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SAC - Mosaic Musical Comic Book

Hello, theatre kids!
As you know, we're making an in-cabin comic book! When you see your username, the following scene is yours to draw! Make sure to only draw your own scenes! Anything else you need to know should be in this project: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/623934285/


Panel 1, Lee is using a tool to open a window, the window is located on the left side of the theater. sliding it under the window and pushing it up it comes open.
Panel 2, Lee climbs through the window, falling into the theater on their face as Alex follows.
Panel 3, Alex gives Lee their hand, helping them up from the ground.

Panel 4, Lee is up and is looking at two figures in the front row of the theater, one Masculine, and the other Feminine.
Panel 5, Lee and Alex walk up to the figures, thinking they were caught.
Panel 6, Alex is standing with their mouth hung open, while Lee has both of the figures tied up and is carrying them over their shoulder.
Panel 7, Lee heads to the window and throws the now tied-up figures out the window, Alex following, still in shock.

Panel 8, Alex, standing on the deck of Cabin 7, waves as a group of three campers, Bo, Zarian, and Desmin walk up the steps. And says, “Welcome heroes, to Cabin 7! I’m your guy’s Co-Counselor, Alex!”
Panel 9, The group of campers walk into the cabin, where Lee is leaning against the wall across from the beds and says, “Hey, I’m Lee, your counselor. Choose an empty bunk and start unpacking, we’ll be heading down to the lake for a brief explanation on what camp’s all about soon.”
Panel 10, The group of campers walk over to the beds in the far corner, as Lee turns and opens a door opposite the beds.


Panel 11, “I wonder where that room goes…” Zarian says while throwing her backpack on the bottom bunk of the middle bed.
Panel 12, “Me too, that off-limits sign is making me even more curious,” Bo adds, taping a photo he’s taken to the end of his bed frame on the bottom bunk of the bed furthest from the main door
Panel 13, “Leave it be, it’s probably just where the counselors' sleep-” Desmin says while grabbing a hamilton poster out of his bag on the bed above Bo’s


Panel 14, Lee walks out of the ‘off-limits’ room, saying, “Alright, follow me, everyone. Alex will meet us there.”
Panel 15, Desmin hops off the top bunk, almost causing Bo to fall over as he was emerging from the bottom bunk. Zarian laughs at the two of them.

Panel 16, The group follows Lee out of their cabin door. (Add some shadows of other campers that aren’t ‘important’ to the story)
Panel 17, As they walk down the steps of the porch, Lee points to the theater in the distance (it’s across from their cabin) *Lee says something along the lines of, over there is the theater….*
Panel 18, Bo, Desmin, and Zarian all look at each other in unison, making an unspoken agreement to try out for the musical.

Panel 19, Lee finally stops walking as the lake, Alex, and a bunch of random campers comes into view. They’re sitting, standing, and chasing each other around waiting for the orientation to begin.
Panel 20, The camp director comes into view holding a clipboard as campers are still running around and chatting. The camp director says, “Hello, campers. Please get situated so I may begin.
Panel 21, The camp director stands there in silence with her arms crossed as many campers take a seat. Bo, Desmin, and Zarian sit next to each other.

Panel 22, The camp director starts talking again as everyone is seated. “Alright, as you all know if you actually read the camp application form-”
Panel 23, *stern eye contact* “-This is a camp for heroes, who are fit for a break.”
Panel 24, “if you’re wondering what there is to do here, there’s a lake for swimming or boating.”
Panel 25, /REMEMBER TO WEAR YOUR LIFEJACKETS/ the director holds up a lifejacket.

Panel 26, The director throws the lifejacket on the ground. “There’s also a theater where the Counselors of Cabin 7 will be putting on a musical.
Panel 27, The director squints at the clipboard she’s been holding. “Try-Outs start tomorrow at 8 am, have something prepared before you come.”
Panel 28, The view changes to Bo’s, face and the backgrounds become blurred. Words flash around his head, ‘Song?’ ‘Dance?’ ‘Shakespeare??’

Panel 29, The view goes back to the director. “-Anyways, make sure to stop by the mess hall at 12 pm and 6 pm sharp for meals.
Panel 30, The director ‘hides’ behind her clipboard. “But there will be snacks there if you get hungry.”
Panel 31, the director stands up straight, “That’s all I have to say, report back to your counselors.

Panel 32, Bo, Desmin, and Zarian stand up, Bo helping Desmin up. As a crowd in the back also stands up.
Panel 33, The group walks over to Alex and Lee.
Panel 34, Lee says, “We have some business to attend to…”
Panel 35, Alex instructs, “Have some free time to explore the camp. Meet back at dinner.”

Panel 36, “Where should we go first?” Zarian bounces.
Panel 37, “Want to check out the theater?” Bo asks.
Panel 38, “Sure!” Zarian and Desmin agree as the group starts to walk.

