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Redirect to project ID *arg*

Welcome to the forum for the “Redirect to project ID” Block. The Redirect to website block is rejected, so why not redirect to another project?
Type “Support” In the chat . And add the link to this is your Signature/Sig/Siggy
when I receive [part 2 v]
redirect to project ID (1234567890):: #12b63d cap
With this, it automaticly stops the program.

imfh wrote:

To prevent someone from doing:

when [timer v] > (0)
reset timer
redirect to project ID (1234567890):: #12b63d cap

A browser pop up should ask whether you actually want to go to the project. Most browsers (probably all which Scratch is targeted towards) have a feature where if a website shows too many popups like that, you can click a checkbox which prevents anymore from being shown.

However, relying on a browser feature like that isn't a great solution. So in addition, the block should stop all in the project and stop the when greater then blocks, similar to before the green flag and see in side are pressed. That way, trickery with the timer > block can't spam you with messages even after hitting stop.
Let's have this actually be added in Scratch 4.0!
Current supporters:
Lets get to 100!

Last edited by ScratchcatandGobo (May 2, 2022 16:27:57)

Yeah, but at least we've learned something today… that every moment of our life should be lived to the fullest because it can be very long or very short, my friend. - Gumball
I felt like I wanted to develop games on here, so I won't leave! (for now)
(last edited 2/8/24)

1000+ posts

Redirect to project ID *arg*

What happens when I decide to do this

redirect to project ID (104)

With the Paris Olympics starting, I recommend playing Running Simulator, with an Olympics update in the works.

Original signature down below (Shift + Down Arrow)

My 6900th post
Thank you Era 2 for the memories. May 5th, 2021 - June 10th, 2024
1000+ posts

Redirect to project ID *arg*

AIGamesDeveloper wrote:

What happens when I decide to do this

redirect to project ID (104)

Well I mean for it to be like and end block.

Yeah, but at least we've learned something today… that every moment of our life should be lived to the fullest because it can be very long or very short, my friend. - Gumball
I felt like I wanted to develop games on here, so I won't leave! (for now)
(last edited 2/8/24)

1000+ posts

Redirect to project ID *arg*

ScratchcatandGobo wrote:

AIGamesDeveloper wrote:

What happens when I decide to do this

redirect to project ID (104)

Well I mean for it to be like and end block.
You mean this?
when I receive [part 2 v]
redirect to project ID (1234567890):: #12b63d cap

this https://scratch.mit.edu

This is my signature. It is a small piece of text that appears below
every post I make. In my signature, I can include quotes, images, and even Scratch blocks.

define k0d3rrr
coding since [2019 v] :: #f18800 // The lowest year you can select is 2007, which was when Scratch was released.
favourite Scratch version: [3.0 v]:: #f18800
second favourite Scratch version: [1.4 v]:: #f18800

And now, some words of forum wisdom (which may or may not be controversial):
“What's the point of telling people not to post on your topic, if they are still going to post on your topic anyway?” - k0d3rrr
“If you are writing a story or creating a character roleplay for a Scratch studio, shouldn't it go in either Collaboration or Show and Tell instead of Things I'm Making and Creating?” - k0d3rrr
1000+ posts

Redirect to project ID *arg*

k0d3rrr wrote:

ScratchcatandGobo wrote:

AIGamesDeveloper wrote:

What happens when I decide to do this

redirect to project ID (104)

Well I mean for it to be like and end block.
You mean this?
when I receive [part 2 v]
redirect to project ID (1234567890):: #12b63d cap
Oh good I will update it.

Yeah, but at least we've learned something today… that every moment of our life should be lived to the fullest because it can be very long or very short, my friend. - Gumball
I felt like I wanted to develop games on here, so I won't leave! (for now)
(last edited 2/8/24)

1000+ posts

Redirect to project ID *arg*

What if I do this? What would happen

redirect to project ID (1234567890):: #12b63d cap

With the Paris Olympics starting, I recommend playing Running Simulator, with an Olympics update in the works.

