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⭐ Luigi's Voice Acting Shop - Order If In Need of a Voice! ⭐

About | Forms | Rules | Helpers | Partners

Banner created by @SPAGHETTIISALIE from T.I.P.S

Welcome to Luigi’s Voice Acting Shop! Need a voice from somewhere? Well then you can count on us!

What shop are we? We are a shop that can voice act for you, any tone you like! From male/female tones, dark tones, high-pitched tones, you name it! You can also choose who can do the order for you! We can also do partnership with other shops, and more! We will do your order as fast as a beatboxer can go.


Glaceon_Trainer wrote:

Yes! This is a great shop. Orders are done both fast and well!

DoggDraws wrote:

the service is fast and mrcreatorluigi's microphone is really good.

chco123 wrote:

ml3v wrote:


Oh-Botheration wrote:

Yes, mic quality was great

Last edited by mrcreatorluigi (Aug. 22, 2021 17:15:26)

if i was in aladdin, my first wish would be to have infinite wishes, and use those infinite wishes for infinite wishes on each wish, rince and repeat
1000+ posts

⭐ Luigi's Voice Acting Shop - Order If In Need of a Voice! ⭐

About | Forms | Rules | Helpers | Partners

Banner created by @SPAGHETTIISALIE from T.I.P.S

Order Form

Project Link (optional):

Voice tone(s) you need:

Voice line(s) you need:

Which helper do you want to do the work for you? (optional):

How to contact you once your order is done (profile, forums, etc):

Due Date:


Read the rules? (code word):

Helper Form

Your voice tone? (optional):

Your gender (optional):

Following this thread?:

How active are you? (1-10)

Why do you want to apply?:

Have you read the rules?:

Have you read the Helper Guide?:

Review Form

Description of review:

Who accepted your order?:

How do you rate our shop? (1-5 stars):

Did you get the order you wanted?:

Have you credited the user who voiced for you, and our shop in your project?:

Would you like to have your review on the front page?:

Will you order eventually again?:

Partner Form

Owner of shop:

Shop’s name:

Shop’s link:

Shop’s banner link (optional, but recommended):

Luigi’s shop’s banner link (needed so our banner can appear in your shop through partnership, do not remove): https://u.cubeupload.com/SPAGHETTIISALIE/LUIGI.jpg

Why do you want to partner with us?:

On-break Form (Helpers only)

Time until break done:

Why are you taking a break?:

Shop Suggestion Form

Your suggestion:

Pros (the good things about the suggestion):

Cons (the bad things about the suggestion):

Last edited by mrcreatorluigi (Nov. 21, 2021 14:02:41)

if i was in aladdin, my first wish would be to have infinite wishes, and use those infinite wishes for infinite wishes on each wish, rince and repeat
1000+ posts

⭐ Luigi's Voice Acting Shop - Order If In Need of a Voice! ⭐

About | Forms | Rules | Helpers | Partners

Banner created by @SPAGHETTIISALIE from T.I.P.S

- Please don't make your order form so big that we aren't able to catch up.

- Don’t make us do the entire voice acting for your project, it’s better if you can get more people than just us to help you.

- Orders aren't made immediately. Please be patient if you are ordering.

- The minimum due date for your order is 3 days, please don’t decrease it, but you can increase it as much as you want.

- Don't beg for Helper/Super Helper.

- If you are not a helper you are not allowed to bump the shop unless we say so.

- Follow Scratch Community Guidelines.

- If you have read the rules, say “turtles good” code word in your form. Failing to say it will result in the order being declined until you say the code word.

Last edited by mrcreatorluigi (Nov. 21, 2021 14:02:30)

if i was in aladdin, my first wish would be to have infinite wishes, and use those infinite wishes for infinite wishes on each wish, rince and repeat
1000+ posts

⭐ Luigi's Voice Acting Shop - Order If In Need of a Voice! ⭐

About | Forms | Rules | Helpers | Partners

Banner created by @SPAGHETTIISALIE from T.I.P.S


Super Helpers


On Break:

Helper Guide
Please read below before/after applying for helper. If you are not applying, just ignore this guide.

If you applied for Helper, be patient. If you are accepted, then please read below. If you weren’t accepted due to not meeting the requirements in the Helper Form, please come back after you’ve met them. If you were fired, then it is still possibly to re-apply, but you’re chances of that happening are very low.

