Discuss Scratch

1000+ posts

[Incubator RC.2.0 is AVAILABLE FOR TESTING] Itinerary: Scratch Game Jams & More (itinerary.eu.org)

PizzaPizza72 wrote:


aII toasters toast toast, but what happens when there are no longer toasters being produced? will their technology simply become obsolete, with humans moving onto bigger, better things? will toast become a distant memory, written in textbooks of the future as foods us simpler generations ate? who's to say! society is constantly moving, changing, evolving, ideas being built upon, improved upon, theories being proven or disproven. are we but a blip on the timeline? sure, our names may not be remembered, but that's not the point. you can make a change. you can make a difference. you can make the world better, even if you don't know yet. and the first step is to go for it. even if you are afraid of failure. going back to the example of toasters, do you know off the top of your head who invented them? no? have you used one? probably. so, even if you don't remember my name, if I was able to help awnser your question, that is enough. if I was able to help you, even in the slightest way, this could push you to continue with scratch and not give up after the program crashes, and maybe one day learn other programming languages and change the world. everything is a cause and effect reaction, new inventions lead to the technology of the future, and even as the generations of the past are slowly forgotten, their influence lives on to this day, affecting how the world eventually turned out and how it will be for generations to come.

and, without toasters, we wouldn't have toast.


Anything above that grey line is a signature!
Also, anything can be put in your signature, (also referred as a siggy) including ads but! You cannot do anything else that violates the community guidelines as, you will be reported and you could be banned/muted.
Computer enthusiast, coder, designer and a offline veteran.
700th post
1000+ posts

[Incubator RC.2.0 is AVAILABLE FOR TESTING] Itinerary: Scratch Game Jams & More (itinerary.eu.org)

dynamicsofscratch wrote:

PizzaPizza72 wrote:

Ded thred


Very old Scratch 2.0 Alpha help

1000+ posts

[Incubator RC.2.0 is AVAILABLE FOR TESTING] Itinerary: Scratch Game Jams & More (itinerary.eu.org)

PyraEthan12 wrote:

dynamicsofscratch wrote:

PizzaPizza72 wrote:

Ded thred
Rhyme moment

Anyway let's get back on topic

3DS and Wii U live once more! Pretendo

Pretendo Network (Wii U): PizzaPizza72
1000+ posts

[Incubator RC.2.0 is AVAILABLE FOR TESTING] Itinerary: Scratch Game Jams & More (itinerary.eu.org)

Anyone else can't log in to this? I can log in to Incubator just fine, but Itinerary doesn't work.

Signatures are the only place where assets links still work.
1000+ posts

[Incubator RC.2.0 is AVAILABLE FOR TESTING] Itinerary: Scratch Game Jams & More (itinerary.eu.org)


forgot to update sig, i own minecraft months ago lol
maybe even a year at this point
1000+ posts

[Incubator RC.2.0 is AVAILABLE FOR TESTING] Itinerary: Scratch Game Jams & More (itinerary.eu.org)

If I don't have Github and still want to help translating, can I just put it here?

Signatures are the only place where assets links still work.
1000+ posts

[Incubator RC.2.0 is AVAILABLE FOR TESTING] Itinerary: Scratch Game Jams & More (itinerary.eu.org)

d e a d t h r e a d m o m e n t

aII toasters toast toast, but what happens when there are no longer toasters being produced? will their technology simply become obsolete, with humans moving onto bigger, better things? will toast become a distant memory, written in textbooks of the future as foods us simpler generations ate? who's to say! society is constantly moving, changing, evolving, ideas being built upon, improved upon, theories being proven or disproven. are we but a blip on the timeline? sure, our names may not be remembered, but that's not the point. you can make a change. you can make a difference. you can make the world better, even if you don't know yet. and the first step is to go for it. even if you are afraid of failure. going back to the example of toasters, do you know off the top of your head who invented them? no? have you used one? probably. so, even if you don't remember my name, if I was able to help awnser your question, that is enough. if I was able to help you, even in the slightest way, this could push you to continue with scratch and not give up after the program crashes, and maybe one day learn other programming languages and change the world. everything is a cause and effect reaction, new inventions lead to the technology of the future, and even as the generations of the past are slowly forgotten, their influence lives on to this day, affecting how the world eventually turned out and how it will be for generations to come.

and, without toasters, we wouldn't have toast.


