Discuss Scratch

13 posts

Wiki Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Scratch Wiki is cool…

I keep your Windows up to date. Always in background
74 posts

Wiki Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Davikroetzstudios wrote:

We need the new Blur effect for the new Scratch 4.0 Update
when green flag clicked
set [blur v] effect to (0)
Blur would be a cool effect!

Hi! I'm Sparkle or Stella, I don't really have a preference. I like kawaii, puppies, more puppies, things like unicorns/mermaids, horses, baking, swimming, volleyball, and a ton of other things XD

ohoho, mind checking out my projects? I'd appreciate it!
17 posts

Wiki Wednesday, March 30, 2022

SparklePuppyPonyGirl wrote:

Davikroetzstudios wrote:

We need the new Blur effect for the new Scratch 4.0 Update
when green flag clicked
set [blur v] effect to (0)
Blur would be a cool effect!

I Would agree with you

Last edited by proscratchplayer2012 (April 4, 2022 17:41:52)

74 posts

Wiki Wednesday, March 30, 2022

mrrecordman wrote:

I suggest we close this topic as there is a lot of spam here!
uhm this is Wiki Wednesday, I like it and personally think we shouldn't close it. Also, people would just go other places to spam, plus there's not that many people spamming here.

Hi! I'm Sparkle or Stella, I don't really have a preference. I like kawaii, puppies, more puppies, things like unicorns/mermaids, horses, baking, swimming, volleyball, and a ton of other things XD

ohoho, mind checking out my projects? I'd appreciate it!
74 posts

Wiki Wednesday, March 30, 2022

ScratchISAwes0me wrote:

What's Wiki Wednesday?
YAAS I LOVE SCRATCH!!!!!! (just to clarify, not the “smoochy-smoochy” kind of way.)

Hi! I'm Sparkle or Stella, I don't really have a preference. I like kawaii, puppies, more puppies, things like unicorns/mermaids, horses, baking, swimming, volleyball, and a ton of other things XD

ohoho, mind checking out my projects? I'd appreciate it!
74 posts

Wiki Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Kiska-7275 wrote:

Silicobra wrote:

Kiska-7275 wrote:

DenneDWHAT124 wrote:

Glad the backbag thing exist! Usefull
Backbag? Never knew about backbag…
Yep, it's so hidden, mostly forgotten but it's really really useful because you can keep sprites, costumes and sounds into it for all projects.
Welp me know backpack, but no know backbag
I like the Scratch Backbag better than the backpack XD
well, I do like the backpack a lot though lol

Hi! I'm Sparkle or Stella, I don't really have a preference. I like kawaii, puppies, more puppies, things like unicorns/mermaids, horses, baking, swimming, volleyball, and a ton of other things XD

ohoho, mind checking out my projects? I'd appreciate it!
3 posts

Wiki Wednesday, March 30, 2022

I want paper
100+ posts

Wiki Wednesday, March 30, 2022


Perfect Cell you are perfect! Be perfect, stay perfect, have a perfect life!
Follow me here!
Helper of Scratch Forums. Most Active in Suggestions, Help with Scripts and Bugs And Glitches

when green flag clicked::control
wait until <<perfect? ::#6362e1> = [true]::operators>::events
be perfect! ::#782fea cap

My Kumquat Protectors{
*~*::#d0f}::#999 hat
they protect my signature from evil kumquats!::#e4f166
good to have them!::#a277b1

oh hey you found the secret message in my signature.
do not click this

Well scratch changed the way that youtube videos function directly from Scratch so this trick doesn't work anymore.
17 posts

Wiki Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Effects that would be cool
set [neon]  effect to (46)

set [darkness] effect to (70)

I think darkness since we got brightness

An neon so like basically the colour effect but the colour is neon

Last edited by proscratchplayer2012 (April 4, 2022 17:51:02)

5 posts

Wiki Wednesday, March 30, 2022

play sound [ Huh
500+ posts

Wiki Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Wow, my first post on an announcment!

100+ posts

Wiki Wednesday, March 30, 2022

5 posts

Wiki Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Scratch should add collaborative scratching, that way, two or more people can work on the same project with ease! I think this could change scratch and make lots and lots of people happy
1000+ posts

Wiki Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Legacy-of-objects wrote:

Scratch should add collaborative scratching, that way, two or more people can work on the same project with ease! I think this could change scratch and make lots and lots of people happy

The Scratch Team considered that and they said no to it

With the Paris Olympics starting, I recommend playing Running Simulator, with an Olympics update in the works.

Original signature down below (Shift + Down Arrow)

My 6900th post
Thank you Era 2 for the memories. May 5th, 2021 - June 10th, 2024
1000+ posts

Wiki Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Alright everybody please note that this is not the place to spam. The announcements forum is for important things and for Scratchers new and old giving their feedback on the announcement

If you want to test blocks and how they work, please go to the scratchblock testing topic but follow the rules there.

If you have a question about how Scratch works, please go here and ask your question

If you need to think of a project, go here, and “forum helpers” will help you think of a project

Want to suggest something new to the Scratch Website? Go here

See glitches and/or bugs on Scratch? Make a new topic here

Want to advertise? Go here and people will notice your projects. It's also a great alternative to advertising on projects!

Need help with code? Go here and people will help you with scripts

If you are new, go here and introduce yourself to the Scratch community.

People are making things like stories, music, and more at this forum. If you are interested, click here. There are things in this forum such as the Minecraft Topic.

If you want to discuss topics like Sonic, Warrior Cats, ROBLOX, and more, there are threads over here where you can talk about the game.

If it's your first time on the forums, read this to learn what the forums are

Thanks! Have a nice day!

With the Paris Olympics starting, I recommend playing Running Simulator, with an Olympics update in the works.

Original signature down below (Shift + Down Arrow)

My 6900th post
Thank you Era 2 for the memories. May 5th, 2021 - June 10th, 2024
7 posts

Wiki Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Hello i just wanted to say: #StandwithUkraine
84 posts

Wiki Wednesday, March 30, 2022

its not Wednesday, i do not understand https://giphy.com/stickers/what-pixel-l378xVg7JY3tefx3W (image link because WHY WONT YOU EXCEPT GIPHY LINKS FOR IMAGES WHYYY)

this is my signiture
when green flag clicked
say [Scratch Time!] for (2) secs
1 post

Wiki Wednesday, March 30, 2022


Last edited by luisald (April 4, 2022 18:12:28)

74 posts

Wiki Wednesday, March 30, 2022

so this is unrelated, sorry. I think Scratch 4.0 should have a way to make collaborative projects, like private ones that you can share with only a few/one Scratcher (s), and have the Scratchers that you are working with be able to edit it and save changes, and, once they're done, share it with the rest of the world!

Hi! I'm Sparkle or Stella, I don't really have a preference. I like kawaii, puppies, more puppies, things like unicorns/mermaids, horses, baking, swimming, volleyball, and a ton of other things XD

ohoho, mind checking out my projects? I'd appreciate it!
84 posts

Wiki Wednesday, March 30, 2022


this is my signiture
when green flag clicked
say [Scratch Time!] for (2) secs

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