Original signature down below (Shift + Down Arrow)

My 6900th post
Thank you Era 2 for the memories. May 5th, 2021 - June 10th, 2024
1000+ posts

Redirect to project ID *arg*

AIGamesDeveloper wrote:

What if I do this? What would happen

redirect to project ID (1234567890):: #12b63d cap
It would not work. It would desplay an error message

Yeah, but at least we've learned something today… that every moment of our life should be lived to the fullest because it can be very long or very short, my friend. - Gumball
I felt like I wanted to develop games on here, so I won't leave! (for now)
(last edited 2/8/24)

1000+ posts

Redirect to project ID *arg*

AIGamesDeveloper wrote:

What if I do this? What would happen
 forever redirect to project ID (1234567890):: #12b63d cap end  
I'm incredibly surprised you thought that would change anything, I guess you just didn't pay attention. Look more closely at the block inside the loop. Notice how there's nothing underneath it? Do you know what that means? It means that when that block is finished, nothing else runs. The only exception is the delete this clone block, which it doesn't run if you aren't a clone. Therefore, all this would do is execute the block once and stop the script.

1000+ posts

Redirect to project ID *arg*

ScratchcatandGobo wrote:

AIGamesDeveloper wrote:

What if I do this? What would happen
 forever redirect to project ID (1234567890):: #12b63d cap end  
It would not work. It would desplay an error message
No support to this specific idea, nothing else in scratch displays an error message. That would just be inconsistent, and there's a way better solution. This would be like if JavaScript displayed an error message when you press the enter key: there's no reason for that to happen.

1000+ posts

Redirect to project ID *arg*

ScolderCreations wrote:

ScratchcatandGobo wrote:

AIGamesDeveloper wrote:

What if I do this? What would happen
 forever redirect to project ID (1234567890):: #12b63d cap end  
It would not work. It would desplay an error message
No support to this specific idea, nothing else in scratch displays an error message. That would just be inconsistent, and there's a way better solution. This would be like if JavaScript displayed an error message when you press the enter key: there's no reason for that to happen.
Okay, your theory of what would happen is better. I would just leave it to that.

Yeah, but at least we've learned something today… that every moment of our life should be lived to the fullest because it can be very long or very short, my friend. - Gumball
I felt like I wanted to develop games on here, so I won't leave! (for now)
(last edited 2/8/24)

1000+ posts

Redirect to project ID *arg*

so its umm like roblox

<OUO> :: motion  // this is gary he protects my siggy from evil kumquats 

(( ( •) ) _ (( •))    :: #000000   // this is Michael incase gary cant defeat the kumquats
Post your fakemon! (I would like to see your fanmade pokemon)
bring back the uploads image host
Please post on fakemon forum.
99 posts

Redirect to project ID *arg*

@ScratchcatandGobo how did u do that green block
never mind

Last edited by SUPERSCRATCHCATlol (May 1, 2022 00:01:22)

When Rick Astley Clicked ::  #FFd44c hat
Never :: #ffedB3
Gonna :: #aaaaaa
Give :: #aaaaaa
You :: #000000
UP :: #000000 cap
1000+ posts

Redirect to project ID *arg*

Crow_Boy08 wrote:

so its umm like roblox
blocksworld had a feature like this too, I think. But I think it could only teleport people to one of your own projects.

found out:

VuIcannaAshFan wrote:

It was called the Hyperjump Device.

see Hyperjump Device on the BlocksWorld Wiki.

Last edited by Steve0Greatness (May 1, 2022 20:55:36)

/hj is the worst tone indicator. It's confusing and ambiguous. I hate it. The point of tone indicators is to indicate tone, or the way that a piece of text should be read, but what does “half joking” mean? Do you just wake up in the morning and think “wow, I really have something I want to talk about seriously but also kinda not, IDK you decide.” It's useless. I hate it. It just provokes a deep rooted anger within me whenever I see it. People just comment /hj as if it makes any sense. It doesn't. Oh wow, it's a tone indicator that's has a relative meaning, how useful, I'll use it in every comment I post. NO. STOP IT. You're a tone indicator, you have only one job, and yet you sit there doing nothing apart angering me.