If you are a helper, your job is to accept orders from others and finish them within the due date of the order. If overdue, the customer may give low rating. If the job was done on time, or very early, the customer may give a good review depending on how well of a voice they received.

If you have been active for a while, accepting orders and being respectful, you might be promoted to Super Helper. They have higher perks than Helper. If you want to know about Super Helpers, keep reading below. If you have been accepted to become a Super Helper, but don’t want to, you don’t have to!

Super Helpers
Super Helper is a higher rank than Helper, being able to do more stuff than a Helper couldn’t do before. They can accept Partnerships, apply staff, and can do Activity Checks (read below for more info) but only the most trusted of Helpers can be ranked to Super Helper.

Strikes (*) are warnings given to Helpers and Super Helpers if they don’t respond to activity checks in time, but these aren’t given out through messed up orders. Once 4 strikes have be received, you will be fired. To remove strikes, you need to respond to activity checks. To tell how many strikes you have, look at the Helpers page.

Activity Checks
These occur every Monday, and what they do is that if you respond to one within the check’s time frame, you will not receive a strike. If you respond too late, then you will be given a strike. These also happen to Super Helpers as well, except the one who posted the activity check.

Thank you for going through the time to read this, if you did put in “supa special helpa” in your Helper Form when applying.

Last edited by mrcreatorluigi (Dec. 4, 2021 22:46:56)

if i was in aladdin, my first wish would be to have infinite wishes, and use those infinite wishes for infinite wishes on each wish, rince and repeat
1000+ posts

⭐ Luigi's Voice Acting Shop - Order If In Need of a Voice! ⭐

About | Forms | Rules | Helpers | Partners

Banner created by @SPAGHETTIISALIE from T.I.P.S

The Mock-up Gathering

The Cookie Shoppe

Tem Shop

The Electric Shop

Lightning Studios 3.0

The Milky Way Express

Last edited by mrcreatorluigi (Dec. 31, 2021 22:34:46)

if i was in aladdin, my first wish would be to have infinite wishes, and use those infinite wishes for infinite wishes on each wish, rince and repeat
1000+ posts

⭐ Luigi's Voice Acting Shop - Order If In Need of a Voice! ⭐

Super Helper Quotes
Super Helpers will need to copy the quotes from below and bring them into their post as necessary. This list includes:

- Activity Check
- Untaken Orders List
[quote][b][big][color=red][center]ACTIVITY CHECK[/color][/big][/b]
Every Monday, all Helpers not on-break
will need to respond to this check within 3 days.
If you don't, you will receive a strike.
4 strikes and you're fired![/center]



ON BREAK:[/quote]

[quote][big][b][center]Untaken Orders[/center][/b][/big][/quote]
[quote][b][color=green][center]Due soon[/center][/color][/b][/quote]
[quote]Nothing as of right now[/quote]

[quote][b][color=orange][center]Due very soon[/center][/color][/b][/quote]
[quote]Nothing as of right now[/quote]

[quote]Nothing as of right now[/quote]

Last edited by mrcreatorluigi (Nov. 21, 2021 21:29:44)

if i was in aladdin, my first wish would be to have infinite wishes, and use those infinite wishes for infinite wishes on each wish, rince and repeat
83 posts

⭐ Luigi's Voice Acting Shop - Order If In Need of a Voice! ⭐

mrcreatorluigi wrote:


1000+ posts

⭐ Luigi's Voice Acting Shop - Order If In Need of a Voice! ⭐

JakeArt22 wrote:

mrcreatorluigi wrote:


Want to order something? The order form is on the first post

Or want to become a helper of this shop, where you take orders from other users?

Last edited by mrcreatorluigi (July 20, 2021 16:05:13)

if i was in aladdin, my first wish would be to have infinite wishes, and use those infinite wishes for infinite wishes on each wish, rince and repeat
1000+ posts

⭐ Luigi's Voice Acting Shop - Order If In Need of a Voice! ⭐


if i was in aladdin, my first wish would be to have infinite wishes, and use those infinite wishes for infinite wishes on each wish, rince and repeat
1000+ posts

⭐ Luigi's Voice Acting Shop - Order If In Need of a Voice! ⭐


if i was in aladdin, my first wish would be to have infinite wishes, and use those infinite wishes for infinite wishes on each wish, rince and repeat
1000+ posts

⭐ Luigi's Voice Acting Shop - Order If In Need of a Voice! ⭐

Username: han614698

Your shop's link: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/post/5454676/

