Discuss Scratch

500+ posts

Create The Multiplayer Blocks!


(My Siggy May Be Too Big… Highlight The Text And Use Ctrl+Shift+Down Arrow!)

Hello! Check Me Out!
Latest Project: Keybind System Tutorial
F4F = NO
Advertising = Games & Animations Maybe | Stuff That Includes Me = YES!

My Quote = To Accept Failure Is Not Wrong, You Can Then Learn From What Happened, And Try Again. (My Own Quote!)
Current Blocks:
when green flag clicked
if <@greenFlag clicked? ::sensing> then
broadcast [Destroy the evil kumquats! v]
100+ posts

Create The Multiplayer Blocks!

No support for the exact reason that @GameDevRemade stated.

Last edited by CoolBoy4286 (Jan. 13, 2022 16:34:19)

01001110 01100101 01110110 01100101 01110010 00100000 01100111 01101111 01101110 01101110 01100001 00100000 01100111 01101001 01110110 01100101 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01110101 01110000 if you translate this,

100+ posts

Create The Multiplayer Blocks!

CoolBoy4286 wrote:

Cat2437 wrote:

  • About
  • Those Who Joined
  • The Blocks

  • About
I am suggesting to add multiplayer blocks so that users could play as a new scratcher, without the need to wait. You also won't have to spent hours to add another player. You could instantly add others!

  • Those Who Joined

  • The Blocks
set [MaxPlayerCount v] to [5] ::#13d2be
set [MinimumPlayersRequired v] to [5] ::#13d2be
add [Item ] to player [1 v] ::#13d2be
<Player[1 v] contains [Item] ?::#13d2be>
when player [1 v] has [Item] ::#13d2be
change [color v] effect by (...) for player [1 v] ::#13d2be
set [color v] effect to (...) for player [1 v] ::#13d2be
(pick random player (1) to (5) ::#13d2be)
switch player (...) costume to [ v] ::#13d2be
set player (...) size to (...) % ::#13d2be
<player [ v] inactive?::#13d2be>
This Is Just A Basic List. Please Consider
No support for the exact reason that @GameDevRemade stated.
Please do not quote the entire topic. This is spam and the creator will get a notification of your post anyway.

-+-+-+-ʜᴇʟʟᴏ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ!-+-+-+-
+*:ꔫ:*﹤(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)゚˚₊⋆· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
-+-+-ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ɴɪᴄᴇ ᴅᴀʏ!-+-+-
1000+ posts

Create The Multiplayer Blocks!

Myst-- wrote:

Please do not quote the entire topic. This is spam and the creator will get a notification of your post anyway.
Requoting to say that is just as bad, as you simply spread it. At least snip your posts. Back on topic now.

~ AHypnoman (Use Shift+Down Arrow to see the rest of my signature)

I am an evil kumquat, and your siggy looks tasty…
Hello there, I'm AHypnoman, If you write my name remember to capitalize the “H”. “When you don't create things, you become defined by your tastes rather than ability. your tastes only narrow & exclude people. so create.” I write though as tho.
According to the Chrome Console, my viewbox attribute is “Garbage”. Very nice, Chrome.
Gib internneeet

Play Retorquebit!

500+ posts

Create The Multiplayer Blocks!

Large no support.

The most obvious thing is the extra stress this would put on the Scratch servers, which rely on donations alone in order to stay running. Multiplayer projects are usually small due to the restrictions that cloud variables have, and these projects are considered hard to make as they require a large skill set and dedication to make. What would be the point in throwing all that away? It would certainly decrease the value of multiplayer projects among the community.

Second, allowing New Scratchers to use the cloud variables was restricted for many reasons, so why should multiplayer blocks allow that? One of the things doing this prevents is botting. If a bunch of bots were allowed to join a cloud game, not only would said game become unplayable for everyone, but they could just sit there forever, ruining the project and wasting more space on the Scratch servers. Becoming a Scratcher proves that you're an actual person. So no, even though there are a lot of New Scratchers out there who are human and have to deal with this, you just can't take any chances when it comes to a website with servers that run off of donations.

