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❇The 2021 Fall Emerawards™! Week 3 Starts! APPLICATIONS ARE CLOSED!❇

The Official 2021 Fall Emerawards!

Visit the Official Emerawards Studio Here
Visit the Official Emerawards Topic Here


What is Emerawards?

Emerawards is a word combination of Emerald Awards. Emerald Awards gives out emeralds instead of medals. All scratchers can compete, even new ones. This is a chance for everybody to get together while having a competition. The Emerawards consists of three categories, each with different skills. Every season, there are new judges, new contestants, and new themes! But what do all of these mean?

New Themes
Every season, there is a new theme. This season's theme is…space! We've made progress when it comes to space and it all started with just one small step. These themes only apply to projects… which brings us to the next topic

The Topics
There are three topics in the Emerawards. Games, Animation, and Shops. Each has its own thing and will not mix with other topics. Every topic will have judges, all the same until the end of the season. Every season judges will be changed Unless they want to come back next season.

How it Works
Here's how many forms we will take for each category:
Animations: 5
Shops: 15
Make sure to fill out a form to get into the games! There will be 5 different judges and they will have to judge all of the games posted. They all judge and the score is determined by the mean of their results. Yes, I have to do the math to determine the score. For the Games and Animations, it will result in the top 3 and will do a double vote. For shops, it will come to the top 2 and then do a double vote from there. Then the results will be final and the winners will receive their emerald.

Random Trophies
There will be other awards than the emeralds! The whole list of awards are listed below:

Green Emerald
Achieve by: Winning 1st on a topic
Probability: 9.10 %

Red Emerald
Achieve by Winning 2nd on a topic
Probability: 17.66%

Blue Emerald
Achieve by: Winning 3rd on a topic
Probability: 25%

Grey Emerald
Achieve by: Winning 4th on a topic
Probability: 33%

Pig Award
Achieve by: Adding the word Pig to your description
Probablity: 0%

Animator Award
Achieve by: Having the most detailed animation
Probability: 10%

Egg Award
Achieve by: Including an egg in your submission
Probability: 15%

Speed Award
Achieve by: Finishing the shop order the quickest
Probability: 8.33%

Buddy Award
Achieve by: Partnering with us!
Probability: 33%

Fall Award
Achieve by: Including a pumpkin or orange leaf in your submission
Probability: 15%

Participation Award
Achieve by: Getting accepted
Probability: 85%

Hurry and fill out a form before it's too late! If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask!

Last edited by AIGamesDeveloper (Oct. 6, 2021 13:27:08)

1000+ posts

❇The 2021 Fall Emerawards™! Week 3 Starts! APPLICATIONS ARE CLOSED!❇

The Official 2021 Fall Emerawards!


This is where you can fill out a form. Hurry before it's too late!
Positions Available:
Games: 0
Animation: 3
Shops: 0
Judges: 1

Become a Contestant
Topic you want to be in:
Activity Level:
Have you read the terms?:

Become a Judge
Activity Level:
Have you read the terms?:
Will you be able to make it to all days that you are needed?:

Advertise your Collaboration or Shop (NO PROJECTS)
Which will you advertise (Collab or Shop)?:
Collab/Shop Name:
Collab/Shop Description:
Collab/Shop Image Link:

On Leave
When you will leave

Collab or Shop:
Have you read how the partnership works:
Enter the word at the bottom of the partner details:

Last edited by AIGamesDeveloper (Oct. 4, 2021 14:05:12)

1000+ posts

❇The 2021 Fall Emerawards™! Week 3 Starts! APPLICATIONS ARE CLOSED!❇

The Official 2021 Fall Emerawards!

Terms & Staff

Read the entire terms before filling out a form! Also, follow this discussion for the latest updates concerning the awards

*Please stay on track
*Be nice to everybody
*Please be honest with your score
* Please score on a scale of 10
* Be active on the days that you are most needed
* Respond to activity checks
* Not responding can get you a strike. 3 strikes and your out!