Anything above that grey line is a signature!
Also, anything can be put in your signature, (also referred as a siggy) including ads but! You cannot do anything else that violates the community guidelines as, you will be reported and you could be banned/muted.
Computer enthusiast, coder, designer and a offline veteran.
700th post
1000+ posts

[Incubator RC.2.0 is AVAILABLE FOR TESTING] Itinerary: Scratch Game Jams & More (itinerary.eu.org)

If you delete your Incubator account, then the page you get redirected to has the sign in link as FluffyScratch still

Signatures are the only place where assets links still work.
1000+ posts

[Incubator RC.2.0 is AVAILABLE FOR TESTING] Itinerary: Scratch Game Jams & More (itinerary.eu.org)

my last message here to looky. w h e n i s a n e w u p d a t e c o m i n g o u t ?

aII toasters toast toast, but what happens when there are no longer toasters being produced? will their technology simply become obsolete, with humans moving onto bigger, better things? will toast become a distant memory, written in textbooks of the future as foods us simpler generations ate? who's to say! society is constantly moving, changing, evolving, ideas being built upon, improved upon, theories being proven or disproven. are we but a blip on the timeline? sure, our names may not be remembered, but that's not the point. you can make a change. you can make a difference. you can make the world better, even if you don't know yet. and the first step is to go for it. even if you are afraid of failure. going back to the example of toasters, do you know off the top of your head who invented them? no? have you used one? probably. so, even if you don't remember my name, if I was able to help awnser your question, that is enough. if I was able to help you, even in the slightest way, this could push you to continue with scratch and not give up after the program crashes, and maybe one day learn other programming languages and change the world. everything is a cause and effect reaction, new inventions lead to the technology of the future, and even as the generations of the past are slowly forgotten, their influence lives on to this day, affecting how the world eventually turned out and how it will be for generations to come.

and, without toasters, we wouldn't have toast.


Anything above that grey line is a signature!
Also, anything can be put in your signature, (also referred as a siggy) including ads but! You cannot do anything else that violates the community guidelines as, you will be reported and you could be banned/muted.
Computer enthusiast, coder, designer and a offline veteran.
700th post
100+ posts

[Incubator RC.2.0 is AVAILABLE FOR TESTING] Itinerary: Scratch Game Jams & More (itinerary.eu.org)

mybearworld wrote:

Anyone else can't log in to this? I can log in to Incubator just fine, but Itinerary doesn't work.
Will look into this soon…

mybearworld wrote:

If I don't have Github and still want to help translating, can I just put it here?
Yes, feel free to!

dynamicsofscratch wrote:

d e a d t h r e a d m o m e n t

mybearworld wrote:

If you delete your Incubator account, then the page you get redirected to has the sign in link as FluffyScratch still
Bizarre, I will take a look at this too once I find the time.

dynamicsofscratch wrote:

my last message here to looky. w h e n i s a n e w u p d a t e c o m i n g o u t ?
I don’t know. Would anyone be genuinely interested in new Itinerary & Incubator updates?