Third, this would become the first step in just turning Scratch into a game engine, where you literally pretty much have all the work cut out for you. All you would have to do is use the pre-existing coding blocks to create the game you want in literally 5 seconds. That's not even coding anymore. It's flat-out lazy. Yes, Scratch is meant to be an introduction to coding. However, it is not meant to be a “create-the-game-for-you” platform, where there's not even a point in doing anything yourself.

Why is this a thing?
100+ posts

Create The Multiplayer Blocks!

I'll join you!!!

(to see all of my signature highlight this and press shift + down arrow)


I own a website XD Aspectllc.net!
It's blank, similar to blanc, french for ‘white’ just like this lol

Happy Holidays to all!

You're a big-time scroller.
1000+ posts

Create The Multiplayer Blocks!

kidcoder427 wrote:

I'll join you!!!
are you supporting? if so, please explain why. if you dont, your adding nothing to the conversation

i do stuff

image updates whenever i check
100+ posts

Create The Multiplayer Blocks!

no support. you can already make a multiplayer game with griffpatch's tutorials. “ehuuhuhuhhhuhh it's too hrad to undestan!!” if you don't want to understand then just copy the code.
edit : + scratch servers are already dying so adding more stress to it will make scratch even slower than it already is

Last edited by dogwithabome (Jan. 17, 2022 16:55:32)

500+ posts

Create The Multiplayer Blocks!


(My Siggy May Be Too Big… Highlight The Text And Use Ctrl+Shift+Down Arrow!)

Hello! Check Me Out!
Latest Project: Keybind System Tutorial
F4F = NO
Advertising = Games & Animations Maybe | Stuff That Includes Me = YES!

My Quote = To Accept Failure Is Not Wrong, You Can Then Learn From What Happened, And Try Again. (My Own Quote!)
Current Blocks:
when green flag clicked
if <@greenFlag clicked? ::sensing> then
broadcast [Destroy the evil kumquats! v]
1000+ posts

Create The Multiplayer Blocks!

Cat2437 wrote:

he is not even reading the replies and suggestions

My best project ever. Please Rate And suggest.

in memory of Celly.
500+ posts

Create The Multiplayer Blocks!

Jbear_ wrote:

Cat2437 wrote:

he is not even reading the replies and suggestions

(My Siggy May Be Too Big… Highlight The Text And Use Ctrl+Shift+Down Arrow!)

Hello! Check Me Out!
Latest Project: Keybind System Tutorial
F4F = NO
Advertising = Games & Animations Maybe | Stuff That Includes Me = YES!

My Quote = To Accept Failure Is Not Wrong, You Can Then Learn From What Happened, And Try Again. (My Own Quote!)
Current Blocks:
when green flag clicked
if <@greenFlag clicked? ::sensing> then
broadcast [Destroy the evil kumquats! v]
500+ posts

Create The Multiplayer Blocks!

Support! Multiplayer should be more easier to do because it is really important, also for people that are not good.
500+ posts

Create The Multiplayer Blocks!


(My Siggy May Be Too Big… Highlight The Text And Use Ctrl+Shift+Down Arrow!)

Hello! Check Me Out!
Latest Project: Keybind System Tutorial
F4F = NO
Advertising = Games & Animations Maybe | Stuff That Includes Me = YES!

My Quote = To Accept Failure Is Not Wrong, You Can Then Learn From What Happened, And Try Again. (My Own Quote!)
Current Blocks:
when green flag clicked
if <@greenFlag clicked? ::sensing> then
broadcast [Destroy the evil kumquats! v]
100+ posts

Create The Multiplayer Blocks!

i agree

it is a good idea

500+ posts

Create The Multiplayer Blocks!

GameDevRemade wrote:

No support. The thing about making a multiplayer game is that you have to really experiment and learn off of mistakes and it's a lot of fun, but with these blocks you could take that fun and turn it into a few seconds of work. While I like the idea, if we just turn a hard task into something easy, we'll never learn and get better.
Exactly. No support. + it could be hard to moderate players. cuz one of them could be doing/has/making something inappropriate.

highlight and down arrow to see all of it
this is joe: joe is protecc and this is frank (A-156 or RD-156): frank likes signatures for breakfast, HE EATS oh noes! your signature was eaten by frank! img]https://cdn2.scratch.mit.edu/get_image/project/881644940_100x80.png[/img copy this (add back the ['s) to have frank eat your signature!

