Discuss Scratch

23 posts

Make it so that you have to change a few things when remixing.

I'm not very keen on people remixing projects with little to no change (removed by moderator - please don't name names)
This suggestion could help people with originality, and put some more effort into what they work on.

Last edited by Paddle2See (April 13, 2022 22:37:41)

So apparently you can advertise in signatures? Oh boy lemmie t- HEY!
My self-plugs were stolen by a Kumquat!
1000+ posts

Make it so that you have to change a few things when remixing.

Duplicate? https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/350553/?page=1

Animated button created by me

Despite what my About section says, I have been using Scratch before 2019. 2019 was the year that I first joined Scratch.

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