1000+ posts

[Incubator RC.2.0 is AVAILABLE FOR TESTING] Itinerary: Scratch Game Jams & More (itinerary.eu.org)

Looky1173 wrote:


mybearworld wrote:

If I don't have Github and still want to help translating, can I just put it here?
Yes, feel free to!
Alright, great, here is my translation for German! (de-DE, Deutsch)
  • Most of the Auth messages still talk about FluffyScratch. I haven't changed this in my translation.
  • Due to limitations with the Scratch forums, I had to change the cat emoji to <cat emoji>, please change this back when using this outside of the forums!
  • I'm not sure with the translation of dashboard.editingUser, I translated it as “User is being edited”. Is that the correct meaning?
  • Will meta.updatedAt be used for anything other than times? I assumed no.
export default {
    global: {
        cancel: 'Abbrechen',
        close: 'Schließen',
        confirm: 'Bestätigen',
        discard: 'Bearbeitung verwerfen',
        save: 'Speichern',
        saveAndClose: 'Speichern und schließen',
        submit: 'Einsenden',
        theme: 'Aussehen',
        language: 'Sprache',
    countdown: {
        day: 'Tage | Tag',
        hour: 'Stunden | Stunde',
        minute: 'Minuten | Minute',
        second: 'Sekunden | Sekunde',
    navigation: {
        home: 'Startseite',
        about: 'Über',
        explore: 'Entdecken',
        developers: 'Entwickler',
        feedback: 'Rückmeldung',
        create: 'Erstellen',
        logIn: 'Anmelden',
        logOut: 'Abmelden',
    welcomeBanner: {
        gameJamSlogan: 'Entdecke und nehme an Game Jams teil!',
        communitySlogan: 'Trete der Gemeinschaft bei!',
        start: 'Los geht\'s',
        moreInfo: 'Mehr erfahren',
    footer: {
        aboutTheSite: 'Über Itinerary',
        forDevelopers: 'Für Entwickler',
        affiliation: 'Itinerary ist nicht mit Scratch, dem Scratch Team oder der Scratch Foundation verbunden.',
        projectNature: 'Itinerary ist ein Open-Source-Projekt mit Stilaspekten inspiriert von <b>Ocular</b> (von <a href="https://scratch.mit.edu/users/Jeffalo"><b>@Jeffalo</b></a>) und der <a href="https://scratch.mit.edu"><b>Scratch-Website</b></a> (von der <b>Scratch-Foundation</b>).',
    notifications: {
        global: {
            fillInRequiredFields: 'Bitte fülle die erforderten Felder aus!',
            invalidURL: 'Die eingegebene URL ist ungültig!',
        admin: {
            editingOwnProfile: 'Du bearbeitest dein eigenes Profil, sei vorsichtig, wenn du Dinge veränderst!',
        auth: {
            loggedOut: 'Du wurdest abgemeldet.',
            failedAuth: 'FluffyScratch hat nicht funktioniert! Denke daran, dass das Anmeldesystem momentan keine neuen Scratcher unterstützt.',
            serverError: 'Unsere Server konnten mit FluffyScratch und/oder der Scratch-API nicht kommunizieren, bitte versuche es später noch einmal.',
            banned: 'Du wurdest von Itinerary gebannt! Du kannst die Website immer noch abgemeldet nutzen.',
        gameJams: {
            projects: {
                logInToUpvoteProject: 'Bitte melde dich an, um Projekte zu bewerten!',
                removingProject: 'Dein Projekt wird entfernt...',
                removedProject: 'Dein Projekt wurde von der Game Jam entfernt!',
                couldNotRemoveProject: 'Dein Projekt konnte von dieser Game Jam nicht entfernt werden!',
                selectingAsWinner: 'Wird als Gewinner gewählt...',
                selectedAsWinner: 'Hurra, wir haben einen Gewinner!',
                removingWinnerStatus: 'Gewinnerstatus wird entfernt...',
                removedWinnerStatus: 'Der Gewinnerstatus wurde von dem Projekt entfernt.',
