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13 posts

The New Scratch Studio Update 2021: Friend Or Foe?

So what's happening is ever since the new update on studios, Scratch has turned into a war zone. People have been fighting, and I don't know which side to be on! Some of them don't like the layout, some think it looks nice, another twenty percent are against it beacuse of autistic kids and their needs, and a lot of users are mad beacuse it's messing up the roleplays. The roleplaying part annoys me, beacuse I don't at all understand how it's being messed up by the new update. Is it the only 25 reply's on a thread? Or is it that the thumbnail is eternally blurred? I don't think anyone should be complaining, but something must be done about the autistic kids. They have to stay away from studios just to be safe in case something happens. Personally I think something should be done. I got in a whole argument about the autistic's out there, and it finally sunk in. It's a problem. But I'm still torn between the new update. Should it stay how it is? Or should it go back the way it used to be?
13 posts

The New Scratch Studio Update 2021: Friend Or Foe?

ScratchCat wrote:

We know that change is difficult, and it can take some time to get used to. Scratch is continuing to grow and we want to make sure it stays around for a long time. These changes were made as a way for us to help ensure Scratch continues to run smoothly, quickly, and safely for everyone who uses it long into the future.

This is insane! @dreamyrxse, I totally agree with you. The ScratchCat Said itself, “We need to help ensure scratch is running safely.” But it's not running safely! Again, back on it with the autistic kids…xD. They can have Sensory Overloads. The Scratch team is being Hippocratic, if you ask me.
5 posts

The New Scratch Studio Update 2021: Friend Or Foe?

I think, altogether, it is bad, I like the way it looks… But I want the old features back, like the bar were you can just click and invite all your followers, instead of typing usernames. Or the 40 manager limit. And how only creators can edit studios. What happens if someone starts using an alt account. Or if they go inactive?
1 post

The New Scratch Studio Update 2021: Friend Or Foe?

Honestly, I think the new aesthetic of the studio is pretty! Although it will take much getting used to. But, the 25 comment limit is simply infuriating..
For one, I dont understand why having long conversations was such a bad thing, and for the Role play side of scratch- this is awful.

HOWEVER. I do not believe something as simple as an update should cause this much controversy,
If talking rationally to St about this update never crossed anyones mind, im sorta sad at what scratch has become today, and I realize why so many scratchers are leaving this toxic place.

So my conclusion, I like the look, not the comment restriction, and i think people are over reacting, and maybe they should try talking to st rationally instead of going in full on revolt style. -M
9 posts

The New Scratch Studio Update 2021: Friend Or Foe?

Not many people who roleplay cares for the image, its the limit.

When people roleplay, theres 91% of times its above 25 comment. I had one that was about 195 replies, now its gone. Roleplays are beautiful memories, now gone.
100+ posts

The New Scratch Studio Update 2021: Friend Or Foe?

for those of you who are upset about the 25 reply limit, i suggest you check out this


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13 posts

The New Scratch Studio Update 2021: Friend Or Foe?

I think that the twenty-five comment limit sucks. The pop up is annoying. You can't have long conversations. It sucks all together! The roleplaying, I now understand, but…THE FORTY MANAGER LIMIT? HOW DID I NOT KNOW ABOUT THIS, AM I RIGHT? I don't understand the reasoning of that, maybe it lag's scratch? I had a studio with way more than forty managers, so i'll check it now. Oh actually, it was forty-five. But still, I don't understand the forty managers part!
1000+ posts

The New Scratch Studio Update 2021: Friend Or Foe?

Lime-Is-Sus wrote:

I think that the twenty-five comment limit sucks. The pop up is annoying. You can't have long conversations. It sucks all together! The roleplaying, I now understand, but…THE FORTY MANAGER LIMIT? HOW DID I NOT KNOW ABOUT THIS, AM I RIGHT? I don't understand the reasoning of that, maybe it lag's scratch? I had a studio with way more than forty managers, so i'll check it now. Oh actually, it was forty-five. But still, I don't understand the forty managers part!

Managers are pointless now anyway.

Sample Projects

13 posts

The New Scratch Studio Update 2021: Friend Or Foe?

