Discuss Scratch

23 posts

Make it so that you have to change a few things when remixing.

I'm not very keen on people remixing projects with little to no change (removed by moderator - please don't name names)
This suggestion could help people with originality, and put some more effort into what they work on.

Last edited by Paddle2See (April 13, 2022 22:37:41)

So apparently you can advertise in signatures? Oh boy lemmie t- HEY!
My self-plugs were stolen by a Kumquat!
1000+ posts

Make it so that you have to change a few things when remixing.

Duplicate? https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/350553/?page=1

5 forum tips:
  1. If you are reporting a new forumer's topic to be closed, or moved to another forum, don't mention it, because then, the topic creator will think they will receive either an alert or a ban.

  2. New forumers won't immediately know the rules or terminology of the forums. I have seen this happen hundreds of times (exaggeratedly), especially when experienced forumers (I won't name any) tell new forumers that they are "necroposting", which is when someone posts on an old and resolved topic (especially in the Questions about Scratch forum), causing said topic to be moved to the front page of that forum.

  3. Using Scratchblocks as a writing style is not blockspam, unless it is irrelevant to the discussion. For example, this

    ExampleScratcher1 wrote:

    How do I make a smooth gliding animation?
    when green flag clicked
    repeat until <(my question) = [answered]>
    ask [How do I make a smooth gliding animation?] and wait
    say [Thank you!]
    is not blockspam, but this

    ExampleScratcher2 wrote:

    when green flag clicked
    move (58) steps
    play sound [Stock Laughter Sound Effect HD - 1 Hour v]
    play sound [Stock Screaming Sound Effect HD - 1 Hour v]
    switch backdrop to [internet v]
    say [i broke the internet] for (2) secs
    turn cw (15) degrees
    go to [nearby restaurant v]
    next costume
    is blockspam, which should be reported.

  4. Even if you name your topic something like “ignore” or “DON'T POST ON HERE IF YOU AREN'T A MEMBER OF OUR GROUP!”, people will still post on your topic because topics are meant to be viewed by everyone.

  5. Just be respectful at all times.

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