                submittingProject: 'Dein Projekt wird eingesendet...',
                submittedProject: 'Dein Projekt wurde eingesendet!',
            new: {
                creatingGameJam: 'Deine Game Jam wird erstellt...',
                createdGameJam: 'Deine Game Jam wurde erfolgreich erstellt!',
            managers: {
                givingUpManagerRole: 'Du wirst von der Liste der Manager dieser Game Jam entfernt...',
                gaveUpManagerRole: 'Du bist kein Manager dieser Game Jam mehr.',
                couldNotGiveUpManagerRole: 'Aus unbekannten Gründen konntest du nicht als Manager dieser Game Jam entfernt werden!',
                removingManager: 'Manager wird entfernt...',
                removedManager: '{manager} ist kein Manager dieser Game Jam mehr.',
                couldNotRemoveManager: '{manager} konnte nicht als Manager dieser Game Jam entfernt werden',
                addingManager: 'Manager wird hinzugefügt...',
                addedManager: '{manager} ist jetzt ein Manager dieser Game Jam!',
            updatingGameJam: 'Deine Game Jam wird aktualisiert...',
            updatedGameJam: 'Deine Game Jam wurde erfolgreich aktualisiert!',
            deletingGameJam: 'Deine Game Jam wird gelöscht...',
            deletedGameJam: 'Deine Game Jam wurde erfolgreich gelöscht!',
            couldNotDeleteGameJam: 'Deine Game Jam konnte nicht gelöscht werden!',
            savingAdvancedOptions: 'Die erweiterten Optionen werden gespeichert...',
            savedAdvancedOptions: 'Die erweiterten Optionen wurden gespeichert!',
            featuringGameJam: 'Die Game Jam wird vorgestellt...',
            featuredGameJam: 'Diese Game Jam wird jetzt vorgestellt, also wird sie auf der Startseite erscheinen!',
            unfeaturingGameJam: 'Die Vorstellung der Game Jam wird entzogen...',
            unfeaturedGameJam: 'Diese Game Jam wird nicht mehr vorgestellt.',
        dashboard: {
            missingUsername: 'Du musst einen Benutzernamen eingeben!',
            couldNotCreateUser: 'Es ist ein Fehler passiert und wir konnten den Benutzer nicht erstellen! In der Konsole sind Details.',
            couldNotUpdateUser: 'Es ist ein Fehler passiert und wir konnten den Benutzer nicht aktualisieren! In der Konsole sind Details.',
            couldNotDeleteAccount: 'Es ist ein Fehler passiert und wir konnten den Benutzer nicht löschen! In der Konsole sind Details.',
            couldNotDeleteOwnAccount: 'Es ist ein Fehler passiert und wir konnten dein Konto nicht löschen! In der Konsole sind Details.',
    loaders: {
        loading: 'Laden...',
        loadingContributors: 'Mitwirkende werden geladen...',
        loadingGameJam: 'Die Game Jam wird geladen...',
        loadingGameJams: 'Game Jams werden geladen...',
        loadingManagers: 'Manager werden geladen...',
        loadingUsers: 'Alle Benutzer werden geladen...',
        loadingProjects: 'Projekte werden geladen...',
        loadingWinners: 'Gewinner werden geladen...',
    credits: {
        credits: 'Mitwirkende',
        acknowledgement: 'Danke an alle, die auf irgendeine Art und Weise bei diesem Projekt beigetragen haben! <a href="https://allcontributors.org/docs/en/emoji-key">Was bedeuten die Emojis?</a>',
        couldNotGetContributors: 'Tut uns leid, wir konnten die Liste der Mitwirkenden von GitHub nicht bekommen. Versuche es später noch einmal!',
        websiteDescription: 'Itinerary ist der Nachfolger von <a href="https://scratchtools.edu.eu.org">Scratch Tools</a>, einem Projekt, das hauptsächlich wegen seiner Struktur nicht mehr beibehaltbar war.',
    auth: {
        logIn: '<cat emoji> Mit Scratch anmelden',
        logInAs: 'Als {user} anmelden',
        logInTitle: 'Zu Itinerary anmelden',