^^^ (there's more below)
This one is useful because it tells you that this signature is fully 100% serious. (/srs) Who would've thought that tone indicators needed to tell you something about the piece of text they're attached to? /s

I'm serious, I'm not even going to put multiple (/hj)s a the end of my signature as to mock the previous paragraph for not getting the point of something(like previous version of my signature). /srs
1000+ posts

Redirect to project ID *arg*

Crow_Boy08 wrote:

so its umm like roblox

Yeah, but at least we've learned something today… that every moment of our life should be lived to the fullest because it can be very long or very short, my friend. - Gumball
I felt like I wanted to develop games on here, so I won't leave! (for now)
(last edited 2/8/24)

1000+ posts

Redirect to project ID *arg*

You could do something like this:
when [timer v] > (-1)
if <not <(username) = [*owner's username*]>> then
redirect to project ID (1234567890):: #12b63d cap
and essentially disable starting the project, clicking see inside, or remixing. This is against the rules. You could also hide a script like this:
when [timer v] > (-1)
if <(name) = [*owner's username*]> then // this variable could just be a generic seeming variable like xVel
set [name v] to (username)
if <not <(username) = (name)>> then
redirect to project ID (1234567890):: #12b63d cap
in a random sprite. What this would do is prevent everyone from playing or clicking see inside a remix except the remixer so they won't know. That is against the rules. This would make it harder to find projects with these scripts so they might get away with it. I don't really see what this would add anyway. So yeah.

Last edited by portalpower (May 1, 2022 02:42:52)

thank you for reading my post and have a nice day!
shift+down to view my signature

idk what to put here.
1000+ posts

Redirect to project ID *arg*

portalpower wrote:

You could do something like this:
when [timer v] > (-1)
redirect to project ID (1234567890):: #12b63d cap
and essentially disable starting the project or clicking see inside. You could also hide a script like this:
when [timer v] > (-1)
if <(name) = [*owner's username*]> then // this variable could just be a generic seeming variable like xVel
set [name v] to (username)
if <not <(username) = (name)>> then
redirect to project ID (1234567890):: #12b63d cap
in a random sprite. What this would do is prevent everyone from playing or clicking see inside a remix except the remixer so they won't know. That is against the rules. This would make it hard to find projects with these scripts so they might get away with it. I don't really see what this would add anyway. So yeah.
So you would report that project

Yeah, but at least we've learned something today… that every moment of our life should be lived to the fullest because it can be very long or very short, my friend. - Gumball
I felt like I wanted to develop games on here, so I won't leave! (for now)
(last edited 2/8/24)

1000+ posts

Redirect to project ID *arg*

ScratchcatandGobo wrote:

So you would report that project
What if the remixer doesn't:
1. know what causes that to happen?
2. find out?
3. know how to handle it?
4. find the script?
That would just rely too much on the remixers.

Last edited by portalpower (May 1, 2022 02:42:06)

thank you for reading my post and have a nice day!
shift+down to view my signature

idk what to put here.
1000+ posts

Redirect to project ID *arg*

portalpower wrote:

ScratchcatandGobo wrote:

So you would report that project
What if the remixer doesn't:
1. know what causes that to happen?
2. find out?
3. know how to handle it?
4. find the script?
That would just rely too much on the remixers.
A smarter person like me would find it

Yeah, but at least we've learned something today… that every moment of our life should be lived to the fullest because it can be very long or very short, my friend. - Gumball
I felt like I wanted to develop games on here, so I won't leave! (for now)
(last edited 2/8/24)

100+ posts

Redirect to project ID *arg*

I don't know why everyone is quick to say “This can be used to ruin remixing!!!!”
Yes, it can, you just report those projects. It's like saying we should remove the stop all block because it can be used to make remixes unplayable.

This would be an interesting and fun feature, but how would it work in the offline editor? Would it download the destination project from the internet?

can we not just spam “use contact us” all over questions about scratch? it's really not helpful.
1000+ posts

Redirect to project ID *arg*

thugatwoary wrote:

I don't know why everyone is quick to say “This can be used to ruin remixing!!!!”
Yes, it can, you just report those projects. It's like saying we should remove the stop all block because it can be used to make remixes unplayable.
Except the stop all block doesn't redirect people to different pages and block see inside so only the original creator can find the script.

ScratchcatandGobo wrote:

A smarter person like me would find it
Except for the fact that only the remixer can access the code since it's also blocked.

thank you for reading my post and have a nice day!
shift+down to view my signature

idk what to put here.

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