Scratcher Joined 11 years, 5 months ago United States
About me
I'm picky on what/who I give loves, favorites, & follows.
Due to multiple excess lag incidents, I don't think I'm going to make more long solo projects, just collabs and short contest entries.
What I'm working on
The shmup I was working on is experiencing extreme lag, to the point where previously complete patterns no longer work. I'm taking this as a signal that my ambitions have outpaced Scratch.
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (23)
View all- Gravity Negation by A-no-meep
- Easter by A-no-meep
- AI Tank Battles: SpinCharger and ChaosCharger by A-no-meep
- AI Tank Battles: Remake Bots Advent by A-no-meep
- Platforming Engine + Scrolling by A-no-meep
- Pong 2015 by A-no-meep
- Robot Wars Arena + DriftBot, RandBot, SpeedBotFix by A-no-meep
- Volume and music controller V1.2 by A-no-meep
- Space adventure by A-no-meep
- Indicator bar by A-no-meep
- Password System by A-no-meep
- Space Fighter Vs. by A-no-meep
- Color art generator by A-no-meep
- Fibonacci Calculator by A-no-meep
- Square Dude's Adventure Speedrun Challenge by A-no-meep
- Pokemon Damage Calculator by A-no-meep
- Cat Adventure by A-no-meep
- Burst Pinball by A-no-meep
- Gravity-Momentum engine by A-no-meep
- Extreme Assassin Parkour Type H by A-no-meep
Favorite Projects
View all- Shattered Remnant- Legend of the Ruin by mario64fan
- 大道芸 Ver.6.8 --- the シューティング --- by inoking
- Frontier 2 (v2.6) by theChAOTiC
- ^3 by AlphaAxle
- The Runner - 3D Platformer (100% Pen) by -Yodasaurus-
- Lightstorm Fighter by mario64fan
- Galaxy Attacker by Will_Wam
- Barrage Shooting!!! by JY06
- Lunar Lander by dixiklo
- AI Tank Battles by gor-dee
- Robot Wars Arena - remix challenge by gor-dee
- PathMaker Level Creator by mrabdul
- PathMaker by mrabdul
- Cloud Platformer Multiplayer Fun v1.42 by griffpatch
- Time Twist by AlphaAxle
- Newton's orbital cannon gamified by MalinC
- Tetris X-2 by CodeyX1
- AIA Tower Defense by shadowspear1
- Portal v4.0 by Colkadome
- Scratchnapped Level Designer Sandbox v0.1b by griffpatch
Studios I Curate
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