        logInInfo: 'Wenn du noch kein Konto hast, wird für dich eins erstellt werden, wenn du dich anmeldest!',
        benefits: 'Wenn du dich anmeldest, wirst du mehr Funktionen nutzen können.',
    explore: {
        exploreGameJams: 'Entdecke Game Jams',
        gameJamsPerPage: 'Wie viele Game Jams pro Seite?',
        pagination: {
            previous: 'Zurück',
            next: 'Weiter',
            pageInfo: 'Seite {page} von {total}',
    project: {
        winner: 'Gewinner',
        selectedByTheCommunity: 'Von der Gemeinschaft ausgewählt',
        upvote: 'Gut!',
        upvoted: 'Als gut bewertet',
        selectAsWinner: 'Als Gewinner auswählen',
        viewOnScratch: 'Das Projekt auf Scratch anschauen',
        remove: 'Einsendung entfernen',
        revokeWinnerStatus: 'Gewinnerstatus entfernen',
    gameJam: {
        status: {
            upcoming: 'Beginnt in',
            ongoing: 'Endet in',
            over: 'Beendet',
            featured: 'Vorgestellt',
            remainingVotes: 'Du hast noch {votes} Stimmen | Du hast noch {votes} Stimme',
            enteredJam: 'Du bist dieser Game Jam beigetreten.',
            hasNotEnteredJam: 'Sende dein Projekt unten ein!',
            notAcceptingProjects: 'Bei dieser Game Jam kann man noch kein Projekt einsenden.',
        managers: {
            userIsAdministrator: 'Du bist ein Administrator',
            userIsManager: 'Du bist ein Manager dieser Game Jam',
            leave: 'Verlassen',
            username: 'Benutzername',
            editManagers: 'Manager bearbeiten',
            noManagers: 'Noch keine Manager... füge unten welche hinzu!',
            managerToAdd: 'Benutzername des neuen Managers',
            giveUpRoleConfirmation: 'Bist du dir sicher, dass du die Managerrolle in dieser Game Jam ({jam} - {jamSlug}) verlieren wilst?\n\n⚠ Du wirst keinen Zugriff auf Manageroptionen mehr haben ⚠',
            removeManagerConfirmation: 'Bist du dir sicher, dass du die Managerrolle von {manager} in dieser Game Jam ({jam} - {jamSlug}) entfernen willst ?\n\n⚠ Er/sie wird keinen Zugriff auf Manageroptionen mehr haben ⚠',
            viewUserOnScratch: 'Benutzer auf Scratch öffnen',
            removeManager: 'Manager entfernen',
        participating: {
            enterGameJam: 'Der Game Jam beitreten',
            gameURL: 'Spiel-URL',
            gameURLPlaceholder: 'Füge den Link deines Scratch-Spiels ein',
            authTitle: 'Melde dich an, um mitzumachne!',
            authBenefits: 'Sobald du angemeldet bist, kannst du Spiele bewerten oder deine eigenen hochladen!',
        new: {
            createGameJam: 'Erstelle eine neue Game Jam',
            editGameJam: 'Bearbeite die Game Jam',
            name: 'Name',
            namePlaceholder: 'Gebe der Game Jam einen kurzen Titel, den man sich gut merken kann!',
            description: 'Beschreibung',
            descriptionPlaceholder: 'Beschreibe die Game Jam relativ kurz. Diese Beschreibung kann man auch bevor die Game Jam los geht sehen, also sage nicht all zu viel dazu.',
            body: 'Text',
            bodyPlaceholder: 'Beschreibe die Game Jam jetzt komplett. Erkläre das Thema der Game Jam, die Regeln und Erforderungen, den Preis, usw...',
            noBody: '*Noch gibt es nichts zu sehen!*', // Written in Markdown
            image: 'Bild',
            imagePlaceholder: 'Ein Link zu dem Bild (Thumbnail), dass deine Game Jam repräsentiert',
            start: 'Anfang',
            startPlaceholder: 'Wann die Game Jam anfangen soll.',
            end: 'Ende',
            endPlaceholder: 'Wann die Game Jam aufhören soll.',
            markdown: 'Markdown',
            markdownPreview: 'Vorschau',
