say “This can be used to ruin remixing!!!!”
Yes, it can, you just report those projects. It's like saying we should remove the stop all block because it can be used to make remixes unplayable.
Except the stop all block doesn't redirect people to different pages and block see inside so only the original creator can find the script.

ScratchcatandGobo wrote:

A smarter person like me would find it
Except for the fact that only the remixer can access the code since it's also blocked.
I don't know why everyone is quick to say “This can be used to ruin remixing!!!!”
Yes, it can, you just report those projects. It's like saying we should remove the stop all block because it can be used to make remixes unplayable.

This would be an interesting and fun feature, but how would it work in the offline editor? Would it download the destination project from the internet?
-by a person who thinks ur wrong

Yeah, but at least we've learned something today… that every moment of our life should be lived to the fullest because it can be very long or very short, my friend. - Gumball
I felt like I wanted to develop games on here, so I won't leave! (for now)
(last edited 2/8/24)

1000+ posts

Redirect to project ID *arg*

I support, this is a cool idea, and definitely one that needs to be in Scratch. 4.0 will probably never come out, though, so if it's added, expect it to come in 3.0.

contact me on external sites for a faster response.
(source for leftmost gif: thebrawlgirl)

1000+ posts

Redirect to project ID *arg*

To prevent someone from doing:

when [timer v] > (0)
reset timer
redirect to project ID (1234567890):: #12b63d cap

A browser pop up should ask whether you actually want to go to the project. Most browsers (probably all which Scratch is targeted towards) have a feature where if a website shows too many popups like that, you can click a checkbox which prevents anymore from being shown.

However, relying on a browser feature like that isn't a great solution. So in addition, the block should stop all in the project and stop the when greater then blocks, similar to before the green flag and see in side are pressed. That way, trickery with the timer > block can't spam you with messages even after hitting stop.

Scratch to Pygame converter: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/600562/
1000+ posts

Redirect to project ID *arg*

imfh wrote:

To prevent someone from doing:

when [timer v] > (0)
reset timer
redirect to project ID (1234567890):: #12b63d cap

A browser pop up should ask whether you actually want to go to the project. Most browsers (probably all which Scratch is targeted towards) have a feature where if a website shows too many popups like that, you can click a checkbox which prevents anymore from being shown.

However, relying on a browser feature like that isn't a great solution. So in addition, the block should stop all in the project and stop the when greater then blocks, similar to before the green flag and see in side are pressed. That way, trickery with the timer > block can't spam you with messages even after hitting stop.
good idea!

Yeah, but at least we've learned something today… that every moment of our life should be lived to the fullest because it can be very long or very short, my friend. - Gumball
I felt like I wanted to develop games on here, so I won't leave! (for now)
(last edited 2/8/24)

1000+ posts

Redirect to project ID *arg*

Support! This would be sooo useful.
when green flag clicked
repeat until <ST rejects>

Last edited by applejuiceproduc (May 18, 2022 19:36:39)

A signature
1000+ posts

Redirect to project ID *arg*

I support this but I dont think there is anything to add currently so bumpidy bump bump

Highlight, Hold shift, Press down arrow to scroll down


Everytime someone says “I did a quick search”, I question wether they meant they did a quicksearch (The algorithm) or a quick search (Quickly searching)

oh yea哈哈




why are you down here why are you down here why are you down here

100+ posts

Redirect to project ID *arg*

I think this is a great idia you should add studio,profile, and discussion blocks too!


Go to profile (##)

Go to discussion (##)
500+ posts

Redirect to project ID *arg*

 Project ID 1234
when green flag clicked
redirect to [12345]
 Project ID 12345
when green flag clicked
redirect to [1234]

- infinite redirect

Hi! I'm HGT123 But you can call me HGT
I am a coder and designer
I'm also Artsign…
1000+ posts

Redirect to project ID *arg*

HGT_123 wrote:

 Project ID 1234
when green flag clicked
redirect to [12345]
 Project ID 12345
when green flag clicked
redirect to [1234]

- infinite redirect

imfh wrote:

A browser pop up should ask whether you actually want to go to the project. Most browsers (probably all which Scratch is targeted towards) have a feature where if a website shows too many popups like that, you can click a checkbox which prevents anymore from being shown.
100+ posts

Redirect to project ID *arg*

ScratchcatandGobo wrote:

-by a person who thinks ur wrong

Please be more respectful in the forums, using someone elses quote and saying “your wrong” isnt the purpose of posting the the scratch suggestion forums. People will agree or disagree with you, and its up to YOU to accept their opinion. Not to mention you only want this to create an ARG doesnt provide great reasoning of WHY you want this specific feature. You have to prove why its more beneficial to have.

Last edited by No-Sider (Dec. 6, 2022 00:44:04)

This is a signature, very interesting yes yes
1000+ posts

Redirect to project ID *arg*

portalpower wrote:

thugatwoary wrote:

I don't know why everyone is quick to say “This can be used to ruin remixing!!!!”
Yes, it can, you just report those projects. It's like saying we should remove the stop all block because it can be used to make remixes unplayable.
Except the stop all block doesn't redirect people to different pages and block see inside so only the original creator can find the script.

ScratchcatandGobo wrote:

A smarter person like me would find it
Except for the fact that only the remixer can access the code since it's also blocked.
Maybe if you’re remixing or seeing inside you can’t be redirected

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1000+ posts

Redirect to project ID *arg*

If you are seeing inside or remixing you shouldn’t be able to be redirected, there would also be a delay when redirecting so that you could report the project or remix it

⠀ ⠀ I beat Mario 64 yay! ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ I love you ivy & may :3
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀GEOMETRY DASH

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