Discuss Scratch

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¶ Commenting addition! ¶

1000+ posts

¶ Commenting addition! ¶

cwrivera99 wrote:

I kinda support, but I really think you could just put it in the notes and credits. However, I do like it more than stickying comments.
I change to full support. (Yes, that is me, cwrivera99 was my old account.)

Oh, and bump

Last edited by DaSpudLord (Jan. 19, 2016 15:01:42)

U^ェ^U::motion//This is Blocky. He lives in my signature. He is a trained attack block. He protects my siggy from kumquats.
500+ posts

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+3.1415 support!
1000+ posts

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+a billion support.

20 something years old
Probably doing college work
500+ posts

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Support! Now I can remind the viewers of my projects that they can advertise all they want because no one will look at them. (evil ideas start growing in my head)

EDIT: Will this apply to studios and profiles as well?

Last edited by Sheep_tester (Jan. 20, 2016 01:12:40)

The above post was most likely written by a sheep. Advertisements:
1000+ posts

¶ Commenting addition! ¶

Sheep_tester wrote:

Will this apply to studios and profiles as well?
Uh… I mean, I guess so. If we add it to projects, then why not elsewhere?

U^ェ^U::motion//This is Blocky. He lives in my signature. He is a trained attack block. He protects my siggy from kumquats.
1000+ posts

¶ Commenting addition! ¶

Scratchifier wrote:

I had an idea. It's based off of the new Scratcher comment popup that reminds you to be friendly and respectful while commenting. Here's a picture:

The comment addition would be an editable, optional, text popup that appears right next to the comment box while you type your comment. By editable, I mean that the owner of the profile, project, or studio that it is enabled on can type different messages into it whenever they feel like changing the message. They can also get rid of it at any time by just leaving it blank, and it won't show at all.

The first addition is an example of a comment addition on a project.

The “Feel free to request” one is an example of a comment addition on a profile.

And the “Go away” one is an example of what would happen if you reported the project owner's commenting addition for being mean. It would sent a text file of the current comment addition to a moderator. (Mod note: If implemented, make sure that it's not inspect element hackable! Considering that I made all of these with inspect element, I don't want false alerts from trolls reporting an inspect elemented mean addition. )

Anyway, hope you like!
Inspect element modifies the webpage in your browser. The minute you leave the page it reverts. And when you report an inspect elemented thing it shows up as if u never edited it.

My signature is kumquat proof.
But not tangerine pro-

Current Project:
Quotes: “In our last hour, we burn the most brightly, trying to deny that we are burning out.” -Me
“Well, no. 1024 Killerbytes make a Murderbyte.” -MegaByteCorporations
“I hate out of context quotes.” -Me
“I hate it when Cubeupload breaks.” -Also me
87 posts

¶ Commenting addition! ¶


set (reporter :: grey) to [Amount] // definable which variable to change 
delete [all v] of [String] in [List v] :: list // deletes a certain amount of a certain string in a certain list
wait () [dropdown of units of time v] :: control // how many seconds, minutes etc. to wait
if touching [Sprite1 v] bounce :: motion // bounces when touching a sprite (or could be a colour)
wait until [key 1 v] is pressed () times within () secs :: sensing // does what it says, could be multiple keys or an if block
() [dropdown of operations v] () :: operators reporter // instead of a block for each operation

Woohoo! Reached [2] [years v] on scratch in [November v] [2015]!!! Joined: [November v] [2013] :: obsolete
1000+ posts

¶ Commenting addition! ¶

DaSpudLord wrote:

Sheep_tester wrote:

Will this apply to studios and profiles as well?
Uh… I mean, I guess so. If we add it to projects, then why not elsewhere?
Yes, the OP said “Yes.”
500+ posts

¶ Commenting addition! ¶

I agree, this should be implemented. But some messages aren't ok.

Currently, I have ~860 posts.
I am a scratcher who used to be really active on the forums 5 or 6 years ago, I basically quit scratch since then but I still check out the website from time to time. Do not expect asap replies because scratch is really at the back of my head

1000+ posts

¶ Commenting addition! ¶

ooh, support!

1000+ posts

¶ Commenting addition! ¶

Centrifugal wrote:

Hmm… no support. I think it would just be annoying to have one of those boxes pop-up for every comment you wanted to make.

My 1000th post!
I haven't changed my logo since my 96th post on 2014. Now at 1000 posts, I changed my logo!
500+ posts

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Support only if you can choose from pre-selected messages.

1000+ posts

¶ Commenting addition! ¶

pastelistic wrote:

Support only if you can choose from pre-selected messages.

U^ェ^U::motion//This is Blocky. He lives in my signature. He is a trained attack block. He protects my siggy from kumquats.
100+ posts

¶ Commenting addition! ¶

braxbroscratcher wrote:

Scratchifier wrote:

-Original Post Snip-
Inspect element modifies the webpage in your browser. The minute you leave the page it reverts. And when you report an inspect elemented thing it shows up as if u never edited it.

I think Scratchifier's trying to guard against people faking it, taking an image of the fake, and whining somewhere. If the possibility of it being faked is brought up to the whiner, they claim the person who they're attacking reverted it. This doesn't work, since they should have just reported it instead of whining, naming & shaming.

I support this idea.

[ v]
A dropdown to nowhere
100+ posts
75 posts

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It looks like I'm posting on the forums again. Welp…
1000+ posts

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club penguin is kil
1000+ posts

¶ Commenting addition! ¶

Scratchifier wrote:

MegaApuTurkUltra wrote:

Support! However, I think the flag should be changed to the standard “report” link.

Oh, I was thinking that the flag would be good like this because putting words really close to words is really not a good design idea.

However, thanks for the advice! I'm going to put a feature then (explained in my first post) on how it says “report this addition” if you hover over it.

club penguin is kil
1000+ posts

¶ Commenting addition! ¶

88% support because it might be annoying with this extra pop-up whenever you want to post. It is a good idea though.

Last edited by awesome-llama (March 5, 2016 05:21:35)

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