            requestGameJamTitle: 'Frage einen Administrator, eine Game Jam für dich zu erstellen!!',
                'Itinerary ist momentan in der Beta-Version und wir müssen die Anzahl an Game Jams klein halten, während wir die Seite vervollständigen. Wir freuen uns über frühe Tester und Nutzer! <b>Wenn du eine Game Jam für dich selbst und die, die dir folgen möchtest, kontaktiere bitte einen Administrator.</b>',
            requestGameJamAction: 'Kontaktiere Looky1173 (Administrator) auf Scratch',
        actions: {
            advancedOptions: 'Erweiterte Optionen',
            createGameJam: 'Game Jam erstellen',
            submitProject: 'Sende dein Projekt ein',
            optionsTitle: 'Optionen',
            featureGameJam: 'Game Jam vorstellen',
            unfeatureGameJam: 'Game Jam nicht mehr vorstellen',
            clearVotes: 'Alle Bewertungen löschen',
            clearProjects: 'Alle Einsendungen löschen',
            deleteGameJam: 'Game Jam löschen',
        options: {
            advancedOptionsTitle: 'Erweiterte Optionen',
            mysteryDescription: 'Das Thema (die Hauptbeschreibung) von der Game Jam bevor sie beginnt nicht zeigen',
            mysteryEnabled: 'Geheimnis-Modus an',
            mysteryAdminInfo: 'Nur Manager (und Admins) können die Beschreibung sehen, bevor sie beginnt.',
            mysteryPublicInfo: 'Diese Game Jam wird in der Zukunft anfangen. Um einen fairen Start für alle zu garantieren, ist die Beschreibung versteckt.',
        winners: 'Gewinner',
        noWinners: 'Noch keine Gewinner. Bewerte ein paar Projekte!',
        about: 'Über diese Game Jam',
        submissions: 'Einsendungen',
        noBodyProvided: '*Oh, oh! Keine Beschreibung wurde für diese Game Jam angegeben.*', // Written in Markdown
        noProjects: 'Keine Projekte. Sei der erste, eins einzusenden!',
    forms: {
        required: 'Erforderlich',
    index: {
        featuredGameJams: 'Vorgestellte Game Jams',
        welcome: 'Willkommen zu Itinerary!',
        'Du kannst die Entwicklung von Itinerary verfolgen und bei ihr mithelfen bei den offiziellen GitHub-Repositories <a href="https://github.com/Looky1173/Itinerary">Itinerary</a> und <a href="https://github.com/Looky1173/Itinerary-Server">Itinerary-Server</a>.',
    dashboard: {
        title: 'Dashboard',
        dangerTitle: 'Gefahrenzone',
        deleteAccount: 'Benutzer und deren Daten löschen',
        deleteAccountConfirmation: 'Bist du dir sicher, dass du den Benutzer {name} und alle dessen Daten löschen willst?\n\n⚠ Dies kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden! ⚠',
        deleteOwnAccount: 'Mein Konto und meine Daten löschen',
        deleteOwnAccountConfirmation: 'Bist du dir sicher, dass du dein Konto {name} und alle deine Daten löschen willst?\n\n⚠ Dies kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden! ⚠',
        admin: 'Admin',
        isAdmin: 'Ist ein Admin?',
        banned: 'Gebannt',
        isBanned: 'Ist gebannt?',
        internalID: 'Interne ID',
        editingUser: 'Benutzer wird bearbeitet',
        updateUser: 'Aktualisieren',
        updatingUser: 'Wird aktualisiert...',
        updatedUser: 'Benutzer wurde erfolgreich aktualisiert!',
        adminTitle: 'Adminwerkzeuge',
        viewAllUsers: 'Sehe alle Benutzer',
        userList: 'Benutzerliste',
        refreshUsers: 'Neuladen',
        addUserTitle: 'Benutzer hinzufügen',
        addUserExplanation: 'Wenn der Benutzer unten kein Konto auf Itinerary hat, wird eins erstellt.',
        addUserUsername: 'Benutzername',
        addUserAction: 'Benutzer erstellen',
    meta: {
        updatedAt: 'Aktualisiert um',
        updatedBy: 'Aktualisiert von',

