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  • » тнε Wнıтε Tıɢεя Fεᴅεяαтıσп 2.0 - Lending a helping paw with monthly reviews, advertisements and more! • TEMPORARILY NOT ACCEPTING SHOPS TILL JAN. [RSS Feed]
100+ posts

тнε Wнıтε Tıɢεя Fεᴅεяαтıσп 2.0 - Lending a helping paw with monthly reviews, advertisements and more! • TEMPORARILY NOT ACCEPTING SHOPS TILL JAN.

Can someone help me make a working SMB title screen for my full scale remake?


My PROfile

Hope you all have a great day!

68 posts

тнε Wнıтε Tıɢεя Fεᴅεяαтıσп 2.0 - Lending a helping paw with monthly reviews, advertisements and more! • TEMPORARILY NOT ACCEPTING SHOPS TILL JAN.

https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/596929648/ ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm heres the… thing

1000+ posts

тнε Wнıтε Tıɢεя Fεᴅεяαтıσп 2.0 - Lending a helping paw with monthly reviews, advertisements and more! • TEMPORARILY NOT ACCEPTING SHOPS TILL JAN.

1000+ posts

тнε Wнıтε Tıɢεя Fεᴅεяαтıσп 2.0 - Lending a helping paw with monthly reviews, advertisements and more! • TEMPORARILY NOT ACCEPTING SHOPS TILL JAN.

Federation+ The White Tiger Federation 2.0
Just white text because it's the White Tiger Federation. Note, you can get extra points for creativity.
First Look (19/20)
First of all, it's a federation. The review format is meant for shops so I gotta tweak it a bit. It's first look is overall amazing! Although, it does have some flaws like, its a bit long/cluttered. Also, the links to the different posts on the federation (Home, Staff, etc) doesn't match the font of the federation in general.
Originality (21/20)
The federation has a really different vibe coming from it, as it's theme is a tiger and not just any tiger a white tiger. The animal vibe gives it a lot of originality, and the federation has a very different format for each and every post.
Staff (4/20)
You seem to be the only worker at the federation right now. You could try and partener with more renowned federations such as the USS. The score would be 2 but since it has had a successful reign I'll give it an extra 2 points. (Each staff member is 2 points)
BBCode (20/20)
The BBCode is amazing! It has a lot of originality, shows BBCoding skills and it gives the federation life.
Customer Service + Partnerships (18/20)
The customer service is really good seeing from the posts; i.e you accepting shops. You have a lot of partnerships. You could have make the partnerships post; insead of “Partnerships”, it should be “Joined Federations”

82% - More Than Average
  • Get more staff!
  • Notify shop owners on both their profile AND the forums!
  • Get more federation partnerships!

~ Use highlight + ctrl + shift +down ~

Historic Stuff:
Potato Shop
& Lightning Studios 3.0
Also the SCA siggy button (design) was made by incompletesentenc-
1000+ posts

тнε Wнıтε Tıɢεя Fεᴅεяαтıσп 2.0 - Lending a helping paw with monthly reviews, advertisements and more! • TEMPORARILY NOT ACCEPTING SHOPS TILL JAN.

cs4233117 wrote:

Federation+ The White Tiger Federation 2.0
Just white text because it's the White Tiger Federation. Note, you can get extra points for creativity.
First Look (19/20)
First of all, it's a federation. The review format is meant for shops so I gotta tweak it a bit. It's first look is overall amazing! Although, it does have some flaws like, its a bit long/cluttered. Also, the links to the different posts on the federation (Home, Staff, etc) doesn't match the font of the federation in general.
Originality (21/20)
The federation has a really different vibe coming from it, as it's theme is a tiger and not just any tiger a white tiger. The animal vibe gives it a lot of originality, and the federation has a very different format for each and every post.
Staff (4/20)
You seem to be the only worker at the federation right now. You could try and partener with more renowned federations such as the USS. The score would be 2 but since it has had a successful reign I'll give it an extra 2 points. (Each staff member is 2 points)
BBCode (20/20)
The BBCode is amazing! It has a lot of originality, shows BBCoding skills and it gives the federation life.
Customer Service + Partnerships (18/20)
The customer service is really good seeing from the posts; i.e you accepting shops. You have a lot of partnerships. You could have make the partnerships post; insead of “Partnerships”, it should be “Joined Federations”

82% - More Than Average
  • Get more staff!
  • Notify shop owners on both their profile AND the forums!
  • Get more federation partnerships!
Thanks! I'll take note and try add those Improvements

1000+ posts

тнε Wнıтε Tıɢεя Fεᴅεяαтıσп 2.0 - Lending a helping paw with monthly reviews, advertisements and more! • TEMPORARILY NOT ACCEPTING SHOPS TILL JAN.