(:>::#bb88f6) //jerry says hi

set [ v] to (:>::#bb88f6)//jerry block

:>::#bb88f6 hat
:> [#aa77e5]::#bb88f6
:> (:>::#bb88f6 boolean){
:> ( :> v) (:>::#bb88a1 stack) @addInput ::#bb88f6
:> ::#bb88f6 cap
} :> (:>::#bb88f6) ::#bb88f6
:> [:> v] ::#bb88f6 cap
::#bb88f6 boolean

100+ posts

Create The Multiplayer Blocks!

GameDevRemade wrote:

@ColourfulPixels (I don't know how to use quotes yet)
you click quote

100+ posts

Create The Multiplayer Blocks!

mcsquaggle wrote:

GameDevRemade wrote:

No support. The thing about making a multiplayer game is that you have to really experiment and learn off of mistakes and it's a lot of fun, but with these blocks you could take that fun and turn it into a few seconds of work. While I like the idea, if we just turn a hard task into something easy, we'll never learn and get better.
Exactly. No support. + it could be hard to moderate players. cuz one of them could be doing/has/making something inappropriate.
just code it so its not possible.

500+ posts

Create The Multiplayer Blocks!


(My Siggy May Be Too Big… Highlight The Text And Use Ctrl+Shift+Down Arrow!)

Hello! Check Me Out!
Latest Project: Keybind System Tutorial
F4F = NO
Advertising = Games & Animations Maybe | Stuff That Includes Me = YES!

My Quote = To Accept Failure Is Not Wrong, You Can Then Learn From What Happened, And Try Again. (My Own Quote!)
Current Blocks:
when green flag clicked
if <@greenFlag clicked? ::sensing> then
broadcast [Destroy the evil kumquats! v]
1000+ posts

Create The Multiplayer Blocks!

BT6400 wrote:

mcsquaggle wrote:

GameDevRemade wrote:

No support. The thing about making a multiplayer game is that you have to really experiment and learn off of mistakes and it's a lot of fun, but with these blocks you could take that fun and turn it into a few seconds of work. While I like the idea, if we just turn a hard task into something easy, we'll never learn and get better.
Exactly. No support. + it could be hard to moderate players. cuz one of them could be doing/has/making something inappropriate.
just code it so its not possible.
that would be physically impossible, if that was possible, this website would be perfect, and the report button wouldnt need to exist

First of all: no algorithm is perfect, and there would always be problems no matter what, if the filterbot was perfect, no workarounds would exist, you would never get false mutes, and nobody would ever be cyberbullied

Second of all: the defintion of “inappropriate” is remarkably vague, and there is no way a computer algorithm could find something inappropriate all of the time, and without error or bias.

Third of all: scratch is a coding site right? so you probably know basic coding right? HOW WOULD YOU EVEN GO ABOUT CODING THIS???!!!!
seriously, how would this work, how would it find out whats inappropriate, like seriously

Last edited by hi875230163394 (Jan. 24, 2022 16:52:29)

if one more person comments “shovel” on my profile…

crtl+shift+down to scroll down

I shouldn't be on forums, I'm a geist

“If I'm getting eaten by the parasites it should be like Cheeh Ohhh-Seee Keee Gaaa I should be rising in the sky Behh Skaah Daaa AND THEN I get the bell, New Layer 2 Bell, New Layer 2 Bell”

I dare someone to make an online version Taikyoku Shogi, a japanese 36x36 chess variant with over 200 individual pieces on both sides, needless to say, its VERY complicated

Big Brother sees all, watch what you think

In the first age, in the first post, when the reports first submitted, one stood. Burned by the embers of Dupes, his soul blistered by the fires of Forums and tainted beyond ascension, he chose the path of perpetual torment. In his ravenous hatred, he found no peace, and with boiling blood he scoured the Suggestions seeking vengeance against the dupers who had wronged him. He wore the crown of the ST, and those that tasted the bite of his keyboard named him… the Forum Dweller.


Glory to Superstate Oceania
100+ posts

Create The Multiplayer Blocks!

how about one mini server per game so 100s of players can play and no disconnect penalty


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