Last edited by mybearworld (Feb. 26, 2023 20:22:06)

Signatures are the only place where assets links still work.
100+ posts

[Incubator RC.2.0 is AVAILABLE FOR TESTING] Itinerary: Scratch Game Jams & More (itinerary.eu.org)

Thank you for the translations, mybearworld. The German translation has been deployed! I'm pleasantly surprised that people still care about Itinerary.

mybearworld wrote:

I'm not sure with the translation of dashboard.editingUser, I translated it as “User is being edited”. Is that the correct meaning?
I think that's correct, although I forgot where it's used in the dashboard…

mybearworld wrote:

Will meta.updatedAt be used for anything other than times? I assumed no.
No, it's just for the user table in the dashboard.

About logging in to Itinerary: Itinerary's backend is hosted on Replit and the Scratch Team has blocked all API requests coming from the platform quite a while ago. So I started using a CORS proxy but it has now been flagged as a “phishing site” by Cloudflare, thus there goes any access to the Scratch API from Replit. I'm not sure what I can do now, do let me know if you have any suggestions!

500+ posts

[Incubator RC.2.0 is AVAILABLE FOR TESTING] Itinerary: Scratch Game Jams & More (itinerary.eu.org)

scratch: no actual programming in the motherland!!!1!1!!

If you own a shop, think about joining the USS or SCA!

IMPORTANT: This siggy is getting interrupted because I lost my glasses. (Credit to @Chiroyce for the interruption´s BBCode)
Please set a status at Ocular by clicking the below image, to make @Jeffalo happy! #OcularStatusesTo5k
Interruption BBCode:
Please set a status at [url=https://ocular.jeffalo.net/?utm_campaign=Scratch%20signature%20link%20in%20<yourusername>%27s%20signature]Ocular[/url] by clicking the below image, to make [url=https://scratch.mit.edu/users/Jeffalo]@Jeffalo[/url] happy! #OcularStatusesTo2k :D
Kumquat slept in thy signature on Scratch. Kumquat openest thy place under your post
100+ posts

[Incubator RC.2.0 is AVAILABLE FOR TESTING] Itinerary: Scratch Game Jams & More (itinerary.eu.org)

misaPuding wrote:

scratch: no actual programming in the motherland!!!1!1!!

Edit: Oh, I get it!

Last edited by Looky1173 (Feb. 27, 2023 10:58:24)

1000+ posts

[Incubator RC.2.0 is AVAILABLE FOR TESTING] Itinerary: Scratch Game Jams & More (itinerary.eu.org)

Looky1173 wrote:

About logging in to Itinerary: Itinerary's backend is hosted on Replit and the Scratch Team has blocked all API requests coming from the platform quite a while ago. So I started using a CORS proxy but it has now been flagged as a “phishing site” by Cloudflare, thus there goes any access to the Scratch API from Replit. I'm not sure what I can do now, do let me know if you have any suggestions!
It still works in Incubator, is that hosted differently?