Panel 39, with the theater in view, there’s a small shed right of it. A *THUD* comes from the shed. Bo, Desmin, and Zarian’s heads turn in the direction.
Panel 40, The group walks towards the door, Bo tightly grabs the handle.
Panel 41, Everyone is nervous, as Bo pulls the door open. (Draw them all standing in front of the door, a blinding light illuminating from out of the door)

Panel 42, Stepping inside, there are two people, sitting down in folding chairs. Sipping tea they somehow acquired.
Panel 43, looking up from their tea, the masculine figure says “Oh hello.”
Panel 44, the masculine figure stands up and gestures to a rope on the floor, “We weren't expecting visitors, excuse the mess.”

Panel 45, “You see, we were quite rudely disposed of here and would like to see where this whole ‘kidnapping’ thing is going.” The feminine one says taking a sip of her tea.
Panel 46, “Why run where you can have tea and chat?” The Masculine one adds, bending over to pick up the rope.

Panel 47, “Why is there a rope there?” Desmin asks nonchalantly looking at the masculine one.
Panel 48, “Oh that little thing?” The feminine one asks, crossing one of her legs over the other.
Panel 49, “Your counselor tied us up using that!” as the feminine one says that, the perspective zooms into her face.

Panel 50, “T-that sounds illegal?” Zarian asks, stepping further into the shed.
Panel 51, “nahhhhh-” The masculine one says, flexing the rope.
Panel 52, “They didn’t get caught” He concludes, dropping the rope.

Panel 53, “Listen, I’ll cut to the chase, your directors are villains.” The feminine one says, looking down into her teacup.
Panel 54, “That leaves us to our request, make your Counselor happy, showing them how great it is to be a hero.” The masculine one says, putting his hand on Bo’s shoulder, looking down at the ground.
Panel 55, “Because you’d sure move up the hero ranks if you can pull that off!” The masculine one says, looking up at Bo, with a smile on his face.

Panel 56, “You really think so?” Bo asks, breaking the silence.
Panel 57, “Of course!” The feminine one states standing up to walk over to them.
Panel 58, “We’ve been brainstorming ideas over tea but have no ideas whatsoever, you guys will be taking full responsibility for this.” She says walking over to them.

Panel 59, “Wait- but what if we-” desmin starts.
Panel 60, “No buts! Now shoo, I would hate it if we were to get caught untied…” The masculine one says.
Panel 61, “Good luck!” they both say, pushing the group out the door of the shed.
Panel 62, Regaining their balances, they walk over to their cabin, wondering what they just got themselves into… *add speech bubbles over their head, reading “…”*

Panel 63, Coming out of the off-limits room, Lee grabs a megaphone and yells, “Wake uppppppp-!”
Panel 64, While campers groan, and get down from their beds, Bo is brushing his teeth in a room parallel from the entrance.
Panel 65, Stepping out of the cabin, Zarian takes a bite of her muffin as they walk to the theatre.
Panel 66, Stepping into the theater, they’re awestruck. Campers spin around and look at the room. Though the place is a little run-down from past shows, it’s decorated with fairy lights that illuminate the room.

Panel 67, A camper gets up on stage, singing or reading a line. (these can be smaller panels)
Panel 68, A camper gets up on stage, singing or reading a line.
Panel 69, A camper gets up on stage, singing or reading a line.
Panel 70, Bo gets up on stage, singing.

Panel 71, Desmin gets up on stage, while Bo heads to the second row where the directors are sitting.
Panel 72, taking a seat, he nudges Lee, “say, what do you call a fancy banana”
Panel 73, Lee is still looking up at the stage where Zarian is now performing. “A-peel-ing”

Panel 74, Wiping away a tear, Bo says, “ah, not a fan of jokes I see.”
Panel 75, “So, a camper walks up to the dining hall…”
Panel 76, “enough.” Lee whispers.
Panel 77, Bo storms off, walking to the back of the theater.

Panel 78, Bo, Desmin, and Zarian are sitting in the corner of the theater, laughing. Lee calls out that they’ve made their decision.
Panel 79, Alex walks over to a wall, as they put up the casting.
Panel 80, Campers swarm around the wall, Bo and Desmin pushing through the crowd.

Panel 81, They look at the casting…
Main 1…………………………………….….Bo
Main 2………………………………….Desmin
Supporting cast……..Zarian and /deadname/
Stage Crew………/..……………/……………/
Panel 82, Bo jumps up and hugs Desmin. This was going to be a great musical.

Panel 83, in the middle of the stage, 4 folding chairs lay where Bo, Desmin, Zarian, and /deadname/ are reading from their scripts.
Panel 84, Bo and Desmin are laughing as Alex messes with the stage lighting.
Panel 85, In the backroom, Lee grabs something from the closet while Zarian helps….