*Make a creation related to the theme
* Please be on time
* Please put effort into your game/animation/order
*Please don't be late for your judgement
*The theme is space

Please include the word “Emerald” in your form. DON'T MAKE IT OBVIOUS





Contestants (Games)

Contestants (Animation)


* ✏️ The Object Show Character Shop ✏️ by mrcreatorluigi

* Wolf Shop (Open) by Kekelol9

* Seaside Sailors ~ Art Shop by —-Dawn—-

* The Unithlees Shop by Unithlees3

* ✨ The Profile Picture Shop by crossme72

* Sunshine Studios by -MyNewAccount- & PeriwinkleVibes

* Super Skill Store by Mrcakeyman89

*Water Otters by filly3000

* Samoyed World Official Shop by Sapphire_Lights

*Lightning Studios 3.0 by lightningspark6545

Last edited by AIGamesDeveloper (Oct. 11, 2021 14:31:28)

1000+ posts

❇The 2021 Fall Emerawards™! Week 3 Starts! APPLICATIONS ARE CLOSED!❇

The Official 2021 Fall Emerawards!


The 2021 Fall Emerawards will be held from September 22 - October 31

Warning: The schedule is subject to change

September 22 - Games 1 & 2 are judged
September 25 - Animations 1,2, & 3 are judged
September 28 - Request from Shops 1,2, & 3
September 30 - Request from Shops 4,5, & 6
October 2 - Request from Shops 7, 8, 9, & 10
October 5 - Shops 1,2,3 are judged
October 7 - Shops 4,5,6 are judged
October 9 - Shops 7,8,9 & 10 are judged
October 12 - Final Result for Games
October 14 - Final Result for Animations
October 16 - Requesting for two remaining shops
October 19 - Judging Remaining Shop 1 & 2
October 21 - Final Result for Shops
October 23 - Award Ceremony

October 26 - Exclusive Giveaway 1
October 28 - Exclusive Giveaway 2
October 30 - Exclusive Giveaway 3
October 31 - Exclusive Giveaway 4

Last edited by AIGamesDeveloper (Oct. 25, 2021 19:29:15)

1000+ posts

❇The 2021 Fall Emerawards™! Week 3 Starts! APPLICATIONS ARE CLOSED!❇

The Official 2021 Fall Emerawards!

About | Forms | Terms & Staff | Schedule | Credits, Partners, and Advertisements


canva.com for the amazing banner
piskel for the pixel emeralds
cubeupload.com for showing our banner
captain_technology for the Green Emeraward certificate


What are partners?
Partners are exchanging one thing for another. When you partner with us, we will advertise your shop/collab throughout the games but you will have to advertise The Emerawards. We only accept three partners every season

Our Partners

Super Skill Store

The 101 Art and Design Shop™

The Grand Gala


Last edited by AIGamesDeveloper (Oct. 15, 2021 14:04:26)

1000+ posts

❇The 2021 Fall Emerawards™! Week 3 Starts! APPLICATIONS ARE CLOSED!❇

Become a Contestant
Username: Dream-123-123
Topic you want to be in: animation
Activity Level: 1-7/10
Have you read the terms?: yes
Other: this is very interesting! I like how you use an emerald instead of a trophy.

Become a Judge
Username: Dream-123-123
Topic you want to judge in: games
Activity Level: 1-7/10
Have you read the terms?: yes
Other: can I be a judge in one topic in the emerald awards and compete in another?
1000+ posts

❇The 2021 Fall Emerawards™! Week 3 Starts! APPLICATIONS ARE CLOSED!❇

Dream-123-123 wrote:

Become a Contestant
Username: Dream-123-123
Topic you want to be in: animation
Activity Level: 1-7/10
Have you read the terms?: yes
Other: This is very interesting! I like how you use an emerald instead of a trophy.

Become a Judge
Username: Dream-123-123
Topic you want to judge in: games
Activity Level: 1-7/10
Have you read the terms?: yes
Other: can I be a judge on one topic in the emerald awards and compete in another?

Both are accepted! You can be a judge and compete in the games but you will be unable to judge your own animation due to a type of advantage for you. Instead, I'll substitute for when we judge yours!
1000+ posts

❇The 2021 Fall Emerawards™! Week 3 Starts! APPLICATIONS ARE CLOSED!❇

Become a Contestant
Username: GrilledCheeseBurrito
Topic you want to be in: Games
Activity Level: uhm, 3 hrs / day?
Have you read the terms?: yep
Other: none
1000+ posts

❇The 2021 Fall Emerawards™! Week 3 Starts! APPLICATIONS ARE CLOSED!❇

GrilledCheeseBurrito wrote:

Become a Contestant
Username: GrilledCheeseBurrito
Topic you want to be in: Games
Activity Level: uhm, 3 hrs / day?
Have you read the terms?: yep
Other: none

alrighty! Would you also like to add The Stone Shop as well? And one last thing. Read the schedule for when your project will be presented. For you, it's the 24th of September