Edit: If countdown.day is used in this way, then it would have to be “Tagen”, not “Tage” to be grammatically correct. (Alternatively, gameJam.status.ongoing could be changed to “Noch”, but “Endet in” is a more literal translation)

Last edited by mybearworld (Feb. 27, 2023 11:11:04)

Signatures are the only place where assets links still work.
100+ posts

[Incubator RC.2.0 is AVAILABLE FOR TESTING] Itinerary: Scratch Game Jams & More (itinerary.eu.org)

mybearworld wrote:

Looky1173 wrote:

Looky1173 wrote:About logging in to Itinerary: Itinerary's backend is hosted on Replit and the Scratch Team has blocked all API requests coming from the platform quite a while ago. So I started using a CORS proxy but it has now been flagged as a “phishing site” by Cloudflare, thus there goes any access to the Scratch API from Replit. I'm not sure what I can do now, do let me know if you have any suggestions!
It still works in Incubator, is that hosted differently?
Incubator is a Next.js app, so it can be hosted on Vercel entirely, whereas I had to split Itinerary into two: the frontend is written in Nuxt.js 2 and is hosted on Vercel and the backend is a Node.js app running on Replit. Incubator works because the Scratch API can be accessed from Vercel deployments.

1000+ posts

[Incubator RC.2.0 is AVAILABLE FOR TESTING] Itinerary: Scratch Game Jams & More (itinerary.eu.org)

Looky1173 wrote:

I don’t know. Would anyone be genuinely interested in new Itinerary & Incubator updates?

3DS and Wii U live once more! Pretendo

Pretendo Network (Wii U): PizzaPizza72
1000+ posts

[Incubator RC.2.0 is AVAILABLE FOR TESTING] Itinerary: Scratch Game Jams & More (itinerary.eu.org)

Looky1173 wrote:

dynamicsofscratch wrote:

my last message here to looky. w h e n i s a n e w u p d a t e c o m i n g o u t ?
I don’t know. Would anyone be genuinely interested in new Itinerary & Incubator updates?
YES! I would be heavily. also, could I contribute in ScratchAuth by adding a heavier authentication system? It would be bad as for the people already using ScratchAuth and having to adapt to a new system (not factoring the increased complexity proposed)

aII toasters toast toast, but what happens when there are no longer toasters being produced? will their technology simply become obsolete, with humans moving onto bigger, better things? will toast become a distant memory, written in textbooks of the future as foods us simpler generations ate? who's to say! society is constantly moving, changing, evolving, ideas being built upon, improved upon, theories being proven or disproven. are we but a blip on the timeline? sure, our names may not be remembered, but that's not the point. you can make a change. you can make a difference. you can make the world better, even if you don't know yet. and the first step is to go for it. even if you are afraid of failure. going back to the example of toasters, do you know off the top of your head who invented them? no? have you used one? probably. so, even if you don't remember my name, if I was able to help awnser your question, that is enough. if I was able to help you, even in the slightest way, this could push you to continue with scratch and not give up after the program crashes, and maybe one day learn other programming languages and change the world. everything is a cause and effect reaction, new inventions lead to the technology of the future, and even as the generations of the past are slowly forgotten, their influence lives on to this day, affecting how the world eventually turned out and how it will be for generations to come.

and, without toasters, we wouldn't have toast.


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Also, anything can be put in your signature, (also referred as a siggy) including ads but! You cannot do anything else that violates the community guidelines as, you will be reported and you could be banned/muted.
Computer enthusiast, coder, designer and a offline veteran.
700th post
1000+ posts

[Incubator RC.2.0 is AVAILABLE FOR TESTING] Itinerary: Scratch Game Jams & More (itinerary.eu.org)

Where is the 3.0 UI located in GitHub?

forgot to update sig, i own minecraft months ago lol
maybe even a year at this point
100+ posts

[Incubator RC.2.0 is AVAILABLE FOR TESTING] Itinerary: Scratch Game Jams & More (itinerary.eu.org)

Good news! The sign in issue with Itinerary is now resolved! Moreover, profile pictures are back and submitting projects is no longer broken.

WojtekGame wrote:

Where is the 3.0 UI located in GitHub?
Hi, what 3.0 UI are you referring to? The Itinerary UI?

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