Panel 86, inside the dining hall, Bo, Desmin, and Zarian grab lunch trays and start down the line of food.
Panel 87, They’re chatting while Bo grabs a scoop of mashed potatoes. (… over their heads in a speech bubble)
Panel 88, Once they sit down, Desmin yells, “I’ve got it!”

Panel 89, everyone around them turns their heads to look at Desmin. “Sorry,” he whispers.
Panel 90, “Okay, so if someone were to ‘get hurt’ on set… Lee will have no choice but to step up as the hero and take them to the infirmary!”
Panel 91, Zarian and Bo nod their heads eagerly, “Let’s do it!”

Panel 92, The next day as Desmin and Zarian are reading lines, She stands up, then falls.
Panel 93, “AAAAAAAAHHHHH- mY ANkLeEeEEe-” she cries, looking up at Lee, Alex, and Bo in the front row.”
Panel 94, “get back up,” Lee instructs calmly. “What?? I /can’t/” Zarian exaggerates.

Panel 95, “fine by me, just finish your readings for today on the floor then,” Lee shrugs.
Panel 96, Zarian was mad, thoughts flash around her head, “would Lee really not care if something serious happened?” “Are all villains like this?”
Panel 97, Zarian stands back up and sits down on her chair. Irritation shows as she reads her next lines.

Panel 98, The group is boating on the lake.
Panel 99, They bring up the situation again, talking about Lee and Alex
Panel 100, Desmin is getting annoyed by the entire thing
Panel 101, Desmin yells, saying that he can’t take it anymore
Panel 102, Desmin becomes the first hero at camp to doubt the hero's ways…


Panel 103, Desmin and Bo are singing a song for the musical on stage.
Panel 104, They finish and Desmin heads to the backroom.
Panel 105, Lee and Alex are waiting there. “Hey,” Alex greets him.
Panel 106, “Can we talk to you for a moment?” Lee asks.
Panel 107, Desmin nods as he leans up against the wall.

Panel 108, Later that night, as Bo pulls his pajamas over his head, he looks up at Desmin who is sitting at the end of his (Bo’s) bed.
Panel 109, Desmin seems to be staring into space.
Panel 110, “Hey.” Bo sits down next to him, nudging him with his shoulder. “Are you alright?”
Panel 111, Desmin, stands back up and climbs into his bunk. Bo shakes his head then goes to bed.

Panel 112, The next day, Zarian is spoken to in private. *Zarian is being spoken to by Lee in the cabin after everyone else has left* …’s above both of their heads.

Panel 113, During dinner, Bo slides into his normal seat next to Desmin. Zarian is across from them. Bo cheerily says “hello!”
Panel 114, both Zarian and Desmin don’t say much. Bo grows a concerned look on his face.
Panel 115, Thoughts swirl around Bo’s head, “both of them had been happy, joyful even before speaking to the directors, they had to have done something to them.”

Panel 116, It’s the start of dress rehearsal. Bo walks into the backroom to grab his costume from the rack of clothing and starts to put it on.
Panel 117, Desmin walks past Bo, almost like he’s not there, Bo winces and finishes fluffing his robe thing (lol).

Panel 118-120, The performance goes on, on the stage, the performance is shown, *bits of each act* (I really didn’t know how to explain this one so I’ll draw it lol)


Panel 121, When the dress rehearsal is over, Lee yells up to the lighting crew, “Hey! Could you make the lighting in the second act a little brighter and more dramatic?”
Panel 122, Bo was furious, “We all tried our best! All of us poured our hearts into this performance and you just critique the light?”
Panel 123, “I mean it’s kinda my job-” Lee starts.

Panel 124, “Enough,” a voice booms from the back, turning their heads, everyone looks up at the camp director as she walks in.
Panel 125, The camp’s director turns her head to Lee, After reviewing files, there has been a slip-up, none of these photos on the resumes ”you” sent us to match with your face-”

Panel 126, the camp director looks up from the paper she was reading. “WELP SEEMS AS IT’S TIME TO GO! CLASS DISMISSED!” Lee yells as they grab Alex.
Panel 127, “Wait- will there be the musical tomorrow-” Bo could not finish his sentence before Lee and Alex rushed out the doors, nowhere to be seen.

Panel 128, Desmin and Zarian jump off the stage, seeming to shake off the haze they had been in all week.
Panel 129, “What the heck just happened…” Zarian asks approaching Bo.
Panel 130, “I have no clue, but whatever comes next will surely be exciting-” Bo concludes. The masculine and feminine figures walk into the doors.
Panel 131, “That’s for sure,” Desmin adds. The figures walk up to the group.

Panel 132, “Welcome to camp,” The masculine figure says.

Last edited by cloudy-club (Jan. 28, 2022 16:34:52)

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