True. So why did they make a limit anyway? Just to be annoying? Or for a specific reason?

puppycutest wrote:

I just saw someone post that now the manager limit is 40? Is this true, and if so, any articles to prove it?
Edit: Just found proof. Is this official? https://github.com/LLK/scratch-www/pull/5588

nolbarry wrote:

Yes and no. The current prototypes for the new studio design indicate that the Scratch Team is planning to add some kind of manager limit to studios. Currently, in the available code, that number is set to 40, but that doesn't mean it is final. Additionally, we don't have information on whether that number is the same for every studio, or if it's set by the owner, etc. For now, it's mostly speculation, but we are going to get some kind of manager limit once the new studio design is released.
1000+ posts

The New Scratch Studio Update 2021: Friend Or Foe?


they're not changing it.

even though they have seen the complaints from literal nd people.

scratch claims to be welcoming to everyone.

but it's not being too welcoming with this.

i can list a whole list of reasons why this is bad, but anyone with half a brain knows this is wrong.

i don't care if it took you months. it's damaging to nd people. it's like not taking down a project that took months to make, but is obviously racist, even though black people say it's racist.

the hypocrisy.

edit: as someone who is neurodivergent, i know this is ableist. i feel discriminated against and ignored. again, this update is full of hypocrisy.
edit 2: I'm now going to refer to manager as “curator+” because that's what it is

Last edited by garnetluvcookie (July 8, 2021 13:18:20)

1000+ posts

The New Scratch Studio Update 2021: Friend Or Foe?

Is this a suggestion?

This has probably been rejected by cheddargirl:

cheddargirl wrote:

We won't be changing it back since the way studios were operating was pretty much starting to get unsustainable for the website. We're open to suggestions that build on top of the one we have put in place, but conversion to old stuff is going to have to be a no-go.

<Scratch Wikian | Forum Helper | 6000+ Posts>

Credit to -gge for the icons in my signature | I condensed all this code into five lines using [p] tags, idk why

13 posts

The New Scratch Studio Update 2021: Friend Or Foe?

But really though, who needs forty managers anyways? It's pointless, so why would the Scratch Team put a limit on it? Is it for crazy people who promote every curator? Maybe it's for the ‘Let’s Get 1,000,000 Managers' studios.
1000+ posts

The New Scratch Studio Update 2021: Friend Or Foe?

Lime-Is-Sus wrote:

But really though, who needs forty managers anyways? It's pointless, so why would the Scratch Team put a limit on it? Is it for crazy people who promote every curator? Maybe it's for the ‘Let’s Get 1,000,000 Managers' studios.
It is. Please read:

han614698 wrote:

Is this a suggestion?

This has probably been rejected by cheddargirl:

cheddargirl wrote:

We won't be changing it back since the way studios were operating was pretty much starting to get unsustainable for the website. We're open to suggestions that build on top of the one we have put in place, but conversion to old stuff is going to have to be a no-go.

<Scratch Wikian | Forum Helper | 6000+ Posts>

Credit to -gge for the icons in my signature | I condensed all this code into five lines using [p] tags, idk why

13 posts

The New Scratch Studio Update 2021: Friend Or Foe?

Why is there a limit on the number of managers to a studio?

*This change is intended to address a few issues: it will reduce the number of spammy studios, encourage studio owners and managers to be more intentional when promoting curators, and further limit the amount of people who can make major changes to studios.*

So, have we found our answer yet? For more info on the new update, click this link: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/526541/
1000+ posts

The New Scratch Studio Update 2021: Friend Or Foe?

garnetluvcookie wrote:

they're not changing it.
they're not changing it back
there is a large difference

13 posts

The New Scratch Studio Update 2021: Friend Or Foe?

So yes, our question was answered. Thank you @han614698. But I don't think this question can be answered-WHY ARE THE THUMBNAILS BLURRED?! I think this might just be a mess-up in the code.

I want other managers to edit the description, what do I do?

*Over the years, we have heard from many of you that allowing managers to make major changes to studios has made it harder to manage and run a successful studio. As a way to address this, studio owners will now be the only people allowed to edit studio descriptions, titles, and thumbnails, which will prevent others from changing or destroying the work you have done in your studios,such as managers defacing the studio description or using it as a space for chatting.*

Personally, I think this part of the update is pathetic. Why not just ask the other managers, “Hey, Please Don't Ruin My Hard Work! If You Mess It Up, I Totally Can't Redo It. Thanks!”. I think they should take this part out, beacuse what if the other managers have good ideas for the description, and they just have no possible way of editing it? This part of the update, totally sucks.
10 posts

The New Scratch Studio Update 2021: Friend Or Foe?


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13 posts

The New Scratch Studio Update 2021: Friend Or Foe?

Wait, what? @QU33R, have you been offline, or just not aware? sorry if this comes off as rude, but EVERYONE KNOWS.

QU33R wrote:


All of the new update con's suck, so I totally agree with this comment that you hate it.
100+ posts

The New Scratch Studio Update 2021: Friend Or Foe?

honestly dont like the managers thing i feel like they removed a bunch of pretty unnecessary things and i think the biggest project with raiding studios is removing all the curators, which they kept in but removed a bunch of other things instead.

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