Why do you want to collaborate with us?: because we can advertise each others shop

also here's my banner link

<Scratch Wikian | Forum Helper | 6300+ Posts>

Credit to -gge for the icons in my signature | I condensed all this code into five lines using [p] tags, idk why

1000+ posts

⭐ Luigi's Voice Acting Shop - Order If In Need of a Voice! ⭐

han614698 wrote:

Username: han614698

Your shop's link: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/post/5454676/

Why do you want to collaborate with us?: because we can advertise each others shop

also here's my banner link
Thanks for partnering! We have added you to our list :D

if i was in aladdin, my first wish would be to have infinite wishes, and use those infinite wishes for infinite wishes on each wish, rince and repeat
1000+ posts

⭐ Luigi's Voice Acting Shop - Order If In Need of a Voice! ⭐


if i was in aladdin, my first wish would be to have infinite wishes, and use those infinite wishes for infinite wishes on each wish, rince and repeat
1000+ posts

⭐ Luigi's Voice Acting Shop - Order If In Need of a Voice! ⭐

Hello! You know me from the Tem Shop, and I wanted to know if you wanted to join the Tem Federation.

Last Edited by kaj (Tomorrow 00:00:00)
around 2300 posts

I don't use Scratch all that much. I only hop on the forums and stuff. I make stuff on Unity and 3D model now.

“All right, I've been thinking. When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Make life take the lemons back! GET MAD! I DON'T WANT YOUR * LEMONS! What am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager! Make life rue the day it thought it could give CAVE JOHNSON lemons! Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna BURN YOUR HOUSE DOWN! With the LEMONS! I'm gonna get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that burns your house down!”
- Cave Johnson
1000+ posts

⭐ Luigi's Voice Acting Shop - Order If In Need of a Voice! ⭐

DaBoi001 wrote:

Hello! You know me from the Tem Shop, and I wanted to know if you wanted to join the Tem Federation.
Ok, sure! But please use the partner form next time lol

sorry, being dumb

Last edited by mrcreatorluigi (July 23, 2021 22:55:47)

if i was in aladdin, my first wish would be to have infinite wishes, and use those infinite wishes for infinite wishes on each wish, rince and repeat
1000+ posts

⭐ Luigi's Voice Acting Shop - Order If In Need of a Voice! ⭐


if i was in aladdin, my first wish would be to have infinite wishes, and use those infinite wishes for infinite wishes on each wish, rince and repeat
1000+ posts

⭐ Luigi's Voice Acting Shop - Order If In Need of a Voice! ⭐

Mr bump is here to bump our shop

if i was in aladdin, my first wish would be to have infinite wishes, and use those infinite wishes for infinite wishes on each wish, rince and repeat
1000+ posts

⭐ Luigi's Voice Acting Shop - Order If In Need of a Voice! ⭐

sorry, was that another BUMP?

if i was in aladdin, my first wish would be to have infinite wishes, and use those infinite wishes for infinite wishes on each wish, rince and repeat
500+ posts

⭐ Luigi's Voice Acting Shop - Order If In Need of a Voice! ⭐

Username: PeriwinkleVibes
Project Link (required): none
Voice tone(s) you need: any
Which helper do you want to do the work for you? (optional): any
How to contact you once your order is done (profile, forums, etc): profile
Due Date: August 1st
Description: please say in a clear voice, “this is a test”
Yes, this is a test. I just want to see the quality of your shop since you haven’t had any orders yet.
Read the rules? (required): Turtle good
I hope this is allowed XD

Generation 7: the first time you see this copy and paste it on top of your signature in the scratch forums and increase generation by 1. Social experiment.

Highlight + CTRL + Shift + Down

1000+ posts

⭐ Luigi's Voice Acting Shop - Order If In Need of a Voice! ⭐

PeriwinkleVibes wrote:

Username: PeriwinkleVibes
Project Link (required): none
Voice tone(s) you need: any
Which helper do you want to do the work for you? (optional): any
How to contact you once your order is done (profile, forums, etc): profile
Due Date: August 1st
Description: please say in a clear voice, “this is a test”
Yes, this is a test. I just want to see the quality of your shop since you haven’t had any orders yet.
Read the rules? (required): Turtle good
I hope this is allowed XD
Done! Sorry the voice is quite cringe xd

if i was in aladdin, my first wish would be to have infinite wishes, and use those infinite wishes for infinite wishes on each wish, rince and repeat

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