Last edited by AIGamesDeveloper (Aug. 29, 2021 20:38:16)

1000+ posts

❇The 2021 Fall Emerawards™! Week 3 Starts! APPLICATIONS ARE CLOSED!❇

Username: mrcreatorluigi
Topic you want to be in: shops
Activity Level: 8
Have you read the terms?: Emerald
Other: I run a object show shop :p but also a voice acting shop, I’ll go with the object show one
1000+ posts

❇The 2021 Fall Emerawards™! Week 3 Starts! APPLICATIONS ARE CLOSED!❇

mrcreatorluigi wrote:

Username: mrcreatorluigi

34 posts

❇The 2021 Fall Emerawards™! Week 3 Starts! APPLICATIONS ARE CLOSED!❇

Username: BananaBall100
Topic you want to be in: Games
Activity Level: ehh just active
Have you read the terms?: yeppers
Other: thanks!
1000+ posts

❇The 2021 Fall Emerawards™! Week 3 Starts! APPLICATIONS ARE CLOSED!❇

BananaBall100 wrote:

Username: BananaBall100
Topic you want to be in: Games
Activity Level: ehh just active
Have you read the terms?: yeppers
Other: thanks!

Entry denied. Reason: you didn’t fully read the terms.

(@AIGamesDeveloper, I hope I’m allowed to do this because I’m a judge, sorry if I’m not supposed to.)
1000+ posts

❇The 2021 Fall Emerawards™! Week 3 Starts! APPLICATIONS ARE CLOSED!❇

Dream-123-123 wrote:

BananaBall100 wrote:

Username: BananaBall100
Topic you want to be in: Games
Activity Level: ehh just active
Have you read the terms?: yeppers
Other: thanks!

Entry denied. Reason: you didn’t fully read the terms.

(@AIGamesDeveloper, I hope I’m allowed to do this because I’m a judge, sorry if I’m not supposed to.)

lol you got here before me! But your right… @BananaBall100 please resubmit another form after re-reading the terms. Also let me add you as Moderator @Dream-123-123 in case I'm somewhere
100+ posts

❇The 2021 Fall Emerawards™! Week 3 Starts! APPLICATIONS ARE CLOSED!❇

My shop is a studio, not a forum, and so far I haven't had any customers yet. Could I still enter?
1000+ posts

❇The 2021 Fall Emerawards™! Week 3 Starts! APPLICATIONS ARE CLOSED!❇

----Dawn---- wrote:

My shop is a studio, not a forum, and so far I haven't had any customers yet. Could I still enter?
Sure! Please fill out the form and read the terms. Since your submitting a shop, read the Contestants section
100+ posts

❇The 2021 Fall Emerawards™! Week 3 Starts! APPLICATIONS ARE CLOSED!❇

Become a Contestant

Username: —-Dawn—-
Topic you want to be in: Shop
Activity Level: 9.5-10
Have you read the terms?: Yep!
Other: I love Emeralds!
100+ posts

❇The 2021 Fall Emerawards™! Week 3 Starts! APPLICATIONS ARE CLOSED!❇

Become a Contestant
Username: maxkyle112233445566
Topic you want to be in: coder
Activity Level: what is this
Have you read the terms?: what this
Codeword: huh???
Other: tell me what htose are plz
100+ posts

❇The 2021 Fall Emerawards™! Week 3 Starts! APPLICATIONS ARE CLOSED!❇

maxkyle112233445566 wrote:

Become a Contestant
Username: maxkyle112233445566
Topic you want to be in: coder
Activity Level: what is this
Have you read the terms?: what this
Codeword: huh???
Other: tell me what htose are plz

Activity Level is how often you're active on scratch

The terms are the rules

The codeword is to make sure you read what you were supposed to.
1000+ posts

❇The 2021 Fall Emerawards™! Week 3 Starts! APPLICATIONS ARE CLOSED!❇

its not fall yet
Username: Unithlees3
Topic you want to be in: shops
Activity Level: 6
Have you read the terms?: yes
Codeword: its not fall yet but emerald shop
Other: uhhh i wanted to put tses in but the shop is unpopular oh and heres the link to the unithlees shop https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/512690/

Last edited by Unithlees3 (Aug. 30, 2021 04:46:20)

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