Hello! This is your review ordered from the Super Skill Shop. We will review your shop and then give it a rating from 1-10. Lets go!

Front Page: 100/100
Your federation's front page is amazing and standing out. Its information helps the user viewing this do whatever they need, all the way from adding their shop to the federation to becoming a staff to becoming a partner with this federation. It gives off a friendly and formal look at the same time. However, the listing of the color used (turquoise) is unnecessary. Other than that, the front page is fabulous! Good job!

Shop Listing: 95/100
The shop listing is absolutely a sight to behold, showing not only the names but the banners and the mottos too, drawing attention towards it in case someone is looking for a specific collection. Time and time again I check this place out and it never gets old. If I were looking for a shop that sold specific items, though, it wouldn't be easy to find it. I suggest adding a list of things offered at the shops, though even without it, you still did an amazing job on the shop listing.

Other Pages: 100/100
The other pages really show the information they're named after. If I were a staff member and I was supposed to do a shop monthly review, I wouldn't have to spend too much time trying to create my own review form, I could just take the one off the resources page. It isn't just informational, though. It is formal and a pleasure for your eyes to look at. Good job on this one!

Forms: 100/100
The forms are straightforward, standing out, and understandable. The codeword isn't to the extent where no one can see it, but is hidden enough so that it can't be easily seen.

Overall Rating: 395. Good job on your shop, it looks very formal and will most likely succeed! Have a good day!

Last edited by qloakonscratch (Nov. 9, 2021 00:17:17)

Now Showing: CCRP V

Coding on Scratch since 2013

Foruming since 2016

In the Forum Helpers since 2022
1000+ posts

тнε Wнıтε Tıɢεя Fεᴅεяαтıσп 2.0 - Lending a helping paw with monthly reviews, advertisements and more! • TEMPORARILY NOT ACCEPTING SHOPS TILL JAN.

Username: @_AshAnimates_
Shop name: The Cool Cats Shop
Shop link: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/555725/
Shop motto: The purrr-fect place to get banners, pfp's and more!
Shop banner link: https://cdn2.scratch.mit.edu/get_image/project/463075872_9000x7200.png
Your position in shop: owner
Owner's permission if you aren't the owner: n/a

Also, this is the banner I'm entering on the contest. I can't do image hosting so it's in a project. https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/597806718/

Last edited by _AshAnimates_ (Nov. 9, 2021 04:28:27)

Oops, my siggy is too big. Hit ctrl + shift + down to read it all!

Hi! I'm Ash/Asher/Ashly, a para-nonbinary scratcher. I use all pronouns when online(though I prefer xe/xem).

I have 961 posts! (Updated February 24th 2022 at 6:55 am)

1000+ posts

тнε Wнıтε Tıɢεя Fεᴅεяαтıσп 2.0 - Lending a helping paw with monthly reviews, advertisements and more! • TEMPORARILY NOT ACCEPTING SHOPS TILL JAN.

_AshAnimates_ wrote:

Username: @_AshAnimates_
Shop name: The Cool Cats Shop
Shop link: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/555725/
Shop motto: The purrr-fect place to get banners, pfp's and more!
Shop banner link: https://cdn2.scratch.mit.edu/get_image/project/463075872_9000x7200.png
Your position in shop: owner
Owner's permission if you aren't the owner: n/a
Accepted! Please await an acception notice in your shop soon.
Also, this is the banner I'm entering on the contest. I can't do image hosting so it's in a project. https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/597806718/
Amazing! I'll get it hosted for you since I'm hosting banners anyway

1000+ posts

тнε Wнıтε Tıɢεя Fεᴅεяαтıσп 2.0 - Lending a helping paw with monthly reviews, advertisements and more! • TEMPORARILY NOT ACCEPTING SHOPS TILL JAN.

qloakonscratch wrote:

~snip of awesome review!!!~
Wow! Amazing! Thanks so much I'll leave a review soon and will act upon your advice

1000+ posts

тнε Wнıтε Tıɢεя Fεᴅεяαтıσп 2.0 - Lending a helping paw with monthly reviews, advertisements and more! • TEMPORARILY NOT ACCEPTING SHOPS TILL JAN.

Jolia_RKW wrote:

_AshAnimates_ wrote:

Username: @_AshAnimates_
Shop name: The Cool Cats Shop
Shop link: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/555725/
Shop motto: The purrr-fect place to get banners, pfp's and more!
Shop banner link: https://cdn2.scratch.mit.edu/get_image/project/463075872_9000x7200.png
Your position in shop: owner
Owner's permission if you aren't the owner: n/a
Accepted! Please await an acception notice in your shop soon.
Also, this is the banner I'm entering on the contest. I can't do image hosting so it's in a project. https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/597806718/
Amazing! I'll get it hosted for you since I'm hosting banners anyway

Oops, my siggy is too big. Hit ctrl + shift + down to read it all!

Hi! I'm Ash/Asher/Ashly, a para-nonbinary scratcher. I use all pronouns when online(though I prefer xe/xem).

I have 961 posts! (Updated February 24th 2022 at 6:55 am)

70 posts

тнε Wнıтε Tıɢεя Fεᴅεяαтıσп 2.0 - Lending a helping paw with monthly reviews, advertisements and more! • TEMPORARILY NOT ACCEPTING SHOPS TILL JAN.

Username: GalaxyGamingscratch1
Shop name: The shop on Uranus
Shop link: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/555671/
Shop motto: The best tourist attraction on Uranus, in fact, the ONLY ONE!
Shop banner link: https://u.cubeupload.com/galaxy_gaming12/TheShoponUranus.png
Your position in shop: Owner
Owner's permission if you aren't the owner: I am the owner
Other: none

Owner of The Shop on Uranus
1000+ posts

тнε Wнıтε Tıɢεя Fεᴅεяαтıσп 2.0 - Lending a helping paw with monthly reviews, advertisements and more! • TEMPORARILY NOT ACCEPTING SHOPS TILL JAN.

GalaxyGamingscratch1 wrote:

Username: GalaxyGamingscratch1
Shop name: The shop on Uranus
Shop link: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/555671/
Shop motto: The best tourist attraction on Uranus, in fact, the ONLY ONE!
Shop banner link: https://u.cubeupload.com/galaxy_gaming12/TheShoponUranus.png
Your position in shop: Owner
Owner's permission if you aren't the owner: I am the owner
Other: none
Accepted! Please await an acception notice in your shop.

1000+ posts

тнε Wнıтε Tıɢεя Fεᴅεяαтıσп 2.0 - Lending a helping paw with monthly reviews, advertisements and more! • TEMPORARILY NOT ACCEPTING SHOPS TILL JAN.

Last edited by Jolia_RKW (Nov. 10, 2021 07:26:22)

1000+ posts

тнε Wнıтε Tıɢεя Fεᴅεяαтıσп 2.0 - Lending a helping paw with monthly reviews, advertisements and more! • TEMPORARILY NOT ACCEPTING SHOPS TILL JAN.

1000+ posts

тнε Wнıтε Tıɢεя Fεᴅεяαтıσп 2.0 - Lending a helping paw with monthly reviews, advertisements and more! • TEMPORARILY NOT ACCEPTING SHOPS TILL JAN.

Oh god Jolia_RKW it is sad that you are the only staff member here you need to review so many shops
I wish I could help out but I am very pressured with school

saitama - argentinian - she/her

i like playing videogames and coding and eating good food

Also, yay, 1000 posts! *Insert sad confetti*
100 posts

тнε Wнıтε Tıɢεя Fεᴅεяαтıσп 2.0 - Lending a helping paw with monthly reviews, advertisements and more! • TEMPORARILY NOT ACCEPTING SHOPS TILL JAN.

Jolia_RKW wrote:

Prijah1234 wrote:

Hi (:

Username: Prijah1234
Shop name: ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇꜱᴛ ᴄʀᴜꜱʜᴇʀ
Shop link: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/552879/?page=1#post-5723475
Shop motto: ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇꜱᴛ ᴄʀᴜꜱʜᴇʀ- ᴛʜᴇ ꜱʜᴏᴘ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴄʀᴜꜱʜᴇꜱ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇꜱᴛ
Shop banner link: https://imageshack.com/i/po767PYjp
Your position in shop: Owner
Owner's permission if you aren't the owner: N/A
Other: Nope

Pri ^.^
Accepted! Please await an acception notice on your shop.

You sent it a while ago, when will I get a reveiw?
(not to be impatient but my shop is not that big)

 ○ welcome to my siggy ! ○
     ───── ♡ ─────
₍ ᐢ..ᐢ ₎ ┊info ⬎
♡┈┈ i make graphic designs and aeshetics on my profile
     ───── ♡ ─────
₍ ᐢ..ᐢ ₎ ┊sticky notes ⬎
please highlight and press shift to see my whole siggy <3
I reached 70 yay!
I work at multiple shops

Hope you are having a lovely day
⊂  ノ   Pri has left the chat
╰─────────────────────╯───── ♡ ─────

1000+ posts

тнε Wнıтε Tıɢεя Fεᴅεяαтıσп 2.0 - Lending a helping paw with monthly reviews, advertisements and more! • TEMPORARILY NOT ACCEPTING SHOPS TILL JAN.

SaitamaGTOPM wrote:

Oh god Jolia_RKW it is sad that you are the only staff member here you need to review so many shops
I wish I could help out but I am very pressured with school
Hey no worries
The thing is, I like being in control that's way I've got so many things in the Resources so it's all up tos standard and having staff is something out of my control so I actually like it but yes, there are lost of shops!

Prijah1234 wrote:

Jolia_RKW wrote:

Prijah1234 wrote:

Hi (:

Username: Prijah1234
Shop name: ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇꜱᴛ ᴄʀᴜꜱʜᴇʀ
Shop link: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/552879/?page=1#post-5723475
Shop motto: ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇꜱᴛ ᴄʀᴜꜱʜᴇʀ- ᴛʜᴇ ꜱʜᴏᴘ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴄʀᴜꜱʜᴇꜱ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇꜱᴛ
Shop banner link: https://imageshack.com/i/po767PYjp
Your position in shop: Owner
Owner's permission if you aren't the owner: N/A
Other: Nope

Pri ^.^
Accepted! Please await an acception notice on your shop.

You sent it a while ago, when will I get a reveiw?
(not to be impatient but my shop is not that big)
Apologies! Lost of shops to review yes I'll get yours ready thanks for reminding me

1000+ posts

тнε Wнıтε Tıɢεя Fεᴅεяαтıσп 2.0 - Lending a helping paw with monthly reviews, advertisements and more! • TEMPORARILY NOT ACCEPTING SHOPS TILL JAN.

Username: qloakonscratch
What you'd like to do: Any job you prefer
Previous experience?: I've worked in a federation previously but the owner left Scratch and it all went downhill. I've worked at a couple of shops before (Super Skill Shop, Coders Shop, Vulnus Tabernam, etc.) and am able to tell if a shop is good and has good features or not. I'm not going to just assume working at a federation is the same as working at a shop, but I will assume it is similar in some sort of way.
Why you'd like to join: I want to help you out, since it seems you are the only one working at this federation, and you must feel a lot of pressure. I want to show my skill and make this federation thrive more than it already has.
Nickname/s: You can call me either Jake or qloak. I also don't mind being called Cloak.

Now Showing: CCRP V

Coding on Scratch since 2013

Foruming since 2016

In the Forum Helpers since 2022
1000+ posts

тнε Wнıтε Tıɢεя Fεᴅεяαтıσп 2.0 - Lending a helping paw with monthly reviews, advertisements and more! • TEMPORARILY NOT ACCEPTING SHOPS TILL JAN.

1000+ posts

тнε Wнıтε Tıɢεя Fεᴅεяαтıσп 2.0 - Lending a helping paw with monthly reviews, advertisements and more! • TEMPORARILY NOT ACCEPTING SHOPS TILL JAN.

qloakonscratch wrote:

Your application is pending….
Please complete a test review of this shop (do your best ik it's a template)

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  • » Requests
  • » тнε Wнıтε Tıɢεя Fεᴅεяαтıσп 2.0 - Lending a helping paw with monthly reviews, advertisements and more! • TEMPORARILY NOT ACCEPTING SHOPS TILL JAN. [RSS Feed]

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